You can stack up to five shapes to a cube's side before it's game over, but in case rotating the cube quickly isn't enough to keep you from losing, you are allotted three smart bombs during each round. Alles te weten komen over ZooCube en alles over de andere GameCube nieuwigheden. All the elements mix together perfectly to create the best possible gaming, This **** is so bad ass. In this intense puzzle experience, you must rotate the puzzles and collect special power-ups and bonuses to keep the action going. You are able to work on pieces embedded in each stack by pressing the shoulder or X and Y buttons, which juggles the objects latched onto the cube's faces, much like how gems could be shifted in Sega's old puzzle game Columns. Accelerating your pieces as they are coming in is the major trick behind staying ahead of the game, as they will not only increase your point tally, but also release bombs that blow up shapes attached to the cube and release other power-ups as well, such as extra smart bombs or an increased rotation speed for the cube. ZooCube (GameCube): News, Reviews, Videos & Screens ZooCube is a Puzzle game developed by Puzzlekings for the GameCube video game console. This will not bring newcomers to the genre. ZooCube is a true pickup and play game that requires some dexterity and coordination in 3D space. Get the latest news, reviews, videos and screenshots for ZooCube. A Refreshing Trip to the Zoo. Je vindt de ZooCube All-in-1 op MarioCube! All reviews. Even better, ZooCube features a pair of interesting multiplayer modes, for both collaborative and competitive play. on June 5, 2002 at 5:58PM PDT. Our best GameCube game is Super Smash Bros. Melee, which is technically a fighting title. Each animal shape is also associated with a particular colorful symbol, which is released and made available for collecting by accelerating a piece with the A button. The game looks nice, but nothing special. ZooCube (GameCube) overview and full product specs on CNET. ZooCube for GameCube game reviews & Metacritic score: ZooCube tests your reflexes with fast-paced puzzle action. At the very best, it's a rental for most consumers. Performing well will also lead to secret bonus levels, which if cleared, will rake in plenty of extra points. Review. [Anonymous] is the worst person i have ever heard of in my life! Zoocube Gamecube Game 100% Compatible with the Nintendo Wii! It's a fresh concept, but something that most will just get bored with very quickly. In a similar style to Tetris the player must keep the sides from building too high. Main Page; ... Read Full Review. Reviews. As each stage begins, shapes covered in animal prints will appear at the edge of the screen, one after the other, from one of six different directions to denote the cube's six sides. The Nintendo Game Cube ;). Product Details. At the top of the screen is an indicator with six empty circular slots representing various colored juggling balls that can be nabbed once a single face of the cube is cleared. ZooCube ISO file is available in the Europe version at our library. Discuss: Nintendo GameCube review: Nintendo GameCube Sign in to comment. The GameCube version of ZooCube is a sharp-looking game, with attractive and easily recognizable animal-themed shapes, as well as solid use of the 3D perspective that is much easier to get a grasp on when compared to the Game Boy Advance version of the game. Read Review The world's wildlife population has been transformed in a series of shape-altering science experiments, and it's up to you to help the critters regain their regular forms. The backgrounds range from good to great, with some gentle water effects and soft details. All the elements mix together perfectly to create the best possible gaming experience. For ZooCube on the GameCube, a reader review titled "". via Webwinkelkeur ... ZooCube - GameCube Game . you will probably get some good play out of this game and I would recommend picking it up off the bargain shelf if you have the chance. Read our review to find out! This challenge forces you to send some pieces to the other player to complete each level. Groot assortiment met nieuwe en gebruikte video game nostalgie. The competitive multiplayer game plays much like the single-player game, except many of the power-ups now inflict harmful effects on the opposing player. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for GAMECUBE/Wii: ~ ZOOCUBE ~ {COMPLETE} at the best online prices at eBay! Once this is done, both pieces will disappear. GBA. Challenging and fun, but also surprisingly simple. The GameCube version of the game also features more animal-centric effects, with comical animal heads popping out and thanking you once they're freed, accompanied by their distinctive animal call. you will probably get some good play out of this game and I would recommend picking it up off the bargain shelf if you have the chance. At its heart, ZooCube is a game that challenges your timing, quick thinking, and sense of depth perception. One of the most original and addicting puzzle games to come around in years, ZOOCUBE features near-3D graphics and a seemingly endless supply of levels. Game profile of ZooCube (GameCube) first released 5th May 2002, developed by PuzzleKings and published by Acclaim Entertainment. Het spel komt compleet met het originele doosje, en functioneert perfect. Absolute must play from the era. ZooCube, Acclaim's 3D puzzle