Not necessarily. The acuteness of the symptom will depend on the severity of the underlying cause. In addition to the previous reasons why your dog has a purple tongue, we can also see something called a lingual strangulation. It can happen that a dog with brachycephalic syndrome can get some mucus stuck in their tiny trachea and could actually choke to death on the mucus. The same is thought to be true for dogs … This is known as hypoxia and severe cases can result in a blue or purple tongue and mucus membranes. Poisoning: Poisoning, either malicious or inadvertent, frequently comes to mind in cases of sudden death but as stated, malicious poisoning in this study was uncommon. It is normal. It is produced by a high elevation in body temperature. The chow chow is considered to be one of the more ancient breeds of dog. The purple tongue could mean so many things since it has many causes. I took him to a cancer center for dogs and did chemo and blood transfusions that I'm still paying off credit cards to this day. Dog Death: 12 Things You May Not Know About. Unless the purple tongue was normal coloring for her, (like ChowChows), it is likely due to cyanosis, (low blood oxygen level). The most famous dog with a blue tongue is perhaps the Chow Chow, although many Shar Pei dogs may also have this color in their mouths. 1. 1. Many cat owners think that when a cat goes off to “die” it is a peaceful death but many times (most times) it is not. I'm so sorry to hear about your dog and the circumstances. My dog Dodger, that I had 11 yrs since he was a pup, died 2 yrs ago on halloween night from cancer of the blood. I buried him in a pet cemetery, which I'm still paying off too. -PetCaretaker. cancer is very hard to cure in pets or humans. This is why we can look at the following dog tongue color chart to help us know the state of an individual dog¡s health: One of the rare instances where change in a dog's tongue color is benign is when they have eaten something which has caused it. Only 6 of the 112 dogs examined were found to have died from poisoning -- all likely inadvertent. If you bully is in respiratory distress or collapse, make sure he/she is sternal (i.e. Essentially, this is cutting off the oxygen to the tongue. Unfortunately over 20% of cases had no determination of the cause of death. Purple spots and coloration on the tongue do not necessarily mean that the dog has chow chow in its lineage. However, whenever there are some dog breeds which naturally have purple or purplish tongues, it can be difficult to determine whether the dog's tongue color is a symptom of a problem or simply their natural hue. I did a little research about the purple/blue tongue and this is what I got.. A dog’s tongue is truly amazing! A lingual strangulation is an emergency as it will eventually lead to the death of the tissue. 3. The cancer tends to grow rapidly and spread, rarely giving the owner any clue their dog is harboring a deadly disease – until it suddenly strikes. I hope that helped. Some pet owners may be on edge after two cases of a rare – but potentially deadly – infection linked to dog saliva popped up in Wisconsin this summer, leading to the death … - Causes, My Dog Has Dandruff - Causes and Treatment, My Dog Has a Swollen Ear - Aural Hematoma in Dogs. What if the dog looks like a Chow but has a completely pink or mostly pink tongue? How do you stop dogs and cats from harassing you for food everytime we eat ? It goes on to look at the signs that indicate a person has died and discusses how to cope with the death of a loved one. The aging of a dog is surprisingly similar to humans. In human's we associate lips or a tongue turning purple with extreme cold. Updated May 7, 2020 – Updated May 7, 2020 – Hemangiosarcoma is a common and deadly cancer of dogs. Purple Tongue. This article is purely informative. Being an ancient ancestor of many breeds today, the big dog black tongue is a mystery to many; we still don’t know why or how he came to have it. Mandy Moore took to Instagram to share the tragic news of the death of her 13-year-old dog, Joni. 2. The color of my dog’s tongue had me concerned, so I … To me, a purple or blue flesh tone indicated a lack of oxygen, or maybe a bruise. They will be able to detail exactly what you need to do and may even have some relevant research materials to help. This discoloration is common in over 30 different breeds of dog and is comparable to birth marks or freckles on humans. You can sign in to vote the answer. It is difficult to tell whether these behavioral changes are simply due to old age or a sign of impending death. The purple tongue means she is not moving oxygen well and the pale gums means she could have some bleeding either in her chest or abdomen Dogdoc4u : This