He is thought to be the god of Winter, of hunting, of hand-to-hand combat, and of the willow tree. Ullr ("Glory") is the God of justice and duelling, archery and skiing. Skates, snowboards and skateboards. For people with the Estonian given name Ülle, see. Oath rings and torcs. Freyja – Like Aphrodite, she was the goddess of fertility, sex, sensuality, music, flowers, love, and luxury. He is said to the son of Sif and is described as being "beautiful to look at as well and he has all the characteristics of a warrior. Ullr is often “married off” to Skaði, though there are no attestations of this, and in contrast many attestations of Skaði’s enduring marriage to Njörðr. The horns figure in the mythological stories of Odin and are recalled in traditional Norse toasting rituals. His name means "glory". References to him in Old Norse literature are sparse and tell us little to nothing about his personality or role in pre-Christian religion and mythology. One is largely derived from the other, ... Odin's symbol, the Valknot, is surrounded by Odin's gift, the Elder Futhark. Lilla Ullevi (“Little Shrine of Ullr”) is an actual preserved shrine that was unearthed just north of Stockholm. He is such a good archer and skier than no one can compete with him. Dark green colours. Snorri's note that a shield can be called Ullr's ship is borne out by surviving skaldic poetry with kennings such as askr Ullar, far Ullar and kjóll Ullar all meaning Ullr's ship and referring to shields. MyNDIR (My Norse Digital Image Repository), Sacred trees and groves in Germanic paganism and mythology, Mythological Norse people, items and places, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ullr&oldid=987264500, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. His euhemerized Ullr, in the, One interesting theory of Ullr’s parentage, proposed by Viktor Rydberg (, Ullr is a very ancient god about whom very little is historically known, at least at this point in time. He is a good one to pray to in single combat." He resides at Ydalir (Yew Dales). The first element owlþu, for wolþu-, means "glory", "glorious one", Old Norse Ullr, Old English wuldor. The god pauses on a slope, raising his curved longbow to take aim, arrow already nocked. It was pronounced "Ool" in ancient times, but today is generally pronounced "Ooler". Bragi – God of eloquence and poetry, he was also son of Odin and husband of Idun. Ullr is described by Saxo Grammaticas as a rotating ruler deity; a chieftain who takes turns. Ull, Old Norse Ullr, in Norse mythology, a god associated with skis and the bow, according to the Icelandic poet and historian Snorri Sturluson in his Prose Edda. Snorri informs his readers that Ullr can be called ski-god, bow-god, hunting-god and shield-god. In Norse mythology, Ullr is the Winter God of the Hunt, Skill, Duel, Snowshoes, the Bow, and the Shield. Nov 5, 2020 - Explore ᚠᚱᚩᛥᛁᛖ's board "Ullr", followed by 124 people on Pinterest. Skates, snowboards and skateboards. His euhemerized Ullr, in the Gesta Danorum, sails across water and through the skies on a rib bone. Although Ullr is a very obscure god in old Norse literature, it is believed that he was once a highly venerated and widely worshiped god. The word ‘Ullr’ comes from two words in the Ancient Norse language: one meaning glory, and one meaning servant. Ullr Fest honors the Norse god of snow. Celtic Mythology.. Norse Pagan. Another strophe in Grímnismál also mentions Ullr. Ullr is mentioned in the poem Grímnismál where the homes of individual gods are recounted. They also agree with Snorri’s kennings, such as several warrior and skill kennings for Ullr, and especially the popular name for a shield as “Ullr’s ship” (Ullr once sailed across a lake on his shield!). It has been suggested that this is the remnant of a pair of divine twins[5] and further that there may have been a female Ullin, on the model of divine pairs such as Fjörgyn and Fjörgynn. Among his attributes, Ullr is described as being especially attractive. Oaths to him were sworn over rings. The shrine was in a remarkable state, with beautifully preserved wooden and stone structures, as well as 65 oath rings of various sizes strewn about the area. Odin, Thor and Freyr are figures that we know. Historical Period. He rules over the, Bows and arrows, arrow heads, axes and hatchets, yew trees, ever-greens. Camping. Ullr is the god of sports. Niwajmariz means "well-honored". ), Viktor Rydberg speculates in his Teutonic Mythology that Ullr was the son of Sif and Egill-Örvandill, half-brother of Svipdagr-Óðr, nephew of Völundr and a cousin of Skaði. Ullr is the son of the grain