An inflationary gap is an output gap in which the inflation-adjusted, real gross domestic product of a nation surpasses the full-employment, potential GDP.When an inflationary gap occurs, it indicates that the growth in demand for products and services outstrips the growth in the capacity to provide those goods and services. It implies two things- inflationary definition: 1. causing price increases and inflation: 2. causing price increases and inflation: 3. relating…. Learn more. Answer. Inflationary gap is the excess of aggregate demand over and above its level required to maintain full employment equilibrium in the economy. The original intersection of aggregate expenditure line AE 0 and the 45-degree line occurs at $8,000, which is above the level of potential GDP at $7,000. Explain the meaning of inflationary gap with the help of a diagram. Detailed Explanation: During boom periods the economy can … If AE 0 shifts down to AE 1, so that the new equilibrium is at E 1, then the economy will be at potential GDP without pressures for inflationary price increases. View FREE Lessons! This means that the citizens of the country are demanding more goods and services … The appropriate Keynesian response to an inflationary gap is shown in Figure 1(b). An inflationary gap is a type of economic gap where a country’s real gross domestic product is higher than its potential gross domestic product—in other words, when the real aggregate demand is higher than the projected aggregate demand if the economy were operating at full employment. EF indicates the inflationary gap in the diagram. Term Keynesian model inflationary gap Definition: The difference between equilibrium aggregate production achieved in the Keynesian model and full-employment aggregate production that occurs when equilibrium aggregate production is greater than full-employment aggregate production.An inflationary gap, also termed an expansionary gap, is associated with a business-cycle expansion. Explain the meaning of inflationary gap with the help of diagram and also write measures to correct it. asked Aug 24, 2019 in Economics by Risub (59.1k points) class-12; Welcome to Sarthaks eConnect: A unique platform where students can interact with teachers/experts/students to get solutions to … Inflationary gap definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Definition of Inflationary Gap: The inflationary gap is the gap between actual production and the full employment output when the actual output exceeds the full employment output. A recessionary gap is an economic state where the real GDP is out-weighted by the potential GDP under full employment. Inflationary gap definition: the excess of total spending in an economy over the value, at current prices, of the... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Inflationary Gap. Look it up now! Meaning and Explanation of Inflationary Gap: Keynes, in his pamphlet entitled How to pay for the War, 1940 explained inflation in terms of inflationary gap According to him, inflationary gap exists when, at full employment income level, aggregate demand exceeds aggregate supply. An inflationary gap can be understood as the measure of excess aggregate demand over aggregate potential demand during full employment.