Assessing Quality of Teacher Education: A Student Perspective. If they do, they are limited due to cultural norms and pressures. The second option available would include 12 years of schooling and four years of schooling to receive a Bachelor of Education for either elementary or secondary educators. This is locally termed a 'matriculation certificate' or 'matric' for short. An estimated 22.8 million children aged 5-16 are out-of-school. Among those institutions can be found vocational schools, technical training centres and agriculture and vocational training centres. Issues within the schools include defective teaching materials and curriculum, substandard and under qualified teachers, and overcrowded classrooms. Let’s check out why Information Technology is important in education: 1. He developed and introduced for the first time in Pakistan, new instruments for affordable quality education through innovation. Moreover, the universities here don't provide skills that have a demand in market. Dr. Malik has this unique distinction, being the first Pakistani and Muslim who has been conferred the Confucius Award by UN-UNESCO. [70] She was awarded a MacArthur Fellowship in 2010[71][72] and first Lahore technology reward from Information Technology University in 2017. [88], According to the Quality Standard World University Ranking for 2014, QAU, IST, PIEAS, AKU, NUST, LUMS, CUI, KU and UET Lahore are ranked among top 100 universities in Asia. [52], Because of COVID-19, Pakistan had to consider using online classes. O levels and A levels are usually not taught within the same school. Therefore, in order to ensure Establishment of 350 Community Schools in hard to 39.329reach areas of FATA (NORAD assisted) 22. The eight commonly examined disciplines are: Most schools also offer drama studies, music and physical education but these are usually not examined or marked. [85] However, in 2009 the government approved the new national education policy, which stipulates that education expenditure will be increased to 7% of GDP,[86] an idea that was first suggested by the Punjab government. [34][35] Research indicates several problems faced by women doctors in Pakistan in their career and education, including lack of implementation of women-friendly policies (like maternity leave, breast-feeding provisions and child-care facilities), and systemic sexism prevalent in medical education and training. Dr. Malik is the former Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of the Punjab Education Foundation (PEF) (2004 to 2008). [107] ISC defines an 'international school' in the following terms "ISC includes an international school if the school delivers a curriculum to any combination of pre-school, primary or secondary students, wholly or partly in English outside an English-speaking country, or if a school in a country where English is one of the official languages, offers an English-medium curriculum other than the country's national curriculum and is international in its orientation. The education plays a great role in developing country in every field. Bizenjo, S. (2020). That is to say, education sector should be treated as a special sector by immunizing budgetary allocations for it from fiscal stresses and political and economic instabilities. Moreover, the universities here are too expensive, due to which the Pakistani students can't afford a university to get higher education. Schooling plays the role of a foundation for any child and if the foundation is solid, the child will be able to become a strong and confident human being. The media plays a very constructive role in today’s society. Pakistan lags behind much of the world on almost all socio-development indicators (health, education, income, gender equality) on the Human Development Index. These networks gave their input at the policy level in provincial and national forums. ", "Pakistan sees high rate of female medical students, but few doctors", "Is there a doctor in the house? Less than 6% of those in the age cohort 55-64 have a degree, compared to 8% in the 45-54 age cohort, 11% in the 35-44 age cohort and 16% in the age cohort 25–34.[16]. Each stream consists of three electives and as well as three compulsory subjects of English, Urdu, Islamiat (grade 11 only) and Pakistan Studies (grade 12 only). SPO has also provided massive support to flood affected communities in Turbat, Bolan, Gwadar, Naseerabad, Jaffarabad, Thatta, Badin, Swat and Rawalpindi (districts across four provinces). This further widens the gender imbalance in the field of education throughout Pakistan. 26 [22][21] Among other criticisms the Pakistani education system faces is the gender disparity in enrollment levels. Students need more opportunities to deepen their knowledge of how to attend to economic and social needs. Mostly, on the father’s than the mother’s education level. SPO engages civil society networks, faith-based organisations and groups representing a wide range of stakeholders. However, there does not seem to be gender segregation in the schools that were visited in a study cited. Not only that but should enforced in the same way as cisgender individuals. This last reform included free and compulsory education for all children, and access to quality basic education. Almost one-third of universities in Balochistan do not have professors in their teacher education departments and there was not a PhD in Education at any of the universities in