Unit 3 Expanding contacts: Discovery and exploration godless ‘savages’. Great finish for the unit is to watch Road to El Dorado. Great finish for the unit is to watch Road to El Dorado. This is an entire unit for the Year 8 History topic 'Spanish Conquest of the Americas' with a focus on the Aztecs.Includes 10 worksheets and 67 slide PowerPoint.Focuses on mapping skills, everyday life, human sacrifice, weapons and warfare. The total number of slides is 56. Both presentations together number 77 slides. Using the map of the Americas and pages 52-53 you have 15 minutes to work in a group of 3 to find out the dates when countries in North and South America first became part of European Empires. The worksheet is available as a free download. The Americas were invaded and incorporated into the Spanish Empire, with the exception of Brazil, British North America, and some small regions in South America and the Caribbean. Stage 4 Depth Study 6: Expanding Contacts Option 3: Spanish Conquest of the Americas Bundle includes: + Powerpoint - Aztec Society + Aztec Society Powerpoint activity + Do you want to be an Aztec farmer? • Understands aspects of the Spanish exploration, conquest, and immigration to the Americas in the centuries following Columbus, (e.g., Spanish interactions with the Aztecs). Print; Main. Version One: Columbus and Exploration. Each of the presentation slides are editable so you can change it to fit your individual needs.The Spanish Empire was one of the, A short video with a worksheet reviewing or lecturing on Spanish conquests in the Americas. By the end of the 16th century, Spain ruled the Americas. Unit of work on the Spanish Conquest of the Americas. Firstly, military conquest associated with catastrophic impact of pestilence decimated the Native American population in a mere time frame of 10-50 years. c. Christopher Columbus sailed west in order to find Asia. Power point presentation #1 is entitled, This file is designed to help students learn about the conquest and fall of the Aztec people at the hands of Cortez and the Spanish Conquistadors. In essence Spanish conquest had three main effects on the Americas after 1942. Each of the presentation slides are editable so you can change it to fit your individual needs.European colonization of the Americas began as early as the 10th century, whe, This lesson focuses on how a small number of Spanish conquistadors conquered huge Native American empires. Source Activities, Writing Activities, and Music and Art Connections. Common core-compliant worksheet. Not true of many empires: didn't care or tolerated other religions. Exploration and Conquest in the Americas. The Spanish recognized the wealth and abundance that could be had in this territory; at this point the Inca Empire was at its largest, measuring around 690,000 square miles. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Are you getting the free resources, updates, and special offers we send out every week in our teacher newsletter? When one thinks of the phrase “Spanish Conquest,” several names may spring to mind including those of Vasco Nunez de Balboa, Juan Ponce de Leon, Hernando de Soto and Francisco Vasquez de Coronado. Answer key is included, This is bundle of 2 power point presentations on The First North Americans and the Competition of European Settlement for America. Students will analyze the patterns of Spanish expansion in the Americas by defining it, describing the primary characteristics of it, and creating analogies by explaining it to other people. They quickly set 19 chapter to work enslaving their people and devastating their cultures. Aztec City of Tenochtitlan founded 1325. The native populations were crushed by guns, germs, and … This les, A quick word about my teaching style so that you know what you are getting into. Machu Picchu founded 1462. 1- What students are expected to know during and after the unit, some of the work/projects/assessments that will take place during the unit, and essential questions to be answered during the unit. The Spanish Conquest of the Americas 7 F Number the events in order from 1=first to 5=last. 10 Minute Task: The Spanish Conquest of the Aztecs and Incas The mighty Aztec and Inca Empires fell apart rapidly once the Spanish arrived. This website is designed for students to learn the following outcome from Stage 4 - Expanding Contacts - 6c: The Spanish Conquest of the Americas. The presentations together number 31 slides. Start studying Conquest of the Americas. You will receive a PDF file with a title page and 2 pages of events. London WC1R 4HQ. After failing to gain support for his project in Portugal, he decided to move to Spain, where, he won the support of the Catholic Monarchs, Queen Isabella of Castile and King Ferdinand of Aragon. The total number of slides is 56. + Do you want to be an Aztec … A. • Identifies methods the Spanish used to conquer the Aztec and Inca settlements. Includes several activities designed to promote critical thinking, active engagement, and class discussion such as:Do Now – image analysis – What advantages did the, A timeline of 8 major events relating to the Spanish conquest of the Americas, focusing specifically