Dolphins are very intelligent animals; the Amazon River Dolphin’s brain capacity is 40% larger than humans! *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The small flesh-eating piranha generally feeds on other fish but may attack any animal or human that enters the water. The more-elevated areas away from the rivers and their floodplains were—and still are in some of the more remote sectors—inhabited by small, widely dispersed, seminomadic tribes of Indians. Parakeets, which are more common in the Amazon than sparrows are in the United States, fly around in great flocks. Crocodiles are predators, and this black caiman is not the type of animals to meet. There is a notable paucity of large terrestrial mammal species; indeed, many of the mammals are arboreal. Facts about Amazon River 6: Animals Diversity. While the Amazon River supports the dense and extensive Amazon rainforest that is the world’s largest and most biodiverse tract of tropical rainforest, the river, and its branches are also home to a great diversity of aquatic and semi-aquatic fauna. The Amazon River … It … Also the region"s largest land herbivore, the tapir is easily recognized by its unusual proboscis, which functions like an elephant trunk. The teeth of the pacu are uncannily similar to that of humans. Among a host of other primate species are woolly monkeys, capuchin monkeys, titis, sakis, and marmosets. The teeth are squarer and straighter with a less sharp underbite than that of the piranha. One of the largest freshwater fish in the world—the arapaima, pirarucu, or paiche—can grow up to 15 feet in... Electric Eel. (The term caboclo refers to people of mixed European and Indian ancestry in Brazil who live off the rivers and forests). The small flesh-eating piranha generally feeds on other fish but may attack any animal or human that enters the water; its razor-sharp teeth cut out chunks of flesh, stripping a carcass of its meat in a few minutes. More than one-third of all known species in the world live in the Amazon rainforest, a giant tropical forest and river basin with an area that stretches more than 5,400,000 square kilometres (2,100,000 sq mi). Large cats, such as the jaguar and ocelot, have become rare, though pumas may be found in larger numbers in the Andean fringe of the basin. In 2014, scientists in Brazil published research in journal Plot One that river dolphins in the Araguaia river were a unique species, the Araguaian river dolphin. It can grow up to 1.7 m long. A Witoto family carries on the traditional culture that was once a way of life for more than 30 Witoto tribes of the western Amazon basin. They then coil around the prey’s body to constrict and suffocate it to death. The river basin of Amazon is largest and most biodiverse region in the world and home to over half of the planet’s remaining rainforest along with largest collection of living plants and animal species. Electric eels have a dark gray-brown dorsal color and a yellow to orange colored abdomen. One in ten known species in the world lives in the Amazon Rainforest as do one in five known bird species. The Tapir One of the oldest Brazilian Amazon animals, the tapir is the world"s most primitive large mammal. Transportation and energy infrastructure are essential for national and regional development, but when they are poorly planned, negative impacts can exceed short-term benefits. Most predators in Cuyabeno actually like water or at least tolerate it. Some fish species have become locally threatened as the worldwide demand for frozen and dried fish has increased. This snake can grow up to 5.21 m in length and weigh as much as 30 to 70 kg. The Amazon is one of Earth’s last refuges for jaguars, harpy eagles, and pink river dolphins, and it is home to sloths, black spider monkeys, and poison dart frogs. Fish represent a critical source of protein in the often meat-poor diet of the caboclo population. It is a group of freshwater fish living in the South American rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and floodplains including the Amazon River basin that is the subject of many horror tales and legends. These fish... Electric Eel… Pa… 02. This fish has a long, cylindrical body and can grow to about 2 m. It is the largest Gymnotiformes species. The Amazon Rainforest is also home to more than 10,000 species of mammals, 1,500 species of birds and the Amazon River and its tributaries have more than 3,000 species of fish. To give a succinct overview of the complete fauna of Amazonia is as impossible as it is to adequately describe the great diversity of its flora; in part this is because many of the region’s species have yet to be identified. As the human population increases and the shotgun replaces the blowgun, hunting of the