See? He realizes there's really no upside to leaving all those leftovers around. The staging is a bit simpler and a little awkward. On a certain level, it's worth wondering why the Avengers didn't have a plan to destroy the Infinity Stones and the new Gauntlet right after using them, but we know destroying the stones is a complicated process and they weren't expecting Thanos to slip through time with his space ship. Before Gamora and Quill reaches there, Thanos already had the reality stone. Whatever combination of new Marvel superhero movies, sequels for familiar characters, and heavily hyped Disney+ shows follow, they will probably focus on a different set of objects for fans to obsess and theorize over. The story line leads… Compared to the amount of time spent getting the stones back, the building of this glove, like the construction of the time-warp technology, isn't really dwelled on in great detail; the Russo Brothers just assume you'll go with it, and movie is long enough that you won't necessarily be begging for a lengthy mid-movie gadget explainer. Did Nova Prime and/or Rhomann Dey somehow make it through? And how will they get their own Gauntlet, which will allow them to use the Infinity Stones' power for their own ends? But they served their purpose of creating a sense of scale and connectivity to this gargantuan narrative system. And we know that Peter Quill, a.k.a. In infinity war, when the team Quill reaches knowwhere, they found Thanos asking collector about the reality stone. Thanos killed 2018-Gamora to get the Soul Stone, and because it happened before the Decimation, she wasn’t resurrected by Hulk’s fix-it snap. Director Joss Whedon knew he needed a cosmic villain to be the true mastermind behind the Chitauri invasion, and he got the go-ahead to run with Thanos. In … When he's about to pull of his final deadly snap, Thanos declares in his deep baritone, "I'm inevitable." I love the detail they put into this stuff. But then, in yet another twist, he tries to do the snap, which fails when he realized the stones are no longer in his glove. The story line is a continuation of the events - involving resurrected Starlin-character Thanos, featured in the title Silver Surfer. How exactly did the Russo Brothers make the Hulk so hot? The Time Stone. Sign up here for our daily Thrillist email, get Streamail for more entertainment, and subscribe here for our YouTube channel to get your fix of the best in food/drink/fun. Then, he snaps. This time he plans to kill off all of humanity -- not just half. Warning: HUGE spoilers for Avengers: Infinity War ahead! Given the amount of time fans have spent puzzling over the shiny hardware, scouring the comics for clues on how it would eventually appear on screen and teasing out theories about who would wear it, you'd think the Infinity Gauntlet would be confusing -- or at least difficult to assemble. Some of these queries will only be answered over time, but most of your questions about the Infinity Gauntlet, the Infinity Stone-bedazzled glove that Thanos wielded at the end of Avengers: Infinity War and used to snap away half the creatures in the universe, are answerable right now, because the Infinity Gauntlet is not as complicated as it looks. The film ends with Thanos alone and seemingly at peace, a smile on his face. Thanos is a fictional character from the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) film franchise, based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name.He is portrayed by Damion Poitier in his original appearance in The Avengers (2012), and by Josh Brolin in subsequent appearances. The series was written by Jim Starlin, and drawn by Ron Lim. The Power Stone (aka the Orb) isn't messing around. The Thanos Quest is a two-issue comic book limited series published in September and October 1990 by Marvel Comics. Instead, Tony Stark reveals that he's constructed his own backup, quasi-improvised Infinity Gauntlet glove-like device, which he uses to pull the Infinity Stones toward him. It's pure splash page chaos. Mister Fantastic (sort of) Years later, in 2007’s New Avengers: Illuminati #2, Mister Fantastic sought … What does the movie's heartstring-pulling ending mean for the future of the larger Marvel Cinematic Universe? This year's Avengers: Endgame is poised to conclude the Marvel Cinematic Universe's overarching narrative that has been a decade in the making, but one of the biggest plot holes over the course of the franchise's 20-film history is why Thanos entrusted the Mind Stone to Loki during the events of 2012's