Opposition to the unacceptable facets of globalisation is situated within histories of struggle against all forms of domination and enclosure, both economic and symbolic. Construction has been accused of causing environmental problems ranging from excessive consumption of global resources both in terms of construction and building operation to the pollution of the surrounding environment, and research on green building design and using building materials to minimise environmental impact is already underway. These interventions must be conditioned by the need to guide human activity towards the sustainability principles. sustainable construction Articles Directives towards a sustainable urban rehabilitation process in old cities The main goal of this work is to support, scientifically, the urban rehabilitation decisions to Coimbra's historic downtown (a traditional Portuguese city) under a sustainable construction perspective. Need help finding the right suppliers? Construction & Procurement Delivery (CPD) chairs the 'Sustainable Construction Group' which was set up in December 2004 to issue sustainable construction guidance for public sector projects. Concrete accounts for half of all construction waste generated each year; more than 500 million tons worldwide! Sustainable development. Findings from the survey highlight the importance of a wide range of ... Doran reclaims 'sustainable development' for the history of social movements and the contemporary global justice movement. Energy XPRT sustainable construction – simple Ways to make it happen smart specification Ensure you use the correct materials for the job to avoid poor workmanship, which can lead to rework Avoid rework as it costs money and wastes time and materials Use local, natural and sustainable materials and sustainable construction techniques Current lists of indicators, indices and assessment tools, which have been developed for measuring and displaying performance at different spatial levels, show that progress has been made. Sustainable Buildings – we catch-up with the Editors-in-Chief and the latest from the journal Sustainable Buildings now indexed in Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) Register for free e-mail alert (December 2015) By closing this message, you are consenting to our use of cookies. Additionally, infrastructure should provide service over many years without safety problems. Sometimes, the best way to move forward is to look back. Sustainability articles in Engineering. We explore this tension from two theoretical angles: the sustainability and the governance angles; by showing the implications of sustainability targets in governance processes and governance attempts. XPRT, Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) Monitoring, Directives towards a sustainable urban rehabilitation process in old cities, Role of education and industry towards more sustainable construction, Governing societal transitions to sustainability, Management systems for sustainable construction: integrating environmental, quality and safety management systems, Assessing sustainability performance of built projects: a building process approach, Sustainable construction in Colombia - an eclectic approach to European and U.S. regulatory tendencies, Enhesa - Global EHS & Product Compliance Assurance, Strategies to assess the sustainability in the rehabilitation process – a tool for interventions in old centres, A comparative analysis of building materials for sustainable construction with emphasis on CO2 reduction, Sustainability in the civil construction industry: an exploratory study of life cycle analysis methods, A comparison of the national sustainable development strategies for New Zealand and Scotland, Strategic entry points for sustainability in university construction and engineering curricula, The challenge of the e-Agora metrics: the social construction of meaningful measurements. Membership of the group includes representatives from NI 'Centres of Procurement Expertise' and government construction clients. In order to reduce the pace of new constructions, it is necessary to rethink the city and act upon the built environment taking into account the impact of the urban expansion. This paper presents the ten main issues to find a solution on sustainable urban rehabilitation, according to the existing experiences and concepts. This Special Issue welcomes articles that speak to the challenges and opportunities for sustainable construction, in all its facets. Recognition through awards ... Our paper addresses the inherent tension between the open-ended and uncertain process of sustainability transitions and the ambition for governing such a process. Environmental XPRT is a global environmental industry marketplace and information resource. June 3, 2019. by Rachel Novotny. News about Sustainable Development, including commentary and archival articles published in The New York Times. It can de defined as “the creation and responsible management of a healthy built environment based on resource efficient and ecological principles” (Kibert, 1994). The management systems implemented by contractors are paramount to encouraging sustainable construction. Integrated sustainability assessment: what is it, why do it and how? Recommended articles lists articles that we recommend and is powered by our AI driven recommendation engine. Green building materials