game for the GameCube, is an interesting game that looks deceptively simple, belying the complexity of its gameplay. A mediocre puzzle game. Game profile of ZooCube (GameCube) first released 5th May 2002, developed by PuzzleKings and published by Acclaim Entertainment. ZooCube is a puzzle game in which players must help restore the original shape of various animals that have been transformed by shape-altering scientific experiments. - ZooCube is a puzzle game that involves matching parts of animals to eliminate them and get points.The Cube is a 3D object in the center of the screen and the animal parts fall towards it. My GameCube is new and Zoocube has been the game that has stayed in it the most. Mixed or average reviews- based on 7 Ratings, The Godfather Coda: The Death of Michael Corleone, Everything a puzzle game should be: simple, fast, hard, fun, addictive, and serviceably pretty. De game ZooCube voor de Gamecube is in goede staat. It was going to be the first puzzle title to grace to GameCube. The organization-heavy gameplay and the delightful animal theme are its two most outstanding areas. After you've cleared a set number of pieces, you progress to the next stage. The gameplay is easy enough to describe: Hovering in the center of the screen is the zoocube, which can be rotated in any direction with the directional pad. If you enjoy games of this nature (Columns, Tetris, etc.) By pressing the Z button, one row of pieces on all faces of the cube is destroyed, allowing you to get rid of a problematic row or make up for a big mistake. Free shipping for many products! There are plenty of options aside from the standard single-player game. The indicator for a particular colored ball will light up when it is captured, and grabbing a whole set will net a 5000-point bonus. When I first heard of Zoocube I was intrigued. All the animals of the world have been transformed by Dr. Buc Ooze's experiments into lifeless shapes, and only the zoocube can bring them back to their rightful forms. Zoo Cube won't convert or especially appeal to those who aren't already puzzle-game fanatics...but if you are a puzzle "animal," then this is truly something you haven't seen before, and it is strangely addictive. Bringing an exciting new dimension to puzzle-solving games, Acclaim Entertainment today announced that it will release ZooCube for the Nintendo GameCube and … We’ve taken official reviews from across the internet, looking at rankings from gaming authorities and customer reviews alike. based on Each shape is representative of the animal that it corresponds to--it's not hard at all to separate the floating udder of the cows from the bat shapes and bunny ears. I found the game to be very interesting but also a bit confusing at the same time. To make it less frustrating, the color of stacked shapes will light up when matching an incoming piece. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. It starts out nice and simple with the objects coming in from 2 or 3 directions and then ramps up as the player progresses. Mixed or average reviews Despite it's average graphics and sound and somewhat difficult-to-learn controls, Zoocube has one thing over many other games out on the market these days: Great gameplay. ... At E3 I got a mere taste of the GameCube version of Zoocube. Each stage is queued with a brief cinematic sequence, which dips you in the middle of an attractive setting. Simple to learn, but tough to master, ZooCube features a variety of 3D puzzles that you can solve by yourself or cooperatively with a friend. There are 36 shapes in all, and the object is to match up similar animal-themed pieces. Simple to learn, but tough to master, ZooCube features a variety of 3D puzzles that you can solve by yourself or cooperatively with a friend. To enjoy the scrolling madness of this game, you must be a puzzle fan. ZooCube is a GameCube emulator game that you can download to havev fun with your friends. Critic Reviews Absolute must play from the era. You can even challenge your friend in head-to-head multiplayer mode or try out 11 other different modes. For ZooCube on the GameCube, GameFAQs has 6 cheat codes and secrets, 7 reviews, 25 critic reviews, and 12 user screenshots. ZooCube on GameCube Review - Rated 7 out of 10 - Page 1. If you enjoy games of this nature (Columns, Tetris, etc.) GameCube reviews written with historical perspective, humor, and a passion for gaming. ZooCube is a puzzle game in which players must help restore the original shape of various animals that have been transformed by shape-altering scientific experiments. Zoocube also allows you to hook up with another Game Boy Advance to play two player if you both have your own cartridge. While not exactly astounding to look at, it makes a good backdrop for the action--though paying attention to the background is nearly impossible during the intense gameplay. Best Products. Gerald Villoria Notable Video Game Releases: New and Upcoming, Best of 2020: Television Critic Top Ten Lists, Music title data, credits, and images provided by, Movie title data, credits, and poster art provided by. While the lack of strategic depth and animal-centric theme might have made this a good candidate for younger gamers, an under-developed audio/visual presentation will probably lose their attention quickly. ZooCube ISO file is available in the USA version at our library. GameSpot may get a commission from retail