is an emergency and she should be evaluated tonight It takes active muscle control to close the eyes. If you observe your dog's tongue color has changed, then it is best to take the dog to the veterinarian. It is used to aid in digestion and swallowing and also for regulating the body temperature. Has Symptoms Has Symptoms Has Symptoms Has Symptoms Has Symptoms Hi, my four year old shih tzu died last night. I think the color of your dog’s tongue after death is a result of the clotted blood showing through the surface of the mucous membrane. Many dogs “hide” when they are sick. That's common when a dog dies. 2. I she was awake when she died, the lack of oxygen would actually make her feel pretty good, maybe confused, but good. it was worth every penny to me. Heart Disease: The most common cardiovascular diseases in dogs include myocardial or heart muscle degeneration, hypertrophy, necrosis, heart tumors, congenital anomalies, and cardiomyopathies. However, as with all physical characteristics, the actual reasons are genetic. This is because they all have mucus membranes which are a good indicator of the state of the dog's blood circulation. As hard as it is, be patient and understanding that this is part of the natural death and dying process. A purple or red-purple tongue may arise with certain diseases but can also precede the development of a blue tongue. von Mona Thomas Dez 01, 2020 18:52 Tags In this state, the dog is already in a state of shock and it will be difficult to save him. If the dog does not have a heart beat, they will have suffocated to death. Along with this, there is a significant change in a dog’s behavior and activity levels. It … My condolences on the loss of your friend. Although a lack of oxygen can be the case when your dog has a purple tongue, the reason a dog is unable to breathe will vary. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) Deficiency. I'm sorry about your dog, thats awful :[ I can tell you that the peeing and pooping is normal because her muscles are no longer holding her blatter or her other muscles to keep the fluids inside. Even if the material is swallowed, it can lodge itself in the digestive system and provide other life threatening problems such as bloat. Decreased food intake leads to less energy and simple activities like sitting on the edge of the bed, lifting one’s arms to change clothes and having a short conversation become difficult. I am very sorry for your loss. This will range from having no issues at all to being a symptom of something which requires immediate veterinary treatment. if it had cancer removed once and then no follow up chemo or anything it probably died from more cancer. Fortunately these reactions are very rare in dogs… This is the same if it has turned blue or, especially, black or grey. I am sorry for your loss and as someone who has loved and lost (through death) dogs I've shared many years with, I know what a void a pet's death … No! If a dog has had a past incident and survived, the owner may carry an epipen, but sometimes the first occurrence can lead to death. Hanging Tongue Syndrome is a condition where a dog’s tongue hangs out of his mouth all the time and the dog is unable to bring her tongue in at will. Still, when a dog eats anything they shouldn't it provides a choking hazard, something a purple tongue can still indicate. Fading puppy syndrome describes puppies that decline in health and die within about two weeks of birth. Causes of purple tongue. Our article on dog breathing difficulties might bring you some help, but always go to a veterinarian when unsure. 1) Whenever ANYTHING dies, all the excrement in their bodies will release. Increased Physical Weakness. In the most severe cases, a black or dark grey tongue can be observed in dogs. Decreased food intake leads to less energy and simple activities like sitting on the edge of the bed, lifting one’s arms to change clothes and having a short conversation become difficult. How do you think about the answers? If your dog can't breathe and you are far from a veterinarian, you will need to start CPR. Increased Physical Weakness. This article explores 11 signs that death is approaching. A dog’s tongue is truly amazing! Similar to human tongue, Fido’s tongue, although neurologically associated with the sense of smell, is first and foremost an organ of taste.This highly vascular large mass of muscle though has many other functions aside from tasting the dry kibble or savoring a … Why do some dogs have spotted tongues? The Chow Chow has various legends ascribed to the reason for this unique tongue and gum color. Click to attach a photo related to your comment, Lingual strangulation causing purple tongue in dogs, My Dog Keeps Licking Her Private Area - All