amzn_assoc_linkid = "b152b8875f44675858983f624dcaf354"; Prep stuffing ingredients and clean the bird. Use more if needed to coat all locations. Call 1-800-BUTTERBALL for all your turkey tips & tricks! For convection oven, reduce time by 25 per cent. Remove the giblets and the neck from the cavity and wash it out with water. Your turkey is done when the temperature with a meat thermometer is 180° F in thigh and 170° F in breast or stuffing. Remember to leave time for the turkey to stand before carving. ); Pile up any extra stuffing between the legs. Learn how your comment data is processed. Take 15 minutes off each hour on the recommended times above. Place your turkey in the oven. } On medium heat, pour canola oil in skillet and then add onion. Serve your turkey with these Thanksgiving sides: Easy Lump-Free Turkey Gravy,  Yams and Swiss Chard or Kale Gratin, Cranberry Sauce, Brussels Sprouts with Bacon or not, Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Chestnuts and finish your meal with Sweet Potato Pie or Pumpkin Pecan Cheesecake. Feel free to use whatever bread or bread cubes you have available, including from a package in the same quantity as below. For comprehensive information related convection ovens, be sure to check out this convection oven guide. height:120px!important; When using a temperature probe for roasting, place the probe in the thigh of the bird. 5. As a general reminder, you should always test your turkey … If your pan is large enough, add the pecans, dried fruit, stuffing and bread cubes and stir or put all ingredients in a large bowl. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; (Allow ½ cup (125 ml) of stuffing per pound (500 g) of turkey.) Remove plastic bag. Remove the foil cover after about 1 to 1 1/2 hours of cooking to brown the skin. Step 2: Stuff main cavity. Add the thyme, sage and parsley, salt and pepper and remove from heat. It will take about 10% longer in a conventional oven and it will take longer for a larger turkey. Brush skin with vegetable oil to prevent drying. clear: none; Take the turkey out of the oven and place an instant read thermometer in between the breast and the thigh. If the wings and legs look like they are getting too brown, cover with foil. Stir in chicken stock and get ready to stuff your bird. Cooking time will vary by different ovens and whether or not the turkey is stuffed. Place the stuffed turkey into the preheated oven and baste it with the turkey broth in a bulb baster every 45-60 minutes (See how to make broth here). }, Thaw Frozen Turkey: 3 days in refrigerator  Prep 60 mins   Roast 3 hours   Eat 4 hours. VARIATIONS ON TURKEY IN A ROASTER: Instant Pot: Using an 8 quart model which can handle a 8-9 pound turkey on a trivet, season according to the recipe and cook 6 minutes per pound with a 10 minute natural pressure release. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; Carefully season between the skin and meat on the breast and sides next to the thighs. Now, place this stuffed meat in the oven, set at around 200°F, for a brief period till the juices get uniformly mixed. Slow roast the turkey at 300F. 3. Save the giblets and the neck to make a stock for an easy lump-free gravy while the turkey is cooking. 3. If desired, … If you have a convection oven, then let us tell you that cooking turkey in it will not take a very long period of time. This will make the bird taste better and stay moist. The turkey can be basted several times during the cooking time. //s.eVar15 = ""; The general rule is 15 to 20 minutes per pound of turkey when cooking an unstuffed turkey. Cook onions a few minutes or until they begin to wilt. After the turkey is removed from the oven, let it rest for minimum 30 minutes. Take the guesswork out of turkey cooking by using Butterball’s preparation calculators and conversion tables to find measurements and estimate thaw and cook times. Place turkey on an oven roasting pan with a v-shaped rack. The simplest way to figure out turkey roasting times is to calculate 13 minutes per pound at 350°F for an unstuffed turkey … Step 3: Stuff neck opening. It will take about 10% longer  or about 13-14 minutes per pound in a conventional oven and it will take longer for a larger turkey. If you're using a convection oven, a 3-pound breast should take about 1 1/2–2 hours at 350F. Butterball, a North Carolina-based company that produces turkeys and turkey products from egg to market, recommends that you roast a whole turkey breast at 325 degrees. Juices will run clear when the turkey is done. For example, a 20 pound stuffed turkey will take 4 1/4 to 5 1/4 hours to cook. Step 1: Season Bird. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. In a convection oven, a 3- to 5 1/2-lb. This is not recommended with frozen solid turkeys as it will remain in the Temperature Danger Zone for too long. Set aside the turkey, while you make the stuffing and preheat the oven. s.prop5 = s.prop4; Before we turn to the table, here’s a tip if you are cooking turkey in a convection oven. This recipe is enough to stuff a 12-15 pound turkey. Place the turkey in the preheated oven and roast per the recommended time on the convection oven chart or until the meat thermometer reads 165°F. Take the turkey out of the oven and place an instant read thermometer in between the breast and the thigh. Your thermometer will give you an accurate time to take the bird out of the oven. // Manipulate variables Add the thyme, sage and parsley, salt and pepper and remove from heat. Pile up any extra stuffing between the legs. It will take about 10% longer in a conventional oven and it will take longer for a larger turkey. Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Chestnuts, Soups, Stews and Popovers Cooking Class – January 8, 2015,, Moroccan Pot Roast with Power Carrots and Potatoes, Make CPK’s Chicken Tequila Fettuccine in 30 minutes (copycat recipe), Chicken Parmesan or Eggplant, if you wish, Vietnamese Spring Rolls from Roy’s Restaurants, Baking & Decorating Christmas Cookies with the Kids. This recipe is a guide for making stuffing. The neck opening needs to be closed shut with the flap and with small metal turkey skewers. You can vary the vegetables and fruit, based on what you have on hand. It will take approximately 8-11 minutes per pound to defrost the turkey. 2. On medium heat, pour canola oil in skillet and then add onion. When it comes to cooking turkey, convection ovens cook the Thanksgiving bird more quickly (about 30% faster) and evenly than standard ovens. Calculator for roasting time of turkey total weight. Spoon stuffing lightly into turkey instead of packing firmly because stuffing expands while cooking. Convection Oven Cooking Turkey Time Per Pound Thaw the Turkey. amzn_assoc_asins = "B00AS2JBC8,B000HEIUBU,B07L652KMX,B07GYXNC1S"; I found this article on Serious Eats explaining the science of why my turkey ends up so moist when I roast it on the broiler pan. 1 Tbs fresh thyme Leaves Cover turkey loosely with a tent of heavy-duty aluminum foil. Lift turkey onto platter, and … 1 cup pecans, chopped A half hour before the turkey is set to come out of the oven remove the foil so that the bird may brown. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Stuffed birds generally require 30-45 minutes additional roasting time. Since roasting a stuffed turkey is no longer considered food-safe (not to mention doing so dries out the turkey meat) it’s best to stick to this method and bake one of these crowd-pleasing stuffing recipes in a separate dish. You can vary the vegetables and fruit, based on what you have on hand. Heat oil in a skillet and add in onion, celery and green pepper and diced apples. It will take about 10% longer or about 13-14 minutes per pound in a conventional oven and it will take longer for a larger turkey. Place an instant read thermometer in between the breast and the thigh. Step 4: Pin the neck opening closed. 4. For a convection oven, use an open pan so that the air can circulate around the turkey, such as this broiler pan that has a drip tray. If you don’t have a convection oven, follow along and add a little more time to roast your turkey in a conventional oven. Let the turkey sit while finishing your side dishes before carving. 1/2 medium onion, diced width:180px!important; will require 1 3/4 to 2 1/4 hours of roasting time. I have roasted numerous turkeys in a convection oven and they always get rave reviews from my guests. 12 ounces boxed stuffing or seasoned corn bread When cooking a stuffed turkey, it’s vital that the internal temperature is taken of the meat as well as the stuffing– both should be at least 165 degrees F. Times Based On Cooking In The Oven at 350 Degrees Fahrenheit. If you're cooking roast turkey breast in a convection oven, keep in mind that your turkey may cook faster than expected due to the fan in this type of oven. How Long to Cook a Turkey per Pound . The main opening plus a hidden spot on the other side where the neck flap is. I like my stuffing inside the bird – one less dish to go into the oven or think about. Saute onions, celery, green pepper and add herbs, nuts and fruit. Naturally, an unstuffed one will take much lesser time compared to a stuffed one. Step 6: Pin or tuck wings under the back. Baste the turkey occasionally (once every 45 minutes) with home-made turkey stock from the giblets. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "freshfoodinaf-20"; Carefully season between the skin and meat on the breast and sides next to the thighs. Use more if needed to coat all locations. Place frozen turkey, breast side up, on a rack in a shallow (3" deep) roasting pan. I probably use more than 1 Tablespoon or more of salt and 1 teaspoon of pepper. Turkey cooking times will vary with size or if you are roasting a frozen turkey so the best and safest way to be sure your turkey is done is to check with a meat thermometer. Defrost a frozen turkey in the refrigerator for a few days leading up to the big day. Heat the oven to 300F and remove all oven racks except the one in the lower position. You can also use a heavy roasting pan with a rack, but do not cover the pan. A 6–8 pounder should take from 2 1/4 to 3 1/4 hours. Meanwhile, ensure that the oven stays heated. Fresh Food in a Flash is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Cooking time for an 18 pound turkey in a conventional oven is around 4 1/2 hours or approximately 15 minutes per pound. s.prop43 = "Responsive"; This will make the bird taste better and stay moist. Breast. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; Use the following guidelines when cooking a turkey in a convection oven ... 185-190 F. Turkey Breast 4-6 lbs. Salt and pepper the turkey all over inside the cavities and on the outside of the bird. Salt and pepper the turkey all over inside the cavities and on the outside of the bird. s.prop4 = s.prop3; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; 3 slices wheat bread, cubed 3 ribs celery, diced Bake stuffing in separate dish while turkey is standing, since stuffing in the bird may not have time to reach safe temperature in convection oven. Add celery, green pepper and apples. 170 Tips Stuffed birds generally require 30-45 minutes additional roasting time. You can use boxed stuffing or diced bread cubes. Next, remove the turkey from the oven, and let it … amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; Cooking time takes longer for a stuffed turkey. For a 20 pound turkey, plan 4 hours in a convection oven + an extra 1/2 hour in a conventional oven. The One Minute Pizza Dough Recipe from Fresh Food in a Flash. Shield the legs and breast with foil to prevent over browning and drying of the skin. A 12-15 pound turkey should roast in about 3 hours in a convection oven or about 12 minutes per pound and until it reaches an internal temperature of 160°. The neck opening needs to be closed shut with the flap and with small metal turkey skewers. s.prop3 = + "|Support Search"; This is a result of internal fans that actively circulate hot air within convection ovens. Do I need to baste the turkey while cooking… It is suggested that browning takes the last 15 to 45 minutes of cooking time, depending on the size of the turkey and the type of oven. 2016-11-04T15:07:22.000Z Please remember that the below times are for cooking your turkey at an oven temperature of 325 degrees. Make sure there is room above the turkey. Let the turkey sit while finishing your side dishes before carving. Bacon strips placed on the breast of the turkey add flavor and moisten the breast. If you're cooking roast turkey breast in a convection oven, keep in mind that your turkey may cook faster than expected due to the fan in this type of oven… Add chicken stock or broth to the stuffing mixture to moisten it. s.eVar14 = document.title; .wprm-comment-rating svg { width: 18px !important; height: 18px !important; } img.wprm-comment-rating { width: 90px !important; height: 18px !important; } .wprm-comment-rating svg path { fill: #000000; } .wprm-comment-rating svg polygon { stroke: #000000; } .wprm-comment-ratings-container svg .wprm-star-full { fill: #000000; } .wprm-comment-ratings-container svg .wprm-star-empty { stroke: #000000; }.wprm-recipe h2.wprm-recipe-name { Place turkey breast-up on a rack in a shallow roasting pan. A 12-15 pound turkey should roast in about 3 hours in a convection oven or about 12 minutes per pound and until it reaches an internal temperature of 160°. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! This table from the USDA is based on a 325°F oven, and a fully defrosted or fresh bird. Next, remove the turkey from the oven and fill its abdominal cavity with the stuffing. = "event16"; 10-18 pound turkey: 3 3/4 hours – 4 1/2 hours. To cook a 19-pound turkey, roast it in the oven at 325 degrees Fahrenheit until its internal temperature reaches at … Cook another 5-10 minutes or until the ingredients become limp. It will add flavor, keep the breast extra moist and you can remove the bacon strips at the end and crumble them to use in your Brussels Sprouts. 2 cups chicken stock. 3 Tbs canola oil // Image call With this online tool it is easy to calculate how long to roast turkey in oven in hours and minutes per turkeys' total weight measured in kilograms - kg and in pounds - lb turkey weight measures. amzn_assoc_title = "Turkey Essentials"; You can compact the stuffing slightly into the corners. The temperature must be 180˚F/82˚C in the thigh and minimum 165˚F/74˚C deep in the center of the stuffing. var s_code=s.t();if(s_code)document.write(s_code); Use the following guidelines when cooking a turkey in a convection oven. For a 20 pound turkey, plan 4 hours in a convection oven + an extra 1/2 hour in a conventional oven. If your pan is large enough, add the pecans, dried fruit, stuffing and bread cubes and stir or put all ingredients in a large bowl. Also, basting the bird adds moisture into the stuffing and into the breast. To cook a 19-pound turkey, roast it in the oven at 325 degrees Fahrenheit until its internal temperature reaches at least 165 F, which takes about 4 1/2 hours. 1 green bell pepper seeded and diced Baste the turkey occasionally (once every 45 minutes) with home-made turkey stock from the giblets. Roast the turkey at 325° or 300° in a convection oven. 4. Feel free to use whatever bread or bread cubes you have available, including from a package in the same quantity as below. Do not go by cooking times. Roast the turkey at 325° or 300° in a convection oven. … amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; 12. 