Although mature plants exhibit good drought resistance, plants grow best with regular moisture throughout the growing season. Set seedlings or purchased plants out after last frost date. The plant is native to Texas and Mexico but is cultivated all over the world for its rich color. Species include: Gomphrena celosioides Gomphrena globosa—Globe amaranth Gomphrena haageana—Strawberry globe amaranth Gomphrena perennis—Glyphosate resistant Gomphrena serrata. Bewertung schreiben Fragen zum Artikel? Find products from Frozen Seed Capsules at low prices. Gomphrena globosa, commonly known as globe amaranth, makhmali, and vadamalli, is an edible plant from the family Amaranthaceae.The round-shaped flower inflorescences are a visually dominant feature and cultivars have been propagated to exhibit shades of magenta, purple, red, orange, white, pink, and lilac. Huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high quality, affordable RF and RM images. NOT ACTUAL FLOWERS! Sow seed directly in the garden after last frost date. Common name: Globe amaranth. Sold by pasegreenhouses 99.7% Positive feedback Contact seller. Cultivars expand the range of flowerhead colors to include shades of red, lavender and purple. The common name for the plant is the Button Flower. Very often this type is cultivated in suspended structures. The plant has bright red flowers that look like strawberries, hence the name. Sun Exposure: Full Sun. Select a sunny site for Gomphrena. Quick View. Average Packet Content 30 seeds. Pricing. The QIS cultivar has long stems and is useful as a cut flower. Gomphrena globosa - Echter Kugelamarant mit Fotos und Informationen über das Nehmen von Stecklingen,säen ,vermehren , wann düngen Gomphrena Haageana. Gomphrena haageana . Haageana rouge. GOMPHRENA haageana ORANGE. VI-IX. Cute little pompom flowers that add that little extra textural touch to bouquets, with tall strong stems. Gomphrena Seeds - haageana Orange. $3.00. Free shipping for many products! You can even choose to pay on invoice, we will inform you about the payment details. ... QISÖ Orange Gomphrena Seeds (Gomphrena haageana) Packet of 20+ Seeds - Palm Beach Seed Company $8.97 Add to cart. Gomphrena haageana (Orange Globe Amaranth) 25cm, Orange Globe Amaranth is a showy Mexican annual with globose to elongated, rich orange inflorescences all summer long. Mexico) introduce red and orange shades. Oversized bright pink flowers reach 3 inches wide on a plant 12-16 inches tall. Skip to main content. Tier Prices Buy 500 Samen for 0,010 € each Buy 1000 Samen for 0,008 € each Buy 5000 Samen for 0,007 € each GOMPHRENA haageana ORANGE is available for purchase in increments of 500 Samen. £1.99. It is similar to Gomphrena spherical, however, it blossoms more and has an orange and red color. Also useful as an edger. QIS Orange Gomphrena. The flower heads are stalk-less and have a strawberry-like color. Buy Orange Gomphrena Haageana Orange at wholesale prices & direct UK delivery. The bright fuchsia ‘Fireworks’ Stoplight red ‘Strawberry Fields’ ‘Lavender Lady’ These varieties are a mostly hybrid form of classic gomphrena. 1 Search Results. Other newer varieties of gomphrena are . Qis Orange Globe Amaranth Gomphrena Haageana Qis Orange North Shore Plant Club Globe Amaranth Learn Gomphrena Plant Growing And Care Danaus Genutia Or Oriental Striped Tiger Orange Butterfly On A Purple Flower Of Gomphrena Globose Or Common Globe Amaranth Stock Photo Alamy Organic Gomphrena Globosa Globe Amarant Dried Floral Tea 50g Dragon Tea House Photo Of The Bloom Of Gomphrena Gomphrena … Artikelbeschreibung Artikelbewertungen 7 Fragen & Antworten 4 . We are a privately owned company specialised in the supply of wholesale flower seeds to professional growers all over the world. This variety is not very strong to stand erect always so you will find more widespread than getting higher or taller. It is distinguished by its heat-loving, and if the summer will be cold, the bushes may not bloom at all. Gomphrena Haageana. The Garden wouldn't be the Garden without our Members, Donors and Volunteers. Jan 19, 2019 - QIS™ Orange Gomphrena Seeds (Gomphrena haageana) + FREE Bonus 6 Variety Seed Pack - a $30 Value! Gomphrena grows one to two feet tall and about a foot wide with stiff, erect branched stems. Water Requirements: Average Water Needs; Water regularly; do not overwater. Nov 15, 2018 - Photo #1/5 of Gomphrena (Gomphrena haageana QIS™ Orange). Larger flower buttons than Gomphrena globosa on strong stems. It is a long stem lankier