on the Aztecs. Although the Spaniards had horses and guns, both unknown in the Americas, the Mexica outnumbered them five hundred to one. Common core-compliant worksheet. All of these men followed the Portuguese explorer, Christopher Columbus, to the New World. Designed for students of the NSW History K-10 Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. The genocide of the Tainos after Spanish conquest occurred Mainly because (a) They were exported to Europe (b) They were killed in wars (c) They were offered as human sacrifices (d) They were overworked and ill treated. Uses readings about eight different individuals to learn about the Spanish Conquest of the Americas from a vareity of perpectives. Home » The Spanish conquest of the Americas (c.1492 – c.1572) A number of Units of work in this theme based on the Junior Australian Curriculum are available from the Author. Columbus encounters Maya in Yucatan In the late 15th century, Cristóbal Colón, known in the English-speaking world as Christopher Columbus, a man well-read in geography, astronomy, history, and theology who had extensive maritime experience, believed he could sail west across the Atlantic to reach Asia. History / Ancient history / Indigenous peoples, History / Early-modern history (1500 -1750), History / Early-modern history (1500 -1750) / Empires and colonialism, Stone Age Diets - Sorting foods into hunting and gathering (presentation & activity), Percy Jackson & The Lightning Thief 6 Week UKS2 Year 5/6 SPaG, Guided Reading, Writing & Topic Plans, History Assessment (Significance) Ancient China. Primarily job of mendicant (begging) orders, took vow of poverty 2 great early missionizing orders, Franciscans and Dominicans Which of the following policy regarding ownership was adopted by the Spanish in the New World after 1492? In theory, the conquistador or colonial official receiving an encomienda had the duty of providing protection and religious instruction to the natives on his land. Start studying Unit 2- Spanish conquest of Texas. It looks like you're using Internet Explorer 11 or older. My cornell,This mini unit on the Spanish exploration of the Americas includes:1. See more ideas about History, Aztec culture, Conquistador. This is an entire unit for the Year 8 History topic 'Spanish Conquest of the Americas' with a focus on the Aztecs.Includes 10 worksheets and 67 slide PowerPoint.Focuses on mapping skills, everyday life, human sacrifice, weapons and warfare. 390 oxford big ideas humanities 8 victorian curriculum chapter 19 the spanish conquest of the americas 391 DRAFT Columbus lands on Venezuelan coast 1498. Because of this, I created materials in which I wouldn't need my students to have a t, In this COMPLETE lesson from InspirEd Educators, students will examine the reasons why Spanish conquistadors defeated the Aztec empire. Spanish Conquest of the Americas AIM: How did the Spanish gain and consolidate power in the Americas? Unit of work on the Spanish Conquest of the Americas. Guatemala bundle makes connections to Social Studies (Ancient Mayas and the Mayan Genocide) . Lesson warm up, teacher instructions, teacher answers, guiding discussion questions, all student handouts and activities are included in this CRITICAL THINKING les, Spanish Conquest of the Americas worksheet, Timeline - Spanish Conquest of the Americas (Aztecs), Spanish Conquest of the Americas - AZTECS - ENTIRE UNIT, Perspectives on Spanish Conquest of the Americas, Spanish Explorers of the Americas, Cortes and Pizarro (distance learning option), Explorers and Age of Exploration Bundle with distance learning option, Pre-Colonial America - European Colonization of the Americas, Bundle of 2 - The First North Americans and Competition of European Settlement, Conquest in the Americas: Spanish Conquistadors (Columbus, Cortés, & Pizarro), Bundle of 2 - Colonial America - The Spanish Empire & European Settlement, Spanish Colonization of the Americas: New Spain, The Americas - Conquest & Fall of the Aztecs, Project: Spanish Conquest of the Inca Empire, Ancient Civilizations of Mexico and the Americas - Student Book, Fray Bartolomé de las Casas PPT + reading packet In Spanish, Bundle of 2 - Civilizations of The Americas - The Incas & Machu Picchu, Bundle of 2 - Colonizing the U. S. and the Competition of European Settlement, New Empires in the Americas Unit Plan/Organizer for Students, Mexican Independence Interactive Notebook Bundle, European Exploration and Conquest (World History) Bundle with Video. In addition, A Unit of work can be personalized for your school’s needs: to focus on particular knowledge, skills, key concepts or elements of Exit Criteria. a. The word encomienda comes from a Spanish verb meaning "to entrust." Square Designed for students of the NSW History K-10 Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. In addition, I have included a reading pa, This is a bundle of 2 highly animated, power point presentations on Civilizations of the Americas - The Incas & Machu Picchu. b. The original intent was to evangelize the people who were already there; this, the Spanish believed, to be a civilizing mission. Teachers Pay Teachers is an online marketplace where teachers buy and sell original educational materials. e. This one-page resource contains some information and activities about Spain's exploration and conquest of the Americas during the Age of Discovery. By unit’s end, students will understand that indigenous people had great agency during the Spanish Conquest, choosing to fight against, or beside the invaders, depending upon their own interests. 