The Avengers.. Check out our handy guide for a refresher on Thanos's quest for the Infinity Stones. To undo Thanos' handy work, Bruce Banner, Thor, and Tony Stark put their brains together and construct a new, technologically-advanced device designed to carry out their own counter-snap, which will undo the actions of Thanos at the end of Infinity War. Since we have another year until Avengers 4 comes out, comfort yourself by remembering those who made it out of the movie alive. HIS CLONES. There's really no time and the plot needs to keep moving. This will hinge upon not interfering with Thanos’ acquisition of each Infinity Stone, just making sure Thanos does not get any of the Stones that are actually native to the MCU’s universe. Then the team attacked and Gamora was able to successfully stab her knife into Thanos to kill him then Thanos appear with reality stone. Now the trailer's here and hype machine is rolling, it's all about Thanos' conquest. Thanos gets ahold of it, and after swatting away a wide range of Avengers, he's ready to once again unleash its terrible power. … . But perhaps it's all part of a bigger plan . I took a screenshot of that one too sometime back. That's a lot to take in. Thanos next visits the Elder of the Universe known as The Gardener in his garden. Another fun one is when Thanos teleports off earth he doesn't just use the space stone. After the universe came into existence, four cosmic beings known as the Cosmic Entities forged the energies of these singularities into six immensely powerful objects called the Infinity Stones. Here's the Deal, Warner Bros. Is Releasing All Its Movies on HBO Max in 2021 — Here's the Complete List, All the Books Mentioned on Dash & Lily to Add to Your Holiday Reading List, Dr. Quincy Fortier, Subject of HBO's Baby God, Likely Had Far More Victims, Freaked Out After Watching Run? When Avengers: Endgame comes to a close, you'll likely be left with some tough, unanswerable questions. "And I'm Iron Man," he quips in a call-back to the surprise ending of the first Iron Man movie from 2008, the film that kicked off the MCU over a decade ago. Giphy The second stone seen in the MCU, the Mind Stone made its debut in The Avengers as part of Loki's scepter — which was lent to him by Thanos. Thanos gets the purple Power Stone ... because we also see Thanos place the blue Space Stone directly into the Gauntlet’s second slot. Not only are the lives of several of our favourite characters lost, but countless civilisations are destroyed because they're in Thanos's path. Now, he's got the power. How did Thanos get the Power stone, the first infinity gem collected in Avengers Infinity War. Still, as far as cinematic MacGuffins go, the Infinity Gauntlet and the Infinity Stones had a historic run. Were they sometimes shoehorned into otherwise zippy action-comedies? Once the team has assembled all the stones, they're faced with a new challenge: What Avenger can wield them and bring all their dead friends back without killing themselves in the process? But as we've learned over the last two Avengers movies, it's not that tricky once you get all the parts in one place. (Remember: the decapitated Thanos destroyed the ones he used.). When Thanos first arrives in Avengers: Infinity … The big difference in Avengers: Endgame is that now there's more than one Infinity Gauntlet. Reasonably speaking, it would be logical for either Heimdall or Hela to be in possession of the Soul Stone since Heimdall can see all the souls in the Nine Realms, implying some manipulation or oversight over souls (indicative of the Soul Stone's power). Let's Discuss That Twist Ending, I’ll Say It: Abby and Riley Should Have Ended Up Together in Happiest Season, If You've Seen Happiest Season, You Know Who the Real Hero Is: Jane, Why I Watch White Christmas Every Day in December, Dash & Lily's Austin Abrams Has Had So Many Recognisable Roles, the lives of several of our favourite characters lost. what Endgame means for the future of the MCU. Who Has the Soul Stone, and How Will Thanos Get It? Marvel fans around the world are still trying to recover from the insanity that is Avengers: Infinity War, and we can't blame them. The very first time his mother laid her eyes on the baby, she was driven mad and tried to kill him.Despite his unusual appearance and introvert nature, Thanos was well accepted by … We don't see clouds of dust suddenly reappearing on Earth, forming human shapes, and presumably causing chaos in the streets. Instead, … After Thanos successfully wipes out half of all life in the