Thanks to all of the organizations that applied for this year's Sudbury, Assabet and Concord Wild and Scenic River Community grant funds. The Act will designate portions of the Sudbury, Assabet, and Concord Rivers in Massachusetts as part of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System. Thanks to the Wild and Scenic Act,the Sudbury, Assabet and Concord Rivers have been protected for future generations. Still, white winters, subtle shades of spring green, lazy summer days, autumns lit with color, rivers in the Northeast showcase the seasons. It'll now join ranks with the other river refugees in my collection. Sudbury Assabet & Concord Wild & Scenic Rivers Home; About; Junior River Ranger; On-Going Projects ; Links; Contact; Saturday, April 28, 2012. The Assabet River is a small, 34.4-mile (55.4 km) long river located about 20 miles (30 km) west of Boston, Massachusetts, United States. Did you know that the work to designate the river began 12 years before designation? 101-628) directed the National Park Service to study a 29-mile segment of the rivers for inclusion in the National Wild and Scenic Rivers …           —Henry David Thoreau, August 8, 1859. or. Take a look at our new report: 20 Years of Impact and celebrate all that you and others have been a part of! Drafted in 1995, this document has served the Wild and Scenic River well for over 20 years. ", "Important to the designation of these rivers and their long-term protection is the strong local support and commitment for preservation as expressed by the communities along the river segments. The 1.7-mile segment of the Sudbury River from the Route 2 Bridge downstream to its confluence with the Assabet River at Egg Rock. the Sudbury, Assabet, and Concord Rivers Study Committee (in this section referred to as the ‘‘Study Committee’’) to advise the Secretary in conducting the study and in the consideration of management alternatives should the rivers be included in the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System. The Sudbury-Assabet-Concord (SuAsCo) is a small watershed in eastern Massachusetts, with both … OARS - For the Assabet, Sudbury, and Concord Rivers, Concord, MA. Get Directions (978) 369-3956. The Assabet rises from a swampy area known as the Assabet Reservoir in Westborough, Massachusetts, and flows northeast before merging with the Sudbury River at Egg Rock in Concord, Massachusetts, to become the Concord River. The Upper Concord segment runs from the confluence northward to North Billerica, ending upstream of the Talbot Mills dam. Musketaquid Earth Day Celebration - April 28th Contact OARS - For the Assabet, Sudbury, and Concord Rivers on Messenger . An update to the River Conservation Plan is now available! The Sudbury, Assabet, and Concord were protected in 1999 in recognition of their outstanding scenery, ecology, recreation opportunities, and their place in American history and literature. The Concord, Sudbury, and Assabet Rivers by Ron McAdow, April 2000, Bliss Pub Co edition, Paperback in English - 2nd Rev edition 767 people follow this. As you know, 29 miles of the Sudbury, Assabet and Concord Rivers were nationally designated as Wild and Scenic Rivers in 1999 because of their outstandingly remarkable resource values, including ecology, scenery, recreation, history and literature. Email This BlogThis! In, a database of bills in the U.S. Congress. Michael Goodwin Speaks at the Old Manse, Summer Conversation Series - August 2018. I am pleased that the Congress has moved quickly to pass this legislation, which has bipartisan support. These are some of the successes that have resulted from Wild and Scenic designation. The Assabet, Sudbury and Concord Rivers provide quality recreational opportunities near a large metropolitan center and serve as a drinking water supply in lower reaches. The Sudbury, Assabet and Concord Rivers are located in Middlesex and Worcester Counties in eastern Massachusetts, about 20 miles west of Boston. The weather was unusually warm for November. Their flag to April's breeze unfurled, Patriots Day Parade participation - April 16th Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the designation of the Sudbury, Assabet and Concord Wild and Scenic River. The Concord, Sudbury and Assabet Rivers A guide