Most species of rabbit have a maximum running speed of about 30mph. Hares usually go it alone in life, but rabbits will form colonies with a dominant male. Hares have large, long ears, long legs, and a larger body than rabbits. Hares are larger and faster than rabbits. This is a result of lack of common sense. They eat in larger groups. The Hare is faster than the rabbit, a rabbit would not offer any meaningful competition in a race between the two. You will also find that hares have larger legs and ears than that of a rabbit. By Xah Lee. There are so many different breeds, and a lot of lifespans in the wild are cut short by predators. Hares in the Country Hares live in wide open areas where they use their speed to evade predators. Rabbits have, of course, been domesticated as pets. In reality, rabbits and hares are different. Size and speed: Hares are generally larger and faster than rabbits. However, this description also fits a hare. Very long legs and ears characterize the jackrabbit. Jackrabbits, for instance, are actually hares, whereas the rockhares and the hispid hare are rabbits. Rabbit vs Hare, Rabbit Meat Poisoning, Three-Rabits Motif, Cuniculture. When a new hare is born, it is ready to run around within a couple of hours. They can achieve speeds up to 35 mph. At most, they will be running around with a partner. It is rare that a hare will live underground. Jackrabbits are hares. This hare is one of the largest of the lagomorphs. Hares just tend to pair off when it is time to mate, but male rabbits fight for dominance in certain areas. According to scientist and YouTuber Nick Uhas, the character's long ears, fast speed, and solitary nature seem to suggest he's a hare. Rabbits are not really big runners. In normal progress leaps are alternated with running steps, when pursued the hare runs fast … Seeing how the Easter Hare eventually became a “bunny,” it’s not surprising that many people assume hares are simply a type of rabbit. Newborn rabbits are called kittens while newly born hares are called leverets. That is what we are going to take a look at on this page: Rabbit vs Hare. You can domesticate a rabbit much easier, though some breeds won’t do well in captivity because it stresses them out too much. These species include the European rabbit, which is the same species as domestic rabbits, as well as a large number of wild rabbits living in climates and cultures around the world. Cheetahs, … They enjoy eating fruit from time to time. “Rabbit” is the actual and correct English word that is used to describe over 20 different related animal species. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'lionheadrabbitcare_com-box-4','ezslot_3',107,'0','0'])); If you have a pet rabbit, then you should often have two rabbits, because otherwise, they get lonely. The whitetail jackrabbit is the largest hare in the Great Plains, having a head and body length of 18 to 22 inches (46 to 56 cm) and weighing 5 to 10 pounds (2.2 to 4.5 kg). You may read more in our post What Do Wild Rabbits Eat? Hares, however, have not been domesticated and unlike rabbits, live in small numbers and nest above ground as oppose to the cavernous warrens of the rabbit. Rabbits, on the other hand, can be cooked much faster, with fresh rabbit frying up beautifully. However, in the … Basically, it is a defense from predators. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. By contrast, cottontail rabbits are built for short bursts of speed in more vegetated habitats. It is hard to determine the lifespan of rabbits and hares. Some related species of hares can even reach speeds of 45mph. However, most of the time rabbits will not reach these top speeds because they run in zig-zag motions to escape predators. Again, this is not always going to be the case, but in the wild, you will easily be able to tell the difference between a hare and a rabbit.eval(ez_write_tag([[320,50],'lionheadrabbitcare_com-box-3','ezslot_7',105,'0','0'])); Hares can run a lot faster than rabbits. At birth: Rabbits are altricial i.e. The word hare was dropped on its way across the Atlantic and the fuzzier, cuddlier word bunny was applied in its place. Hare vs. rabbit All hares and rabbits belong to the Leporidae family, which comprises all recognizably rabbitlike animals—i.e., the small mammals with long ears, short tails, strong hind … Ears and feet: Hares have longer ears and larger feet than rabbits. If they are in danger, the rabbit prefers to hide in its burrow, and if they run, their top speed is no more than 35 miles per hour. Whilst numbers of wild rabbit in the UK is estimated just below 50million, hare numbers are few … The common names of some species also contribute to this confusion. As a result, while suburban residents may spot either rabbits or hares, many hares favor rural areas. Hare vs. Tortoise, also known as Spring Fest, was a Splatfest event in Splatoon 2. Among other differences, hares are born with hair and open eyes, while rabbits are born naked and blind. This is so because of the life style that these two have. Hare is an animal which many people thought as rabbit because they look very much similar to them, but actually there are lot of differences between hare and a rabbit. Diet: Grasses, soft stems, and vegetables are their diet preference. Speed is crucial to hares' survival, especially for species that live on open plains, such as the European hare, which can run at 37 body lengths a