like bamboo, recycled plastic, ferrock, and even hempcreteare all alternatives to using concrete and are four sustainable construction materials you can use on your next project. Thoughtful sel… No comments. Sign up for one or all of our free newsletters and alerts today. Recently, however, a largely disparate group of researchers has challenged the long-term viability of many such strategies, primarily from environmental and ecological points of view. Some sustainable buildings are designed to collect and store natural energy, such as wind and solar energyfor various uses in the building. This project covered a 16-year period. Try XPRT Sourcing. Sustainable construction corresponds to the entire construction system that enables more economic use of materials and energy resources, while satisfying technical, social and artistic requirements, and providing an energy balance for buildings over the short and long-term. The main goal of this work is to support, scientifically, the urban rehabilitation decisions to Coimbra's historic downtown (a traditional Portuguese city) under a sustainable construction perspective. Register to receive personalised research and resources by email, Sustainable construction: principles and a framework for attainment, /doi/pdf/10.1080/014461997372971?needAccess=true. Considering this fact, one must consider how to control and manage the environmental, social and economic impacts that permeate their life cycle, which is, according to the literature, between 40 and 100 years. Sustainable construction mainly aims to reduce the negative environmental impacts generated by construction industry. The civil construction industry has been an industry that significantly impacts the environment due to the amount of materials used in the construction process. A FREE online course where you will gain valuable insight into sustainable construction and development, and learn best practices from sustainability initiatives. View Sustainable Construction Research Papers on Academia.edu for free. Three pillars of sustainability (Adams, 2006) How to make a bridge sustainable (Nuenergy) This article first appeared in the October issue of Construction Europe magazine. Gauvreau, Paul. You can modify your subscriptions at any time by logging in to your XPRT account. Issue 6. To learn about our use of cookies and how you can manage your cookie settings, please see our Cookie Policy. Over the past two decades, green and sustainable construction has evolved from a fringe movement to achieving mainstream status. 4. Vol 5. Generation of waste materials 2. Barry Mellor of Aggregate Industries on how greener construction materials are key to achieving ever-ambitious sustainability targets. Notably, we’ve seen an increasing interest in the use of grey water and dual plumbing systems, and will continue to do so in 2018. The main aspects of sustainability were analysed ... With the increase in the environment legislation during the last three decades, awareness about sustainable construction is growing around the globe. Registered in England & Wales No. Construction has a direct impact on the environment due to following reasons: 1. Sustainable construction takes account of these objectives in a balanced way at all stages of a construction project. The evolution of the concept of sustainable development is used as a basis for advancing understanding of sustainable construction. This study also identifies commonly used sustainable construction techniques used by the industry. We use a form of Foucault's governmentality ... Interest is growing regarding incorporating sustainability throughout university curricula, but the already full palette of educational requirements means that common tactics of adding new elective courses tend to isolate the concept and pit them against other courses in the curriculum. Sustainability is avoiding the depletion of natural resources to maintain the ecological balance, and that’s what most businesses and industries mean when they talk about sustainability. This paper reports on a small pilot study to develop a set of sustainable community indicators for use in monitoring progress towards sustainability in two rural communities in Nepal. Improving sustainable performance in construction activities has been promoted as an important agenda for pursuing sustainable development. Enter your email to restore your password. A multi-stage framework is proposed which requires the application of Environmental Assessment and Environmental Management Systems for construction projects. Thank you for subscribing to our eBulletins. Sustainability in building design and construction - Designing Buildings Wiki - Share your construction industry knowledge. This issue is particularly important in implementing infrastructure projects which have much larger impacts than building projects to social, economic and environmental performance. Sustainable construction can be viewed as a subset of sustainable development applied to the construction industry. Principles of sustainable construction are developed and divided into four ‘pillars’ - social, economic, biophysical and technical - with a set of over-arching, process-oriented principles, to be used as a checklist in practice. In the scramble for more sustainable construction methods, could green concrete be the answer? Cited by lists all citing articles based on Crossref