goddess Sif, and therefore the stepson of the thunder god Thor. Ullr is described by Saxo Grammaticas as a rotating ruler deity; a chieftain who takes turns. First things up, see that God Of War logo (which started as an Omega but is now a Norse omen) – above carefully and you’ll soon be able to notice eight Elder Futhark runic alphabets simply shown on it. Ullr is a handsome hunting winter-god, the son of the goddess Sif, and the stepson of the thunder-god, Thor. Ollerus ruled under the name Odin for ten years until the true Odin was called back. Ullr (pronounced “ULL-er,” often Anglicized as “Ull,” and also occasionally referred to as “Ullinn”) is an obscure and enigmatic Norse god. Early skis, or perhaps sleds, might have been reminiscent of shields. Nov 17, 2014 - In early Germanic paganism, *Wulþuz ("glory"; Old Norse Ullr) appears to have been a major god, or an epithet of an important god, in prehistoric times. His father, Egill, was the greatest archer in the mythology, and Ullr follows in his father's footsteps. Northern Lights. Uller, also called Ullr or Ull, appears in Norse myth. Amongst the snow-capped forests of the frigid north resides the hunter-God of Glory, Ullr. It is … Modern pagans thus see Ullr as a god of oaths, promises and contracts. Features an original design of the norse god Ullr, skilled in archery and a swift and nimble skier. Animal pelts. References to him in Old Norse literature are sparse and tell us little to nothing about his personality or role in pre-Christian religion and mythology. No one knows who his real father is. The Icelandic form is Ullur. This page was last edited on 5 November 2020, at 23:08. (1.65" high, 1.3" wide) The price in silver is $55 and in bronze it is $15. The Old Norse Language and How to Learn It, The Swastika – Its Ancient Origins and Modern (Mis)use. Little is known about Uller, though … In the mainland North Germanic languages, the modern form is Ull. Education . Again we seem to find Ullr associated with some sort of ceremony, this time that of swearing an oath by a ring, a practice associated with Thor in later sources. The strophe is obscure but may refer to some sort of religious ceremony. Northern Lights. One reference is to “Ullr’s ring” which is thought to coincide with the rings found at Lilla Ullevi. Snorri says: 1. Kennings establi… According to the 13th century Prose Edda, Uller is the son of Sif, but he is the step-son of Thorrather than his son. It was folklore that his oath ring would shrink to sever a limb or finger if you went back on your oath to him! Búri – He was the first gods of all Norse mythology, the roots of all divine race, grandfather of Odin, and was risen by a cow called Auðumbla. Ullr's name appears in several important Norwegian and Swedish place names (but not in Denmark or in Iceland). His name means glory, glorious, or dazzling. "Ull is the name of one, son of Sif, stepson of Thor. In chapter 31 of Gylfaginning in the Prose Edda, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson, Ullr is referred to as a son of Sif (with a father unrecorded in surviving sources) and as a stepson of Sif's husband; the major Germanic god Thor: In Skáldskaparmál, the second part of the Prose Edda, Snorri mentions Ullr again in a discussion of kennings. From shop PicturesqueAtelier. Rydberg also postulates he also ruled over the Vanir when they held Ásgarðr during the war between the Vanir and the Æsir, however Rudolf Simek states "this has no basis in the sources whatsoever". The second element, -þewaz, means "slave, servant". Commonalities we see between Cernunnos and Ullr include: gods associated with the deep woods, hunting for the tribe, kingship – Ullr as a chieftain, and Cernunnos with his king-symbol the torc, and with oath rings binding rulers and their subjects. Some scholars think he is actually. Thus, Ullr was often related to battle and to duels, and would quite often be called upon before them. Ull, Old Norse Ullr, in Norse mythology, a god associated with skis and the bow, according to the Icelandic poet and historian Snorri Sturluson in his Prose Edda. He is also beautiful in appearance and has a warrior's accomplishments. Ullr is a very ancient god about whom very little is historically known, at least at this point in time. Very little is actually said about Ullr in the Eddas. History. Explore. He is attested in the Poetic Edda, the Prose Edda, Skaldic poetry, and the Gesta Danorum. In Saxo Grammaticus' 12th century work Gesta Danorum, where gods appear euhemerized, Ollerus is described as a cunning wizard with magical means of transportation: When Odin was exiled, Ollerus was chosen to take his place. Amongst the snow-capped forests of the frigid north resides the hunter-God of Glory, Ullr. The, Saxo Grammaticus, in a surprising turn-about, remains very close to the Ullr descriptions elsewhere, though of course he couldn’t resist plumping up the drama. It seems likely that he didn't know any, the god having faded from memory. The Vikings primarily associated the bow … The division between Norse and Celtic is somewhat arbitrary. It is possible that he is the Saami interpretation of Óðin. Bows and arrows, arrow heads, axes and hatchets, yew trees, ever-greens. The English versions shown here are by Thorpe. ga('send', 'pageview');
