Medium: 1 print : lithograph, color. Which of the following is a consequence of consumer-driven media outlets? . Test. was reproduced on Premium Heavy Stock Paper which captures all of the vivid colors and details of the original. An increase in sensational stories and attack journalism rather than factual reporting. **Which of the following statements describes the role political parties within Congress to promote their party's public policy agenda? With lower overall turnout in midterm elections, groups that are more likely to vote had more impact on their outcomes. Registered voters are more likely to turn out for open primaries than for a caucus. ", To clarify political messages and enhance mobilization efforts. The person who is elected to office may win the majority of Electoral College votes, but lose the popular vote. Mobilizing voters to elect a candidate advocating preferred ideological positions on political issues. Two part cartoon showing: woman, the Solid South, carrying Ulysses S. Grant in a carpet bag marked carpet bag and bayonet rule; Rutherford B. Hayes plowing under the carpet bag & bayonet - ER99P0 from Alamy's library of millions of high resolution stock photos, illustrations and vectors. Download this stock image: The Strong government 1869-1877 - The weak government 1877-1881. )", Horse race journalism is a more effective tool for informing voters and attracting their participation when applied to primary elections instead of general elections. A white man, presumably a land owner, is drawn giving orders to an African-American, presumably a sharecropper or tenant farmer. Which of the following trends in the graph supports this claim? American Cartoon, 1880, Comparing The Reconstruction Policies Of President Ulysses S. Grant (left) And Rutherford B. Hayes. Life Birth. Transcript of "The 'Strong' Government 1869-1877 -- The 'Weak' Government 1877-1881", Wales, James A., "The 'Strong' government 1869-1877 -- The 'weak' government 1877-1881 / J.A. the articles of confederation quizlet chapter 2, The Articles of Confederation satisfied the desire of those in the new nation who wanted a weak central government with limited power. Applying public pressure from the district or home state, lobbying, and providing campaign contributions. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Medium: 1 print : lithograph, color. /N'The Strong Government/The Weak Government.' Which of the following statements best explains how national political campaigns have changed since the Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010)? These databases list the names and contact information for all voters in a district, along with information about their personal traits, their neighborhoods, and their history of political participation. Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission (2010). Ironically, however, their very success led to their undoing. Indeed, to safeguard democracy, government intervention and budget deficits may sometimes be necessary, Kristol argues. How did the artist draw these images to prove this point? which of the following scenarios best describes a candidate- centered campaign? From Granger - Historical Picture Archive. If a campaign strategist in 2017 were projecting turnout for the 2018 midterms, which of the following would be the best prediction based on the data presented in the graph? In the 1940s, the welfare state had still not become an extremely strong force in American life. Which of the following statements accurately describes a barrier to the Green Party winning congressional seats or the presidency? Success in attracting grass-roots, small-dollar contributions. Remember: the conversion of the United States to a welfare state originated with Social Security in the 1930s. The large state plan at the Constitutional Convention was known as: The Virginia Plan 4. The winner-take-all system awarded electoral votes to the candidate who won the most votes in that state. The powers are limited. 'Puck' cartoon, 12 May 1880. Which of the following is a linkage function primarily associated with interest groups? In exchange for conceding the presidency to Hayes, he would withdraw the remaining federal troops from the South whose support were essential for the survival of Republican state governments in Florida, Louisiana and South Carolina. Why or why not? Us Government funny cartoons from CartoonStock directory - the world's largest on-line collection of cartoons and comics. Which of the following impacts on political participation has resulted from the decrease in barriers to publishing on the internet? How would Hayes' non-interventionist policies have impacted both the makeup of Southern governments and the civil and political rights gained by African Americans during Reconstruction. Hard money donations go straight to the party or candidate, while soft money can only be used for general "party-building" activities. The "Strong" government 1869-1877--The "weak" government 1877-1881. The democratic merits of giving the electorate more influence in choosing candidates outweigh the benefits of depending on party leaders' expertise. Contributions listed in the chart above include "hard" and "soft" money donations. Which statement accurately summarizes the impact of the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010) decision? Answer: A) The King represents a unicracy because he’s the only one governing the people. Wales. To encourage party unity and prevent members of other parties from voting to nominate weak candidates. “The “Strong” government 1869-1877–The “weak” government 1877-1881.” 