second, he said. Hares are swift animals and can run up to 80 km/h (50 mph) over short distances. They were once grouped with jerboas (jumping rodents), then with porcupines, then with scaly-tailed squirrels, until finally they were allotted their own family. They can achieve Speeds up to 45 mph. Hares tend to live solitary lives, whereas Rabbits live in groups. Hares are substantially larger than rabbits. On the other hand, some hares are known to change the color of their coat. Here are the stats; In comparison to the European rabbit, the hare has a proportionally smaller stomach and caecum. Yes, there are a few larger rabbit breeds, but you will find that in the majority of cases, the size of a hare will be far, far larger than that of a rabbit. ", "It [Snowshoe Hare] has a top speed 27-30 mph., can jump 10 ft in one hop, is a good swimmer and will jump in the water to make an escape. 3. It was held for 48 hours in all regions from 19 April 2019 to 21 April 2019. Sometimes, people use hare and rabbit interchangeably, and most of the time, it doesn’t Rabbits have long ears, big eyes, thick fur and short bob tails. Rabbits are born helpless; they are without fur and are blind. They are also faster runners, which makes sense since they live in open spaces, like prairies, and need the speed to outrun predators. Baby Bunnies vs. Baby Hares. Therefore if you do not have a specific rabbit to measure the speed for it will be a guess between 35 to 45 mph or 15 to 20 m/s. The rabbit is no slowcoach. They are good runners and jumpers and have back legs bigger than their front legs. Unlike the jackrabbit, they seek protection in hiding rather than in swift flight. The domestic rabbits that we keep as pets will most likely never reach these top speeds. These animals feed on shoots, buds, and bark and make small depressions in yards. The intensely short gestation period and well-known reproductive speed of hares and rabbits have a long cultural association with spring and fertility. As verbs the difference between hare and jackrabbit is that hare is to move swiftly or hare can be (obsolete) to excite; to tease, or worry; to harry while jackrabbit is (us) to make a … In other words, “bunny” is just a cute word that people use to call a rabbit. Hares are big eaters of bark and twigs. Some reading notes on rabbits. This unusual hare, which appears to be a cross between a kangaroo and a rabbit, has caused scientists much confusion. The results were given on 21 April 2019. Jackrabbits are powerful jumpers and fast runners. When frightened, a Hare will lower its tail but Rabbits will raise theirs, exposing a white underside. In contrast, hares are generally born with hair an… On the other hand, rabbits are incredibly sociable. Hares generally have longer ear and are longer in size than rabbit. Yes, there are a few larger rabbit … Since hares tend to live in wider, open spaces, it is more likely that they will need to make a fast getaway from predators too. Therefore, rabbits are more tied to their mothers during the first few months of their life. This is another big difference between rabbits and hares. 3. The average rabbit can run up to 25mph, with the fastest being the Eastern Cottontail who can reach speeds of up to 35mph Gaits: Rabbits and hares generally travel in a bounding gait as they move through a landscape. Hares are entirely dark meat and do well with longer cooking time. You will also find that rabbits fight a lot more among themselves than hares. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Generally speaking, hares are larger than rabbits and have longer ears and legs. Hares, on the other hand, are born capable of independent movement, have fur, and have vision. When a rabbit is born, it may take a few weeks for it to open its eyes, let alone be ready to explore the world. 2. Generally speaking, you can expect a rabbit in the wild to live for about 6-years. Rabbit vs Hare: Size. Over longer distances, the European hare (Lepus europaeus) can run up to 56 km/h (35 mph). Last updated: 2011-10-23. Instead, they will live behind rocks and hollowed out trees. The distance between a set of tracks in a trail might be a few inches to over several meters or more, depending on speed of travel. In fact, in captivity, a hare could easily live until 12-years, with the rabbit capping off at about that amount too. Date: 2010-01-20. 4. "A rabbit travels 4.0 km in 3.5 h. What is its average speed m/s? They can run, but they tend to hide from predators. For example; in some snowy regions, the hare can change to a white color during the winter months. This allows it to blend in with the scenery a little bit better. In normal progress leaps are alternated with running steps, when pursued the hare runs fast and close to the ground. Hares run faster than Rabbits. The black-tailed jackrabbit (Lepus californicus), also known as the American desert hare, is a common hare of the western United States and Mexico, where it is found at elevations from sea level up to 10,000 ft (3,000 m).Reaching a length around 2 ft (61 cm), and a weight from 3 to 6 lb (1.4 to 2.7 kg), the black-tailed jackrabbit is one of the largest North American hares. However, we also (hopefully) know that they are both leporids i.e. Furthermore, rabbits are altricial, which means that they are born blind and hairless. Appearance: Hares have black markings on their fur. ", "To escape predators the [Eastern Cottontail] rely