wild fauna has been mounting. Tropical fish of the Amazon are also some of the most desired for food and breeding and for use as aquarium specimens. The Eunectes murinus is a non-venomous boa species that is the heaviest and one of the longest species of snakes found in the world today. Black Caiman. Some of the most notable residents of the Amazon River have been mentioned below: Melanosuchus niger is a large crocodilian that lives in the Amazon basin’s slow-moving rivers and lakes. Throughout the day the caciques quarrel in trees where their hanging nests swing by the dozens. The Amazon Rainforest is home to 427 mammal species, 1,300 bird species, 378 species of reptiles, and more than 400 species of amphibians. By Oishimaya Sen Nag on July 18 2019 in Environment. They wait for their prey just below the water surface and strikes out as soon as prey is detected. It is the richest tropical forest in the world in terms of biodiversity. All species are used for food and frequently are seen for sale in local markets. The Amazon is also home to the semiaquatic capybara, the largest rodent in … There is considerable debate within the scientific community as to whether the Amazon river dolphin is actually one, two, or potentially even three different species.. Morning and evening, the parrots and macaws fly to and from their … Although fishing for Arapaima is heavily regulated, it is believed the fish has depleted or overexploited populations. Birds, mammals, fish, and reptiles constitute its food base. Melanosuchus niger is a large crocodilian that lives in the Amazon basin’s slow-moving rivers and lakes. They feed on smaller fish, small terrestrial animals that move close to the shore, crustaceans, etc. They are considered the most intelligent of the river … The pacu is a group of several species of omnivorous freshwater serrasalmid fish found in the waters of the Amazon. The Arapaima is heavily exploited by humans. Leaf-cutter ants (of the genera Atta and Acromyrmex) are prevalent, as are the ubiquitous small black flies known as piums in Brazil. Some of the predators include: Both the Jaguar, Panthera onca, and the Ocelot, Leopardus pardalis, like water rich forests; Jaguars are known to actually like swimming. The pacu are also more dependent on plant material for their diet rather than flesh. Iquitos, Manaus, and the Colombian port of Leticia are centres of these trades. Of the animals that live within the Amazon River itself, this pink freshwater dolphin is a crowd favorite. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. 10 Amazing Amazon River Animals Anaconda. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. They can grow up to six meters (20 feet) long, with bigger, heavier skulls than Nile crocodiles, and are the apex predator in … These pink river dolphins have a wide prey base including 53 species of fish, freshwater crabs, and river turtles. Amazon river dolphin. What Animals Live In The Amazon Rainforest? Big Black Crocodile. Pacu are often sold to home aquarium owners as "vegetarian piranhas”. River Animals (Animals in Their Habitats) dvd one: 1-Piranha 2-Alligator Gar 3-European Maneater (wels catfish) 4-Amazon Assassins (arapaima) dvd two: 1-Amazon Flesh Eaters 2-Freshwater (Bull) Shark 3-Killer Catfish (giant goonch) Among snakes the nonpoisonous boa constrictor and anaconda are notable for their size, the latter reaching lengths up to 30 feet (9 metres). The rivers and streams of the basin teem with life, and the forest canopy resonates with the cries of birds and monkeys and the whine of insects. Morning and evening, the parrots and macaws fly to and from their feeding grounds, their brilliant plumage flashing in the sunlight and their raucous voices calling out their presence. Large numbers of Indians were taken into slavery, especially during organized raids (bandeiras) from the 16th to the 18th century; many others succumbed to such European diseases as influenza, measles, and smallpox. Amazon Rainforest is a moist forest located into nine nations of South America along the Amazon River. The small, agile squirrel monkey, the most ubiquitous of Amazonia’s monkeys, is used in laboratories, as is the larger spider monkey. The sides of the head usually exhibit orange-yellow striping. Amazon River Dolphins are often seen swimming on their backs, this thought to be due to their ‘chubby cheeks’ which obstruct their downward vision. As the world’s second-largest river, the Amazon River and its tributaries thrive with various forms of life. They are particularly agile and stealthy in the water and lurk in the Amazon River in wait of anything they can strike and overpower, which includes jaguars, caimans, turtles, wild pigs, deer and even humans. Males of this species are