Balochistan. His services were recognized by United Nations - UNESCO and Dr. Malik was conferred UNESCO Confucius Award in 2011. These rights include; education, employment, health, accessing public places and transportation, voting, holding public office, and etc. The Peace and Social Harmony Programme encourages civil society networks, faith-based organisations and groups, representing a wide range of stakeholders, to jointly participate in decision-making processes for the protection of basic rights regardless of religion, language, ethnicity and class differences. Thus, out of total 37 years since 1972, public expenditure on education as a percentage of GDP either decreased or remained stagnant for 21 years. The number of madrassas are popular among Pakistan's poorest families in part because they feed and house their students. In order to ensure effective participation of women, the minimum female participation of 33% was achieved in Punjab through advocacy campaigns in collaboration with other agencies. He has vast experience in implementing social development projects focusing social and human development. Malik in his early career served as Deputy Commissioner Chilas - Diamer, Gilgit, Muzzaffargarh and Pakpattan. However, after the research, male students are more likely to attend low-cost private schools than female students. The Pan African medical journal, 30, 96. Types of societies are categories of social groups that differ according to subsistence strategies; the way that humans use technology to provide needs for themselves. This level of education is also called the FSc/FA/ICS or 'intermediate'. education is to strengthen teachers‟ abilities to inquire perfectly into the nature of learning and teaching. Internation Journal of Distance Education and E-Learning (IJDEEL), V(II), 74-85. The major challenges to be dealt with include the rising sectarian differences and inter-provincial harmony. In this essay on importance of education, we will tell you about the value of education in life and society. He completed his MPhil degree in Economics and Politics of Development from Cambridge University –United Kingdom. He is known for his work in the field of Techno-entrepreneurship and Biotechnology. course called Technical School Certificate (TSC) (equivalent to 10th grade) and Diploma of Associate Engineering (DAE) in engineering disciplines like Civil, Chemical, Architecture, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics, Computer etc. [89], Education in Pakistan is heavily influenced by religion. He was elected as Fellow of the Royal Society (London) in 2006 [59] and won the UNESCO Science Prize in 1999.[60]. Environmental safeguards were built in. Lastly, these trainers do not have any extra qualifications and are not highly qualified to begin with.[18]. Out of the formal system, the public sectors runs numerous schools and training centres, most being vocational-oriented. "[107] This definition is used by publications including The Economist. The policy covers elementary education to colleges in both rural and urban India. Teacher preparation programs need funding and consistency to produce quality, effective teachers. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in high education: A SWOT analysis of Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad (Pakistan). Mahmood, K. (2014). A summary is as follows:[92], The Economic Survey of Pakistan 2019 report says that literacy rate has increased in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa from 54.1% to 55.3%, in Punjab from 61.9% to 64.7% and in Balochistan from 54.3% to 55.5%.In Sindh, the literacy rate has decreased from 63.0% to 62.2%. Research has shown that School Management Committee (SMC) plays a key role in strengthening relationships between the schools and local communities. Moin, A., Fatima, H., & Qadir, T. F. (2018). for Justice and Peace (NCJP) report 2001 on literacy of religious minorities in Pakistan–the average literacy rate among Christians in Punjab is 34 percent, Hindu (upper caste) is 34 percent, Hindu (scheduled castes) is 19 percent, others (including Parsis, Sikhs, Buddhists and nomads) is 17 percent compared to the national average of 46.56 percent.Whereas the Ahmadis have literacy rate slightly higher than the national average. He is the founding trustee of Pakistan Alliance for Girls Education (PAGE). Prospects (00331538), 47(1/2), 73–86. (5) Providing media of informal education: Community extends support for all-round development of its members in the school through its informal agencies like museums, art galleries, libraries, music drama centers, recreation centers, religious and secular institution, etc. It includes areas of gender equality and access to education. Analysis of teacher training education program: A comparative study of Indonesia, Malaysia and Pakistan. He is popularly known as Educator to the Poor in academic circles. Dr. Malik served as Director General & Programme Director Directorate of Staff Development - DSD restructured and renamed in 2017 as Quaid e Azam Academy for Educational Development - QAED, Programme Director Punjab Education Sector Reforms Programme - PESRP. This paper assesses the importance of citizenship education in Pakistan. SPO focuses on capacity building of community institutions and nurtures civil society networks at the grassroots. A particularly interesting aspect of this gender disparity is representation of Pakistani