Dicranoweisia (4 spp. The upper part elongates as a narrow slender structure bearing the calyptra at the tip. ), 12. Kingdom Plantae – Plants. Classification for Kingdom Plantae Down to Class Bryopsida. Polytrichum (5 spp.). The stomata are regularly connected with air spaces. Excepting in Archidium, all cleistocarpic genera were found to be connected to some stegocarpic genera by their manner of development. Pottia (1 sp. Abietinella (2 spp. Campylopus (including Thysanomitrium-4:6 spp. 464-IV) giving rise to 32 or 64 (rarely 16) separate solid teeth in a ring. Rhaphidorrhynchum (2 spp. Up to the Kingdom. Fissidentales, 2. Meteoriella (1 sp. The female branch develops as a side shoot but, it is more vigorous and soon becomes higher than the main shoot. The teeth are membranous or scaly being actually formed of the thickened walls of the cells which are like plates (called lepos in latin), the thinner parts being resorbed. Thus, a longitudinal section of the capsule may be illusive if it passes through a wing. ), 8. Division Bryophyta – Mosses. Isobryales 15. It has very recently been demonstrated that the leptoid cells are demarcated by oblique intervening cells which are nothing but porous sieve plates almost as in higher plants. ), 18. 480D), but, ultimately, each androcyte mother cell is partitioned off by a wall and soon divides into two androcytes or sperm cells each of which develops a single biflagellate, coiled antherozoid or spermatozoid inside it. 472B). Cohort v. Platycranoideae (Teeth broad and usually undivided, may be perforated by slits, rarely split into two or three) —Seligeriaceae, Grimmiaceae. Biology, Botany, Plants, Brtophyta, True Mosses, Bryopsida. ), 9. The mature antheridium (Fig. Amblystegiella (1 sp. ), 18. The term Bryophyta originates from the word ‘Bryon’ meaning mosses and ‘phyton’ meaning plants. Semato- phyllum (13 spp. The Diplolepideae is divided into two subseries: Epicranoideae (exostome teeth overlapping endostome teeth or segments c.f. 490 D, E), a number of bract-like leaves form a rosette called the perichaetium. ), 4. Dicranodontium (16 spp,) 14. Trigonodictyon (1 sp.). The leaves do not show any vein and are one cell thick. Arthrocormus (1 sp. 478D) and smaller, coarsely papillose cells (Fig. Although the importance of the peristomes in the classification of the common mosses was recognised by Mitten, it was the detailed study of the peristomes published in a series of articles by H. Philibert in the Revue bryologique during 1884 to 1902, which clearly showed that these mosses could be fully classified better by laying a greater stress on the peristome structure. The leaf, in cross section, shows a well-defined midrib while the lamina is only one cell in thickness. from Ceylon), 7. Bryowijkia (1 sp.). Haplohymenium (2 spp. Thus, such widely differing genera as Funaria and Hypnum have been placed close together. 491C) and the peristome (Fig. Genera: 1. of the stem (Fig. What is the significance of transpiration? ), 25. Trước đây, nhóm Bryopsida bao gồm tất cả các loài rêu thực sự. Leptopierygynandrwn (3 spp. Calliergon (3 spp. It is briefly described here as an example of hypnoid (i.e., belonging to the Hypnobryales) pleurocarpous moss. Semibarbula differs from these two other genera in having a reduced peristome represented by a number of short papillose threads, too short to be spirally twisted (Fig. Wijk. Haplolepideae (Peristome teeth in a single ring. It occurs extensively in India, Burma, Ceylon and the islands spreading to Australia. Answer Now and help others. The small leaves are deeply concave, broadly ovate and bluntly acute, uniformly and densely surrounding the branches (Fig. The following points highlight the sixteen orders under which bryopsida has been classified. Funaria is monoecious but autoicous, i.e., the antheridia and archegonia develop on separate shoots of the same plant. Tetraphidales, 8. Where are the pollen grains formed in the flower? Genera: 1. from Ceylon), 2. ), 6. Aongstroemiopsis(1 sp. Hygroamblystegium (3 spp. Trachyphyllum (4 spp. Acroporium (10 spp. The cortex also shows, here and there, some smaller cells or cell groups which are termed leaf traces although they end blindly and do not reach the central cylinder. 468A). ), 26. Desmotheca (1 sp. Above, the axial strand disappears into the columella. The base of the erect Pogonatum stem (Fig. Funaria (7 spp.). ), 4. Cohort ii. The genus is not known in the warmer south of India or in the Khasia Hills or the extreme north-eastern India where alpine height is never attained. The Pogonatum capsule shows no neck (apophysis) with stomata which is the case in Polytrichum. ), 13. Isobryales 15. It is also known in Africa and Central America. 