London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co. Reprinted 2001, Elibron Classics. The whole compound is a personal name or title, "servant of the glorious one", "servant/priest of Ullr". The symbol consists of three interlocked drinking horns, and is commonly worn or displayed as a sign of commitment to the modern Asatru faith. He is the son of Sif, the Goddess of Fertility, and the step-son of Thor, the God of Thunder. In turn a shield can be called Ullr's ship.This illustration from an 18th-century Icelandic manuscript shows Ullr on his skis and with his bow. Feb 25, 2014 - Ullr, Lord of Ydalir, God of the Hunt and the Skiing. Ullr possesses warrior-like attributes and is called upon for aid in individual combat. There are many theories about who he may be. References to him in Old Norse literature are sparse and tell us little to nothing about his personality or role in pre-Christian religion and mythology. In this scenario, his father Egill-Örvandill was the greatest archer in all the realms, and Ullr follows in his father’s footsteps. LOKI SYMBOL Necklace, Norse God, God of Mischief, Vikings, Scandinavian, Symbol, Art Pendant Necklace, Glass Pendant, Handmade Jewelry PicturesqueAtelier. Reserved, secretive, Ullr does not represent the tankard downing, boast bellowing contemporaries of the Norse Pantheon, but pays respectful tribute to glory in all its forms. Like Óðin, Ullr is a leader of the Wild Hunt. ga('create', 'UA-84539825-1', 'auto');
(For a possible nickname *Ringir for Ullr see under the name Ringsaker. Glory is in the silence of snowfall, in the honorable victory earned from single combat, in the perfect curve of a yew bow firing an arrow true. Snorri Sturluson ; translated by Jean I. (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
Ullr lacks supernatural powers like many other gods, but it is rumored that Ullr still keeps company with powerful gods like Odin, Thor, and Loki. Oath rings and torcs. While the origin of this kenning is unknown it could be connected with the identity of Ullr as a ski-god. It wasn’t that the Norse needed a god to rule over their sports– it was that they needed one who would bestow glory upon those who were good at them.
In the book Hammered, third book in The Iron Druid Chronicles, Ullr makes an appearance when the main character and his five man team raid Asgard. Oct 22, 2014 - Solid Pine placard, measures 11 1/2" high by 9" wide, and 3/4" thick with an attractive routed edge. Ull possessed warrior-like attributes and was called upon for aid in individual combat. The symbol is in the shape of an Odal/Othala rune in the Elder Futhark. It may not be a coincidence that they are the only ones to refer to Ullr. Note his shaggy fur cloak and the quiver of arrows lashed to his back. Snorri’s assessments are confirmed by Skaldic poetry, where Thor is mentioned several times as Ullr’s step-father. The medieval Norse word was Latinized as Ollerus. It seems likely that the name Ýdalir is connected with the idea of Ullr as a bow-god. An Ullr medallion or Ullr ski medal, depicting the Scandinavian god Ullr on skis holding a bow and arrow, is widely worn as a talisman by both recreational and professional skiers as well as ski patrols in Europe and elsewhere. Ullr's name comes from wuldor, an Old High German word meaning "glory". })(window,document,'script','https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga');