1880. Which of the following generalizations is best supported by data in the table? Start studying Political Cartoons. Yet a majority also says that the “fundamental design and structure” of U.S. government is in need of “significant changes” to make it work today. Using only the details from the cartoon, what main point do you think the cartoonist was trying to make. Key Concepts: Terms in this set (16) Articles of Confederation. Which statement accurately summarizes how constituencies affect the campaign strategy of candidates running for the US Senate or House of Representatives? Federalism was the middle ground–compromise–a way to distribute authority between the states and the national government. Smith's opponent could use "soft money" to pay for the ad and does not have to claim support for it. The solid South staggers under the weight of the carpetbag carrying Ulysses S. Grant, the South is chained to two Union soldiers, whose bayonets support the unusual presidential chariot. None of them acquired more votes than any other candidate on the ballot in each state, "If you start from the understanding that important party decisions are made before the voters weigh in, the question 'who's winning? It provides insights about voter preferences that campaign consultants use to strategically craft political messages. 1. This large-scale collection of data influences how politicians perceive voters, and in turn, it affects how they interact with voters. American Cartoon, 1880, Comparing The Reconstruction Policies Of President Ulysses S. Grant (left) And Rutherford B. Hayes. The data displayed in the infographic best supports which of the following statements? Which best explains the difference between hard and soft money contributions? Which of the following scenarios would most likely be considered a violation of the Twenty-fourth Amendment? CARTOON: RECONSTRUCTION. The Articles of Confederation created a weak central government, so individual states had much more power. While a weak dollar has its disadvantages, it is not an entirely bad situation. /N'The Strong Government/The Weak Government.' PLAY. Preview this quiz on Quizizz. The solid South staggers under the weight of the carpetbag carrying Ulysses S. Grant, the South is chained to two Union soldiers, whose bayonets support the unusual presidential chariot. The "Strong" government 1869-1877--The "weak" government 1877-1881 / J.A. Which of the following scenarios is an example of how the media can act as a linkage institution? B. Creator(s): Wales, James Albert, 1852-1886, artist Date Created/Published: 1880. Form of government in which people vote for the legislative body, which in turn selects the prime minister; the United Kingdom is a country that uses this form of government. Based on the results shown in the table, which of the following reasons was the most cited reason that both Clinton and Trump voters chose their respective candidate? Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the political impact of both policy-creating decisions? Which of the following best explains why the 2004 election does NOT fit the label of a "critical election"? 'Puck' Cartoon, 12 May 1880. was reproduced on Premium Heavy Stock Paper which captures all of the vivid colors and details of the original. the candidate takes most of teh initiativeby hiring a profesional campaign manager and soliciting contributions online. Teddy Flood lives in Texas and is voting in the 2018 election. Flashcards. An independent media must provide accurate information and commentary that uphold democratic principles and civil society. The reason for this counter-intuitive phenomenon is that when government is weak, the private sector is strong. Does strong mean more government influence in how the country is run? 'Puck' Cartoon, 12 May 1880. was reproduced on Premium Heavy Stock Paper which captures all of the vivid colors and details of the original. It allows corporations and unions to spend unlimited amounts of money on political activities that are independent of a party or candidate. Why was a weak national government created under the Articles of Confederation? Although the situation is quite clear when it comes to insurgencies, which are mostly a result of a weak government being undercut, the two other cases are much more complicated. rumana modi votes for political candidates whose rhetoric and policy initiatives while serving in office align with what she wants to be done in the future, how many years between 1995 until 2011 did teh republicans serve the majority party in control of the senate, third parties affect the US political system. ADB – This cartoon, entitled “What a Funny Little Government”, was made by Horace Taylor for the September 25, 1899 issue of The Verdict.John D. Rockefeller, shown in the cartoon, was the famous oil magnate who created a powerful monopoly on the US oil industry in less than 20 years. From Granger - Historical Picture Archive. They need to acquire at least 38% of the vote to win a contested election. '—becomes one of the best ways to give ordinary citizens who want to become more active political participants the information they need. The three-fifths clause dealt with representation with regard to: Slavery 5. . Based on these two campaigns, which of the following is an essential campaign strategy when most voters have made up their minds? Philadelphia 3. Public trust has generally declined, rising briefly during periods of economic growth and the 9/11 crisis. 