to canoeing, wildlife and history by Ron McAdow Ron has written one of the best guides to the Assabet River in this handy and informative book. Stay tuned for specific celebration events this year. Established in 1986 as the Organization for the Assabet River by a group of concerned citizens, OAR added the Sudbury and Concord Rivers to its mission in 2011, becoming OARS. Less than 1% of rivers in the US are protected under the Act. This edition features a collection of articles that highlight the accomplishments of our community during 2019. Download 2021 Community Grant Application. Some of our celebrations were part of the 2018 anniversary celebration. This event offers easy, interactive and fun ways for them to be inspired and make positive change for our environment. The Sudbury River curls into a wide estuary, turning a curve to join the Concord River. Established in 1986 as the Organization for the Assabet River by a group of concerned citizens, OAR added the Sudbury and Concord rivers to its mission in 2011, becoming OARS. The rivers are featured prominently in the works of nineteenth century authors Hawthorne, Emerson, and Thoreau and have been the subject of ornithological studies since early days of field observation techniques. Here once the embattled farmers stood, The rivers are managed by the National Park Service in cooperation with the SuAsCo River Stewardship Council, which includes members from local towns, state government, and advocacy groups. The River Stewardship Council (RSC) was created to work Home | The Rivers | The Organization | The Challenge | RiverFest | Wild & Scenic Rivers Sudbury Boater’s Trail | Links | Contact Us Home for the Thanksgiving weekend? Sudbury-Assabet-Concord River Watershed Calendar Volunteer Subscribe Report Invasive Menu. The Sudbury and Assabet Rivers flow through many small towns in Massachusetts, merging together at Egg Rock to form the Concord River. Sudbury, Assabet, Concord Rivers Report Card Workshop and Staff Training OARS, a watershed organization working on the Assabet, Sudbury, and Concord Rivers in Massachusetts, has been interested in preparing a report card summarizing the health of the three rivers for some time. Welcome to the second edition of Wild and Scenic River Currents, an annual newsletter designed to recognize the accomplishments of the National Park Service wild and scenic river (WSR) community. You can get out (or also put-in) just under the Heath Street Bridge, or just keep paddling downstream to reach historic Concord to sail under the historic old North Bridge (echoes of Revolutionary War gunshots!). Not Now. ): Saturday, November 28 from 4-5pm On Demand: Sunday, Nov 29 - Thursday Dec 3. Sudbury, Assabet, Concord Rivers. Create New Account. Each of the eight towns along the river segments held Town Meetings regarding the designation of these river segments. This made the Assabet and Sudbury Valleys one of the country's first vacation spots and a favorite stomping ground of the literary giants of the transcendentalist movement of the 19th century. Currently the organization has approximately 1,000 individual and family memberships, a 12-member Board of Directors, and 4 full- and part-time staff. Sudbury Valley Nature Photographers Exhibit - Nov 1 through Nov 29th, Wayland Free Public Library. About See All. Together with our volunteers and partners, OARS has made … In 2017, OARS, the watershed organization for the three rivers, brought together funding and 52 key stakeholders and technical experts to help create the first Sudbury-Assabet-Concord River report card. Votes at these meetings in support of designation and endorsement of the Sudbury, Assabet and Concord River Conservation Plan were unanimous among the eight towns. – Nathaniel Hawthorne, Referring to the Assabet, "By the rude bridge that arched the flood, April 9, 1999. 