citations.Articles with the Crossref icon will open in a new tab. Sustainable development policy is explored through the national sustainable development strategies of two countries, Scotland and New Zealand, over the period 2003–2007. Different types of construction materials possess a wide variation of embodied energy and emit CO2 at different magnitudes during its life cycle. Agriculture XPRT As majority of respondents are unaware of the fact that around most of the UK’s CO2 emissions are created by the construction and usage of buildings, more needs to be done to educate employees of the construction i… Also, the use of solar heaters, photovoltaic panels, and insulated air-conditioning pipes makes the buildings more energy-efficient and less harmful to the environment. However, there is a common belief that sustainability is important and that the problem of increased cost must be addressed. The Ministry of Environment, Housing and Development (MAVD) has approved a proposal to award the Colombian Environmental Label (Sello Ambiental Colombiano - SAC) for sustainable construction. The work of the group is guided by the 'Policy Framework for Construction Procurement' and in particular the 'Government Construction Clients Group' (GCCG) Sustainability Actio… This paper presents six strategic entry points for sustainability in a typical construction– or ... 'How are we progressing towards achieving sustainable development in the EU's desired knowledge society?' Members from the communities were surveyed to identify the indicators they value most for the sustainable development of their communities. Terms Since governance of issues starts with formulation of strategic direction, texts that purport to address sustainable development strategy provide a lens into governments' value systems. We use cookies to improve your website experience. It may be used for several purposes such as: pre-qualifying a contractor, issuing a deconstruction permit, documenting waste diversion goals, or for awarding incentives. Environmental XPRT is part of XPRT Media All Rights Reserved. Sustainable construction, in line with the stipulations for development outlined in the Brundtland Commission’s report “Our Common Future” from 1987, aims to meet present day needs for housing, working environments, and infrastructure without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs for shelter, spaces for work, and service provision. How can sustainability be achieved? Noise pollution due to use of heavy vehicles and construction machineries. This paper provides an assessment of the performance of a national system of sustainable innovation using a case study of the Dutch residential building industry. Evolving from developments in the manufacturing industries, a number of forward-looking contracting organisations are at the forefront of establishing Integrated Management Systems (IMS) within the UK. Includes case studies, videos, articles and interviews with key professionals. The Global Justice Movement's approach to sustainable development is contrasted with the technocratic ... Much of the management scholarship on the strategy performance relationship has focused primarily on the economic, short- and intermediate-term outcomes associated with an organisation's strategies. Many of the earliest examples of architecture and design responded to both site and climate and incorporated natural “passive” climate control strategies. The evolution of the concept of sustainable development is used as a basis for advancing understanding of sustainable construction. ‘Sustainable education for bridge engineers’. This study benchmarks sustainable construction courses offered by accredited Construction Management Programmes in the USA. Development of an information exchange model for attaining sustainability, The transition to sustainability in the planning, construction and management of the built environment in South Africa, Assessment of a national system of sustainable innovation in residential construction: a case study from The Netherlands, A pilot study for the construction of sustainable community indicators in rural Nepal, Street wise provocations: the "Global Justice" Movement's take on sustainable development, Sustainable strategic management: construct, parameters, research directions. (2018). Join our growing community of professionals who are currently subscribed to weekly newsletters, product alerts, job alerts, and our monthly event updates and article newsletters. In order to decrease carbon dioxide emissions and to preserve the natural resources, a great effort has been noted over the last decades to utilize industrial waste, by-product or recycled materials in construction industry. Sustainability should be considered when first deciding whether a new building or piece of infrastructure is needed, throughout the specification and design, on the construction Construction is one of the main sectors generating greenhouse gases. Read current events articles on sustainable agriculture and sustainable living. 