universe, the Reality Stone is then destroyed to prevent … That one's difficult to answer.) The entirety of Infinity War is a race to stop Thanos from collecting all six Infinity Stones and decimating half of the universe with a single snap of his fingers. Unsurprisingly, that status quo gets disrupted by yet another twist: Thanos' giant spaceship appears through a time wormhole in the sky and fires down a hailstorm of missiles on the Avengers compound. By signing up, I agree to the Terms & to receive emails from POPSUGAR. The 2018 novel Thanos: Titan Consumed describes how Thanos originally obtained the Mind Stone: the Lorespeaker reveals that he is in possession of an Infinity Stone, the mind stone, and that he has waited for hundreds of years for someone to test it on. The Reality Stone is a remnant of one of the six singularities which existed before the universe. (Sequels always demand more, more, more.) Let's Break It Down, Mank: See How the Actors Compare to the Real Hollywood Insiders, Overboard Is 1 of My Favourite Movies, but Dean Should Have Gone to Jail For a Very Long Time, How Much of Netflix's Mank Is a True Story? This moment signals that the movie is shifting into its final third, a Lord of the Rings-style battle between the forces of good and evil complete with glowing Doctor Strange portals, soaring Spider-Man acrobatics, and Tessa Thompson's Valkyrie riding a Pegasus through the sky. Thanos was one of the last sons of A'Lars, progenitor of the second colony of Eternals on Titan, and Sui-San, the last survivor of the original settlement of Eternals in this moon. (When did he make this and was he always planning to unveil it? Instead of a sequence to rival the bleak finale of Infinity War, the Russo Brothers and screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely take a different approach to how they dramatize this second snap. At around the same time, Marvel looked back at their scripts and realized they had an awful lot of MacGuffins that be retconned as Infinity Stones. Even with a last-minute attempt by Thor to take his life, Thanos manages to make that fatal snap of his fingers, ending the lives of half the universe. The film opens with her disappearing during an outdoor family hangout session, along with their children, so the vibrating phone represents the return to the status quo. Following Stark's funeral, the ending of the film finds Captain America traveling back through time to return the Infinity Stones to their rightful time periods, creating a version of the present where there are no longer any Infinity Stones. It’s later explained by Thor that Thanos “decimated” the planet Xandar and retrieved it from the care of the Nova Corps. ©2020 Group Nine Media Inc. All Rights Reserved. Thanos is tortured with the stone and tries with no avail to fight the Lorespeaker. By … Since Thanos wiped out half of Xandar once he got the stone, and that was before his finger snap of death. The location of the Soul Stone was one of the biggest and most theorized about mysteries heading into Avengers: Infinity War. Sure. After we learn that Thanos has destroyed all the Infinity Stones, which left his powers depleted, it becomes clear that the Avengers will have to find a way to retrieve the stones. He uses it to wipe out only Thanos and his armies. He definitely did! Here's what you need to remember: Once you have all the Infinity Stones in the Infinity Gauntlet, the glove functions a bit like genie's magic lamp, and the snap performed by Stark has a different aim than Thanos' evil snap or Hulk's reviving snap. In Avengers: Infinity War, Thanos acquires the Aether from the Collector and turns it back into the Reality Stone off-screen; allowing him to repel the Guardians of the Galaxy's attacks by turning Drax the Destroyer to stone, Mantis into ribbon strips, and causing Star-Lord's gun to shoot bubbles. Follow me on Twitter or LinkedIn . It's not totally unreasonable to wonder, "Wait, did Tony Stark just kill off half the population again?" This stone represents reality, as it possesses the power to bend the very laws of reality and physics, converting matter into dark matter. (I've seen some call it the "Stark-gauntlet" but let's call this version of the item the Hulk-gauntlet for our purposes.) ... whole army at Wakanda just so he can get that Stone. Some assembly required. Thanos got his original Gauntlet built by the Dwarves on Nidavellir, popped those beautiful stones in, and then he was ready for business, like he was putting together a piece of camping equipment. Though our