22 check-ins. The Concord, Sudbury, and Assabet Rivers by Ron McAdow, April 2000, Bliss Pub Co edition, Paperback in English - 2nd Rev edition Located 25 miles west of Boston, these rivers are recognized for their outstanding ecology, history, scenery, recreation values, and place in American literature. It was a successful and competitive process this year! To designate a portion of the Sudbury, Assabet, and Concord Rivers as a component of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System. The Upper Sudbury segment starts at Cedar Swamp, a state-designated Area of Critical Environmental Concern, and ends at the outlet of Stearns Reservoir (Reservoir #1) in Framingham. The Assabet River is a small, 34.4-mile (55.4 km) long river located about 20 miles (30 km) west of Boston, Massachusetts, United States. The SuAsCo River Stewardship Council will have the primary responsibility for implementation of the conservation plan. On September 25-27, families and small groups of friends chose their own special places where they wanted to make a difference. For information call 978-443-4661. Live Virtual (with chat! On October 14th, we held a grand celebration at Minute Man National Historical Park and the Old Manse. There are several old mill dams along its length, and the dams containing the Bracket … Some of our celebrations were part of the 2018 anniversary celebration. For those who live nearby, they inspire daily, and are a resource for fishing, boating, hiking, writing and reading, repose and relaxation. Sudbury Valley Trustees. Join us for our Film Festival for Kids! To book a seat call 978-371-1785. 666 people like this. The Assabet merges with the Sudbury River at Egg Rock in Concord, Massachusetts, to become the Concord River. The intent of the community grant program is to provide community groups funds to implement local projects along the Wild and Scenic River that protect and enhance the special values of the River. Protecting the Assabet, Sudbury, and Concord Rivers and their watersheds. Join us for our Film Festival for Kids! The 14.9-mile segment of the Sudbury River beginning at the Danforth Street Bridge in the town of Framingham, downstream to the Route 2 Bridge in Concord. The Lower Concord segment runs from North Billerica, upstream of the Talbot Mills dam, to where the Concord River joins the Merrimack River. The Sudbury, Assabet and Concord Wild and Scenic River Stewardship Council announces the availability of 2021 SuAsCo Wild and Scenic River Community Grants. We celebrated "Conservation in Action" with special explorations, raffles and refreshments, followed by a ceremony and remarks by distinguished guests. It's time to tap into your children's excitement and creativity for the natural world. The Concord River begins at the confluence of the Assabet and Sudbury Rivers in Concord and flows northward to join the Merrimack River in Lowell. Currently the organization has some 250 active volunteers, an 11-member Board of Directors, and 5 part-time staff. Less than 1% of rivers in the US are protected under the Act. The Concord, Assabet, & Sudbury Wild & Scenic River Stewardship Council • 15 State Street • Boston, MA 02109. Not Now. Massachusetts Rivers Alliance. My paddling time this past week was spent enjoying stretches of the Sudbury, Assabet, and Concord rivers. Environmental Conservation Organization. The Concord, Sudbury, and Assabet Rivers by Ron McAdow, 1990, Bliss Pub. 2018 was a very special year. Log In. Thank you for all you do to keep our rivers clean, healthy, and free-flowing! Nonprofit Organization. Welcome to the Sudbury, Assabet and Concord Wild & Scenic Rivers blog! Free food and water will be provided on a first-come, first-serve basis by the Friends of the Assabet River National Wildlife Refuge, or bring your own food and have a picnic. S. 2032 (104 th): Sudbury, Assabet, and Concord Wild and Scenic Rivers Act Compare this bill to another bill: (Select) S. 469 (105th) Sudbury, Assabet, and Concord Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (EAH) Lower Concord River. Framingham, Wayland, Sudbury, Lincoln, Concord, Carlisle, Bedford and Billerica, as well as Sudbury ValleyTrustees, Organization for the Assabet River, Suasco Watershed Community Council and state and federalrepresentatives. Hiking Trail . Add to Calendar 06/23/2019 12:00 PM 06/23/2019 01:00 PM America/New_York Sudbury River Pontoon Boat Rides This free 1-hour boat tour leaves from the South Bridge Boat House (486 Main Street). Committees / Subcommittees; Strategic Documents; Join; Meeting Minutes; Contact Us; Invasives. Located 25 miles west of Boston, these rivers are recognized for their outstanding ecology, history, scenery, recreation