women in STEMM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine). Education plays critical role in the development of a country, reducing poverty, and ... Education, Pakistan, estimated that 32% of primary age children are out of school (Country Report 2013). SPO manages and implements its programmes through nine permanent and three temporary project offices: Rights-based political education and supporting democracy, Reviving communities affected by natural disasters, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Canadian International Development Agency,, Human rights organisations based in Pakistan, Articles lacking reliable references from February 2011, Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from January 2017, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 4 August 2019, at 02:44. Dr. Malik was conferred United Nations's UNESCO Confucius Prize for Literacy with the title of The Honourable and a Degree in recognition of leadership role for the promotion of Literacy and Skill Development in the Punjab province on September 8, 2011. A study revealed that reflective writing and case studies have been the best approach to raising awareness about human rights issues in teacher preparation programs in Pakistan. For strengthening the role of education, various educational commissions were formed and ... institutions and community. Malnutrition is a problem for children of parents who do not have a formal education status. Accordingly, great emphasis has been placed on vocational training. The curriculum is usually subject to the institution. Emotional Intelligence and Life Satisfaction of Teachers Working at Special Education Institutions of Bahawalpur, Pakistan. The results from the teacher institutions study showed that teachers of Pakistani special education institutions reported higher levels of emotional intelligence or self-awareness about their issues and provided ways on how to fix their own problems. Even with this improvement, due to their low social status and inequities regarding access to education, even when they comprise half of the population, women are still facing these burdens. "The State shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age of five to sixteen years in such a manner as may be determined by law". [6] Literacy rates vary regionally, particularly by sex. Curriculum plays crucial role in national integration and harmony. It plays like a model role in the development of one country if the people of a country are educated then they can easily helps them in development. SPO's partner organisations demonstrated maturity in planning and undertaking development activities—over 300 CBOs and WOs designed development projects that addressed key needs of their communities. Malik formulated Punjab Youth Policy 2012, National TVET Policy 2015, Punjab Early Childhood Education and Development (ECED) and supervised the revision of National Education Policy 2009. Diploma holders are called associate engineers. The enrollment rate for girls in rural areas is only twenty percent in grade school. Media play an important role in increasing of public awareness and collect the views, information and attitudes toward certain issue. Examples of these include; The Convention of the Rights of the Children (1989), the Millennium Development Goals (UN 1990), and the Sustainable Development Goals (2015). [91], The definition of literacy has been undergoing changes, with the result that the literacy figure has vacillated irregularly during the last censuses and surveys. ", "Asma Javaid, etc. Upon successful completion of these examinations, they are awarded a Secondary School Certificate (or SSC). They were able to secure funds for these projects from SPO as well as other donors such as Trust for Voluntary Organisations (TVO), The Canada Fund and other bilateral donors. Today many Pakistani universities are seen on the globe. Research has shown that School Management Committee (SMC) plays a key role in strengthening relationships between the schools and local communities. [83] Investments must be made in updating building infrastructures, libraries, IT departments, and laboratories. [108], Education expenditure as percentage of GDP, Literacy rate of Federally Administered Areas, Mean Years of Schooling in Pakistan by administrative unit. Dr. Malik also served as lead international consultant with the UNESCO, IUCN, Asian Development Bank, The British Council and many other international organizations. [90], According to the Pakistan's National Council A number of small initiatives were undertaken in collaboration with other partners for communities in the areas of education and health. The approximate ratio of public schools to private schools in India is 7:5. The addition of Pakistani universities in QS Asian ranking over the year is given below in table 4. Women have been especially sensitised for good governance and provided political education so that they can play a role in the local government. Salam, Sheldon Glashow and Steven Weinberg shared the 1979 Nobel prize for this work. [1] Dr. Malik belongs to the Pakistan Administrative Service and is considered to be a management, human development and institutional development specialist. According to the Australian Journal of Asian Law, in 2018, Pakistan defined what they consider to be “transgender”. There are parts of Pakistan where government leaders have not enacted strategies to help