For those who have not yet cast a ballot, here’s a quick reminder of some of the awful things that Donald Trump has visited on America: 45 reasons to toss out the 45th president. Kung was killed by Secret Service. Embroidered 58th Inaugural Tote Bag $ 19.99. Eventually we’ll get to see other Trump memcons, though their release will likely be slowed by national-security claims. 46th President of the United States, Ted Cruz (December 22, 1970 – April 15, 2047. But Benjamin Wittes, the editor in chief of Lawfare, says he expects that plenty of ambitious young lawyers will be willing to harvest favorable publicity by representing on contingency or pro bono the many Davids forced into battle with the Trump Goliath. If he is re-elected in the next Presidential election he will have consecutive terms and be the 45th (or same number) President. Nor did Americans learn until a decade after his death that John F. Kennedy, a much less devoted family man than Life magazine let on, shared a mistress (sequentially if not concurrently) with the Chicago Mob boss Sam Giancana, whom the CIA recruited in one of several harebrained plots to assassinate Fidel Castro. Trump was winning by small margins in the polls until Bernie Sanders endorsed Cuomo instead of Warren. As a result, Andrew Cuomo picked progressive Senator Amy Klobuchar as his running mate. Trump is not. In essence, the government decided that presidential records were the property not of ex-presidents, as they’d always been judged before, but of the public. This caused mass destruction of the country. Sale! He was sworn in on January 20, 2033. The latest news, opinion and analysis on Donald Trump, the 45th president of the United States. Vice-President Cruz was put in critical condition, having lost the bottom part of his arm and having a punctured stomach. He was elected in November 2016. Donald Trump Crystal with Base. We will make America safe again. By February 4, 2030, O'Malley was impeached. Quick View. Donald J. Trump is the 45th U.S. president. Senator Rubio faced an easy match against Julian Castro, former HUD under President Barack Obama. President Cruz's approval rating slowly climbed from the 44.2% on inauguration day to 55.7% in 2026. Following the removal of Martin O'Malley, Jon Ossoff was sworn in as President of the United States on February 7, 2030. As a result of Cruz's popularity, the republicans were able to win 2 seats in the senate, making it a 50 - 50 split. DONALD TRUMP–THE 45TH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES ☆ FEATURED NOVELTIES ☆ Quick View. The 45th and current president of the United States of America is Donald J. Trump. Just because we know bad things about the 45th president, don’t assume that there’s nothing bad left to find out. 45th President Trump Hat – White/Navy $ 24.99 $ 19.99. Rubio was easily re-elected winning every state in the 2036 election. North Korea hit Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Orlando, New York City, and the District of Colombia. DONALD TRUMP was elected the 45th President of the United States back in 2016, so where was Donald Trump born? Americans knew many shameful things about Nixon thanks to the Watergate investigation that prompted his resignation. We will make America proud again. Trump won’t likely leave behind a trove as rich as Nixon did, he said, because nobody has. I read recently of someone who worked out that as Trump was going to be the 45th president of the United States, he felt led to read Isaiah 45 which describes King Cyrus who is the Lord's anointed leader. 45th President, Donald Trump (Jun. Kung ran onto the stage and shot 7 times. 47th President of the United States, Joseph Kennedy III (October 4, 1980 – November 12, 2068. The current 45th president appears to … The only man counted as two numbers is the non-consecutive term serving Grover Cleveland who was the 22nd and 24th President. During O'Malley's trial, he admitted to doing the embezzlement, and claimed he was the only one involve. “Undoubtedly, the most unattractive women in the world are the Indian women,” Nixon can be heard saying in a tape recording from June 1971 that the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum released in response to Bass’s declassification request. How well do we know Donald Trump? As the economy slipped into recession. Former Ohio Governor John Kasich was the only major challenger in the Republican primaries and only won the states of Ohio and Vermont. And we will Make America Great Again!\" Like his predecessor, Cruz had to deal with mass protests on his inauguration and large scale riots in Los Angeles over the election results. Posterity does have a few arrows in its quiver, though. Precisely how much money does Trump owe, and how much of it is owed to people or banks linked to Vladimir Putin? 45th President Trump Beanie – Navy $ 12.99 $ 9.99. Although most people knew it would be Warren or Cuomo, 7 other people tried their hand in the democratic primary. Donald J. Trump is the 45th President of the United States. Donald Trump is the 45th and current President of the United States; he took office on January 20, 2017. Nobody has ever accused the outgoing president of possessing a complex personality. Unlike the previous two administrations, which were somewhat difficult for reporters to penetrate, the Trump White House leaked like a sieve. On February 7, 2030, Vice-President Jon Ossoff was sworn into office, 48th President, Jon Ossoff (Feb. 16, 1987-May 6, 2082). 