Possible Reasons, Why Is My Dog Bleeding From Its Anus? To do this we look at the symptoms, causes and treatment of a blue tongue in dogs. We invite you to take your pet to the veterinarian if they are suffering from any condition or pain. A dog's mouth, including their teeth, gums and tongue are actually good indicators for a dog's general health, even if there aren't any obvious behavioral signs of a problem. What you were observing was the blood changing from oxygenated blood to deoxygenated blood because the heart had stopped. I'm sorry. Fading puppy syndrome describes puppies that decline in health and die within about two weeks of birth. The Chow Chow's blue-black tongue makes it unique in the dog world, but it actually shares this characteristic with one other dog breed: the Chinese Shar-Pei. Dogs die with their eyes open. The most frequent causes of a purple tongue in dogs are: Heat stroke is another emergency that can change the color of the mucous membranes in an affected dog. Are his gums blue as well?It would have been better if you would have given more information such as how old your dog is, how he has been acting, has he been eating, is he peeing enough, does he cough - stuff like that. The best thing to do is treasure the memories you have of her and find comfort in knowing she was loved and cared for during the time she lived with you. This is especially so when a dog's usually pink colored tongue has turned blue. The dog's tongue is an important organ that can be an indicator of illness. -PetCaretaker. Trump vows to intervene in latest Texas election case, Florida GOP official resigns over raid of data scientist, Pornhub ends unverified uploads and bans downloads, Players walk after official allegedly hurls racist slur, Fox News' Geraldo Rivera: Trump's not speaking to me, Child of KISS frontman struggled with body image, Family: Man shot by deputy 'was holding sandwich', Biden says reopening schools will be a 'national priority', Chick-fil-A files suit over alleged price fixing, Dez Bryant tweets he's done for season after positive test, Ex-Rep. Katie Hill alleges years of abuse by husband. However, the blue-black/purple tongue can also be found on the Shar Pei. Is it an omen, a portent or a sign that a dog is marked out for some special destiny? If your dog didn't eat something that turned his tongue purple, its very possible he isn't getting enough oxygen.'s 13-year fatality report identified breeds of dogs involved in U.S. attacks between 2005 and 2017, as well as victim age groups, the number of dogs … The best thing to do is treasure the memories you have of her and find comfort in knowing she was loved and cared for during the time she lived with you. Dog Death: 12 Things You May Not Know About. Whatkind of dog was it? I have another dog now, but still miss Dodger everyday. I left the room for a moment until I heard her scream I discovered she vomited in her bed, had walked over to her mat to urinate and she appeared to have collapsed in a… How do you secretly and privately feel when you see a dog that still has testicles, and therefore, it has not been neutered? The purple tongue could have resulted from a heart failure, choking/asphyxiation, a respiratory infection/disorder including pneumonia/blood clot, reduced blood circulation, etc.. Black tongue is a nutritional deficiency caused by too little niacin in the diet. Some may be passing issues which will relieve themselves naturally. Taking the dog to the nearest clinic is essential. When your dog has a purple tongue, but they are not a purple tongue dog breed, then we need to be very careful. If you've got what looks like a blue or purple tongue, you should first think about the foods you've eaten recently. A swollen tongue can be a serious asphyxiation hazard, so we need to be careful. The Chinese Shar-Pei shares this trait as well. (The same is true of humans.) Below are some things that many dog lovers may not know about the death of dogs. These all diseases can cause sudden death in dogs. As the dog tries to swallow the material, it wraps around the tongue and cuts off blood and, therefore, oxygen supply. The following conditions may cause your tongue to appear red or purple rather than pink in color: Geographic tongue Sometimes red patches with white borders on the tongue … If your dog’s gums and tongue are deep red, purple or blue with thick sticky saliva, move your dog to a cool place and spray them with cool (not cold) water or place wet rags or towels over them, particularly near the stomach and inside of legs. It should therefore be carefully monitored in acute cases to take note of whether more distinct blueness sets in. As we state in the introduction, a dog's tongue color can say a lot about a dog's overall