Artwork of the Mermaid in The Legendary Starfy, showing her as a chibi. We'll both probably fall! Q&A. Ogura: Gahaha! The Game Boy Advance (Japanese: ゲームボーイアドバンス) is a handheld game console created by Nintendo.The first three Densetsu no Starfy games; Densetsu no Starfy, Densetsu no Starfy 2 and Densetsu no Starfy 3 were released on this console.. Two upgraded versions of the Game Boy Advance were made. Of the five games in the series (the first three for GBA, the last two for Nintendo DS) only the last one was localised into English, in which it become simply known as "The Legendary Starfy" (and was reworked to appeal to an even younger audience, unlike games like Starfy 2 and Starfy 3 that are still lighthearted but have more serious themes). Oh?! Granted, his bravery wouldn’t be such without the help of his best friend Moe, a chatty clam that gives him advice. It's so empty... Ghaa! ". Fan translation work on Densetsu no Starfy had began in 2012 or earlier, with Normmatt's work on a variable width font (VWF) and text insertion tool based on a program called Atlas. Fan translation work often also involve more technical edits to the game, such as the addition of a new character set or font, or edits to the way text is displayed like (in the case of the first Densetsu no Starfy game) how many times the player has to scroll the text in a single conversation. Free shipping. There appear to be different ways to save throughout the games, because when you spin into it in the GBA games, it saves, while in the DS games, you press the X button. Échale un vistazo a la lista completa … Noo! Then hold on! Last one. The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, tricks, and secrets for The Legendary Starfy for Nintendo DS. More and more, we get farther away from that awful place! If you enjoyed this game and want to play similar fun games then make sure to play Guardians of the Galaxy: Legendary Relics, Dragon Ball Z – Legendary Super Warriors or The Legendary Trials or just go to the Nintendo DS games page. For The Legendary Starfy on the DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "should I get Densetsu no Starfy 4? How depressing... Look, I'm sorry. The other day... Kyaa! May 12, 2009 - Starfy might be as bright as a star, but we haven't been able to gaze upon it yet here in the U.S. After four games in Japan (three for the GameBoy Advance and one other for the Nintendo DS), Nintendo is finally bringing this hidden jewel to America with its latest adventure: The Legendary Starfy. Dang it! Already! Unlike her previous set of gameplay videos, no text here was directly translated. Play The Legendary Starfy (US)(1 Up) for Free on your PC, Mac or Linux device. All your wonderful things! Before long, I will take what matters to you the most. The yellow Prince of Pufftop, all the way down here. you seem sad! Ruby: Kyaa!!!!!!! What were you thinking! On the other hand, the only way to use the IPS patch is to have an illegal copy of a ROM. Replies: 11 Views: 9,133. In an official translation, of the trophy description, it says that nobody knows what species Starfy really is. So, for the moment, Lobber's close by! Questions. Crying! The Legendary Starfy DS. Now Starfy, this doesn't seem like you. I really hate that brat Starfy! *sigh* How on earth can your crying be troublesome! Now, Starfy, I saw your mother get carried away by Ogura... As they flew by, I saw things fly through the sky, then they left in a blur…. Dodain47, Apr 15, 2019, in forum: GBA - Game Development, ROM Hacks and Translations. However at a later date on June 20, 2017 pablitox (game code) and Jamie (game text) would continue working on fan translating the game. You can get it over at Hey! On January 6, 2018 Autumchild began a series for a playthrough fan translating Densetsu no Starfy 4. The Legendary Starfy series is a video game series developed by TOSE and published by Nintendo.The series is about Starfy, "a legend" that lives in the palace of Pufftop.In all five games, something causes him to fall into the ocean and fight evil. Notify me about new: FAQs. Please grab these "collectables" made especially for you! 2 watchers. Moe: Ruby ~swoon~ It's nice to see you again! or Best Offer. GBA Densetsu no Stafy (JPN) "demo glitch" in 03:28.68 by jlun2. Las mejores ofertas para Legendary Starfy 3 Nintendo Game Boy Advance GBA Jap están en eBay Compara precios y características de productos nuevos y usados Muchos artículos con envío gratis! While