significantly longer and heavier than females. Another wave of immigration began at the end of World War II, spurred by the rapid economic development of the region. Its body is pale pink, with an elongated neck that can be moved left and right, a long snout reminiscent of a beak, a rounded head, and a smaller dorsal fin. More than 8,000 species of insects alone have been collected and classified. A black caiman is basically an alligator on steroids. River Animals (Animals in Their Habitats) [Galko, Francine] on Everywhere is heard the twittering of small birds, the sound of woodpeckers, and the guttural noises of such waterbirds as herons, cormorants, roseate spoonbills, and scarlet ibises. What Animals Live In The Amazon River? Among the more important commercial species are the pirarucu (Arapaima gigas), one of the world’s largest freshwater fish, and various giant catfish. Navigate parenthood with the help of the Raising Curious Learners podcast. Today, the black caiman population has recovered to some extent and it is listed as a Conservation Dependent species. Nearly everyone is familiar with the name piranha. These groups traditionally have relied predominantly on hunting large and small animals and on gathering wild fruits, berries, and nuts while practicing small-patch agriculture of low yield. Although they are slow on land, they can move fast in the water. Other animals of the forest include two varieties of arboreal sloths, three types of anteaters, armadillos, and iguanas, the last especially prized for their flesh. Among the arthropods of the Amazon Rainforest are spiders (including orb weavers and tarantulas), scorpions, centipedes, millipedes, butterflies, wasps, rhinoceros beetles, ponerine ants, mantids, and walkingsticks. These fish are also caught in game fishing and commercial fishing operations. Three pairs of abdominal organs in the fish allow it to produce electricity. At the time of the European conquest, the bottomlands and fringing upland surfaces of the Amazon River and its major tributaries supported relatively dense, sedentary populations of indigenous peoples who practiced intensive root-crop farming, supplemented by fishing and by hunting aquatic mammals and reptiles. Piranhas have one of the most powerful bites among all bony fishes. The Amazon basin is exceedingly rich in birdlife. The early European explorers of the Amazon provisioned themselves from the food supplies of the Indians they met and commandeered their canoes. The green anaconda has an olive green color with black blotches along its length. However, by the early 21st century the Indian population had dropped to fewer than 200,000, partly as a result of deforestation and commercial exploitation on their lands. About 2,500 fish species have been found within the Amazon system, but many more remain unidentified. Alligators are hunted for their skins, river turtles and their eggs are considered a delicacy, and the giant sea cow, or manatee, is sought for its flesh and for oil. Amazonian Indians perfected the use of quinine as a specific against malaria, extracted cocaine from the leaves of the coca tree, and collected the sap of the Brazilian rubber tree. Countless bats inhabit the Amazonian night, including the blood-eating vampire bat. The Amazon is home to the largest otter in the world, which is native to Central and South America. Among snakes the nonpoisonous boa constrictor and anaconda are notable for their size, the latter reaching lengths up to 30 feet (9 metres). At dusk, toucans cry a discordant plaint from the treetops and are joined by ground-dwelling tinamous and quail. Although related to the piranha, the pacu has a different type of dental structure than the former. Hoatzins screech in noisy flocks from streamside brush, while solitary hawks and eagles scream from tree stumps. The most dangerous animals in the Amazon River are Red-Bellied Piranhas, Black caimans, Bull sharks, Payara (the Vampire fish), and Pacu, which is another terrifying fish living in the Amazonian river. The Amazon River's 4,000-mile (6,437 km) journey begins high in the Andes. These, and several other species of cats are present in Cuyabeno. All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions © 2020 The Amazon is found in South America, spanning across Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana. One of their arrow poisons, curare, has been used to treat a host of paralyses and spastic disorders, including multiple sclerosis. 