2- A blank temp. The Spanish explorer Francisco Pizarro, along with a small military retinue, landed on South American soil around 1526. Students are asked to complete an activity worksheet with reading and response questions (ex. • Understand the short-term and long-term effects of the Spanish on the peoples of the Americas. Tenochtitlan was the capital city of the Aztec Empire.It was located on an island in Lake Texcoco, in the Valley of Mexico.Tenochtitlan’s area is estimated 8 to 13.5 square km , and located on the western side of the shallow Lake Texcoco. 1300 - 1500. Columbus 'discovers' the Americas 1492. The Conquest of the Americas (1521-1720) was an era of the Renaissance in the Americas that saw colonial powers (predominantly Spain) settle down in the New World and aggressively expand their colonies.Explorers mapped the new lands and Spanish conquistadores ("conquerors", soldiers who sought fortune) searched for cities of gold. 254 results for spanish conquest of the americas, Also included in: Bundle #8 - Age of Exploration, Also included in: Explorers and Age of Exploration Bundle with distance learning option, Also included in: Bundle of 2 - The First North Americans and Competition of European Settlement, Also included in: Maya Aztecs Incas Unit Activities Bundle, Also included in: La conquista de Las Américas bundle, Also included in: Mexican Independence Interactive Notebook Bundle. The video is free on Youtube and about 8 minutes long. Power point presentation #1 is entitled The Colon, "New Empires in the Americas" Unit Organizer. The main motivations for colonial expansion were profit and the spread of Catholicism through indigenous conversions. Created: Oct 17, 2017| Updated: Nov 14, 2018. Triumph and Norton There was no universal response as the peoples of Mesoamerica were as politically diverse as Europe or Asia. The PPT i, This Spanish Explorers of the Americas resource is a great supplement to a study of the Age of Exploration. Inca military expansion begins 1438. For the classic motorbike enthusiast. The Spanish destroyed Aztec and incan cultures so that no trace remained C. Spanish colonist gave up European culture and adopted American Indian ways D. The Spanish kept their own culture, but American Indians adopted African culture The Spanish Conquistadors were completely outnumbered and in a foreign land yet they easily defeated these vast and powerful empires. • Explain how Cortés and Pizarro gained control of the Aztec and Incan empires. This website works best with modern browsers such as the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. Year 8 History: The Ancient to the Modern World is a series of eleven classroom resources – produced by ATOM – that are designed to impart the knowledge, historical skills and understanding of key concepts required in key curriculum documents for all states and territories in Australia.. There are four learning activities, each about a different civilisation of the Americas and the actions of the Spanish towards the indigenous peoples. The organizer contains the following: Even though the Incas only used quipus to record information, pretend that Quechua was a written language and that the Incas were so technologically advanced for their time, that they even had email! the Spaniards had no chance of success … The conquest of the Americas didn’t stop with the Spanish conquest, however. I have worked at several schools in the past where I did not have the ability to check out books to students because of short supply. The Maya, The Inca, and The Aztecs of Ancient Americas-variety of activities-much of the ancient civilizations curriculum can be taught using this student reproducible booklet-comparisons and geography of the 3 civilizations-information and youtube video with question and answer follow-up-the Spanis, PPT (Microsoft '97) to quickly review the conquest of the Americas and the letters written by Fray Bartolomé de las Casas regarding the crimes against humanity committed by the Spaniards during the conquest. ***UPDATED TO INCLUDE VIDEO FILE, HANDOUT FILE (PDF & MS WORD), and a "standard font" version of the slideshow.This series of 28 highly visual, interactive PowerPoint Slides has students fill out a map and questions as they follow along. Bundle may be used for lower and higher levels with some differentiation. The worksheet has questions to answer while watching to ensure that students are paying attention. 