14, 1946-July 30, 2038). On January 17, 2029, a private investigator was hired to look into Martin O'Malley's healthcare fund system. Despite losing the Senate, Ted Cruz was able to get enough votes in congress to pass a series of Tax cuts that were highly popular. President Cruz skated through the primaries unopposed, but things were different for the democratic primary. Rubio immediately enabled the nuclear defense system once again. President O'Malley's biggest accomplishment as president was passing a healthcare bill that gave free healthcare to working Americans. Immediately after the conventions the candidates began campaigning, attempting to win the critical Midwestern swing states. Rubio was rushed to a nearby hospital in New York City, while Ted Cruz was life-flighted to D.C. Rubio was placed in critical condition and was given surgery right away. Donald Trump Is Elected 45th President of the United States in Stunning Upset Republican candidate Donald J. Trump won Tuesday’s presidential election in a shocking victory. Keep in mind that at least some people working in the White House take their legal duties seriously, or are angry at Trump for not protecting them against exposure to COVID-19, or just don’t like the guy, because he treats them like scullery maids. Wanting to energize voters in the competitive election, Cruz let the GOP delegates pick the vice president nominee. I was updating some random social media activity when I ran across a simple PowerPoint showing Trump seated in the oval office with the words "Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States." He chose Donald Trump Jr. as his Vice-President. Copyright (c) 2020 by The Atlantic Monthly Group. I mean, they have a little animallike charm. Don’t blame yourself if you missed this shocking bit of Nixonia when it surfaced a couple of months ago. The image made a peculiar impression on my mind. That would not last, though. In recent years, voice-recognition software has made it easier to create near-verbatim transcripts of “memcons,” or memorandums of presidential telephone conversations made by duty officers in the Situation Room. In Twin Falls, Trump supporters come in all ages and sizes, as some gathered Thursday night at a local Jamba Juice to show support, hoping the 45th president gets re-elected four more years. I mean, people say, ‘What about the Black Africans?’ Well, you can see something, the vitality, there. During a break in a November, 1971 summit with Gandhi, Nixon returned to the topic, saying, “To me, they turn me off. He’s the 44th. With some luck we’ll also get to see raw transcripts produced by the voice-recognition software. He was sworn into office January 20, 2032. Yes, probably, Timothy Naftali told me, but there’s a catch. This means that it may be a while before we find out what prompted Trump’s unexplained Saturday-afternoon visit to the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in November 2019. The Democratic Party was even more divided with Senator Elisabeth Warren and Governor Andrew Cuomo being the main two contenders. At the time, it was abundantly clear that Nixon and his national security adviser, Henry Kissinger, judged Pakistanis’ slaughter of Bengalis to be a Cold War sideshow. Despite most states leaning Repu… Every president since Nixon has been mindful, as Nixon was not, that posterity was listening in. Après lui, le déluge. Trump has always been a maniac about enforcing his NDAs. Pretty well, it would seem. The case settled out of court. He would be the youngest person to ever serve as president at the age of 41 years old. Donald J. Trump is the 45th President of the United States. Donald Trump is said to be considering holding an event during the president-elect's inauguration to announce his 2024 run and has boasted that he … Odds are you were distracted by some other real-time outrage. Donald Trump has been officially sworn in as the 45th president of the United States, ushering in a new political era. Rubio nominated former Senator Ted Cruz as his Vice-Presidential nominee, with Castro's as former first lady, Michelle Obama. Sep 4, 2017 | Donald Trump, Latest News, President, USA | 0 | “Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war.” Full Name : Donald John Trump. Since elected as 45th president of the United States of America Donald J. Trump has managed to deliver almost everything that he promised or at least is on good path to deliver almost everything: Economy, Unemployment, Higher income, TAX Reform, Legislation cuts, Strong borders, Security, Law and Order, Trade, Healthcare, Rebuilding Military strength, Strengthening the Supreme … 45th - 49th Presidents of the United States (The Future of America). Another difficulty will be Trump’s habit, acquired when he was in real estate, of ripping up documents. The 45th and current president of the United States of America is Donald J. Trump. Add to cart. Upon having surgery, President Rubio lost too much blood, and died 10 minutes into surgery. Clinton received 273 votes, which was enough to win the US Presidential Election. These two books are “Baron Trump’s Marvlous Underground Journey,” and “The Last President.” In “Last President (1896)”, there is an underdog that ran for President who no-one believed he would win. Donald J. Trump was elected as the President of the United States on November 6, 2016. Here’s how. He believes the United States has incredible potential and will go on to exceed even its remarkable achievements of the past. The 2028 election was seen as the last chance for the Democrats, although Cruz had a consistent 4 point lead in the polls, the democrats were determined to take back the highest office for the first time in 12 years. We don’t know whether any Scotch-taping continued after that. Besides, a former staffer on the National Security Council told The Washington Post in September 2019 that Trump’s political appointees on the NSC, departing from previous practice, routinely edited out glaringly erroneous or offensive things that the president blurted out in conversations