1.15.2 Types of Records and Their Life Cycles Manual Transmittal. Place all documents in file or expansion folders with appropriate identifying labels. ((navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") && your ancestral home, sephardic NATIONAL RECORDS CENTRE • Established by government • Maintain the government semi current records before transferred to national archives. // --> , Guide to Jewish Genealogy in A well-kept record can protect the practitioner in instances where the legal defence of their actions is required. Decide which repositories you are going to use and what types of records will reside there. a. Determines in what manner and for how long each record type should be retained to meet legal, business, or regulatory requirements. You can change your ad preferences anytime. They are retained by the Department for as long as needed and legal custody is then transferred to the National Archives. Do not combine years. Purpose - One of the purposes of a records center is to provide low- cost storage of records. providing security, transport and housekeeping within the centre. // -->