7 Sustainable Construction Materials July 11, 2018 Although concrete is a core component in homes, public buildings, and bridges, it’s not the most sustainable building material out there. In the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines sustainable construction as "the practice of creating structures and using processes that are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout a building's life-cycle from siting to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation and deconstruction." This paper describes a new conceptualisation of sustainability assessment as an integrative and active process at the science-policy-society interface and its implementation as exemplified in case studies within the Methods and Tools for Integrated Sustainability Assessment (MATISSE) project. 510–519. The Earth has a finite number of resources, an growing population, and a need for sustainable construction. Sustainable construction is an emerging field of science that aims at incorporating the general sustainable development concepts into conventional construction practices. The personal data that you provide is subject to our Privacy Policy. Existing environmental performance assessment approaches focus on the overall performance to reflect sustainability of built projects. We hope you will enjoy reading a selection of articles from our Built Environment portfolio which are directly related to one or more of the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development goals. Click here for a free subscription to Construction Europe. Privacy, Our sites: The concept of sustainable development and its application in South Africa are outlined, within the context of emerging policies and legislation. This "Sustainable Construction" Special Issue comprises selected papers for Sustainability. O ver the past 20 years, green construction has gone from a niche enterprise to a major driver of new business. Water usage could have an entire article of its own as it plays such a prominent part in green construction trends. This industry consumes large amounts of raw materials, such as stone, timber, water, etc. This paper describes a proposed certification as a means to validate 'sustainable' building removals by a government agency or building owner. Releases of wastes and pollutants into water, ground and atmosphere.Sustainability assessment of construction projects is essential to the fact that it does not create any harmful effects on the living ecosystem while optimizing the cost of construction. Stay up-to-date with the global industry. When it comes to reducing waste in construction, a quick solution is using an alternative to traditional concrete. Sustainable construction is gaining worldwide attention and has inspired research to identify and solve the problems involved in its implementation over a project lifecycle. Sustainable buildings can be fitted with water recycling systems, such as those that collect rainwater for toilet cleaning. Topics raised may be technical, focusing on specific operational or procedural solutions; they may be project-focused, encompassing more holistic approaches; or they may target the company or industry at a strategic level. construction industry energy use is high. 5 Howick Place | London | SW1P 1WG. Online product catalogs, news, articles, events, publications & more. The heavy machinery used in construction still leans heavily on fossil fuels It was only with the advent of cheap energy and advances in environmental system controls that designers were able to decouple building … By Barry Mellor 2018-11-26T12:23:00+00:00. In a recent study conducted by Booz Allen Hamilton for the USGBC, they expect green construction spending to increase from $150.6 billion in 2015 to $224.4 billion in 2018.  Achieving sustainability of the construction industry via International Environmental Management Systems Standard. Ongoing research areas in sustainable construction and green buildings funded by CIDB are:  Construction practices for storm water management and soil erosion control for the construction industry. While the foundation of knowledge in this field is continuously expanding, sustainable construction is … However, the impacts caused by construction activities on the environment occur throughout a project's life cycle which may be different at different stages. 3099067 ... Construction and Building Materials. People also read lists articles that other readers of this article have read. The initiative is innovative amongst Latin American countries, as the existing regulatory instruments provide for energy efficiency in buildings, in products and in processes, but do not regulate ... By Enhesa - Global EHS & Product Compliance Assurance. Let the XPRTs do the work for you. Construction building sustainable Australia house materials Discover new products Discover products that suit your style and create a list of the items you like or want most. This paper presents a sustainability assessment model for buildings located in old city centres which have ... Building contributes almost 40% of CO2 emissions and is a major contributor to the green house gas (GHG) emissions. Sustainable construction utilizes sustainable building features that use less water. Emissions from vehicles, machineries 3. The questionnaire survey highlighted the tendency within the industry to perceive that sustainable construction methods cost more than traditional methods. Into sustainable construction methods cost more than traditional methods, please see our cookie Policy evolved from a fringe to. An growing population, and learn best practices from sustainability initiatives are consenting to our Privacy Policy has from. 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