(They're cheaper at Petco than Petsmart, and the Aqueon is $30 and the Python is $40 for 25'-hoses. Simply attach the water flow assembly to the faucet using the included multi-connection faucet adaptor and turn on the faucet. Rendered by PID 3599 on r2-app-0cb65f1f6733c554c at 2020-12-09 16:30:18.590078+00:00 running 59d663e country code: US. I had this same problem too when I first tried. With Python water changers stretching up to 100 feet in length, coiling the hose up once you are finished with it can be a messy job. [–]sneakychinchillla[S] 0 points1 point2 points 11 months ago (2 children), I ran out time tonight so I didn’t get a chance to look around behind the fish wall. Julia The mighty oak is just a little nut that held its ground. At our store we have another sink faucet right next to our regular one that the hose attaches to, it pumps out water with a lot of power and works amazing for the vacuum. We have to go through and unclog them all and within 24 hours they’re clogged again with calcium and pest snails. If so, show me! They say that you should do a 10% water change every week. Allows you to change aquarium water more frequently and with ease helping to keep your fish healthy. Our water smells awful because our nitrates are soo bad. Terms and conditions of this offer are subject to change at the sole discretion of PetSmart. [–]grayscale_roses 0 points1 point2 points 11 months ago (0 children), Yes, we are able to vacuum all tanks just fine at our store, with actually awesome flow in every tank. Fluval Aqua Pro Vac Gravel Cleaner. Free shipping. Petco Animal Supplies, Inc.® is not an insurer and is not engaged in the business of insurance. I know a bunch of other stores use the water changers but ours has been “broken” for a couple years so I finally convinced a manager to write a new one off for pet care. The Petco name is used for the brand name. I believe for $40 online,, then bought a few more needed items,,, also at lower prices to get the free shipping. [–]MissMissingMew 0 points1 point2 points 11 months ago (0 children). We have the biggest fish wall in our district with over 120 tanks. The build quality is fantastic. Click here for all terms and conditions. The Python Water Changer – How It Works: The secret and unique feature of a Python water changer is that both water removal and fill are handled by a connection to any regular faucet. This item PYTHON No Spill Water Changer, 7.5 m ( Brass Adaptor Not included ) Python No Spill Clean and Fill Aquarium Maintenance System, 50-Feet. Edit: it'll take some effort to get the hose full and start aiphoning. We do have a floor drain so that’s what I was thinking, maybe could position it so that it drained into there. use the following search parameters to narrow your results: and join one of thousands of communities. Or are they reselling them? Maybe you'd need to go to lows and get an adaptor. Narwhal72 wrote:There are two different versions of the Aqueon water changer that were made in different factories.The older version has the darker tubing and the newer one has the more clear tubing. Imagitarium Aquatic Gravel Vacuum. I would give that credit to the secondary faucet - it really blasts water like 10x harder than the other one, [–]sneakychinchillla[S] 0 points1 point2 points 11 months ago (0 children), [–]kf4ypd 2 points3 points4 points 11 months ago (0 children). 36 minutes ago. Is it attached just to a basic sink faucet? We had to buy an adaptor for our sink. All sizes of aquariums need regular water changes, even if filters are working properly and the water looks clear. Sign up to receive updates, special offers, program communications and other information from Petco. I’ve put both hot and cold on blast and it didn’t change it...we only have one faucet I’m 99% sure unless I just never noticed another lol. No more syphons, buckets or tank tear downs. But my tanks at home are all somewhat high so maybe I just haven’t encountered that issue? 0M10414). snailaquarium. Likewise, a 55 gallon aquarium, a ten percent partial aquarium water change means the water to be changed will be 5 gallons. Does your store use one for pet care? Compatible with all Python No Spill Clean and Fill systems. Maybe not without good water pressure though. I’ll try putting a pump on it and see if it works thank you! Operates with ease. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. There’s a power outage at home, so I’m keeping this guy as warm as possible. Are there any stronger sinks within a 50 feet radius? Pet Insurance plans are underwritten by United States Fire Insurance Company. I love my flowers in my garden and would like to make good use of the aquarium water to feed/water … I wonder if I can find another if I could just attach more tubing to the bottom and have it lead into the drain... [–]grayscale_roses 1 point2 points3 points 11 months ago (2 children), I believe the main benefit of the python isn't for low tanks, rather that it empties water directly into the sink, as oppossed to using and dumping a bucket. Python Pro-Clean Gravel Washer and Siphon Kit for Aquariums is made to last, constructed using only the highest quality materials. Python is one brand, Aqueon also makes a changer and I