Weeping Figs can look striking and elegant in almost every setting. Obviously, trimming ficus trees is necessary if the plant has grown into a byway or is touching the ceiling. Ficus Benjamina, or the weeping fig, is a popular indoor variety. The Best Time to Prune Fig Trees . You need to pay close attention to the plant and, when the time comes, you need to move it into a larger pot. Cut them with pruning shears at the point where they meet healthy branches or the tree trunk. Wear gloves, long sleeves and closed shoes because sap may irritate your skin. Thoroughly spray both sides of leaves, stems, and soil with insecticidal soap for serious infestations. Weeping fig is one of the best plants for improving air quality indoors. The most popular method is via cuttings. The best time to try this sort of pruning is after the plant has started re-sprouting so you can ensure that you are not removing recovered material. Here in the US, they are only hardy in zones 10 and 11 so most of us have to grow them in containers and bring them indoors in the winter or grow them as houseplants. Mix 1/4 teaspoon with 2 quarts of water and apply the solution until it runs out the drainage holes. Ficus plants are used primarily as a houseplant or in commercial premises as office plants but ficus plants can be a little fussy. Weeping figs have braided trunks, an interesting characteristic. Follow a few interior branches to their origination and cut as close to the joint as possible. Shetsky has a Bachelor of Arts in communications from Marist College. Prune the ficus in the wintertime before it enters the dormancy period. A node is a key segment of a branch that contains the right genetic coding to grow a new root system. 12 years ago. In fact, as far as pruning the weeping fig tree, it easily accepts severe pruning, so don’t hesitate to remove any dead foliage when you see it. Even if we have … Rejuvenation pruning will make the plant more compact and enhance proper branch formation. Prune the weeping fig bonsai before new growth begins in early spring. There are three main “prunings” your fig will need - in March, May and June - and it will not fruit well without. You need to pay close attention to the plant and, when the time comes, you need to move it into a larger pot. Pruning is critical for plant growth and fruit-bearing. Prune wayward branches any time of year. The Weeping fig is best grown at normal room temperature but with high humidity through the growing season. Therefore, winter is the best time for trimming ficus trees. Ficus trees, among about 850 plants in the Ficus genus, may be more familiar by their common names including weeping fig (Ficus benjamina), hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 through 12 and rubber tree (Ficus elastica), hardy in USDA zones 10 through 11. Pruning a Brown Turkey Fig. Your weeping fig will grow at a rather rapid rate if you take proper care of it. Learn how to grow ornamental figs in your garden with the RHS expert guide on choosing, planting, feeding, pruning and propagating plants. Your weeping fig will grow at a rather rapid rate if you take proper care of it. Only moderate watering required with a liquid feed every couple of weeks during the growing season. When you find the right spot for this plant it will feel very much at home and will have no difficulty of growing new branches and producing new leaves. Trimming or pruning a ficus tree benefits the plant in several ways. Aim for a balanced open crown that allows light into the centre of the canopy. Weeping figs are considered tropical to subtropical trees and do the best in sun to partial shade, in mildly acidic to acidic soil. Figs can be either grown as half-standard or bush trees (including those grown in pots). Pull up all shoots or sprouts that appear at the base of young weeping trees. Timing is also an issue. Fill the container with about two inches of potting soil, and then remove the plant from its current pot by applying pressure to the pot from the outside. Pruning a fig tree at the wrong time, during spring for example, can cause them to bleed profusely. Begin your fig tree pruning by removing any branches that are not growing out from your selected fruiting wood, as well as any dead or diseased wood.If there are suckers growing from the base of the tree, these should be removed as well.. It seems to me that the main reason for that is its appearance. It is the official tree of Bangkok.A recently described variety, Ficus benjamina var. Pruning. Plan the perfect garden with our interactive tool →, Forest Service: Information on Weeping Fig trees. Bush or half standard figs. Make all cuts next to the collar, which is the thicker section at the base of branches. Reduce watering in winter. Ficus tree pruning needs to take place when the plant is no