on a burst of speed (30 mph) and a zig zag motion to evade predators however it cannot keep up this speed for long. their young are born blind and hairless. Another big difference between a hare and a rabbit is their social skills. Other adaptions for high speed running in hares include wider nostrils and larger hearts. You wouldn’t really catch a rabbit in a big, open field! All the sources seemed to be accurate except the text book source. Rabbits in the City Rabbits prefer dense brush, but they easily adapt to h… This is where the speed comes into play. They have large home ranges, so a hare may be an occasional invader rather than a constant problem. So, what is the difference between a hare and a rabbit? Rabbits and hares are different species, but they share several important characteristics and are still part of the same order of mammal (Lagomorpha).They both have long ears, strong hindquarters, a divided upper lip, and basically, eat the same diet. 2. Most people probably don't know what differentiates a hare and a rabbit, and they are so remarkably similar that it's understandable. ", "The fastest of the rabbits and hares, Jack rabbits achieve speeds of about 70 km/h (about 45 mph) and can …. However, one of the most telling ways to distinguish between a hare and a rabbit is to look at how newborn hares differ from baby rabbits. There are currently no domestic hares. ". The five species of jackrabbits found in central and western North America are able to run at 64 km/h (40 mph) over longer distances, and can leap up to 3 m (10 ft) at a time. Preferred environment is another way to identify rabbits vs. hares. Hares give birth to their new one in open while rabbit … Yes, both hares and rabbits will have a little bit of overlap in their diet, but not as much as you may think! Biology. Hares also tend to have blackish marks on their fur. They tend to be a lot more mobile as a result, darting from one place to another. Occasionally some rabbits will … 1. Why a hare and not, you know, a chicken to lay those Easter eggs? The American Jackrabbit, which is actually a hare, is one of the fastest animals on the planet, being able to reach speeds of up to 45mph. I casually looked up Wikipedia for Hare. The faster of the two by far is the jackrabbit. Rabbits will tend to live underground in a complex system of tunnels known as a ‘burrow‘. Hares are not very social creatures at all. Often times this word will be used when people want to emphasiz… We all know that a rabbit and a hare are not the same animals. both the same type of animal. There are several differences in the physical features of hares and rabbits that allow us to distinguish between the two. It was announced on social media on 30 March 2019. and in-game on 12 April 2019. Rabbit vs Hare. Both rabbits and hares will molt their fur throughout the year. So, how do we actually tell the difference between the two groups? A hare in the wild will live for about 4-years, although there are some hares which have a shorter lifespan than this. The difference between a rabbit and a hare is most obvious at the time of birth. The cottontail rabbits have large ears and short legs and moves with a scurrying or scampering gait, they dig their own burrows and make a nest in a depression in the ground. Difference Between Rabbit and Hare Difference of Life in a Fast lane: Speed is really vital to hares for their survival, especially for a class that lives on open grasslands, such as the European hares, which can run at 37 body spans per second, he said. Both rabbit and hare can be cooked together without any ill effects to either or noticeable taste difference in the finished dish. This is, in part, down to the size of their legs. They tend to have fewer litters throughout the year too. Rabbits tend to keep the same color, but they change the thickness of the coat. Rabbits are generally broken down into two types regarding speed, cottontail rabbits and jackrabbits. 1. They forage for food in larger groups. A rabbit is not physically capable of travelling 4 km therefore its speed is oddly low compared to the rest of them. The shorter lifespan for the hare in the wild is due to where they are living and how open they are to predators. Rabbits prefer to munch on grass and the like. If they are out and about, then you are more likely to catch them on their own. The gestation period for a hare is a lot shorter than a rabbit. Both of these animals could live for a lot longer in captivity. Hares, like this one, are born precocial, meaning that they require little parental care. Well that rabbit was actually a hare. So it wasn't a rabbit which lost that race, but a Hare. Hares are substantially larger than rabbits. I want to know, what's the difference between hare and rabit. They have larger feet and are able to jump higher and run faster than rabbits. “Bunny,” on the other hand, is a colloquial term that has no scientific significance. In Splatoon 2 rabbits, on the other hand, can be cooked much faster, with fresh rabbit up. Be an occasional invader rather than in swift flight the intensely short gestation period for lot. Color during the first few months of their life rabbit which lost that race, but they to... Without fur and are able to jump higher and run faster than rabbits can be cooked together without ill! Legs, and they are to predators its speed is oddly low to! 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