favourite superheroes from all 18 previous films of the MCU come together to fight against Thanos and his children, in the end they aren't enough to stop the big bad's mission. The purple Power Stone, aka the Orb: This stone is originally introduced in Guardians of the Galaxy … That leads to all sorts of Back to the Future II-esque time travel shenanigans, including a sequence where our heroes revisit the Battle of New York from the first Joss Whedon-helmed team-up film. How Does Thanos Collect All 6 Infinity Stones in Avengers: Infinity War? This means that Avengers: Endgame, the likely swan song for Robert Downey Jr.'s Iron Man and Chris Evans's Captain America, is also probably the last time you'll be asked to care about Infinity Stones and the Infinity Gauntlet. AVENGERS INFINITY WAR saw Thanos obtain the Reality Stone from the Collector, but is there a real reason Thor and the Asgardians took it to Knowhere? Whether or not Marvel fans will ever get to witness Thanos snatching up the Power Stone — either in the third Guardians of the Galaxy movie or elsewhere — … With all six stones in his gauntlet, Thanos is able to finally carry out his lifelong mission. In the second post-credit scene in ... one of the Infinity Stones that powers Thanos's gauntlet that killed half the universe. Marvel likes to cheat sometimes when it comes to major characters so that they can … Why wasn't the story put into the movie? Thanos got his original Gauntlet built by the Dwarves on Nidavellir, popped those beautiful stones in, and then he was ready for business, like he was … There's enough visual stimulation onscreen to potentially lose track of the Infinity Gauntlet during this sequence. Does the time travel scheme that drives the second act of the film actually make sense? Star-Lord, is using his computer to track down 2014 Gamora (present-day Gamora was sacrificed to get the Soul Stone … If you don't totally get the rules of the Infinity Gauntlet, that Iron Man snap might be confusing. There's always a plot demand for more items to pursue, more mysteries to crack, and more evil to be undone. He was born with purple, hide-like skin and a massive body due to his Deviant Syndrome. And we have a pretty good of how it's going to go down ( potential, speculation-based spoilers ahead ). Here's reality-. In the lab, he explains to everyone that the new glove-like item, which resembles Stark's Iron Man costume in certain ways and adjusts to fit Banner's enormous fist, will give off potentially lethal amounts of gamma radiation, but since he's already got tons of that in him, it will hurt him the least. (Of all the action beats in the movie, this one might be my favorite because of how massive the explosions are and how easily the Avengers all survive the aerial assault by sliding through the cracks in the crumbling building.) Did every aspect of them always hold together over the last decade of plotting? Probably, because later, around the 1:42 mark, Thanos is seen gently dropping the Space Stone into the second slot of the Infinity Gauntlet. Not exactly. In the midst of the raid on the Avengers' compound, Hawkeye attempts to protect Hulk-gauntlet, but he eventually gives it up to Nebula, who he doesn't realize is actually the evil Nebula. As the heroes look on in horror, some of their friends turn to dust before their eyes (Bucky, Black Panther, Groot, etc.). Of course, he pays a heavy price for performing this act of mystical destruction, and, lacking Hulk's gamma-resistant strength, the snap kills him. . Thanos did, and always will, succeed in eliminating half the population of the cosmos -- but he also failed to do it permanently, thanks to the Avengers. He uses space, reality, soul, and time! Following some bickering, the crew decides that Banner, who has learned to control his angry outbursts and purchased some stylish glasses, should be the one to wield the Hulk-gauntlet. But knowing what and where the Stones are is a pre- Infinity War concern. It's easy to lose track of how Thanos actually collects all the Infinity Stones in the movie in the midst of all that madness, so never fear — we're here to help! So, Banner does the counter-snap with the Hulk-gauntlet. At first it seems like the snap didn't work, but then Hawkeye's phone begins to ring and we see it's his wife Laura calling him. Time travel scheme that drives the second post-credit scene in... one of the six singularities which existed the... His finger snap of death and a massive body due to his Syndrome. 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