, Ullr is supported in the archaeological record by the Thorsburg chape. One interesting theory of Ullr’s parentage, proposed by Viktor Rydberg (Teutonic Mythology) is that Ullr is the son of Sif and Egill-Örvandill, half-brother of Svipdagr-Óðr, a nephew of Völundr and a cousin of Skaði. The Thorsburg chape (a chape is a metal fitting from a sword scabbard) inscription dates from around 200 CE, by far one of the oldest mentions of Ullr specifically. A servant to the glory. There are many theories about who he may be. Skis, snowshoes, shields. "Ulle" redirects here. Venison, and game meat. Saxo Grammaticus, in a surprising turn-about, remains very close to the Ullr descriptions elsewhere, though of course he couldn’t resist plumping up the drama. Some scholars think he is actually Heimdall, due to their very similar descriptions. The last reference to Ullr in the Poetic Edda is found in Atlakviða: Both Atlakviða and Grímnismál are often considered to be among the oldest extant Eddic poems. Winter, snow and ice. An illustration from Fredrik Sander's 1893 … The Thorsberg chape (a metal piece belonging to a scabbard found in the Thorsberg moor) bears an Elder Futhark inscription, one of the earliest known altogether, dating to roughly AD 200. Old English wuldor and the Gothic wulþus), possibly in reference to the god, is attested on the 3rd century Thorsberg chape (as owlþu-), and there are many placenames in Ullr and a related name, Ullinn, but medieval Icelandic sources have only sparse material on the god Ullr. He is the patron god of archery, and protector of hunters and rangers through the wilderness. Someone who could serve those who were most glorious. Dark green colours. Ullr was always depicted on skiis with a longbow made of yew, Ullr was an honourable God who personified the Wild Hunt that the Vikings not only used for food, but in battle to "hunt" down their enemies and sacrifices. Ullr is supported in the archaeological record by the Thorsburg chape, and through Lilla Ullevi. The Poetic Edda mentions Ullr’s hall, Ýdalir (“Yew Dales”) and makes a couple of references to obscure ceremonies involving the god. The first element owlþu, for wolþu-, means "glory", "glorious one", Old Norse Ullr, Old English wuldor. A late Icelandic composition, Laufás-Edda, offers the prosaic explanation that Ullr's ship was called Skjöldr, "Shield". Feb 25, 2014 - Ullr, Lord of Ydalir, God of the Hunt and the Skiing. In the game Totally Accurate Battle Simulator, Ullr is a secret unit with the ability to freeze entire armies. In early Germanic paganism, *Wulþuz ("glory") appears to have been an important concept, perhaps personified as a god, or an epithet of an important god; it is continued in Old Norse tradition as Ullr, a god associated with hunting and archery. In early Germanic paganism, *Wulþuz ("glory") appears to have been an important concept, perhaps personified as a god, or an epithet of an important god; it is continued in Old Norse tradition as Ullr, a god associated with archery. He also rules in Óðin’s place for ten years before being run out of town as an usurper. Rydberg, Viktor Undersökningar i Germanisk Mythologi, 2 volumes (1886–1889) Volume 1 (1886), translated as "Teutonic Mythology" (1889), Rasmus B. Anderson. The Thorsburg chape (a chape is a metal fitting from a sword scabbard) inscription dates from around 200 CE, by far one of the oldest mentions of Ullr specifically. Ullr ranges through his forested realm whenever he’s not watching the High Seat for Óðin. Announcing our NEW encyclopedia for Kids! Breck Ullr Fest was first held in 1963. Other such inferences include: Ullr as a son of Óðin, a son of Njörðr, a biological son of Thor, or even the incest child of Freyr and Freya. The town of Breckenridge, Colorado hosts a week-long festival called "Ullr Fest" each year in January, featuring numerous events designed to win his favor in an effort to bring snow to the historic ski town. Nevertheless, these passing references indicate that he was once a deity of considerable importance, even if we don’t know why. See more ideas about norse mythology, norse, asatru. Ullr is supported in the archaeological record by the Thorsburg chape, and through Lilla Ullevi. The name of Ullr is also common in warrior kennings, where it is used as other god names are. The Troll Cross is a Norse symbol of protection thought to be a part of Swedish folklore mostly. He rules over the Æsir whenever Óðin goes wandering, and he ruled the Vanir during the early wars with the Æsir. The term wolþu- "glory" (cf. Announcing our NEW encyclopedia for Kids! He had a hall in Asgard which was called Ydalir, which means Yew Grove, linked to the idea that yew was the best wood for bows, though they were also made from ash or elm. But almost nobody knows Ullr; in fact we aren't even sure what his name was. The new GOW logo has been updated from the greek Omega symbol to a Norse painted circle imbued with runes. It is believed to provide protection against evil elves, trolls and dark magic. Dotted across the lands of the Faithf… Among his attributes, Ullr is described as being especially attractive. The Triple Horn of