'The "Strong" Government 1869-1877. Trump and Clinton voters consumed most of their campaign news from different sources. Learn. Which of the following scenarios best illustrates the linkage function that the National Association of Realtors (NAR) would have with regard to a recently passed federal law protecting home buyers? Wales," 1880 Description In this two-part cartoon from 1880, "The Solid South" is seen struggling under the "Carpet Bag and Bayonet Rule" of the "Strong" United States government, led by President Ulysses S. Grant, who is seen riding among bayonets with an escort of two federal soldiers. In this two-part cartoon from 1880, "The Solid South" is seen struggling under the "Carpet Bag and Bayonet Rule" of the "Strong" United States government, led by President Ulysses S. Grant, who is seen riding among bayonets with an escort of two federal soldiers. Weak state - One without the capacity and the political will to make and implement effective public policy. Cartoon showing the 'Solid South' carrying Ulysses S. Grant in a carpet bag and Rutherford B. Hayes plowing under the carpet bag. '—or, alternately, 'who is the party choosing, and which people are making that choice? Ironically, however, their very success led to their undoing. Title The "Strong" government 1869-1877--The "weak" government 1877-1881 / J.A. Which of the following best explains why direct primaries have become a mainstay of American politics since the early 1900s? Teaching Tolerance provides free resources to educators—teachers, administrators, counselors and other practitioners—who work with children from kindergarten through high school. ", This indirect method prevents voters across the country from ignoring better qualified candidates outside their region, and allows less populous states greater influence in presidential selection. /N'The "Strong" Government 1869-1877. New "super PACS" can raise unlimited funds from virtually any source as long as the money is used as an independent expenditure for the campaign and is not given directly to the candidate. Vocabulary for chapter 2. Candidates can raise campaign funds by appealing to voters and PACs directly. March for Our Lives conducts a letter-writing campaign to key members of Congress to gain their support for gun control legislation. /N'The "Strong" Government 1869-1877. Gravity. As of the end of 2014, China had 62 billion tons of anthracite and bituminous, and 52 billion tons of lignite quality coal. The articles of confederation acted as a Constitution for the 13 initial states of the United States of America in 1776-77. Referring to the years 1920 to 1940 on the graph, which of the following was a catalyst for the upward trend in the presidential popular vote as a percent of the population in that period? Priyanka Kumble votes for political candidates based solely on their platforms and the policies they and their party plan to implement once elected. Americans are generally positive about the way democracy is working in the United States. Based on the data, which of the following statements accurately explains the implications for political campaigns of certain groups going online 'almost constantly'? A roundup of funny and provocative cartoons by the nation's top cartoonists. All rights reserved. Which is the best explanation for the extraction of massive amounts of personal data from social media sites by political consulting firms? the articles of confederation quizlet chapter 2, The Articles of Confederation satisfied the desire of those in the new nation who wanted a weak central government with limited power. Race influences which candidate voters support in an election. (see the related question) Which of the following statements is best supported by the data in the chart? #Government #Constitution #FresbergCartoon What are the Three Branches of Government? Incorporation of third-party issue positions or platforms by major political parties. Based on the data above, which group has the highest percentage of those responding that they go online "almost constantly"? Free 2-day shipping. The "Strong" government 1869-1877--The "weak" government 1877-1881. Which two interest group sectors in the chart show the greatest percentage difference between their contributions to each of the two major parties? and find homework help for other Law and Politics questions at eNotes Match. How to use government in a sentence. Which of the following statements accurately describes a trend depicted in the graph? The presidential election of 1968 was conducted against a backdrop of assassinations, race riots, widespread demonstrations against the Vietnam war, and violent confrontations between police and anti-war protesters at the Democratic National Convention. Title: The "Strong" government 1869-1877--The "weak" government 1877-1881 / J.A. Using only the details from the cartoon, what main point do you think the cartoonist was trying to make. There was little change in the two parties' major constituencies. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. who was the person who mainley wrote the declaration of independence The articles of confederation acted as a Constitution for the 13 initial states of the United States of America in 1776-77. mbuggieh on September 02, 2013: My sense is that the Founding Fathers sought to create a strong central government that would enable a "more perfect union". Does strong mean more government influence in how the country is run? By treating government officials and candidates as targets to be stalked in pursuit of scandal, attack journalists create the impression that all politicians are ineffective and untrustworthy. Which of the following accurately describes a trend of public trust in the federal government from 1958 to 2017? Where did the 1787 Constitutional Convention meet? Government and Politics-Chapter 2. Neoconservative ideology stresses that while free markets do provide material goods in an efficient way, they lack the moral guidance human beings need to fulfill their needs. The three-fifths clause dealt with representation with regard to: Slavery 5. . Electoral votes are awarded to the candidate who wins the higher percentage of votes within a state. The "Strong" government 1869-1877--The "weak" government 1877-1881; woman, "the Solid South", carrying Ulysses S. Grant in a carpet bag marked "carpet bag and bayonet rule" Get premium, high resolution news photos at Getty Images The weak form of government in the United States prior to the Constitution was known as the: Articles of Confederation 2. 4. The lists help them understand who their supporters are, what issues different voters care about, and how they should present themselves to voters in their campaign appeals. Wales," 1880. Based on the data, how many years between 1995 until 2011 did the Republicans serve as the majority party in control of the Senate? Menu. Why was a weak national government created under the Articles of Confederation? Which of the following statements is reflected in the data in the table? Which of the following combination of interest group tactics are most successful in influencing congressional policymaking? Wales. The 2012 redistricting process in Pennsylvania resulted in the map shown above, even though Democratic candidates won 50.5% of the total votes cast in the 2012 congressional elections. Buy Cartoon Reconstruction NThe Strong Government 1869-1877 The Weak Government 1877-1881 Cartoon Showing The Solid South Ca at The Weak Government 1877-1881. In the background, the illustration shows a destroyed and occupied South. Which of the following is an accurate statement about the information shown in the chart? Political campaign messages are more likely to reach young voters if posted online. Which of the following policies is an example of state action to improve voter turnout? Social media allows candidates to personalize outreach to a new generation of voters, bypassing reliance on political parties and platforms. Cartoon Showing The 'Solid South' Carrying Ulysses S. Grant In A Carpet Bag And Rutherford B. Hayes Plowing Under The Carpet Bag. The weak union created under the Articles would not work yet people did not want to give all the power to a national government. Two part cartoon showing: woman, "the Solid South", carrying Ulysses S. Grant in a carpet bag marked "carpet bag and bayonet rule"; Rutherford B. Hayes plowing under the carpet bag & bayonets with a plow marked "Let'em alone policy". These people argue that the Founding Fathers intended to keep government very weak and then frequently try to use the Constitution as an example of this desire for a weak government. Under this "Weak" government, the New South is depicted and factories and fields thrive in the background. Yet a majority also says that the “fundamental design and structure” of U.S. government is in need of “significant changes” to make it work today. Which of the following is the LEAST important underlying factor affecting the outcome of a presidential election? What is the king implying when he says that he doesn’t get to vote either? The characteristics of the candidates can dictate who voters support in an election. Wales Explanation: The confederation helped in constituting the central government.The confederation gave the states autonomy and complete freedom and kept in mind the ties of friendship. What form of government does the king represent? Start studying AP Government Final Part 2. Republican Rutherford B. Hayes placated Democratic leaders in Congress by agreeing to create what would become known as the Compromise of 1877. How did the legislative branch of the U.S. government come to be? Official site of The Week Magazine, offering commentary and analysis of the day's breaking news and current events as well as arts, entertainment, people and gossip, and political cartoons. Trust in government declined across all generations over the course of George H.W. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote . LeonaSlimmer. A roundup of funny and provocative cartoons by the nation's top cartoonists. (If you're not a party member, meanwhile, knowing the process by which the party made its choice—rather than just the outcome it arrived at—can still help inform your own political participation. How does Congress work? Which of the following is an accurate conclusion based on a comparison of the trends in the chart and your knowledge of political beliefs and behavior? Which statement best explains the significance of this campaign strategy? Two part cartoon showing: woman, the Solid South, carrying Ulysses S. Grant in a carpet bag marked carpet bag and bayonet rule; Rutherford B. Hayes plowing under the carpet bag & bayonet - ER99P0 from Alamy's library of millions of high resolution stock photos, illustrations and vectors. Bush's administration. Cartoon: Reconstruction. China ranks third in the world in terms of total coal reserves behind the United States and Russia. Zoom into a more detailed image of this cartoon. Republican Civil War hero Ulysses S. Grant used the powers of the 1870 and 1871 Enforcement Acts to send federal troops into the South to protect the civil and voting rights of African Americans when he became president. Where did the 1787 Constitutional Convention meet? The "Weak" Government 1877-1881.' Which of the following describes the message in the political cartoon? Florida, Iowa, New Hampshire, and Ohio frequently changed electoral support of presidential candidates from one major party to the other in elections between 1980 and 2016, with every presidential winner carrying at least three of these four states. Puck cartoon, 12 May 1880. The majority party selects committee chairs who promote the party's legislative priorities. The US Constitution replaced the Articles in 1787. The range of viewpoints expressed in news coverage has diminished. There is no such thing as completely objective journalism. C. Is this a misleading statement? He also ordered the Justice Department to increase their efforts to identify, arrest and prosecute members of violent white mobs, including the Ku Klux Klan. A weak constitution that governed America during the … The "Strong" government 1869-1877--The "weak" government 1877-1881; woman, "the Solid South", carrying Ulysses S. Grant in a carpet bag marked "carpet bag and bayonet rule" Get premium, high resolution news photos at Getty Images The governing documents were born out of furious debate around federalism and a strong central government, and that balance is hotly contested even today. Which of the following is a potential consequence of the change illustrated in the infographic? "The 'Strong' government 1869-1877 -- The 'weak' government 1877-1881 / J.A. At what point in the federal budget process does the Defense Department have the most input? was reproduced on Premium Heavy Stock Paper which captures all of the vivid colors and details of the original. RECONSTRUCTION CARTOON. Downward trends in trust of the federal government among all generations between 1965-1980 indicate a corresponding decrease in citizen efficacy and health of US civil society. Based on the excerpt above, which of the following statements would Kennedy have most likely agreed with in terms of both the ideals of, and challenges for, the US republic? Weak Currency: A weak currency, whose value has depreciated significantly over time, is commonly found in nations with poor economic fundamentals , which may include a … Since 1983, American news sources have become concentrated in the hands of a few companies. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other ... To encourage party unity and prevent members of other parties from voting to nominate weak candidates. Based on the Federal Election Commission's chart, how do contribution limits from non-multicandidate political action committees compare with those from individual donors? Gabriel Sarwan only votes for political candidates whose platforms directly benefit the profitability of his small business. Wales. Cartoon: Reconstruction. Based on the table above, which of the following is an important conclusion that a third-party candidate could make when running for a Senate seat against both Republican and Democrat opponents? Which of the following best explains the danger that "attack journalism" poses to political participation? The "Weak" Government 1877-1881.' To ensure accountability by government and news outlets, citizens must learn to distinguish objective and truthful news from biased and false reporting. Government definition is - the body of persons that constitutes the governing authority of a political unit or organization: such as. Former senator and presidential candidate Bob Dole joined the Atlanta law firm Alston & Bird in 1996 after serving in Congress for 35 years, chairing the Republican National Committee, and being elected to Senate majority leader in 1984. Weak state - One without the capacity and the political will to make and implement effective public policy. Creator(s): Wales, James Albert, 1852-1886, artist Date Created/Published: 1880. The future Empress Dowager Cixi was born on the tenth day of the tenth lunar month in the 15th year of the reign of the Daoguang Emperor (29 November 1835). Which best explains why none of the third-party candidates received any electoral votes? Congress could not levy taxes, but depended on donations from the states to operate. Of viewpoints expressed in news coverage yet people did not want to give all the power a! About the electoral College votes, but lose the popular vote 's top cartoonists Articles would not work people. Hard money donations what point in the data shown in the chart above include `` hard and. Must consider specific needs and critical issues that characterize a relatively small number of voters in presidential during! Of consumer-driven media outlets, might be placed on this campaign strategy when most voters made. 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