the fifth game in the The Legendary Starfy series is the only one to have been officially translated by Nintendo, some fan translation work on other The Legendary Starfy games has been done, however no The Legendary Starfy game is known to have been fully translated by a fan. The Legendary Starfy (GBA) english translation public beta release. In the localisation process, there were various localisation changes, for example the manga-style cutscenes were changed to be read from left to right instead of right to left. No need to bubble away! Share - Legend of Starfy 2 Game Boy Advance GBA Japan Ver. Free shipping for many products! To see what you got "look on the 'collectables' screen in the pause menu." Torchickens later uploaded a video of an English version of the game's opening on YouTube in November 2015. When it comes down to it, The Legendary Starfy deserves a good rating of 8/10. The fan translation has slowly continued since then, and text translation is (at least mostly) complete with Higsby providing most of the translations. Naratior: There is a big land up in the sky, above the ocean, called Pufftop. She appears very nice, and is a good friend to the Starfy characters. Pufftop's in the sky, if you go after him we'll return the ocean! Gahaha! Legendary Starfy (Nintendo DS, 2009) Complete. What happened to your house Ruby-san? ", Old Man Lobber: Now, now. Fan translation work on Densetsu no Starfy had began in 2012 or earlier, with Normmatt's work on a variable width font (VWF) and text insertion tool based on a program called Atlas. Now, it seems that scoundrel's have been falling from the sky easily then…. Oraoraa!!! The listing you're looking for has ended. Moe: What! The Legendary Starfy (US)(1 Up) ROM Download for Nintendo DS | NDS. She also used annotations in a few episodes to directly translate text so that the viewers could read along. Development started late in the GBC´s life cycle, the game was ported over to the GBA instead. Yes! While Nintendo own the copyright to the The Legendary Starfy "Game Scenario" (which refers to the game's script) and the ROM images of the games, many fan translation projects choose to release a file such as an IPS patch of the game which requires already having a copy of the ROM to be patched. ),, Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported. Those "collectibles" should come in handy... Now make sure not to let your mother down! Haha, you get to see the Puchi Ogura group. The Legendary Starfy was the first game to be localised into English and sold outside of Japan in North America and Australasia. Players swoop into enemies like a shooting star, glide over bottomless chasms and transform into powerful creatures to help a mysterious, bunny-eared visitor find his lost memory. è³å£", "å°å¦é¤¨ï¼ã³ãã㯠ãä¼èª¬ã®ã¹ã¿ãã£ã¼ 1ã", "å°å¦é¤¨ï¼ã³ãã㯠ãä¼èª¬ã®ã¹ã¿ãã£ã¼ 2ã", "å°å¦é¤¨ï¼ã³ãã㯠ãä¼èª¬ã®ã¹ã¿ãã£ã¼Rã",, Articles containing Japanese-language text, Articles needing additional references from May 2008, All articles needing additional references, Wikipedia requested photographs of anime and manga, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Aaa!!! Moe: Wh, why are you? Dire Kaizokudan". What do you think your doing? The first title in the series to include multiplayer-compatible minigames. The legality of the fan translation of video games is a matter that may vary depending on the country a person lives, as well as the developing/publishing companies' own terms of use (these can be found for instance while not directly on The Legendary Starfy; on Nintendo 3DS terms of use). Fan translations of video games are unofficial translations of video games which change the dialog/texts in the game from one language to another. It is the first game in the series The Legendary Starfy Inside it is a "collectable" from a person in Pufftop. Ah! I need you! Ogura: Ghahaha! The first title to have more than one stage per area, instead of one like in the previous title. What? This is a translation patch for the first entry of the Starfy Saga released September 6, 2002 in Japan for the GBA. Daīru Kaizokudan, Nintendo - Corporate Information _ Legal Information (Copyrights, Emulators, ROMs, etc. You know it's Moe. Even so, The Legendary Starfy is a star that really shines, and is a must own game if you're a platforming game fan, and you own a DS. Blackmage907 had also attempted to work with the game, but stopped working on it at a later date. 3 product ratings - Gameboy Advance GBA Legend of Starfy 2 Nintendo Legendary box manual Japan. Starfy is not just any prince; he’s actually a busy one, and he’s also known for his unconditional courage. I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. Puchi Ogura #2: Papa will be proud of the ruin and despair! Starfy! Now Playing. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Legendary Starfy Nintendo DS Authentic at the best online prices at eBay! The clumsy Prince, Starfy was doing some cleaning in the castle... During that time, Ogura was resurrected when the jar he was sealed in fell into the ocean. I will gratify this land and leave with the person you hold dear! JUGAR Legendary Starfy, The (US)(1 Up) ONLINE ¡Importante! In The Legendary Starfy game, players dive into a spectacular undersea adventure with Starfy, the legendary hero of Pufftop. Dodain47 Apr 18, 2020. Wish List. Moe: You idiot! ], Old Man Lobber: Okay, alright. Starfy (originally called Stafi, or romanized to Stafy) is the titular main protagonist of The Legendary Starfy series.He is the Prince of the Pufftop Kingdom, along with his best friend, Moe the clutz, and his sister, Starly, live in the Pufftop Palace.It is unknown whether … Mortified as you are, I know you will truly come for her by any means possible. The story is that a cute little star named Starfy accidentally releases a powerful demon from a magic jar. Moe: Oh! So far all of the Starfy games have been released exclusively for handheld platforms. Fan translation of Densetsu no Starfy. C $46.76. Ouch… Owowow... You idiot! Farwell! The Legendary Starfy - Local Wireless Multiplayer Problem. Don't be reckless! Create a storm that will draw me out of this place! The first Legendary Starfy Game Boy Advance title. The Legendary Starfy. Board. Right now, we have to find the special jar, the Kanban... [The rest of this dialog was left untranslated. Ogura then wreaked havoc on Pufftop by causing a huge storm... Starfy stopped Ogura's plans several times until he was sealed away once again... Peace returned to Pufftop and everyone lives returned to normal... As everything though, the peace never lasts long, the world will be threatened again... Not even Starfy and I knew what would happen... Ogura had been sealed away... Now that I think about it better, for a long time…. Like the translation of "Densetsu no Stafy", the romanization of ダイール (Daīru) is debatable, as it refers not to the word "dire" but the main antagonist (officially known as in the English versions as Mashtooth). bk2245 The Legendary Starfy GameBoy Advance Japan Starfy! Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game. Crying! A public beta for the english translation of The Legendary Starfy has been released! As of present it is unclear whether this has been attempted with Starfy, but brief summaries of the plot have been attempted in articles such as DSR01. Ghahaha! You're lucky the old man really like you kid! My children? Rather, it are edited straight into the videos themselves. And now, I will see outside again! Old Man Lobber: Ooh! Both of us ended up falling from the sky! You will again feel the despair in the world. Reviews. Nombre: The Legendary Starfy Idioma: Textos en Español Tamaño: 36.2 MB Plataforma: Nintendo DS Servidor: MEGA/MediaFire Uploader: Osiel . The parts she directly translated can be found below. =/ Guides. Add this game to my: Favorites. Starfy! According to Hitoshi Yamagami of Nintendo, Starfy is a "kind of mysterious creature that is somewhere between a starfish and a real celestial star", even though he is called a starfish in The Legendary Starfy. Kyaa!!!!!! Come on! It's too dangerous! The Legendary Starfy adventure brings us to the world of Pufftop, where we meet their renowned prince. Break this seal! It worries me? While a few videos have been uploaded on the Internet with live translation attempts of the game, actual translation of the script on a ROM had not been attempted until 2013 with Torchickens translating part of the intro and Normmatt applying it to see how it would look.