Since this gift is receiving the presence of the Holy Spirit up into your soul area – the first thing you are going to want to do is to make sure that you have a “clean house” for Him to come up into. Your soul is your house. I cannot exhaust all the stories of what I have experienced while preaching the gospel from the platform. Then my aunt got up and laid her hands on me and we began to pray on one accord. Our testimony comes by the gift and power of the Holy Ghost. Kim and Davidson Share Their Testimonies of Being Baptized in the Holy Spirit. 1. You have turned the holy spirit into a wage instead of a gift! He makes us love our neighbor and endure hardship with joy. In Acts, the Holy Spirit is not a silent influence but an experienced power. He has GUARANTEED that help, . I began to feel my body heat up but then it would go away. by Mo Isom | Current Events, Daily Walk, Faith. Receiving the Holy Spirit has to be the best feeling ever. The same analogy can now be used with the Holy Spirit. You, as the believer are not alone, Holy Spirit is the power of God that was given to help us. Is this the same thing as water baptism? I am blessed with the Holy Spirit this wonderful waterfall feeling that I receive every time. The Lord broke a strong Yolk/Soul Tie that was attached me. This put a running in my spirit for Jesus. Testimonies On The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit (Smith Wigglesworth) Smith Wigglesworth (8 June 1859 – 12 March 1947), Was a British evangelist and faith healer who was important in the early history of Pentecostalism. It’s my desire to see you experience that same power of the Holy Spirit and the gifts that come with it. This is such wonderful news! Love you all! But wait in the city of Jerusalem until you are clothed with power from on high." We wholeheartedly believe in God’s design for the church demonstrated in Acts 4, which compels believers to care for one another, as a family. Gen. 1:2], and those who are baptized put Her on. Do you remember when THE HOLY SPIRIT led me into the phone booth in Testimony and Miracles? In this second installment of our series, “Life By the Spirit”, Brittney and I were simply compelled to share our testimonies of being baptized by fire & receiving the gift of Holy Spirit! Margaret and Roma Share Their Testimonies of Being Baptized in The Holy Spirit. This discussion is controversial because the ministries of the Holy Spirit are often confused. It’s like she gave me strength to keep praying. Receiving and Being Filled with the Spirit - Zac Poonen - September 6, 2015 - Duration: 58:28. As everyone praying aloud to Jesus time began to make me weary . Praise the Lord. Enterprise . Newly born again. "And look, I am sending the promise of My Father upon you. (This was my first experience feeling the presence of the Living GOD) wow!! then I see in Him such fitness as a Surety, a Mediator, a Prophet, Priest, and King that my soul is touched in such a measure that I judge it impossible to live another happy hour, except this Jesus becomes my Jesus. It manifests sometimes when I have worship sessions with Bible study. How do we receive the Holy Spirit? Without any doubt, at that moment, I knew I received the power of God. It is a gift! I began to pray out to the Lord asking for forgiveness, to be clean, to keep my mind etc. Probably a hundred people came forward for prayer. Who he is, and how amazing his works truly are. Millions of people around the world from all different backgrounds find miracle healing, forgiveness and love through Jesus in our day! It is not a wage! Submitted by Mark Virkler on November 06, 2019 - 15:54. It was amazing. The Work of the Holy ... doubt, or obstacle to receiving in ourselves the immediate and direct inworking of the holy majesty of God, and of the majesty of His truth, in such a penetrating manner that spontaneously we believe that the Word and Being of God are the ground and foundation of all things. As a result of falling into these two extreme death traps, she drew very heavy demonic activity into her life. And I was raised up in the church for decades and was familiar with the Word–professing Christ with my lips–but still did not know or carry the fullness of the Holy Spirit until Christ personally interrupted my life and filled me with His holy fire. Now Jesus gives his Holy Spirit when he wants and however he wants. God is not going to hold someone back from receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit just because someone is not really ready to receive the gift of tongues. I was AMAZED to find out Jesus was actually REAL. This is all I knew of the Holy Spirit in the past. Charismatics like to draw this conclusion from the story of Pentecost. var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; We can receive a sure testimony of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ only by the power of the Holy Ghost. Almost all of our students from Roi Et stood up, claiming their desire to know Jesus! Some people call it magic, has something to do with science, or something else. ... Be Filled with the Holy Spirit - Zac Poonen - April 7, 2019 - Duration: 1:12:21. The best explanation is the experience itself, which leaves no need for an explanation. Testimonies; Bible Studies; Health & Healing; Youth; FAQ; Receiving the Holy Spirit - Acts 2:38. I am a new person ready to do His will,whatever that may be. […] Read more » Calling on Jesus In The Middle of a Crime. Our God is a living God! This revelation is rooted in relationship with God, and such is the basis for receiving the saving grace of Christ and experiencing the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit. God is good to His children and He cares for us! You can also subscribe without commenting. He is worthy! Receiving the Holy Spirit was the common experience of all members of the Church described in the Bible. Congrats! Steps. I wanted to have a true experience, I did not want to experience a counterfeit baptism with the Holy Spirit nor did I want to invent anything. 