children attend schools. It is estimated[by whom?] SPO was the first organisation to train the implementing partners of Earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Authority (ERRA), including the army, in community mobilisation and the only national organisation to work at the policy level with the newly formed National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA). Education enriches people’s understanding of themselves and world. Technical and Vocational Education and Training for Economic Growth in Pakistan. Lall, M. (2009). Among the factors that affect the quality and accessibility of education are qualified teachers, adequate facilities, proper funding, comprehensive curriculums, affordable tuition fees and.. Malik is Charles Wallace Trust Fellow of SOAS University of London UK and was appointed as Ambassador of British Alumni Association Pakistan. [9] Despite these statistics, Pakistan still has low literacy rate. [90] However, most of the Pakistani teachers who responded to the study (14 out of 18) either accepted or considered the possibility of the evolution of living organisms, although nearly all Pakistani science teachers rejected human evolution because they believed that ‘human beings did not evolve from monkeys.’ This is a major misconception and incorrect interpretation of the science of evolution, but according to the study it is a common one among many Pakistani teachers. Learn how and when to remove this template message, Pakistan Council for Architects and Town Planners, History of education in the Indian subcontinent, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory, List of administrative units of Pakistan by Human Development Index, List of special education institutions in Pakistan, Lists of educational institutions in Pakistan, "Pakistan Economic Survey 2018-19 Chapter 10: Education", "Constitution of Pakistan Artikel 25A (English translation)", "Education System in Pakistan Problems, Issues & Solutions", "Pakistan Social And Living Standards Measurement Survey (PSLM) 2014-15 Provincial / District", "Literacy Rate in Pakistan Province Wise | Pakistan Literacy Rate", "", "Adjusted net enrolment ratio in primary education", "Education in Pakistan: The Key Issues, Problems and The New Challenges", "Pakistan's Islamic Schools Fill Void, but Fuel Militancy",, "Youth and skills: putting education to work, EFA global monitoringthereport, 2012; 2013", "Gender Disparity in Education - Extents, Trends and Factors",,, "Are Pakistan's female medical students to be doctors or wives? [36] Despite the importance of the issue, no new policies (except now-defunct-quota) have been proposed or implemented to ensure women's retention in workforce. Then, the person would receive an Associate’s degree in education. Further research is needed to investigate the mood differences between special education institution environments and regular education institution environments. Pass Bachelors is now slowly being phased out for Honours throughout the country. It only makes sense that it has the lowest literacy rate because of this. The Lancet Global Health, 6(2). Jumani, S., Amin, S., & Mari, F. M. (2020). Downloadable! Three to four subjects are selected, based on the interest of the student. Pass degree requires two years of study and students normally read three optional subjects (such as Chemistry or [Education] Economics) in addition to almost equal number of compulsory subjects (such as English, islamiyat and Pakistan Studies). SPO has grown as an institution with the ability to develop linkages among grass root communities and policy-making institutions. [12] The standard national system of education is mainly inspired from the English educational system. However, before this act, the Pakistani government recognized five different genders. No country can achieve sustainable economic development without substantial investment in human capital. It should enable the student to take out his livelihood. [27]. Journal of Research & Reflections in Education (JRRE), 8(2), 1–18. And Primary education is the basic bedrock upon which whole building of education and human development stands. SPO has established a mechanism through its local partner networks to collect feedback on government policies, review performance and propose alternative solutions. It is frequently called girl's education or women's education. An Assessment of Gender Inequality: A Case Study of Pakistan. (2019). Another point of weakness education in Pakistan faces is relevance in content. He served as Federal/Additional Secretary to the Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training, Director General, Academy of Educational Planning and Management (AEPAM) and Director General, National Commission of Human Development. The role of the Ministry of Education. [3], The education system in Pakistan[4] is generally divided into six levels: preschool (for the age from 3 to 5 years), primary (grades one through five), middle (grades six through eight), high (grades nine and ten, leading to the Secondary School Certificate or SSC), intermediate (grades eleven and twelve, leading to a Higher Secondary School Certificate or HSSC), and university programs leading to undergraduate and graduate degrees.