health. While excess pigmentation does not cause medical problems, purple, blue and black discoloration of the tongue can be a sign of health problems in a dog with a normally pink tongue. Do not let it disturb you, it is a normal part of death, and not indicative of suffering. No, that is normal. She was completely her normal self and then it turned around for the worst after walking around looking happy, she walked over to lay in her bed. Even if the damage isn't acute, some sort of gastrointestinal problem is likely. If you want to read similar articles to My Dog Has a Purple Tongue, we recommend you visit our Other health problems category. Knowledgeable Chowists agree that such dogs are not purebred Chows and might not have any Chow parentage at all. And when anyone dies (human or animal) they lose control of their bladder and bowels. Beyond that, anemia is also going to cause your dog to be more lethargic than normal. 1. Below are some things that many dog lovers may not know about the death of dogs. One thing is certain; the Chow is really not the only breed with a blue-black tongue. Years ago, when my chihuahua puppy matured from a puppy into a 2-year-old dog, I noticed he had developed a blue-purple spot on his tongue. The dead take on livor mortis (blue blood settling by gravity to the ground side of the body. (The same is true of humans.) Many dogs “hide” when they are sick. laying on sternum/chin, rather then on the side). AnimalWised does not have the authority to prescribe any veterinary treatment or create a diagnosis. When humans die, the sense of sight is the first to go and hearing is the last. Most dogs will have pink gums, but if the dog is anemic these gums will look very pale or a pinkish-white color. I'm sorry for your loss. It could have been a heart attack. It could be his heart. from lack of oxygen? If your dog is panting heavily and you have a reason to suspect heatstroke, check for other signs. Others will need immediate medical attention. The following are some of the most common causes of this condition; 1. Pugs are definitely brachycephalic dogs as they often have small nostrils and can have difficulties with breathing. If this is the case there may not be any evidence even on a post mortem exam. Still have questions? 2) If the tongue is a different color, your dog may have been choking or poisoned. Physical trauma can lead to patches of bluish purple on a dog's tongue due to bruising, something which is usually accompanied by swelling. 4. the vet could do an autopsy if you want to pay for one. At AnimalWised we look at what might be the problem if your dog has a purple tongue. A purple tongue is uncommon compared to other discoloration of the tongue. Neonatal puppies are fragile and so there can be many causes of this syndrome including birth defects, inadequate care from the mother, poor health status of the mother and/or infectious diseases. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. It takes active muscle control to close the eyes. The tongue may vary in shade with some appearing very blue or others dark enough to appear black. As we have said before, a blue tongue may also be due to a lack of oxygen circulated by blood. Fortunately, a lingual strangulation is very rare. The blue-black/purple tongue gene appears to be dominant, as most mixed breed dogs that come from a Chow Chow retain that tongue colour. This is most often caused by the dog trying to swallow a long piece of material such as string. Many cats will suffer for hours or even days before they die. the exact same thing happened to my dobermann who died on the 16th june i dont think your dog would have suffered much as when this happens it is normally the heart that has stopped as my dobe had cardio myopathy and he died right in front of us he just took a couple of deep breaths and died.sorry for your loss i know how you feel. There are a few breeds of dog which possess a naturally purple tongue. Would a dog let you know if the water you're bathing him in is too hot. A purple tongue, and fast or hard breathing, would be indications of low oxygen levels in the blood, usually caused by heart disease. Get your answers by asking now. when the tongue and/or gums are bluish like this, this means there is a lack of oxygen being sent to the exterior parts of the body; when the dog isn't oxygenating well, this is a very serious condition and will lead to death eventually. I am very sorry for your loss. bleeding from the nose is a bad sign. Keep scrolling to read the heartbreaking tribute. 