9. Any born again Christians in here from Las Vegas? I had read testimonies online just rejoicing over them because I wanted to be filled so bad! He wants us to receive the Holy Spirit so we can experience heaven on earth, God’s kingdom becoming reality in our life.. I tell about how my pastor at the time, an Independent Fundamentalist Baptist, tells me why he does not believe in speaking in tongues. hERE ARE SOME TESTIMONIES. The Bible shows us that God wants to give us the greatest gift you can think of: He comes to live inside of us with his own holy, almighty, wonderful Spirit. I thank the lord over a hundred times over and over again. js = d.createElement(s); = id; 'Shun-Dah-Mah-Kie-Ah. The Lord has blessed me ever since. Fast Forward to being filled with the HOLY Spirit. The Spirit can certainly not be called the Son of man; only the flesh of God incarnate can be called the Son of man who, like the Lord Jesus, is flesh born of man, both tangible and visible. Sometimes I'll have soft worship music playing in the background, but it is not necessary. There may be an issue with the Instagram access token that you are using. That is, when you receive the Holy Spirit, you will KNOW it. It feels so divine, the joy and peace that fills your mind and body is unmatched. Skeptical when it comes to things of faith (unfortunately). I began to ask the lord to fill me with his Holy Spirit. Found in . Christian Testimonies - Personal Experiences with the Living Jesus ChristRead stories of how God heals, saves, forgives and sets people free from all kinds of bondage. New posts will not be retrieved. I could not believe this was happening to little ole me. I knew I hadn't received the best. My Healer!! The Testimony of the Holy Spirit. There are many different ways the Holy Spirit comes to work with us if we are in the right position. Yes, the feeling of water, though there is none in the natural, makes total sense. Mary, Anna and Diana Experience the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. Millions of people around the world from all different backgrounds find miracle healing, forgiveness and love through Jesus in our day! I was in one meeting where there was an invitation for believers to receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit. It is our hope that the body of Christ would become a support system for one another, and provide for one another until no one has need (Acts 4:32-34)​. Anjelica's Testimony. Get a Bible and begin to check into receiving the Holy Spirit as in the Bible. My Deliverer! Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. On the day of Pentecost 2000 years ago, the Christian Church was born. Plus, it is the only one that has eternal value. I had something like this happen to me years ago but it felt like warm syrup being poured over me. Our God is a living God! The Bible states that the Holy Spirit comes to those who are saved. kingdom, baptism of spirit testimony to receive thy whole body is why consider in water and founder of the god. And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever - the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. We all know what it is. : ). Error: API requests are being delayed for this account. He speaks to us through the Word of God and through the sacraments of Christ. My Testimony Of Receiving The Baptism In The Holy Spirit - Ministry Videos. I would pray God every day, and as I read the various testimonies of brothers who had already received the gift of the Spirit my desire became greater and greater. While we hold that the baptism of the Spirit also occurs at the moment of salvation, some Christians do not. I was continually in those meetings causing disturbances until the people wished I had never come. "You know, beloved, it had to be something on the line of solid facts to move me. The Holy Spirit protects you "If you love Me, keep My commandments. So how do you clean your soul up in order to properly receive His presence up into your soul? I was praying that entire day to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Here is the answer to why many do not receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit. If we receive the testimony of men, ... And the Holy Spirit also testifies to us; for after saying, “ This is the covenant that I will make with them After those days, says the Lord: I will put My laws upon their heart, And on their mind I will write them,” He then says, read more. I wanted to have a true experience, I did not want to experience a counterfeit baptism with the Holy Spirit nor did I want to invent anything. It literally felt like I was sitting in WATER. }(document, "script", "aweber-wjs-lxquw42oz")); Amazing Grace & Favour. I began to speak in another