values, and place in American literature. Multiple municipalities, organizations and agencies were involved. The river begins in Middlesex County, formed by the confluence of the Sudbury and Assabet rivers at Egg Rock, near the Concord town center. The Sudbury, Assabet, and Concord rivers, a federally-designated Wild and Scenic River system, flow 88 river miles from the headwaters of the Assabet and Sudbury in Westborough to Lowell, where the Concord River joins the Merrimack River flowing to the sea. Scenic — 14.9 miles; Recreational — 14.1 miles; Total — 29.0 miles. The Sudbury, Assabet, and Concord were protected in 1999 in recognition of their outstanding beauty, ecology, recreation opportunities, and their place in American history and literature. Co. edition, in English - 1st ed. Special celebrations happened all year long. Thank you to everyone who participated in the planning and comment process for this document. Route 62 (496 Main Street) Concord, Massachusetts 978-369-9438. On October 2, 1968, President Lyndon Johnson signed the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act to preserve certain rivers with outstanding natural, cultural, and recreational values in a free-flowing condition for the enjoyment of present and future generations. All events are led by partners, and there is something for everyone in towns near you, from Framingham north to Lowell. Riverfest is our free annual celebration of your Wild and Scenic River. Did you know the Sudbury, Assabet and Concord Rivers, flowing just outside of Greater Boston, were protected by the US Congress as outstanding resources? The river begins in Middlesex County, formed by the confluence of the Sudbury and Assabet rivers at Egg Rock, near the Concord town center. Storyteller Jane Stenson will introduce our special film program and end with an introduction to an “Art-i-vism Through Recycled Art” activity. ): Saturday, November 28 from 4-5pm On Demand: Sunday, Nov 29 - Thursday Dec 3. There is a tight spot off of Lincoln Road in Sudbury to put into the river, but the main put-in is in Lincoln off of Route 117. Riverfest is our … The grants are to advance projects that protect and enhance the Sudbury, Assabet, and Concord Wild and Scenic River. In 1968, Congress passed the National Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, to protect free-flowing rivers that had not yet been dammed for industrial use. Our mission is to restore and protect the health of the Assabet, Sudbury, and Concord Rivers, their tributaries and watersheds for public recreation, water supply, and wildlife habitat. Share your photos and videos of your river exploration by tagging @SuascoRSC and using the hashtag #Riverfest2020! We hope you enjoy reading this edition, seeing our collective impact, and looking back at the highlights of the past year. We will be using this site as a place to post photos, stories, fun facts about science and nature, and to keep you updated on on-going project and upcoming events that are happening along the river and within the watershed. The historic Sudbury, Assabet and Concord Rivers have been loved, used, and celebrated by local residents and visitors to the region. Concord was the first inland settlement in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, which was established in 1635. Environmental Conservation Organization. Riverfest - June 16 & 17th  This stretch of the Concord River is located inside the designated Sudbury, Assabet and Concord Rivers National Wild and Scenic River. Sudbury Assabet and Concord Wild and Scenic River Act< h1>Sudbury Assabet and Concord Wild and Scenic River Act< h2>Act Details< h2> Sudbury Assabet and Concord Wild and Scenic River Act was a proposal (now, a piece of legislation) introduced on 1999 01 06 in … Held in partnership with: The Trustees, Minute Man National Historical Park, Sudbury Valley Trustees, OARS and the River Stewardship Council, Unveiling of Partnership Rivers Film, OARS Film Festival - March 28th Explore the Concord River with Sudbury Valley Trustees, Discover the Concord River Greenway with Lowell Parks and Conservation Trust, National Wild and Scenic River System Story Map. OARS - the Organization for the Assabet, Sudbury and Concord Rivers has detailed on-line and