1 pinch salt & pepper to taste If you are using a convection oven, your bird will cook in 25 per cent less time. If stuffing the turkey, do so while the oven is preheating. = "Service_Support"; I save leftover bread cubes in the freezer for stuffing or croutons, so this is a good time to use them. Remove giblet and neck pack from underside of turkey. A 4–6 pound breast should take anywhere between 1 1/2 hours to 2 1/4 hours. 2 medium apples, cored and diced Cook onions a few minutes or until they begin to wilt. You just need a little patience and a plan to start early. But these cooking times vary, depending on whether you begin with a turkey that is stuffed versus one that is not. Look at the juices running from the meat around the thigh bone. Cook until soft and add in thyme, sage, along with mix-ins like pecans, dried cherries or cranberries or raisins, then add the stuffing mix. I use Better than Bouillion chicken base mixed with water, but you can also use fresh or canned stock. Loosely stuff the stuffing into both cavities - the front and the neck opening. Save the giblets and the neck to make a stock for an easy lump-free gravy while the turkey is cooking. breast should take between 1 1/4 to 1 3/4 hours; one weighing 5 1/2 to 9 lbs. 16-19 min/lb. A 12-15 pound turkey should roast in about 3 hours in a convection oven or about 12 minutes per pound and until it reaches an internal temperature of 160°. I probably use more than 1 Tablespoon or more of salt and 1 teaspoon of pepper. 1. Prepare the Turkey. 13. .item-thumbnail img{ Using a digital thermometer, start testing the internal temperature in the meatiest part of the thigh after 6 hours. Let the turkey sit 15 - 20 minutes. Keep the bird in the oven until the temperature reads 140F. Our entire Thanksgiving Menu: Cooking Thanksgiving dinner takes a little planning and preparation. Place an instant read thermometer in between the breast and the thigh. A stuffed turkey will take up to 30 minutes more than one that is unstuffed. Follow my easy steps and you will have a delicious Thanksgiving meal. (See timetable below). (For an unstuffed bird, we're talking roughly 15 minutes per pound.) Before removing plastic bag, place turkey under warm running water for 2-3 minutes. 300° convection, 325° conventional. This recipe is enough to stuff a 12-15 pound turkey. Cook another 5-10 minutes or until the ingredients become limp. Try this idea of placing bacon strips on the breast of the turkey. Remove the turkey from the freezer and place it in the refrigerator to thaw. I like my stuffing inside the bird - one less dish to go into the oven or think about. s.hier1 = s.prop5; You can compact the stuffing slightly into the corners. When the turkey is about ⅔ done, loosely cover the breast with a piece of foil to prevent overcooking. Preheat oven to 350°F (177°C). After all, stuffing was invented to use up leftover bread. Cooking a turkey has never been so easy as it is when cooking in a convection oven. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Caramelized Apple and Pumpkin Muffins = Halloween treats, How to make Cranberry Sauce for Thanksgiving, “Caesar” Brussels Sprouts inspired by Baco Mercat Restaurant. Add celery, green pepper and apples. Keep an eye on the turkey towards the end. It is surprising how much stuffing you can fit into these two places. In Convection Oven. 325. There are two cavities to fill. 1 cup raisins, dried cherries and/or cranberries If you want to cook a frozen turkey, it will take at least 50 percent longer than the recommended times. It would be a shame to dry out fresh bread for this purpose! Calculate Turkey Cooking Time and Temperature. This recipe is a guide for making stuffing. 18-22 pound turkey… Roasting times for a turkey breast cooked in a 325 degrees F oven: Unstuffed, a 2 to 3-pound turkey will cook from 1 1/2 to 2 hours. 4. 5. Then lightly but with a firm touch stuff the bird with the stuffing mixture. Stir in chicken stock and get ready to stuff your bird. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. 10 Recipes to help you through the Thanksgiving Meal. If it was frozen, you may need to run warm water to get the last bit of ice out of the cavity. Step 5: Tuck legs into plastic or wire bracket. 1 Tbs fresh sage leaves Shield the legs and breast with foil to prevent over browning and drying of the skin. Loosely stuff the stuffing into both cavities – the front and the neck opening. 12-15 pound turkey 2 Tbs parsley chopped The turkey cooks faster, more evenly and it ends up very moist, even the breast. Roast in 325°F (160°C) oven, removing foil for last hour, until thermometer inserted in thickest part of thigh reads 185°F (85°C). Unstuffed, a 7 to 8-pound turkey will cook from 2 1/4 to 3 1/4 hours; if stuffed, it will cook in 3 to 4 hours. Once the internal temperature of the turkey breast is at 170°F (77°C), the turkey is ready to come out of the oven. It’s not difficult to do. The general rule for cooking a large bird is about 20 minutes a pound. Roasting a turkey in a convection oven has its advantages. After the turkey has thawed, remove the wrapper. 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