471D). Actinothuidium (2 spp. Struckia (1 sp. 472B). Hypnobryales. Bryophytes are an informal division that consists of 3 groups of non-vascular plants, namely mosses, liverworts, and hornworts. ), 7. ), 5. When the operculum is shed a ring of 32 thread-like papillose teeth (Fig. Above the apophysis, the main part of the capsule is a slightly bent, cylindrical structure with the central columella of thin-walled parenchyma­tous cells which is constricted at the base just above the apophysis. This perichaetium surrounds a number of club-shaped, stalked antheridia and multicellular hairs known as paraphyses. ), 4. Orders: 6. Encalyptales 12. Such a plant is called autoicous. This is a question and answer forum for students, teachers and general visitors for exchanging articles, answers and notes. ), 4. ), 7. The Division Bryophyta is divided into Subdivisions of which Muscophytina (=Bryo- psida) is one. Cavers directly divided the Bryophytes into ten groups or ‘orders’ – “The Interrelationships of the Bryophyta” published in New Phytologist, 1910—1911) the last four of which (Tetraphidales, Polytriechales, Buxbaumiales and Eubryales) comprise the Bryidae as we understand it today. These develop buds and new plants in the usual way. Reihengruppe, (Cohort) III. Vesicularia (13 spp. Leskea (3 spp. 466A & 469C), there is the foot, a sucking organ penetrating the tip of the gametophyte, the seta which is equivalent to the stem of the higher plants and the capsule completely covered by the fibrous calyptra. ), 8. Fissidentales 8. ), 13. ), 11. Meteoriopsis (4 spp. He, therefore, sug­gested that the Encalyptaceae may be the starting point of the Haplolepideae and the Diplolepideae. Genus: 1. A t.s. ), 5. ), 2. A gametophytic plant developed on an aposporous proto­nema is diploid and not haploid like the normal gametophyte. Yeast: Origin, Reproduction, Life Cycle and Growth Requirements | Industrial Microbiology, How is Bread Made Step by Step? ), 8. Pottiales, 4. Classification of Plants: Principles, Units and Nomenclature. What is the medicinal value of Aegle marmelos? Sciaromium (1 sp. Biology, Botany, Bryophytes, True Mosses, Bryopsida, Classification, Classification of Bryopsida. Braunia (4 spp. Each antheridium is a club-shaped structure with a short stalk. Archidiales 6. Macrohymenium (2 spp. Calliergonella (1 sp.). The outer peristome (exostome) is formed of 1 to 4 series of slender teeth while the inner peristome is a thin tabular membrane resembling a truncated cone showing 16 or 32 folds or plicae. Timmiella (1 sp. Merceya (including Merceyopsis—6 spp. 487A) there is an annular rim (or diaphragm) of small cells edging the mouth of the capsule. Garovaglia(6 spp. ), 13. ), 4. Cohort iv. ), 7. This is based on the position of the perichaetia and sporophytes. Meronyms (members of "class Bryopsida"): Andreaeales; order Andreaeales (comprises a single genus: Andreaea) Bryales; order Bryales (category used in some classification systems for mosses having the spore case separated from the capsule wall by a hollow intercellular space) But, just as in the Angiosperms the flower characters are considered more reliable in classification, in Bryidae the sex organs and the sporophyte are considered more important in any general classification. W. Mitten, who wrote the only Bryological Flora of India, divided the Bryidae into the Arthrodonti (articulate thin peristome teeth) and the Nematodonti (worm­like solid peristoma teeth) in his Musci indiae orientaiis (1859). ), 12. Hookeria (1 sp. These are small plants that grow in shady and damp areas. Hymenostomum (4 spp. It is hood-shaped, split and stuck to one side to the capsule like a cape. The lower end forms the foot and the upper end the seta and the capsule. Thyridium (9 spp. The spore has a thick exine or exospore and a thin inline or endospore. ), 3. Class Hepaticae (Liverworts) 3. ), 5. The original apical cell, usually, does not grow further so that the archegonia are always at the tip. 480B), intermixed with long, multi­cellular, filamentous paraphyses, in apparently axillary positions. 474-II), the intervening thin-walled vertical rows are resorbed so that thickened bands of cells stick out like bristles in several rings giving rise to a broomstick-like peristome (Fig. Neodolichomitra (1 sp. The outer ring is deeply coloured while the inner ring is hyaline and cilia are present. ), 2. Mitt, discovered at an elevation of 19,800 ft. in the Rongbuk Valley off Mt. Plagiobryum (1 sp. The spongy tissue is surrounded by one compact layer of epidermis re­gularly provided with stomata. All previous names are to be considered invalid. ), 5. The upper part is deep green to brown or reddish in colour, gradually tapering with a serrated margin. 469B) shows a strong epidermis of one layer, hypodermis of several layers of very thick-walled cells, a cortex of somewhat loose parenchymatous cells and a central strand of very small thin-walled cells. —Bryinae, Isobryinae, Hookerinae, Hypnobryinae. Taxithelium (7 spp.—Fig. ), 5. ), 3. The base of each leaf is broad, somewhat sheathing and paler in colour. 470B). Semibarbula orientalis is a calcicolous (growing on substratum containing lime) moss growing during the rains and maturing in the cooler months all over the tropics in the Eastern hemisphere forming dense, green to yellow-green gregarious patches on old brick walls, mortar, etc., where it may get sufficient moisture and partial shade. Horikawaea. The outer thick-walled, more deeply coloured, elongated cortical cells pass on to lighter, compact, parenchymatous cells of the cortex. Figure 462 shows the peristome structures of the main groups of Bryidae. The capsule has a swollen apophysis (Fig. Peristome teeth irregularly split (platycranoid). Anthocerotopsida (Anthoceros and Dendroceros) iii.Bryopsida­ (Funaria, Polytrichum and Sphagnum).. Callicostela (2 spp. Homaliadelphus (1 sp. and Bryoerythrophyllum Chen.