downloadable maps for six sections of the Sudbury River, including locations and descriptions of put-ins for canoes or kayaks. The intent of this Plan is to reflect the needs and priorities of the communities and agencies involved in river protection, and its priorities will drive projects and funding of the River Stewardship Council in the coming years. The health of the rivers varies with segment: the Upper Sudbury scored a C, the Lower Sudbury a B, the Upper Assabet scored a C+, the Lower Assabet a B, the Upper Concord scored a B, and the Lower Concord a C+. Apr 9, 1999. ", "A more lovely stream than this, for a mile above its junction with the Concord, Join Us For The First Ever Virtual Riverfest! 73 Weir Hill Road. Degradation of water quality is a serious threat to our rivers, one on which the RSC has focused much attention. Environmental Conservation Organization. Nearly 200 volunteers recently participated in the 30th annual cleanup of the Assabet, Sudbury and Concord rivers organized by OARS, a Concord-based … or. The eight-mile segment of the Concord River from Egg Rock at the confluence of the Sudbury and Assabet Rivers downstream to the Route 3 Bridge in the town of Billerica. 666 likes. Assabet River National Wildlife Refuge. This Land Is Your Land- Nov 3, 2018 - A concert commemorating the 50th anniversaries of the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act and the National Trails System Act, with new music inspired by American landscapes. Assabet River Rail Trail . Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Welcome to the Sudbury, Assabet and Concord Wild & Scenic Rivers blog! This blog is a group effort and we want to hear from you! Forgot account? A leisurely 1.5 mile paddle to the Old North Bridge. “The river is an enchanter’s wand, ready to surprise you with life.” For more information, go to The 4.4-mile segment of the Assabet River beginning 1,000 feet downstream from the Damon Mill Dam in the town of Concord, to its confluence with the Sudbury River at Egg Rock in Concord. From President Clinton's April 9, 1999 signing statement (slightly edited): "The addition of these rivers to the National System recognizes their outstanding ecology, history, scenery, recreation values, and place in American literature. Sudbury-Assabet-Concord River Watershed Calendar Volunteer Subscribe Report Invasive Menu. See more of OARS - For the Assabet, Sudbury, and Concord Rivers on Facebook. Log In. About Us. National Park Service, Northeast Regional Office. + View larger map Nashua, Squannacook, Nissitissit Rivers Next year, in 2019, the Sudbury, Assabet and Concord Wild and Scenic River will celebrate 20 years as being designated by Congress. 486 Main Street, Concord, MA Organizer Email false MM/DD/YYYY apf6ij8txzgt2l7oqmbt6881 Billerica. Historic sites of national importance, including many in the Minute Man National Historical Park, are located near the rivers in the Town of Concord. Sudbury, Assabet & Concord Rivers (National Park Service), Sudbury, Assabet & Concord Wild & Scenic River Stewardship Council, Minute Man National Historical Park (National Park Service), Sudbury, Assabet & Concord Rivers Conservation Plan (1.3 MB PDF), Photo Credit: Glenn Rigby, American Rivers. Do you want to paddle, hike, or explore new places close to home that make you feel like you’re traveling back in time? Located roughly 18 miles west of Boston, these rivers were designated for their incredible ecology, history, scenery, recreation values, and role in American literature. 193 (106th). See more of OARS - For the Assabet, Sudbury, and Concord Rivers on Facebook. Live Virtual (with chat! The Sudbury River flows from Cedar Swamp in Westborough northeast to its confluence with the Assabet River in Concord. Assessing the health of a river system as varied and impacted as the Sudbury-Assabet-Concord is a big task. Established in 1986 as the Organization for the Assabet River by a group of concerned citizens, OAR added the Sudbury and Concord rivers to its mission in 2011, becoming OARS. Assabet River Rail Trail. If you're looking for a printed copy of these materials, please email document.write("Rzzn Ybeq".replace(/[a-zA-Z]/g, function(c){return String.fromCharCode((c<="Z"?90:122)>=(c=c.charCodeAt(0)+13)?c:c-26);}));Hidden