longer actively growing. Because ficus are fairly hardy and resilient, pruning can be done year-round if necessary, not just during the optimal period in summer/fall. Prune your tree as needed to shape and promote new, beautiful growth. All Rights Reserved. Ficus benjamina Weeping fig, One of the best known and widely used houseplants. You should trim your weeping fig if you want to keep it limited to a certain size or prevent it from outgrowing your home. Before you decide How to Prune Fig Trees, it is first important to understand some of the most common fig trees. She writes for several websites, specializing in gardening, medical, health and fitness, entertainment and travel. Weeping Fig Plant. Ficus tree pruning needs to take place when the plant is no longer actively growing. In the meantime, give the tree lots of TLC and cross your fingers. Fertilizer Needs. It has slender branches that arch gracefully from a light gray trunk. Weeping Fig trees are prone to insects, including scale, mealy bugs, mites and thrips. Prune weeping trees in the winter, before spring growing begins. Based in New York State, Kelly Shetsky started writing in 1999. Once you have decided which vegetation needs to go, the first step is to remove any dead or broken branches. Pruning the plant regularly, including taking away dead branches and picking up dead leaves, is very vital in ensuring that pests and even diseases are controlled. Prune wayward branches any time of year. Summer Pruning In general, summer pruning retards growth. Pruning in the fall doesn't give new growth time … Can be kept indoor or outdoor but protect from frost. Cut them with pruning shears at the point where they meet healthy branches or the tree trunk. Evergreen in bonsai pot. We recommend you use a sharp pair of pruning scissors and some protective gardening gloves when pruning your ficus. The leaves of the Ficus Benjamina are small, and the roots are strong, so it’s easier to train a beginner in the care of the tree. Branches will weep toward the ground forming a canopy so dense that nothing grows beneath it. It’s a flowering plant from family Moraceae, originating from Southeast Asia and Australia. First, look at the tree overall and decide what areas need to be minimized. Cut the branches to shape the canopy of the plant. Collection in person only. This is a video of me in my tiny NYC apartment pruning Weeping Fig (Ficus benjamina) indoor bonsai. Pruning Salix caprea Pendula Trees. This loss of sap can weaken the plant and in … Cut them with pruning shears at the point where they meet healthy branches or the tree trunk. It can be grown as a tall indoor tree with leafless braided trunks, or a tall bushy indoor plant, or even as a short pot plant. Copyright Leaf Group Ltd. // Leaf Group Lifestyle. The issue I have with SOME, not all, Ficus growers is with pruning or trimming a Ficus tree! Clean all pruning tools with a cloth soaked in rubbing alcohol to avoid spreading diseases. Such bleeding can increase the likelihood of introducing diseases into the wound (where the pruning cut is made). In many cases, it will need to be repotted once a year. This will help you avoid the creation of a stump, which can invite pests and disease. A bright, direct light may result in scorching of the leaves and leaf loss. Trimming to diminish size is a common reason for pruning any woody plant. Another tip is to remove a branch back to another branch that is one of its size. O With large arching branches and long pointed leaves, it looks attractive indoors (apart from leaves dropping). Pruning the plant regularly, including taking away dead branches and picking up dead leaves, is very vital in ensuring that pests and even diseases are controlled. Prune weeping fig to keep it to size or to encourage bushiness. Cut the branches to shape the canopy of the plant. Ficus plants don’t like to be moved, so the best option is to prune the plant to keep it manageable. Just make sure to give your little cuttings plenty of TLC to help them grow strong and healthy. Bright light is what keeps the weeping fig happy, that is partially shaded. Glossy, slender-pointed ovate leaves, 5 in. Temperatures for your Weeping Fig should ideally be kept between 65° and 85°F, avoiding very cold drafts. Eventually, your ficus tree will need to be pruned. Ficus trees, among about 850 plants in the Ficus genus, may be more familiar by their common names including weeping fig (Ficus benjamina), hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 through 12 and rubber tree (Ficus elastica), hardy in USDA zones 10 through 11. Economics being what they are, it’s financially cheaper to prune a Ficus with hedge clippers. The Ficus benjamina, commonly known as the Benjamins fig, fig ficus, weeping figs, or benjamin figs, is the houseplant most people think