with foreign leaders. For four years, Mar-a-Lago served as a tropical sanctuary for President Donald Trump — a glamorous getaway where adoration of the 45th president … He even sued his ex-wife Ivana Trump for violating an NDA in their divorce agreement by publishing a work of fiction (a bodice ripper titled For Love Alone that was later turned into a TV movie). Two days after the death of President Rubio, Vice-President Cruz took the oath of office, becoming the 50th President of the United States. Exactly how much revenue did Trump properties collect from the federal government during his presidency? Donald Trump, sweeping to victory as the 45th president of the United States in a bitterly fought campaign that defied the polls, pledged Wednesday to "be a president for all Americans." This killed over 19 million Americans, and was the deadliest attack on American soil in U.S. history. Still, just because we know bad things about the 45th president, don’t assume that there’s nothing bad left to find out. On July 4th 2021 North Korea launched a nuclear bomb into the Atlantic Ocean, causing widespread unrest. Can Melania and Barron really be said to have lived there, or did they spend more time in their New York apartment, or at her parents’ house in Maryland, where Barron went to school? Republicans held the Souse and Senate once again with 244 seats in the house and 53 in the senate. Tell me.” And finally this gem worthy of serious historical analysis: “They are repulsive and it’s just easy to be tough with them.” (Kissinger, who’s always maintained, falsely, that he discouraged Nixon’s bigoted rants, can be heard in these tapes egging on his boss. Through a few months of investigations, it was discovered that President O'Malley had embezzled over $67 million of taxpayer money. (The White House said it was part of his “routine annual physical exam,” an explanation that the press immediately concluded was a lie.). For a while, Politico reported, Solomon Larty and Reginald Young Jr., two career White House records-management officials, literally gathered wastepaper from the Oval Office and the presidential residence and Scotch-taped the ripped-up documents back together. Donald Trump – 45th President of US. Castro was able to flip Nevada back but lost valuable votes the rust belt and barely held on to Minnesota. On election day Cruz had a slight edge over Booker in the polls. I was dazed. All Rights On February of 2029, President Cruz, with the help of the now republican lead congress passed a bill prohibiting government money from going to any organization that preforms or sponsors abortion. Submit a letter to the editor or write to (“He’s never cared about us,” one Secret Service official reportedly said about Trump. On November 3, 2020, President Donald Trump was re-elected president and sworn into office January 20, 2021. After becoming the second Republican in a row to win reelection, Cruz spent his last years in office pushing a conservative agenda. Then there’s Richard Nixon. 5 Psychological Reasons Why the 45th President Remains Popular Parsing a larger-than-expected and passionate following. Ossoff was best known for getting NASA to send a manned mission to Mars, and start more scientific research of space. Donald Trump . At least in theory, this is against the law. In the final years of the Cruz administration, news broke out that the US department of treasury was printing money to cover from the national bank. By the time Cruz was up for reelection, the economy was improving and the national debt was shrinking quickly. 2) Nixon presumed, mistakenly, that he could weed appalling things out of the official record because the law gave him ownership and control over his presidential records. How serious was Trump about trying to buy Greenland? Cuomo's win disheartened progressives enough for Elisabeth Warren to announce she was running as a Green Party candidate. The Republicans also had stiff competition, although Ted Cruz was favored early on. Quick View. Sale! He believes the United States has incredible potential and will go on to exceed even its remarkable achievements of the past. President Cruz's first term began with a rocky start. The 45th president, a deeply divisive leader, is running for re-election in the United States Presidential election 2020. In the end, Ted Cruz won and flipped the states of Wisconsin, Virginia, and Pennsylvania. What Nixon couldn’t know was that a series of court decisions and legislative changes in response to Watergate would change the existing rules. The 45th president, a deeply divisive leader, was running for re-election on immigration, trade and the economy. Reserved. He lived on 5th Ave in New York (Trump Tower is actually on 5th Ave). Add to cart. On election day, President Trump pulled another upset victory by holding every state he win in 2016, plus Nevada, Minnesota, New Hampshire, and every district in Maine, most due to vote splitting between Cuomo and Warren. In November of 2032, Florida Senator Marco Rubio was elected President of the United States. In the general election, Castro promised a progressive platform of raising the minimum wage and increasing government programs. The point here is that we will continue to say Trump is going to be the nation's 45th president. Knowing that the Democratic nominee would have too be particularly inspiring, Democratic leaders pressed Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to run, but he declined. In the end, Ted Cruz received the Republican nomination and Cory Booker received the Democratic nomination. Former West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin also ran but dropped out early in the race an endorsed Republican Jeff DeWit. 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