email: requires Javascript to view.. Related Pages. H.R. About the Sudbury, Assabet & Concord Rivers report card. The Lower Concord River received an Overall grade of C+. Rent a Canoe or Kayak and explore miles of peaceful waterways on the Assabet, Sudbury and Concord Rivers. Fairhaven Bay is a lake located within the Sudbury river in Concord, Massachusetts, United States (US). Bike Trail. See more of OARS - For the Assabet, Sudbury, and Concord Rivers on Facebook. The Assabet River National Wildlife Refuge (ARNWR; formerly referred to as the U.S. Army's Fort Devens-Sudbury Training Annex) is a 2,230-acre (9.0 km 2) protected National Wildlife Refuge located approximately 25 miles (40 km) west of Boston and 4 miles (6.4 km) west of the Eastern Massachusetts National Wildlife Refuge Complex Headquarters, along the Assabet River. Forgot account? Sudbury Valley Trustees. Sports & Recreation. The Assabet River is a small, 34.4-mile (55.4 km) long river located about 20 miles (30 km) west of Boston, Massachusetts, United States. Committees / Subcommittees; Strategic Documents; Join; Meeting Minutes; Contact Us; Invasives. A portion of the Sudbury, Assabet, and Concord Rivers was added into the National Wild and Scenic River System in 1999. We invite you to come and celebrate the Sudbury, Assabet and Concord Rivers at Virtual Riverfest! Galls can form on both the leaves and wood of a tree, come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and some are even fuzzy.A gall is an abnormal growth on the outside of a plant that occurs because something is irritating the plant, such as an insect, fungi, bacteria, or parasite. 2018 was a very special year. In 2019, we celebrate the 20 year anniversary of the Sudbury, Assabet and Concord Wild and Scenic Rivers. Inquire about next year's process by writing Emma at document.write("rzzn_ybeq\100acf.tbi".replace(/[a-zA-Z]/g, function(c){return String.fromCharCode((c<="Z"?90:122)>=(c=c.charCodeAt(0)+13)?c:c-26);}));Hidden email: requires Javascript to view.. Did you know that the original conservation plan, drafted as a guiding document for collaborating on river conservation work, is now over 20 years old? Please take a moment now to review the final plan! Forgot account? From newly designated rivers to exciting new citizen science, there is much to celebrate and appreciate. OARS - For the Assabet, Sudbury, and Concord Rivers October 19 at 7:33 AM If anyone is missing a red single-person kayak with yellow paddle, w ... e spied an abandoned one on the Sudbury River just upstream of Emerson hospital. Powered by Create your own … About Us. 23 Bradford St (396.78 mi) Concord, MA 01742. or. April 9, 1999, the U.S. Congress designated 29 miles of the Sudbury, Assabet and Concord Rivers as part of the Wild and Scenic River system. To paddle the Assabet, Sudbury, and Concord Rivers is to immerse oneself in the contrast of a wilderness that flows through the surrounding urban centers. It flows generally north, from eastern Concord (along the northwestern edge of the Boston metropolitan area ), joining the Merrimack River from the south on the eastern side of Lowell . Not Now. The Sudbury, Assabet and Concord Wild and Scenic River Study Act (P.L. About the Old North Bridge Over the Concord River. Create New Account. Just before this point, the Assabet River from Maynard flows into the Concord River, and the river courses on to eventually join the Merrimac River (that's another trip… About the Sudbury, Assabet & Concord Rivers report card Assessing the health of a river system as varied and impacted as the Sudbury-Assabet-Concord is a big task. World. ( 396.78 mi ) Concord, Sudbury and Concord Rivers on Facebook special Program... Back at the highlights of the revolutionary `` Shot Heard 'Round the World. you for all do! Sudbury-Assabet-Concord River System as varied and impacted as the sudbury-assabet-concord is a group effort and want! Some of our celebrations were part of and creativity for the Assabet, Sudbury and Concord Wild Scenic! A big task be inspired sudbury, assabet concord rivers make positive change for our environment your children excitement... 29Th, Wayland Free Public Library of C+ Contact OARS - for the Assabet, Concord! 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