of when mentioning a tree grown indoors. Weeping Fig trees are prone to … The weeping fig is part of the Ficus plant genus (scientific name: F. benjamina) and tree like, in looks. It is the official tree of Bangkok.A recently described variety, Ficus benjamina var. Much more sensitive during repotting than the average Ficus. (Half hardy) Fertilise dilute feed monthly from April to September. Cut just below a node on the stem with a sharp and sterile pair of pruners. This plant can quickly become an arboreal monster if it’s not pruned, which it tolerates well. Pruning a Ficus Tree That Has Lost All of Its Leaves. The thick, shiny, two to five-inch-long, evergreen leaves generously clothe the long branches, and the tiny figs eventually turn a deep red. They are elegant and grow dense, glossy dark foliage, although, when stressed, it will shed its leaves easily. Make each cut above a leaf node on the branch to generate new growth. It can grow as tall as 6 feet high and have 2- to 3-inch-long leaves that are medium green in color. Pruning Ficus are one of the most common and easy to grow houseplants. This floor plant adds a tropical natural beauty to the home with its shiny leaves and attractive trunk. The Best Time to Prune Fig Trees Some trees and shrubs "bleed" (leak sap when cut) more than others, and this is the case with fig trees. Brown Turkey. Drought Trim weeping fig trees over time if you need to cut off quite a bit. Such bleeding can increase the likelihood of introducing diseases into the wound (where the pruning cut is made). Select a container that is well-draining, and is about two inches larger in diameter than the plant’s current pot. Also avoid cold drafts, dry heat, and sudden temperature changes. Keeping the leaves dry and not overwatering also greatly reduces the risk of infections on a Weeping Fig. Since it isn't mine I don't want to kill it by doing things the wrong way, so the question is how best to do this. If the plant grows quickly in the summer, you can give it a pruning halfway through the season. Water the weeping fig only when the soil it grows in becomes dry. If the plant becomes too large, drastic pruning or replacing may be necessary. Addendum for Ficus retusa: fig, banyan fig, Indian laurel. Do most pruning during the winter. Weeping fig (ficus benjamina) is grown as a tree or bush, inside or outside. Pruning in the fall doesn't give new growth time to become hardy enough to survive the winter. 1. Of course, this will happen more often in summer; in winter the fig grows more slowly and the soil takes longer to dry. Ficus tree (Ficus benjamina), also known as weeping fig, makes an attractive, undemanding houseplant. Like all species of fig tree, the ficus can produce fruit. To encourage a clear stem, prune the lower branches in winter. This is an actively growing branch which will root more readily. It can be placed in empty corners to give a room a more complete look. 12° - 26°C (54° - 80°F) H1b (Hardiness Zone 12) - Can be grown outdoors during the summer in a sheltered location with temperatures above 12℃ (54℉), but is fine to remain indoors, too. The nodes are not that obvious on Weeping Figs, so it isn’t important to get this step right so long as there are a … This pruning guide was written specifically for Brown Turkey fig trees but it will also apply to most of the other members of the family Ficus carica grown in the UK. Prune away any dead branches and leaves and inspect your plant for any signs of disease while you're at it. Keep up with pruning the tree annually. Extremely popular as a houseplant, Ficus benjamina (Weeping Fig) is an evergreen shrub or tree adorned with a dense, rounded canopy and gracefully drooping branches. From then on you can prune damaged, or diseased branches at any time of the year. Some trees and shrubs "bleed" (leak sap when cut) more than others, and this is the case with fig trees. Weeping fig trees are tolerant to heavy pruning. It will take some time to recover, but eventually you’ll see new shoots coming out of it. There are some cutting rules for ficus tree pruning in order to create a better appearance and keep cuts from looking obvious. These limbs have glossy, oval-shaped leaves with tips that taper to a slender point. Cuttings are best taken in early spring, with bottom heat betwen 71-79F. The weeping fig is one of the most popular trees to be grown indoors. In fact, they are so easy to grow indoors that occasionally the plants outgrow their site. Cut at a slant away from the node or secondary branch. Propagation. A spot that receives some sun and shade during the day is great. Care instructions: likes light position but not direct sunlight. Pruning a Ficus Tree That Has Lost All of Its Leaves. In many cases, it will need to be repotted once a year. Pruning. You can even cut a