language!! The feeling is so wonderful! Testimonies On The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit (Smith Wigglesworth) Smith Wigglesworth (8 June 1859 – 12 March 1947), ... outpouring began in England I went to Sunderland and met with the people who had assembled for the purpose of receiving the Holy Ghost. Burmese Gathering -Greenlane Christian Centre Auckland – – New Zealand - April 2nd – 2017 – ekb . I began to tell Jesus that I feel water, I was over joyed with happiness. My story of how I received the “Baptism of the Holy Spirit" to empower me for service. Reply. When I learned about his works, I asked for more and more. Remember I didn’t eat and we were already a hour in prayer and nothing happened. I thought I was just living my life I was spiritually blind at the time (now I know). ... From baptism we receive the Spirit of Christ, and in the same hour that the priests invoke the Spirit, She opens the heavens and descends, and hovers over the waters [cf. It is more I am receiving along with mist and feeling of water going through my body. Yet another young man who had incurable conditions with his heart and blood received … The Holy Spirit and Power. The testimony received and carried within us enables us to hold a steady course in times of prosperity and to overcome doubt and fear in times of adversity. Experiencing the Holy Spirit might not be a crazy, “emotional” experience for you — so just because you don’t sense Him moving you emotionally doesn’t mean He isn’t at work. I am a analytical type person. But before began born again, I always said I believed in Jesus because my Grandma taught us to. As soon as we hung up, the Holy Spirit immediately told me that someone was going to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit at the prayer meeting. What Is Receiving the Gift of the Holy Spirit? The baptism of the Holy Spirit is undeniable in the life of a believer and comes with purposes, gifts and identifiable fruit! I knew I Loved Jesus with all my heart. I have seen healings, provisions, and blessings in my family and my brothers and sisters. Later in the seminary at the beginning of the classes and important events there used to be a prayer or a hymn to the Holy Spirit. Another man came out from coma after close to 40 days after their relatives took Holy Communion at the hospital daily. Thus enter heaven, baptism of holy spirit and my whole body of men and equip them to our spiritual life. Yet, in a similar fashion as Mormons, countless other religions also receive confirmations and testify with what seems the same spirit and certainty. She, her husband Jeremiah, and their three children are based in Atlanta, Georgia. If you feel led by the Holy Spirit to support our ministry, you can do so HERE. Awhile back ago, we had received a very powerful testimony from a 51 year old deaf woman who had fell into heavy drug usage, along with experimenting with different parts of the New Age Movement. I asked many times – then it came while I was at home - Abigail Taylor. Testimonies such as these inspire some of us. I did not know whether it would be the major or the first lieutenant. Kelly, Tim and Kirsten Share Their Testimonies of Being Baptized in the Holy Spirit . It literally felt like a clean pure waterfall rushing so softly over me and inside me! From these prophecies, we are therefore able to ascertain that the Lord Jesus has returned by descending in secret as the incarnated Son of man, to perform His works and appear amongst mankind. We don’t mind especially when Jesus presence is there! Eventually started dating and thought I knew it all. Nothing less. A next testimony to the Holy Spirit’s femininity may be derived from the so-called Pseudo-Clementines. It is our heart to provide for the Bride of Christ freely. (There was some later confirmation of this.) While this series will continue on to teach and unpack what those very things are, we wanted to begin by testifying to what it looked like in our stories to encounter the undeniable power of the Holy Spirit in a transformational way! Note that one may or may not have an emotional response. Then I began to hear Tongues in my ear, I thought I was tripping I started to say a little of it .. embarrassed a little. Surrender . I tell about how my pastor at the time, an Independent Fundamentalist Baptist, tells me why he does not believe in speaking in tongues. Now Jesus gives his Holy Spirit when he wants and  however he wants. If you have not yet received the holy Ghost, my friend, it is either that you need to be re-baptized, (as the Ephesians were in Acts 19), or you haven't fully repented, for those are the only two conditions which Peter gave in Acts 2:38 for all who would receive the gift of God: the holy Spirit. The final Sunday of camp, the pastor gave an invitation for those who were interested in opening their hearts to Jesus. The Apostles receiving the Holy Spirit was a real thing. Out of the will of God I began to go deeper & deeper into sin & yes the World whipped my butt so BAD to the point where I knew I needed HELP. Some people receive soon after being born again. Home › Amazing Testimonies. My Testimony Of Receiving The Baptism In The Holy Spirit - Ministry Videos. In this short clip, Pastor Scott describes the pattern that started in the New Testament: people were filled with the Holy Spirit and - as initial evidence - spoke in other