3. Those living north of the Amazon River speak languages of the Arawaks and Caribs, while those to the south speak predominantly Tupian languages. Smaller carnivores include coati, grisons, and weasels. Pacu also grows larger than piranhas. Other animals include caiman, river turtles, river dolphins, and manatees. Some of the animals that live in the Amazon Rainforest include jaguars, sloths, river dolphins, macaws, anacondas, glass frogs, and poison dart frogs. Better known as the Caiman. Water buffalo, introduced from Southeast Asia as work and dairy cattle, predominate in the remote, swampy parts of Marajó Island. 10 Unique Animals of the Amazon River Basin 01. The Inia geoffrensis is endemic to the Amazon River basin where its three subspecies are found. It is also found in the seasonally flooded savannas in the region. The former type of discharge is used by the electric eel to sense the environment while the latter type is used to detect and stun prey. The night air is filled with the cries of various species of nightjars. Amazon River Dolphin Species . Although few human deaths have been associated with piranha attacks, the majority of such attacks result in minor cuts and injuries. It is the largest river dolphin species that can weigh as much as 185 kg and grow as long as 2.5 m. These dolphins are noted for the pink color of adults which is more prominent in males. Of note are the howler monkeys, which make the selva resound with their morning and evening choruses. Out of the Amazon river animals, you may not guess the sloth is a strong swimmer but it is, and if you watch out for it maybe you will see it doing the front crawl. Weighing up to 150 pounds, the capybara is the world's largest rodent. Other animals of the forest include two varieties of arboreal sloths, three types of anteaters, armadillos, and iguanas, the last especially prized for their flesh. The tapir, the white-lipped peccary, and several species of deer are native to the Amazon basin and much sought for their meat. More than 1,400 species of mammals are found in the Amazon, the majority of which are species of bats and rodents. Running through the north of the rainforest is the Amazon River — a network of many hundreds of waterways that stretches 6,840km. Amazon (Pink) River Dolphin. Advertising Learn about the Rapa Nui of Easter Island It can reach a length of 450 centimeters (177.17 inches) and weigh up to 200 kilograms (440 lbs). Electrophorus electricus is an electric fish that despite its name, is not an eel but a knifefish. These fish can grow as long as 3 m and weigh around 90 kg. Although believed to be fierce carnivores, piranhas are actually omnivores that feed on both plant and animal matter. In the early 1990s the Indian population of the Amazon basin numbered about 600,000, of whom perhaps close to one-third lived in Brazil and the rest in the Oriente regions of the four Andean countries. What animals live in the Amazon? Unfortunately, decades of poaching of the species for its velvety pelt has led to a severe decline in the population of the giant otter. Tupian was used as a lingua franca between Europeans and Indians until the Portuguese became dominant in the 19th century; nonetheless, Brazilian Portuguese has been heavily influenced by Tupian. Conservation strategies were then launched to protect the species. Green Anaconda Snake. And they also prey on people who are not lucky … The giant otter is the noisiest otter species and often exhibits territorial behavior. Especially characteristic of the Amazon forest are several species of monkeys. The Arapaima are gigantic carnivorous fish living in South America’s Amazon and Essequibo basins. Aquatic animals also include river dolphins (Inia geoffrensis); the semiaquatic capybara, the largest rodent in the world (weighing up to 170 pounds [80 kg]); and the nutria, or coypu, valued especially for its pelt. The Amazon River Dolphin looks remarkably different from its more familiar, ocean-faring cousin. The result was a complete breakdown of native life and a precipitous decrease in the Indian population; survivors fled into increasingly inaccessible sections of the Amazon basin. Its larger mammals include the jaguar, ocelot, capybara and tapir… The Most Dangerous Animals Of The Amazon Rainforest. The Amazon basin is exceedingly rich in birdlife. The Amazon basin has long been relatively uninhabited. These fish are torpedo-shaped and have large blackish-green scales with a mineralized hard outer layer. Soon as prey is detected it primarily feeds on small fish, small caimans, and.! Fish represent a critical source of protein in the Amazon River 6: Animals Diversity while hawks. They wait for their diet rather than flesh 1,400 species of deer are native to South... While amazon river animals hawks and eagles scream from tree stumps can reach a length of centimeters. Of cats are present in Cuyabeno actually like water or at least tolerate it found in the Amazonian around. 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