[2]. You can also use the "pause menu" on the "stage map" to view your "collectables" as well. IGN gave Starfy an 8.9, much higher than I expected. I will wish you the best of luck…. Fan translation may also include fan translated manga; sometimes referred to as "scanlation" by fans. Hey! The legendary Starfy A mediados del 2008 salió en Japón 'The legendary Starfy' para Nintendo DS, la quinta entrega de la saga (aunque la primera que no está numerada). My items are drifting away... "Starfy Translation Team" (the same team behind the previously mentioned Densetsu no Starfy (1) ROM hack) has also begun work on Densetsu no Starfy 2, but at the moment finishing work on the first game is priority). ROM, not linked for legal reasons, Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U, Densetsu no Stafy: Taiketsu! The Legendary Starfy [NDS][MEGA][MediaFire] Detalles del Juego. Well, immediately, smart one thought, "I'll go after them. Densetsu no Stafy/The Legendary Starfy (GBA) fan translation Stage 1 +1 - For anyone who is wanting to someday play the first Stafy game in English, a fan-translation is currently going on for it. Fans of the The Legendary Starfy series Star_Light (Talk) and Torchickens (Talk) were also involved in covering the Japanese games in English for Starfy Wiki. Let's go! Blackmage907 had also attempted to work with the game, but stopped working on it at a later date. In Starfy's Japanese Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS trophy description, he is referred to as a creature like a star who looks like a starfish. The first title to feature a collection of costumes for Starfy to wear. It's nice to see you again! Densetsu no Stafy is a platform video game developed by Tose and published by Nintendo for the Game Boy Advance system exclusively in Japan on September 6, 2002. Another form of fan-translation may be transcribing the original text and only writing it down in English. This can include both the editing of the game script as well as images to translate or adjust the text within them. This page was last edited on 1 December 2020, at 20:29. Unlike her previous fan translation attempt for Densetsu no Starfy 2, these videos do not show the text as merely annotations on the screen. Cheats. Starfy! I haven't gotten around to playing this yet though. The game is great, but the fact that it is easier may disappoint Starfy fans, and its other few problems really bring it down. From Japan. Torchickens decided to join the team and resume work on the game again one week later on June 27, 2017 with updates on her "Torchickens" Youtube channel and Google Sites page. Free returns. Hey! In 2010, Autumchild uploaded gameplay videos of Densetsu no Starfy 2 covering what some of the text means. Moe: Eh? Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaa! The glitches newly introduced in the patch include some text overlap issues, texts from the wrong location and text box corruption. For The Legendary Starfy on the DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "They need to release a 3-pack of the GBA Stafys now. According to Nintendo's jurisdiction, both video game copiers and the downloading of ROMs from the Internet is illegal, as is choosing to dump one to play on a computer.[1]. I know you can do it! Play Queue. Yes! 5.0 out of 5 stars. Glitch fixes and graphic translation work, as well as typo fixing, however continues. You idiot! This page was last edited on 8 April 2020, at 22:03. The Legendary Starfy series are platform games, focusing more on swimming than running … Para jugar este juego, necesitas tener un emulador instalado. Legendary Starfy is a fun online Nintendo DS game that you can play here on Games HAHA. ". "I'm gonna take action, even if it means everything" Forget it, we're not doing that! Pre-Owned. While it is not known whether there were any fan translation attempts for the fifth game before its official localization into The Legendary Starfy, as expected the game was covered by fans overseas. The first to feature two different playable characters. ... Densetsu no Stafy, or The Legendary Starfy, is a platform game developed by TOSE and published by Nintendo. In 2012, Autumchild uploaded gameplay videos of Densetsu no Starfy 3 covering what some of the text means. The game's title was translated by some as "Legend of Stafy"/"Legendary Stafy: Confrontation! This is Mama saying she believes in you…, Old Man Lobber: Your mother left that especially for you. Souda, konotega, attaka... Ghahahaha! Glitch fixes and graphic translation work, as well as typo fixing, however.. 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Gbc´S life cycle, the Legendary Starfy, the only way to the... Ds, 2009 ) Complete MediaFire ] Detalles del Juego GBA Densetsu no 4! Adjust the text means 's nice to see the Puchi Ogura group:. The game, but stopped working on it at a later date Download for Nintendo and...