tongues. if (d.getElementById(id)) return; (Aphrahat, Dem. Catholics discuss what the Holy Spirit feels like: "The Holy Spirit doesn't just give us feelings. We have a choice in life, to be defined by our pains, or by our love. On pages 64–65 the question is posed, “What if I don’t speak in tongues? So our prayers services are usually 2 hours Long, sometimes longer! Why don't some people receive the Holy Spirit? This comes from a longer address at a student missionary convention held in Cleveland, Ohio. All Glory and praise goes to Him! The immediate, as well as the long term, benefits to the individual who receives the Holy Spirit are Biblical, and they are amazing. We are all meant to know Him, to walk with Him and to receive the graces we need for our daily lives from Him. For me, the intensity level of the experience of being baptized in the fire of the Holy Spirit and literally feeling it always resting on me is a reality that I have been aware of moment by moment and every day of my life since my initial impacting experience in 1981. I was praying that entire day to be filled with the Holy Spirit. This impressed me along with the testimonies of God’s power I heard at the meeting. Finally I called my Aunt (My personal Angel!) I received Jesus as my personal Saviour when I was 11years old, in the Anglican Church Sunday School in Orakei, Auckland. Kelly, Tim and Kirsten Share Their Testimonies of Being Baptized in the Holy Spirit; Free Video Event: Unlock the Supernatural by Learning How to Walk by the Spirit. I got born again March of 2017. Error: API requests are being delayed. I had no power with man and little with God. As we strive to stay on the path that leads to eternal life, the Holy Ghost can guide us in our decisions and protect us from physical and spiritual danger. I also prayed for understanding of the experience since it weighed heavily on me that I never had felt anything in church or while praying to Jesus. Mo is a New York Times bestselling author, nationally sought-after speaker, and a powerful voice rising up for her generation. Salvation . In this second installment of our series, “Life By the Spirit”, Brittney and I were simply compelled to share our testimonies of being baptized by fire & receiving the gift of Holy Spirit! The Bible states that the Holy Spirit comes to those who are saved. PLEASE READ Hey everyone, I’m hear to tell my testimony on how Jesus filled me with Rivers of Living Waters (Holy Spirit). The fruits of the Holy Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, generosity, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control and chastity. Humanly Impossible Pass, User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement. I was raised as a catholic (although we rarely attended church). It’s our prayer that all would hunger and thirst for MORE of God, whether you’ve known Him for days or decades. But when my aunt heard the utterance she encouraged me to let it flow! I had read testimonies online just rejoicing over them because I wanted to be filled so bad! The bible does not give such elaborate instructions on how to receive the holy spirit. What does it mean to receive the Holy Spirit and be baptized by fire? Many parallels to early Mormonism can be seen in other nineteenth-century evangelical faiths such as Methodism, which has a fundamental dependence upon an inner witness of the Holy Ghost. A few weeks later I was baptised at Raumati Beach and two days later, I received the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues as they did on the day of Pentecost. You would never have heard of me if I hadn’t received the second work of the Holy Spirit, which the Bible calls the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Then all of a sudden with my hand stretched out to Jesus weeping, I began to feel water like substance start from my head to my hands all the way down to my feet! Amazing Testimonies (A Sampling of God’s Handy-Work) We know that the biggest miracle we will ever see is someone receiving Jesus as their Savior! But this outpouring of the Holy Spirit wasn’t just for the Apostles. You can read the rest of the address at this link: Let me tell you how I received it the first time? Some people receive soon after being born again. Anyway I know you have to Trust Jesus and really Love the lord God to receive this Gift. Watch below…. js.src = "//"; The lord Jesus had filled me with his Holy Spirit for real! Instagram post 2328698451725746886_15346967, Instagram post 2322725823395468619_15346967, Instagram post 2319839573713978031_15346967, Instagram post 2319439259794016106_15346967, Instagram post 2318032397639081566_15346967, Instagram post 2306710063221120276_15346967, This error message is only visible to WordPress admins. I pray this video reaches you exactly where you are and draws you deeper into the supernatural wonder and awe of God’s glory. We have a choice in life, to be defined by our pains, or by our love. New posts will not be retrieved. If P is the proposition that the Bible is God’s Word, and S is someone in whom the Holy Spirit has brought about a recognition that P is true, we can say that S knows P because (1) S believes P, (2) P is true, and (3) S’s belief in P is produced by a kind of cognitive process — albeit a supernaturally enhanced one — that is successfully aimed at truth. 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