[5]. Role of education in strengthening Pakistani communities Review of Unit 1 One of the basic purposes of the course is to understand the nested relationships between school and community and how to capitalize on these relationships to [17] There is also a great deal of variety between age cohorts. Secondary education in Pakistan begins from grade 9 and lasts for four years. The study revealed that the general mood of the workplace is correlated with emotional intelligence. [77] Education plays a pivotal role in the development of the country. He has over 1052 research papers, books and patents attributed to him. The main benefit of Information Technology in Education as it can make life a lot easier for one and all concerned. Malik has several decades of experience in various aspects of the education sector and skill development: policy and situation analysis, assessment, policy formulation, strategic interventions, planning, implementation and monitoring and evaluation. He served as Secretary Literacy and Basic Education Department with Skill Development Programmes and Secretary Youth Affairs (2009 to 2012) Government of Punjab Pakistan. This chapter becomes SPO's eight years growth to maturity and transformation from a small, project support office to a prominent contributor to participatory development in Pakistan. Challenges faced by marginalized communities such as transgenders in Pakistan. Factually, since female enrollment is so much lower compared to males across all of the provinces in Pakistan, literacy rates along with dropout rates are much higher. However, in recent years some progress has been made in trying to fix this problem. [13], As of 2007[update], public expenditure on education was 2.2 percent of GNPs, a marginal increase from 2 percent before 1984–85. The POs also involved a large number of the intended beneficiaries in project needs, assessment, design and management. and strengthening of community action for education sector in Sindh; æ Community engagement with district and provincial level policymakers to take policy action with regards to the education sector in Sindh. The gender disparity has decreased comparatively rapidly at secondary school. Cureus, 9(6), e1316. Through SPO's interventions, an attitudinal change in society was observed where people demand that their basic needs are fulfilled and seen as their rights, rather than taking the fulfilment of such needs as a privilege. Khalid, S. M., & Khan, M. F. (2006). After pre-school education, students go through junior school from grades 1 to 5. Role of education is means of socializing individuals and ... and the skills required to strengthen a democratic culture. In any society education plays such a basic role and without education we cannot imagine a life. [104], In a study published by the Research Journal of Commerce, Economics, and Social Sciences, discusses the importance of education. The mission is to strengthen and support community organisations and public interest institutions of Pakistan for the benefit of poor and disadvantaged sections of society for sustainable development through a participatory approach. His model of PPP has been accepted as the world's best replicate model by the lead journal Economist, for low cost schools for affordable quality education. In addition to female students being deprived of opportunities, female teachers are also lacking adequate teaching spaces. No matter which gender, all children deserve proper education. [53], Digital education has been started in many of the educational institution in Pakistan to utilize time efficiently during the current time. Many children live too far away from school to receive a formal education. He is also Member of the Steering Committee and Drafting Group of Framework For Action beyond 2015 by UNESCO Paris. [45], Some major obstacles faced by the education system in Pakistan include: access to education, equal opportunities, relevance, required teachers, and environment. [10] And Pakistan also has the second largest out of school population (22.8 million children)[11] after Nigeria. Over 150 research papers have been attributed to him. They also passed The Pakistan Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act of 2018. She had her name in Guinness Book of World Records. A recent study in Pakistan compared teachers who were employed by regular institutions and special education institutions. In Pakistan, the quality of education has a declining trend. Choti funding has also spurred economic activities that benefit female community members. On January 15, 1994, the Small Projects Office was transformed into an indigenous NGO. SPO has so far worked in 77 districts out of 110 across four provinces and trained more than 3,000 community-based and local government institutions, strengthened 56 rights-based advocacy networks and undertook special projects for girls, education and humanitarian relief in case of natural disasters. Well as flower of the teacher and the traditional classroom 96 ], life satisfaction the programme is on... Seen as female oriented or Honors 16 ] Pakistan plans to increase this figure to 10 % by.... Proper nutrition needed for their children language of instruction depends on the globe not start of as strengthening in organization. Had remained significantly unpredictable and unsteady in the majority of the two grades, they are a... Can vote to elect their representatives’ 8-10 courses are selected, based on building social among. As German, Turkish, Arabic, Persian, French and Chinese of people have touched 4 of... 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