9. Includes a PPT and reading handouts. It would also work well if you are dividing a class into small groups for work in centers.After completing the reading passages about Hernan Cortes, Francisco Pizarro, the Aztecs, and the Inca, This is a 34 slide, highly animated, power point presentations on Pre-Colonial America - European Colonization of the Americas. Aztecs choose their first emperor 1376. addressing the global significance and effects of Christopher Columbus' first encounter with Nati, This is a bundle of 2, highly animated, power point presentations on Colonial America - The Spanish and European Settlements. How did the Spanish conquest affect culture in the Americas? The total number of slides is 56. Great finish for the unit is to watch Road to El Dorado. The conquest of much of the New World by Spanish conquistadors during those few years was surely one of history's turning points. Tes Global Ltd is Mexico – Spanish Conquest is an interactive lesson plan that covers the landing of Hernando Cortes in Mexico and the eventual destruction of the Aztec nation. OJO Materials are in PDF format. Then the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés led an attack on the Mexica empire. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. A range of restored classic motorcycles and new and used parts for a range of classic bikes. The Spanish Conquest on the Americas. d. The Hispanic countries became independent republics. This is an entire unit for the Year 8 History topic 'Spanish Conquest of the Americas' with a focus on the Aztecs.Includes 10 worksheets and 67 slide PowerPoint.Focuses on mapping skills, everyday life, human sacrifice, weapons and warfare. Included in the zip file are pdf and editable ppt version of:1 - Regular, Modified, and Expanded Worksheets.2 - Reading and Instruction Sheets3 - A Cros, El Dorado is a Hispanic legend that tells the story of an Indian Chief that gathered all the gold from his kingdom and tossed it in a river to prevent the conquistadores from taken it. It also covers the Spanish territory in the New World and the outlining of the government system as it was set-up in the Americas. The Spanish Conquest of the Americas. The crown created civil and religious structures to administer this vast territory. Unit of work on the Spanish Conquest of the Americas. The Conquest of the Americas . Slideshow contains two fragments of the letters. Great legend to accompany a Conquest of the Americas lesson.OJO Materials are in PDF format and in the target langu. registered in England (Company No 02017289) with its registered office at 26 Red Lion Aligned with the NSW Curriculum (Stage 4 History). Designed for students of the NSW History K-10 Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Indeed, as Karl Marx and Adam Smith claimed, perhaps it … Great finish for the unit is to watch Road to El Dorado.Uses readings about eight different individuals to learn about the Spanish Conquest of the Americas from a vareity of perpectives. The Spanish colonization of the Americas began under the Crown of Castile and spearheaded by the Spanish conquistadors. This website and its content is subject to our Terms and 6. SPANISH MISSIONIZATION OF THE AMERICAS (2/24/04) One of distinguishing features of Spanish conquest was emphasis on Christianizing Indians. The Spanish, American Indian, and African cultures blended overtime B. Spanish Arrival. Spain agonized over its conquest in the Americas, like no other Imperial power would thereafter. Conditions. Each of the presentation slides are editable so you can change them to fit your individual needs.The Inca first appeared in t, This is bundle of 2 power point presentations on Colonizing the United States and the Competition of European Settlement. • Understands the significance of beliefs held by both Native Americans and Europeans. Each of the slides are editable and can be modified to adjust to your presentation, if needed. The unit is designed so that all of the activities can be used in their entirety, or teachers can pick and choose the activities that best ... Exploration and Conquest in the Americas. Students can choose to be Francisco Pizarro (Spanish conquistador) or Atahualpa (Inca emperor). This can be given to students. Sep 9, 2014 - Explore Mf Turnbull's board "Spanish Conquest of the Americas" on Pinterest. In return, the natives would work in mines, produce food or trade goods, and so on. Thousands of years ago, some Asians traveled to the Americas. Connections are also made to literature (Rigoberta Menchú and two popular legends from Guatemala). Each page includes 4 major events. Each of the slides are editable and can be modified to adjust to your presentation, if needed. Conquest in the Americas Objectives • Analyze the results of the first encounters between the Spanish and Native Americans. 8. 9, 2014 - Explore Mf Turnbull 's board `` Spanish Conquest of the Aztec and Incan empires Americas the... Are also made to literature ( Rigoberta Menchú and two popular legends from guatemala ) free resources updates! Art connections Columbus, to the Americas Australian Curriculum men followed the Portuguese explorer Christopher! Other religions Spanish believed, to be a civilizing mission which of the,. Worksheet with reading and spanish conquest of the americas unit of work questions ( ex of Discovery ( Stage 4 History.!, produce food or trade goods, and so on ) one of distinguishing features of Spanish Conquest emphasis! 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