think Lee does too. It’s definitely set up correctly. But it doesn’t get changed much since siphoning is such a pain. With our time-saving, helpful products you will be able to cut your maintenance time IN HALF! And there's no leaks anywhere? The water changer part that connects to the faucet, looks like plastic, and the Python Co. has changed this part with a metal piece, It does look very similar to the Python, I have the Python and like it very much. Hey fishlore, I recently bought the aqueon water changer and the faucet adapter doesn't attach to my bathroom faucet. FishBearer9845; 13 minutes ago; Tropical Discussion; Replies 0 Views 1. Python/aqueon/top fin water changer system. © 2020 reddit inc. All rights reserved. [–]MephistoMathers1 0 points1 point2 points 11 months ago (3 children). I’m wondering if there isn’t enough water pressure because it will work on the top tanks but doesn’t suction at all on the bottom ones and only kinda works on the middle ones. Does your store use one for pet care? Top. If you like the lighter water changers for the aquarium, then you can opt for the Aqueon. This system eliminates the need for buckets, siphons and tank tear-downs that lead to bigger messes. Shop for Low Price Petsmart Pet Hotel Framingham Ma And Petsmart Python Water Changer . S. I think my electric blue acara have had eggs. ZaneSun Aquarium Fish Tank Gravel Cleaner,Siphon Vacuum Pump Gravel Cleaner Fish Tank Water Changer with Adjustable Flow Control Tape& Aquarium Fish Tank Cleaning Brush. Soo I’m thinking it’s the sink that’s the issue? Adoptable pets may not be … At night, switch to a night-specific bulb so you can watch your python with minimum disturbance to your Ball Python. https://amzn.to/2Vs6k5u - Aquarium water changers like the python or the aqueon can sometimes be a hassle. I’m still going to add new things over time (ie greenery, a 3rd hide, and a 150w CHE instead of a 100w) but is this better? ... Python water changer with a pond pump attached, and a 32G Rubbermaid Brute can for prepping the water for temp and dechlor before it hits the system. Ours has an option to hook the gravel vacc up directly to it and it sucks water back through the filter. It definitely sounds like its not enough water pressure from the sink. I am very interested in your input on the Python system and how you divert the water to your garden? Does it hook up securely to the sink? And how do you fix it??? And an Eheim vac to pick up debris on top of the sand bed… I … It’s so frustrating and our tanks are gross. Do you have a floor drain? Solid plastic construction ensures durability and long-term use. Hey, so what's PetSmart's policy if an employee tests positive for Covid? Posted by 9 months ago. Helps remove hazardous waste and toxins. Our iso sink is better too but the issue there is that it’s in the back of the store and the fish wall is in the front. Python/aqueon/top fin water changer system. No buckets, no siphons, no mess, no tank tear downs...EVER again. Offer may not be combined with other promotional offers or discounts. It seems like the same exact mechanism as python so I don’t see why it would. No Spill Python No-spill Clean And Fill Aquarium Vac Tank Hose 25' Gravel Vacuum Kit (1000DZQ025F) 4.9 out of 5 stars (42) Total Ratings 42, ... Aquarium Siphon Gravel Cleaner Fish Tank Clean Vacuum Water Changer Pump Filter. Fish Tank Water Changers Simplify the way you change your fish tank's water with effective tools from PetSmart. We offer a large selection of products to clean and maintain your aquarium. Install the adapter when needed, or leave it attached to your faucet for more frequent use. But I thought it was powerful enough to use on lower tanks. Therefore, a clean 5 gallon white food grade bucket can be a smart choice. That’s a good idea. (35) $57.29 was $69.99. I have the python and it works amazing for my tanks. But we always test from the sump and the nitrates still suck so idk. Do they actually want a pet? Routine water changes help keep your entire aquarium clean with minimal effort, if you have the right products. - Complete gravel cleaner and water changing system - Ready to use - Makes aquarium maintenance simple and easy $7.94. Waiting periods, annual deductible, co-insurance, benefit limits and exclusions may apply. Included with the Python No Spill Clean and Fill Aquarium Maintenance System, you’ll receive a hose, gravel tube, switch, hose connectors, faucet pump and brass faucet adapter—everything you need for easy aquarium maintenance. And the damn thing still doesn’t work. We got it at one of the chains, PetSmart, I think. Thanks! To keep your water changer neat and tidy in between uses, Python sells heavy-duty straps to hold the hose in one tight coil. Python Pro-Clean Gravel Washer and Siphon Kit for Aquariums is perfect for the beginner and hobbyist alike. The Python and similar systems have a pump which connects to a source of pressurised water, a faucet for example. We dump liquids into it constantly, its just a big drain. Close the valve when move between tanks so you don't lose all the water in the hose and have to restart the siphon. The new gravel vacc never worked after setting it up? The tubing is quite important for most users. If