ficus tree back to a just a few inches above the soil line, and start training all over again, selecting which new branches to keep. For this reason, pruning is avoided at those times when bleeding is likely. Weeping ficus or fig is one of the most popular houseplants found in homes, offices, and interior landscaping. You can prune weeping fig at any time, but a good time is in the spring before new growth begins. This will give you an even better idea of the remaining necessary cuts. Learn which plants thrive in your Hardiness Zone with our new interactive map! Weeping figs are best propagated by cloning from cuttings. View on Amazon. Make each cut above a leaf node on the branch to generate new growth. Use a clean sharp pair of bypass pruners and don a pair of gloves. pruning the spurs and laterals for fruit. Prune back branches that are too long. Ficus Benjamina - (Weeping fig). Keep out of draughts and away from radiators to avoid the 'weeping' and keep the fig. The Ficus benjamina, commonly known as the Benjamins fig, fig ficus, weeping figs, or benjamin figs, is the houseplant most people think of when mentioning a tree grown indoors. Make all cuts next to the collar, which is the thicker section at the base of branches. Pruning Weeping fig trees are tolerant to heavy pruning. Place the cut next to a bud. Weeping fig (ficus benjamina) is grown as a tree or bush, inside or outside. Ficus Benjamina or as it's more commonly known, the Weeping Fig, is a common indoor houseplant which comes in multiple different looks and styles.It can be grown as a tall indoor tree with leafless braided trunks, or a tall bushy indoor plant, or even as a short pot plant. Weeping Fig propagation in water or soil is so easy that you should give it a go the next time yours needs a little pruning. The weeping fig is fairly resistant to the dry indoor air of our homes. Weeping Fig; One of the best features of the Ficus Benjamina is that it’s a good choice for a novice learning about the species. With proper care your weeping fig will thrive and remain a … Temperatures for your Weeping Fig should ideally be kept between 65° and 85°F, avoiding very cold drafts. Once your fig tree reaches its third dormant season, or third winter, the vast majority of your pruning should take place during the late portion of the season since the tree is not actively growing during that time period. White sap oozes from pruning cuts. Identify broken, dead or diseased branches as soon as they appear. A vigorously growing plant can be defoliated twice a year. Since weeping figs don’t readily produce fruit, gardeners propagate their trees through cuttings or air layering. They can also be trained as a fan against a wall. Pruning. Once Pruning and training. How to Grow a Weeping Fig From a Cutting. If you’d like to learn more about propagating houseplants, you can read my It requires fertilizer during the growing season, drastic pruning to control its size. She is a broadcast journalist-turned Director of Marketing and Public Relations and has experience researching, writing, producing and reporting. This handsome plant has great qualities for decorating because of the beautiful variegated foliage, tree-size height and braided trunks which add extra ornamental value. At one point in my foliage growing career I grew over 125,000 plus Ficus plants per year. This weeping fig is native to South East Asia and Australia where the trees (many metres tall) can be found in parks and lining streets. The Weeping Fig is the official tree of Bangkok, Thailand. Let's say you have a long branch or trunk with foliage concentrated near the branch/trunk end(s). Regardless of which one they grow on you will prune them almost the exact same way. Leaf pruning may be used to encourage reduction in size. They are native to tropical and subtropical regions and are considered part of this type of exterior landscaping in warm zones. The weeping fig is a popular one to grow indoors as a houseplant. They make good houseplants because they don’t require direct sunlight. Ficus have a latex sap that may be irritating to skin. For this reason, pruning is avoided at those times when bleeding is likely. Figs can either be grown on trees or bushes. Pruning and Maintaining a Ficus Tree. A) Reasons Why Figs Won’t Ripen Most ficus plants enjoy a bright indirect position. Watering: Allow the compost to dry to a certain extent (at the top) between each watering with tepid filtered or distilled water. Remove twigs that are one to two seasons old, in order to maintain the shape you've created. Fiddle Leaf Ficus, or Ficus Lyrata, is another popular variety for use as a houseplant. If you inherited an unruly weeping fig, you can even prune it all the way down to the main stem. If a potted ficus is brought inside for the winter, pruning it before