Odin is yet another symbol of the great Norse God Odin. In Norse mythology, Ull (or Ullr or Uller) is the son of Sif, and the stepson of Thor. It seems to indicate Ullr as an important god. The runes Úr and Eoh. As such, his holy days include the traditional commencement of the Wild Hunt: the date of the first frost – sometime between October and November in the Northern Hemisphere, marked in modern times with Halloween. Ullr Basics. Ull is said there to be the handsome son of Sif and the stepson of her husband Thor. Ullr helped Svipdagr-Eiríkr rescue Freyja from the giants. Feb 25, 2014 - Ullr, Lord of Ydalir, God of the Hunt and the Skiing. Ski journals, websites, blogs and even a Wikipedia pages mention Ullr’s importance in the ski community and how we should praise him hoping for a good season. [8], Ullr is a playable character in the video game Smite.[9]. Ullr’s name means “Glory” and he is the god of hunting, archery, and survival, as well as single combat and duels. Uller's father is not named in any of the surviving sources. Ullr (pronounced “ULL-er,” often Anglicized as “Ull,” and also occasionally referred to as “Ullinn”) is an obscure and enigmatic Norse god. Three skaldic poems, Þórsdrápa, Haustlöng and a fragment by Eysteinn Valdason, refer to Thor as Ullr's stepfather, confirming Snorri's information. The Anglo-Saxons called him Vulder; in some places in Germany he was known as Holler and said to be the husband of the Germanic goddess Holda. m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m)
Ullr’s name means “Glory” and he is the god of hunting, archery, and survival, as well as single combat and duels. Ullr ranges through his forested realm whenever he’s not watching the High Seat for Óðin. The yew was an important material in the making of bows, and the word ýr, "yew", is often used metonymically to refer to bows. Snorri’s Prose Edda lists Ullr as the son of Sif, and Thor as his step-father, but remains frustratingly silent on the matter of Ullr’s biological father – usually an important matter in Old Norse society. Ullr (pronounced “ULL-er,” often Anglicized as “Ull,” and also occasionally referred to as “Ullinn”) is an obscure and enigmatic Norse god. Over the span of 100 years, skiers decided that Skadi and Ullr got married and that Ullr was the god of snow and worth making ski sacrifices to. Ullr is not just the Norse god of skiing, but also of martial artists, and this video explains why. He is the patron god of archery, and protector of hunters and rangers through the wilderness. (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){
How has he been all but written out from Norse … Reserved, secretive, Ullr does not represent the tankard downing, boast bellowing contemporaries of the Norse Pantheon, but pays respectful tribute to glory in all its forms. He is married to Skadi, the goddess of winter, and the ex-wife of Njord. Venison, and game meat. Ullr was also a god of hunting. Animal pelts. Many modern pagans see connections between him and another mysterious hunter deity, Celtic Cernunnos or “The Horned God” as he is called in modern day Wicca. Each winter he covered the earth with snow to protect it from harm. The Old English cognate wuldor means "glory" but is not used as a proper name, although it figures frequently in kennings for the Christian God such as wuldres cyning "king of glory", wuldorfæder "glory-father" or wuldor alwealda "glorious all-ruler". Ullr is an ancient, pre-Viking era Norse God. The runes. 4.5 out of 5 stars (51) 51 reviews. Very little is actually said about Ullr in the Eddas. Ullr is the son of the grain goddess Sif, and therefore the stepson of the thunder god Thor. The Land Of Ullr. Skis, snowshoes, shields. Ýdalir the “Yew Dales,” is his hall. Camping. This indicates that Ullr had at some point a religious importance in Scandinavia that is greater than what is immediately apparent from the scant surviving textual references. NORSE GODS: ULLR. Despite these tantalising tidbits Snorri relates no myths about Ullr. Owlþuþewaz niwajmariz roughly translates to “Well honoured servant of the Glorious One,” or “Servant (or priest) of Ullr.”. 1964. He is said to live at Ydalir ("yew-dales"). [6] Probably Ullr’s name also can be read in the former Finnish municipality Ullava in Central Osthrobotnia Region. Uller, Ull, Ullur, Wulþuz, Wuldor, Ollerus, Holler, Herne, Tapio, Father Wuldor, Jack Frost. The Thorsburg chape (a chape is a metal fitting from a sword scabbard) inscription dates from around 200 CE, by far one of the oldest mentions of Ullr specifically. Ullr, Lord of Ydalir, God of the Hunt and the Skiing.