offers. The rotating shapes will slowly drift toward the cube, until making contact, at which point they latch onto it. COVID-19. ZooCube beoordelingen, geheimen, cheats, lage prijzen (€ 3.99) en veel meer. ZooCube will only appeal to a small group of people. Garantie. ZooCube file size - 1.3GB is absolutely safe because was tested by There are additional stages to unlock, as well as new animal shapes and the ability to stack more than five shapes on a single side to intensify the already frantic gameplay. In fact, later in the game, when combos are being linked and shape after shape is eliminated, the game can sound like a veritable menagerie of animal sounds. Overall, ZooCube for the GameCube is a thoroughly entertaining puzzle game that can be quite a bit of fun for anyone able to grasp its three-dimensional nature. Fun and addictive, but the multiplayer mode displays so small that it limits the amount of gamers that can enjoy it. UPC: 021481652977 ZooCube is a 2.5D puzzle video game developed by PuzzleKings and released in 2002 by Acclaim Entertainment.It was the first puzzle game for the Nintendo Gamecube.It was also released for Sony PlayStation 2 in 2006 in Europe by Midas Interactive Entertainment The controls are relatively simple, so it certainly has pick-up-and-play appeal, but there's also a lot of strategy and depth involved in handling the game's complexity and combo situations. We'd recommend getting the GBA version instead. This **** is so bad ass. In a similar style to Tetris the player must keep the sides from building too high. ZooCube file size - 1.1GB is absolutely safe because was tested by One of the greatest games of all time; next to Street Hoops and Minority Report, which are all on the same console. A lone player can explore blind mode, where all the shapes lose their color and must be identified by geometry alone, which can get fairly difficult considering that many of them are quite similar. 15 My GameCube is new and Zoocube has been the game that has stayed in it the most. Home . How To Watch The Game Awards: Start Time, Livestream, And What To Expect, By ZooCube Review ZooCube is a thoroughly entertaining puzzle game that can be quite a bit of fun for anyone able to grasp its three-dimensional nature. © 2020 METACRITIC, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. There are additional objectives to strive toward during play in your quest to rack up more and more points. ZooCube tests your reflexes with fast-paced puzzle action. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This gave us an idea of the top games created for this iconic system from Nintendo. The actual gameplay lends itself far more to a handheld format and for that reason alone, if you actually own a Gameboy Advance, you're probably better going for that version. VGChartz delivers comprehensive game chart coverage, including sales data, news, reviews, & game database for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Series X, Nintendo Switch & PC ZooCube for GameCube game reviews & Metacritic score: ZooCube tests your reflexes with fast-paced puzzle action. You can even challenge your friend in head-to-head multiplayer mode or try out 11 other. Simple to learn, but tough to master, ZooCube features a … We delete comments that violate our policy, which we encourage you to read. reviews /10. 2019/8/12: GameCube: Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom ... Zoocube: Acclaim: 2002: B+: Total GameCube reviews: 87 Ever since the creation of the cult classic videogame Tetris, puzzle gaming has … You can also try to maintain a balanced cube, with equal numbers of stacked items on each side, which results in progressively higher bonuses, depending on how large the stacks become. The cooperative multiplayer mode has two cubes onscreen at once and throws an additional requirement into the mix for advancing from level to level. de beste spullen. [August 2002, p.82]. © 2020 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. What's this? By … ZooCube requires quick thinking and patience, and those who are up to the challenge will derive quite a bit of satisfaction from this solid new effort. ZooCube tests your reflexes with fast-paced puzzle action. ZooCube is a puzzle game that involves matching parts of animals to eliminate them and get points.The Cube is a 3D object in the center of the screen and the animal parts fall towards it. Standaardkorting van -5% voor leden en haal je producten af in de winkel. ZooCube. All the best products. ZooCube is a GameCube emulator game that you can download to havev fun with your friends. Assortiment. Be respectful, keep it civil and stay on topic. As shapes fly toward the cube at an increasing rate, occasionally nonmatching shapes will begin to stack, making it more difficult to rotate the cube without unintentionally attaching an additional shape to the growing stack. Action going and screenshots for zoocube the competitive multiplayer game plays much like the game. Madness of this nature ( Columns, Tetris, etc. range from to! Slowly drift toward the cube, until making contact, at which point they zoocube gamecube review onto it got a taste... Then ramps up as the player progresses single-player game, except many of the GameCube version zoocube... Light up when matching an incoming piece player if you both have your own cartridge released. 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