bringing it into the house is an ideal time. Ficus tree (Ficus benjamina), also known as weeping fig, makes an attractive, undemanding houseplant. You can easily prune this plant, removing bare branches when necessary. Weeping Fig Tree or Plant Care Other Plant Care Tips. Prune the weeping fig bonsai before new growth begins in early spring. I just want to know how to eliminate the leafless branch parts of my weeping fig. Both of these varieties grow readily, and if you don’t prune them, they can reach heights of up to 6-feet. Pruning and repotting question: Weeping fig. This will give it the time it needs to develop a natural shape. Weeping fig is an evergreen plant that needs morning sunlight, moderate amounts of water and well-drained soil. You can prune out dead material at any time during the year. Watering the tree when the soil has not dried out at least a little threatens the roots with rotting and, as a result, the plant will die. Allow young Weeping Pussy Willow tree to grow unpruned for the first year. The initial pruning is similar to training other bush top fruit such as apples and pears. Cut just before a growth node so that new growth will sprout there and cover the stump. Most plants are vegetatively active in spring and summer, with growth dying down in fall. Figs and other plants prone to bleeding, like acers and laburnum, should be pruned in winter to stop sap bleeding from the wounds. Drought. I am babysitting a Ficus benjamina that needs pruning. pruning ie. This is a video of me in my tiny NYC apartment leaf and root pruning my Weeping Fig (Ficus benjamina) indoor root-over-rock bonsai. Ficus benjamina, commonly known as weeping fig, benjamin fig or ficus tree, and often sold in stores as just ficus, is a species of flowering plant in the family Moraceae, native to Asia and Australia. Therefore, winter is … This plant is easy to grow by stem cutting. You should prune the plant when it is no longer actively growing which is normally during the autumn or winter. If you follow these tips, along with pruning you will have years of productive fig production. Keeping the leaves dry and not overwatering also greatly reduces the risk of infections on a Weeping Fig. Most plants are vegetatively active in spring and summer, with growth dying down in fall. Prune your tree as needed to shape and promote new, beautiful growth. Find more gardening information on Gardening Know How: Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden. This is for a good reason, glossy leaves grow in profusion creating the classic indoor tree. However, it is not typically consumed, although it is edible. By winter, the plant has gone into dormancy and is less susceptible to injury. Extra tips The Distribution of The Weeping Fig. By winter, the plant has gone into dormancy and is less susceptible to injury. Weeping Fig Tree Pruning. It has one of the top removal rates of toxins like formaldeh… Weeping Fig Tree or Plant Care Other Plant Care Tips. It is sometimes confused with Ficus microcarpa, which is actually less weepy and more upright. They are native to Asia where they can grow as high as 50 feet tall. The framework branches are maintained and any new, vigorous, overcrowding branches are removed from the centre. Of all house plants this is the one which is the closest to our understanding of what a tree should look like. If you have a damaged ficus with lots of dead growth, prune away no more than one-third of the material. Dead or broken branches can be pruned at any time. Choose a young, flexible branch that is not stiff or woody. Ficus benjamina, commonly known as weeping fig, benjamin fig or ficus tree, and often sold in stores as just ficus, is a species of flowering plant in the family Moraceae, native to Asia and Australia. Pruning after summer and before following spring. … In terms of appearance, the plant has gracefully bending branches, earning it the nickname weeping fig tree. Air layering is a fascinating process and so rewarding and fun. Temperature. You should trim your weeping fig if you want to keep it limited to a certain size or prevent it from outgrowing your home. Pruning weeping trees is important because it improves the shape of the tree, keeps it healthy and promotes the circulation of sunlight and air. The weeping fig ficus benjamina continues to be a major crop for indoor use. netla. For the health of the tree, you should not prune more than 10 percent to 30 percent of the healthy wood per growing season. It’s a flowering plant from family Moraceae, originating from Southeast Asia and Australia. About the Weeping Fig Houseplant. If they are too long and ruining the look … Pruning them will ensure they develop a strong structure, keep their form and shape looking good, as well as improve the health of the tree. Weeping fig plants need morning sunlight, well-draining soil, and waters only when the top inches of the soil is dry. By: Bonnie L. Grant, Certified Urban Agriculturist. There is little to be gained from trying to increase humidity by misting, for its drooping branches would need near soaking for this to be of use. To maximise crop size free standing and pot grown figs are best grown as bushes and their early pruning is therefore along the same lines as that of a young apple tree. Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! So we suggest you diarise them each year. If they are too long and ruining the look of the tree, use shears to clip them to the desired length. It also needs repotting. This will prevent unsightly stubs and restore the size and appearance of the ficus. In temperate climes, the weeping fig (Ficus benjamina) makes a very popular houseplant, reaching up to 3 metres - pruning will help and can be done any time. If the tree is too tall, this is clearly where you start, but if you need to create a better silhouette, you will have to make a plan before you start cutting. As container houseplants, weeping figs grow rather slowly, but on the outside, it’s a different story. Because of this, you should pick a fig plant solely on what suits your needs best. It will take some time to recover, but eventually you’ll see new shoots coming out of it. The process to repot your weeping fig is simple. Pinch off the top of the main stem when the tree has reached the desired height. Indoor plants have slow, steady growth but can become heavy on the ends and lose their arching shape. Thin out the weeping fig tree's canopy to allow light and air to get in, which will improve the tree's health and reduce the likelihood of disease. Ficus are not winter hardy and are generally grown as houseplants in the United States and other parts of the world. February: (but delay until March in the North) cut out rubbing, crossing and damaged branches as well as any that get in the way of your “goblet” head. The new growth that follows is tamed and much less vigorous than growth following winter pruning. Water when soil becomes dry. Don't top weeping figs by cutting clear across the top of the tree. When it comes to ficus houseplants, most people refer to a weeping fig (Ficus benjamina) as a ficus. Prune weeping trees in the winter, before spring growing begins. long (12 cm) generously clothe the long branches. The dense, rounded canopy and gracefully drooping branches of Weeping Fig made it quite popular as a landscape tree until recently. Weeping fig (ficus benjamina) is grown as a tree or bush, inside or outside. Pruning weeping trees is important because it improves the shape of the tree, keeps it healthy and promotes the circulation of sunlight and air. As mentioned previously do not move the tree, not even turning it around to prevent leaves being shed. Helping A Ficus Tree That Is Dropping Leaves, Ficus Tree Care: Tips For Growing Ficus Indoors, Cherry Tree Pruning: How And When To Trim A Cherry Tree, Living Wall Kit Info – How To Grow A Living Wall Kit, Holiday Plant History – Why Do We Have Christmas Plants, What’s Wrong With My Clivia: Diagnosing Problems With Clivia Plants, Apricot Not Blooming: Why There Are No Flowers On Apricot Trees, Learn About Aprium Trees: Information On Aprium Tree Care, Crocus Winter Flowering: Learn About Crocus In Snow And Cold, Flower Bulbs Not Growing: Why There Are No Daffodils After Planting, Growing Plants Indoors: Forcing Amaryllis Blooms In Winter, Phalaenopsis Orchid: A Surprising Addition To Holiday Décor, Gifting Holiday Plants: Secret To Keeping Live Poinsettia Plants Healthy, Handmade Ornaments – Holiday Ornaments Crafted From Nature. Ficus Benjamina or as it's more commonly known, the Weeping Fig, is a common indoor houseplant which comes in multiple different looks and styles. Let’s talk about how to prune a ficus tree and, more importantly for the plant’s health, when should ficus be pruned? If you inherited an unruly weeping fig, you can even prune it all the way down to the main stem. The Ficus bonsai is a species native to Australia, south and southeast Asia. Sign up for our newsletter. Fertilize houseplants every three or four weeks during the spring and summer, using a half-strength solution of a water-soluble fertilizer such as 20-20-20. To another branch that contains the right genetic coding to grow a fig... Normal room temperature but with high humidity through the season when pruning your ficus figs can either grown... You ’ ll see new shoots coming out of draughts and away radiators... Is likely interactive tool →, Forest Service: Information on gardening know to... Not typically consumed, although it is the official tree of Bangkok.A recently described variety, benjamina! 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