you do have that, you could *possibly* get it to siphon by just attaching the hose there somehow and beginning the siphon yourself. Insurance plans are marketed and offered by PetCoach, LLC. The Aqueon Aquarium Water Changers are designed to help eliminate the potential for messy aquarium spills and transporting heavy buckets of water. Well yes I think the main draw is not having to use the dang buckets. Operates with ease. Ask your CEL what filtration system you have. Archived. This kit effectively separates and removes debris from your aquarium while you perform routine water changes. Plus it allows opposite flow (Refilling tanks). Python/aqueon/top fin water changer system. S. Shocking Petsmart store with loads of dead fish. 3. For example, our store's main system has a pipe that drains a bit into just this huge hole in the ground. Water Changer: Python No Spill Clean and Fill Aquarium Maintenance System, 50-Feet. It’s because our water here is so hard that calcium builds up in all the outtakes in the tanks and blocks them. Do you count every cricket for pp's or do you approximate? Nitrates should never be high. Considering that Python is right here in the United States, this is unsurprising. We still use the sink because the flow from the filters is very low though. Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. Use the python, forget hooking it up to the sink though, you'll never get enough power, not to mention wasting water. Get 5% back every day by earning 1 point for every $1 spent. I was so stoked to set it all up and get it going. If you don't have the second faucet I'm not sure how you'd be able to get that to work, another edit* maybe try (if you haven't already) putting hot and cold water on full blast when using it, just to try for a bit more pressure, [–]sneakychinchillla[S] 2 points3 points4 points 11 months ago (3 children). The thick solid plastic was more than capable of holding up to everyday use. Python/aqueon/top fin water changer system (self.petsmart), submitted 11 months ago by sneakychinchillla. I am seriously considering doing daily water changes to get it to 0 8. I know ours gets funky when I accidentally grab a snail she'd or something. by Barbara » Wed May 13, 2009 4:57 pm . snailaquarium; 36 minutes ago; Chain Fish Stores; Replies 0 Views 1. Close. No more syphons, buckets or tank tear downs. Petsmart Python Water Changer And 10 Off 30 Petsmart Coupon FIND SPECIAL OFFERS AND YOU MAY GET SPECIAL OFFERD TODAY. I have a 55 gallon freshwater tank and I have never been able to get my ammonia and nitrates down to 0. FishBearer9845. It would be a million times more efficient if we could get this to work. We have the biggest fish wall in our district with over 120 tanks. Julia. (265) $9.49 - $18.99. A complete, ready-to-use system that adapts easily to most faucets and makes changing your aquarium water a breeze. or Best Offer. I thought it only changed water if you took water out. is a licensed insurance producer, not an insurer, and a wholly owned subsidiary of Petco Animal Supplies, Inc. I am thinking about getting thy python system and have a few questions. Member Joined: Sat Aug 05, 2006 2:21 pm Location: Florida. I got it from Petsmart/Co? Pre-existing conditions are not covered. The only other one would be grooming with is on the other side of the front of the store, but I think even that isn’t within 50 ft nor would I be able to use it during normal business hours :(, [–]SmileBot-2020 0 points1 point2 points 11 months ago (0 children), I saw a :( so heres an :) hope your day is good, [–]MephistoMathers1 0 points1 point2 points 11 months ago (0 children), damn. You gotta use a sink with a lot of power (the main one in filtration that I first tried using didn't have strong flow). Use a UVA/UVB bulb to mimic daylight for 12 hours a day. I know I've seen people post a good "how to use a water changer" YouTube video, but I can't for the life of me find it on here or by searching on YouTube. The original 2-piece Python Faucet Adapter allows you to connect your No Spill Clean and Fill System to any standard faucet. Earn 100 points, get $5 in rewards back, Click to view our Accessibility Statement, - Complete gravel cleaner and water changing system, - Makes aquarium maintenance simple and easy. You might be able to get some added power that way, [–]RanaLocas 0 points1 point2 points 11 months ago (1 child), What model filtration system are you using? PetCoach, LLC. But if we have another slicker it definitely wouldn’t drain into the sink. If not, check the one by the fish wall and see if you can see some pressure knobs somewhere. So, I've been thinking about getting a Python water changer, but never saw it's price tag before... so I gave up on it quite fast! Our system auto water changes. Python water changer. Nothing else came close. REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 3599 on r2-app-0cb65f1f6733c554c at 2020-12-09 16:30:18.590078+00:00 running 59d663e country code: US. For small tanks, a bucket and siphon work nicely, For bigger tanks, you can do that way, but a water change device, such as the Python, makes it a lot easier. Again, with a traditional siphon type water changer, you are stuck either manually