2. Neonatal puppies are fragile and so there can be many causes of this syndrome including birth defects, inadequate care from the mother, poor health status of the mother and/or infectious diseases. Her eyes were closed and she peed and pood. This is why it is possible to see mongrel or mixed-breed dogs with a blue tongue. This could be due to the dog’s breed, a mouth or jaw injury, or deformities of the mouth or teeth, among other things. cuz the chinese sharpei and the chow chow both have tounges like that. However, if they have eaten something potentially toxic, this is a different case. A mutation has lead to the color difference, something which is passed on for various reasons. When the muscles relax after death, the bladder and rectum will empty. Similar to human tongue, Fido’s tongue, although neurologically associated with the sense of smell, is first and foremost an organ of taste.This highly vascular large mass of muscle though has many other functions aside from tasting the dry kibble or savoring a … The purple tongue could have resulted from a heart failure, choking/asphyxiation, a respiratory infection/disorder including pneumonia/blood clot, reduced blood circulation, etc.. This is a serious emergency, as it may signal that the lungs are filling with fluid, or other serious secondary effects of heart failure. Immediate veterinary attention is required. If the dog doesn't naturally have a purple tongue or blue tongue, then it should be some shade of pink with few exceptions. If you are unsure of how to administer first aid on dogs, you should speak to your veterinarian. A dog that has anemia will display many different symptoms including having a white tongue and pale gums. Cardiac tumors are a great cause but there are other cancer types which can also cause sudden deaths.'s 13-year fatality report identified breeds of dogs involved in U.S. attacks between 2005 and 2017, as well as victim age groups, the number of dogs … Possible causes of dog tongue discoloration vary across dog breeds and the age of the dogs. I am sorry for your loss and as someone who has loved and lost (through death) dogs I've shared many years with, I know what a void a pet's death … As your dog’s age advances, it slows down, starts having gray hair and joint problems. Now you know the reasons your dog may have a purple tongue, you may want to look into other reasons your dog will have respiratory trouble. Pull your bully tongue so it is stretched out, keep watching the color of the tongue, pink is good, purple-blue is bad 2. The blue-purple tissue does mean a lack of oxygen, but it doesn't say why. Dogs die with their eyes open. It would be difficult to positively identify the precise cause of death unless a necropsy is performed. There are few reasons a dog has a purple tongue which is not a veterinary emergency, apart from dogs which naturally have a purple or blue tongue. Causes of Sudden Death in Dogs. Considering the types of tongue discolorations, the purple tongue is a rare case. I'm just glad he has a nice resting place I can visit. Worried that your tongue has developed a purple or bluish tint? How after a dog dies does it take for it's tongue to turn purple - Answered by a verified Dog Veterinarian We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. For whatever reason, when a dog is unable to breather properly they will not be able to get enough oxygen and a purple tongue can result. The purple tongue could have resulted from a heart failure, choking/asphyxiation, a respiratory infection/disorder including pneumonia/blood clot, reduced blood circulation, etc.. god bless. For example, if your dog has eaten some beetroot, then they a purple will be nothing to worry about. It would be difficult to positively identify the precise cause of death unless a necropsy is performed. By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described in our cookie policy unless you have disabled them. I am so sorry that your dog has passed away. As hard as it is, be patient and understanding that this is part of the natural death and dying process. Why it is produced by a high elevation in body temperature active muscle control to close eyes! Red-Purple tongue may vary in shade with some appearing very blue or purple.... Eats anything they should n't it provides a choking hazard, something which is passed on for various.! Change in a dog 's tongue color can say a lot about a dog that has anemia will display different! By gravity to the reason for this unique tongue and mucus membranes which are a good indicator of.. In shade with some appearing very blue or, especially, black or grey color. Die within about two weeks of birth also cause sudden death in dogs, so we need to start.... In human 's we associate lips or a tongue turning purple with extreme cold a pet cemetery which... Tongue may vary in shade with some appearing very blue or purple tongue mean so things! 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