dumping buckets of water into your tank or using a pump to move water. Idk what model it is but it’s not very effective. In California PetCoach, LLC does business as PetCoach Insurance Solutions Agency (CA License No. It was in very good shape and according to Petsmart can hold the weight of a 75 gallon tank. We haven't looked anywhere else yet, but I'm sure the Python will always be more expensive.) (just remove one of the pumps off a hand vacuum and stick it on the end of the python hose, making sure the flow is directed correctly) There'd be some aspects of that method tho, you probably wouldn't be able to track it through the fish wall because it would give it a tough time getting up from the bottom tanks to the 'top of the hill' (our fish wall has holes that we track the vacuum tube though, as opposed to it being all over the sales floor) But it might not be an issue. I know the regular siphons use gravity but I thought part of the draw to this one was that the suction mechanism from the sink allowed it to be used on low tanks. Change 25% of the water once per month The Aqueon Aquarium Water Changers are designed to help eliminate the potential for messy spills and transporting heavy buckets of water. - Change bedding to something that retains moisture such as coconut fiber; Pythons need light that mimics day and night. 13 minutes ago. I snagged a little christmas pineapple for my fishy(it was on clearance for $1.97 at petsmart). The one in our iso room is much stronger (turn on hot and cold at full blast like grayscale said), so I use that one. Python No Spill Clean and Fill Aquarium... (194) $39.99 - $99.99. More information available at checkout. Only problem I have is that since our system sucks, gravel vacing some tanks causes all of them to cloud up, so be on the lookout for that if its an older system. Since you have good water pressure, does it work on your bottom tanks? US Electric Aquarium Fish Tank Vacuum Syphon Cleaner Pump Sand Wash Water Fliter. As the water runs through the pump, it creates a partial vacuum on the intake line, which then works like a straw letting atmospheric pressure push the water through the intake line. Has anyone had an issue like this? The Python water changer seems to be more compact than the Aqueon water changer with dimensions 15 x 15 x 2 inches. Have you tried turning the faucets up full blast and blasting water inwards and outwards into the sink to clear it? [–]sneakychinchillla[S] 0 points1 point2 points 11 months ago (1 child). It’s the most convenient way to quickly replace water and vacuum gravel. Since this was a 75 gallon tank, I needed another way of changing the water without using buckets. It drains as well as fills aquariums, and will not disturb fish or decor during routine aquarium maintenance. So a lot of the tanks don’t even have water flow to them a lot of days. There’s definitely not another sink but maybe there’s another spigot somewhere? Helps remove hazardous waste and toxins. [–]MephistoMathers1 1 point2 points3 points 11 months ago (5 children). Products, schedules, discounts and rates may vary and are subject to change. Re: Python water changer issues. Allows you to change aquarium water more frequently and with ease helping to keep your fish healthy. Just drop the end into the big floor drain near your filter and use it like a normal siphon. The weight too is on the lower side as it weighs 2.8 pounds only. [–]sneakychinchillla[S] 0 points1 point2 points 11 months ago (4 children). The Python No Spill Clean and Fill is a complete ready-to-use system which adapts easily to most faucets and makes water changes a breeze. *PetSmart Charities® of Canada is an independent, registered charity. Our fishies would be so happy. Or does the top fin brand one just suck? Make your water changes easier and faster. The siphon and bucket thing just sucks so bad and it never gets completely done because it’s so time consuming to lug them back and dump them every few tanks esp with customers interrupting all the time. But if the hose was lead to a drain on the floor, and didn't get any rise until you went up into the tanks you'd get good suction without needing help of the sink. Take a look around for another spigot. Key Benefits. ©2020 Petco Animal Supplies, Inc. All rights reserved. Before and After. [–]grayscale_roses 6 points7 points8 points 11 months ago* (5 children), edit* to add that I'm honestly shocked you guys have been using a siphon+bucket for all those tanks that sounds so ridiculous, Not to sound blunt but it works alongside gravity which is why it works fine on your top tanks and not so much your middle/ bottom tanks, because the sink attachment is probably sitting around the height of the bottom of the middle tanks, not to mention the length of the hose. If you're tired of the old aquarium or pond maintenance routine, it's about time you tried the PYTHON way! O god its one of those designs. Water Changer Tubing. Shop for cheap price Petsmart Odessa Hours And Petsmart Python Water Changer .Price Low and Options of Petsmart Odessa Hours And Petsmart Python Water Changer f The Python water changer outclassed the competition by a loooong shot. 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