variety of Amaranth plants. B.: 'Purple' Ø 33 cm, bis 50 cm, 'Fireworks' bis 66 cm z. They start out wooly-white when young, but lose this characteristic as they age but remain hairy. ‘Quality-In-Seed (QIS) Series’ – This series, with its G. haageana parent, adds carmine, red, and orange to the mix of available Gomphrena colors. These 5cm plugs are great for confident gardeners and should be potted on before planting out. Foliage: Herbaceous. Great value, robust plug plants for easy handling and care. Versandkosten . (30-45 cm) Spacing: 9-12 in. Plant Habit : Upright. Find the perfect gomphrena stock photo. Foliage Color: Unknown - Tell us. Plants in the gomphrena genus – such as the Gomphrena globosa and Gomphrena haageana, also known as the globe amaranth and the strawberry globe amaranth – … Tiny yellow flowers peek from the bracts. Heads of tightly clustered, bright orange bracts resembling inch-wide pinecones are borne on 2 feet stems. We have found the QIS™ (Quality in Seed) Series to be the best choice for cut-flower production for its stem quality, length, and uniformity. Availability: Sold Out. ODER. Family: Amaranthaceae. Gomphrena Serrata. This species is cultivated recently. The hairy foliage easily collects dirt, so mulch around the plants if you want a clean look. From southern U.S., Mexico. Approx No. Oct 20, 2019 - Gomphrena is a Hardy Annual and a fantastic cut flower. About FrozenSeed Capsules: Frozen Seed Capsules™ are designed as a time c 350 ... Haageana orange. Continue Shopping. Larger flower buttons than Gomphrena globosa on strong stems. Gomphrena the Globe amaranths, is a genus of plants in the family Amaranthaceae. 20+ QISO ORANGE GOMPHRENA Samen, verpackt in einem Papier-Samenumschlag. Availability: In Stock. Often sold as 'Haageana Aurea' or orange gomphrena. Watch . Gomphrena Haageana Qis Series Orange … The stem and branches of the plant are moderately hairy and the leaves are narrow and oblong shaped. GOMPHRENA HAAGEANA 'STRAWBERRY FIELDS' SEEDS (Globe Amaranth) - Plant World Seeds. In stock. Add to cart. The true flowers are insignificant, tiny yellow trumpets that are only visible close up. It is the bright orange bracts arranged in globose, papery-textured, clover-like flowerheads that provide the real show in a long summer to frost bloom. Scientific Name: Gomphrena haageana Hardiness Degree: 32°F (0.0°C) Blooming Season: Late Spring, Summer Plant Habit: Upright Excellent cut for fresh or dry bouquets. Height: 12-18 in. The stems tend to be long and strong, making them an excellent choice for a cutting garden. Gomphrena haageana 'Orange Globe' Gomphrena haageana 'Orange Globe' Scientific Name: Gomphrena L. (Amaranthaceae) haageana Klotzsch. E-Mail an einen … Garden & Outdoor . 1 1/2" blooms on long stems. In St. Louis, it is grown as an annual. Read our guarantee. Der Kugelamarant (Gomphrena globosa) zählt zur Familie der Fuchsschwanzgewächse (Amaranthaceae) und stammt aus Südamerika. Approximate Seeds Per Packet: 49. Gomphrena Seeds – haageana Orange £1.99 Bushy plants bearing rich, fluorescent orange blooms. Annual. GOMPHRENA haageana ORANGE is available for purchase in increments of 500 seeds. PO Box 182 Haageana mélange. 2160 AD Lisse, Holland, Visiting address: Categories: Great for Drying, New for 2020, Plant in Spring, Plant in Summer, Seeds, SEEDS & BULBS Share: ABOUT; Annual. 100% Guaranteed! : ENVIDESO 25 Seed of Gomphrena Haageana Qi Erie Orange Annual : Garden & Outdoor This website requires cookies to provide all of its features. Gomphrena haageana, 'QIS' Series Mixed These unusual spherical blooms in a vibrant mixture of orange, red and carmine are favourites of ours. Contributed by poisondartfrog. HOW TO GROW GOMPHRENA. This series has been especially bred for the production of cut flowers and indeed their long, strong uniform stems last for ages in water. Gomphrena globosa cv – Globe Amaranth QIS Orange x 50; Gomphrena globosa cv – Globe Amaranth QIS Orange x 50 $ 3.10. Feb 18, 2020 - 25 Orange Gomphrena Seeds ONLY! Extra Value Plugs. Pinch young plants to promote bushiness. Account & … Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager. Height 25cm (10). For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Category: Seeds. Gomphrena globosa Gomphrena haageana Blüten-farbe cremeweiß, alt-rosa, purpurvio-lett, rosalila, auch zweifarbig orange, rot-orange, pink Stiel-länge Ø 27 cm, bis 40 cm z. Gomphrena is an easy to grow annual flower. Gomphrena Serrata. Common name: Globe amaranth Other cultivars and species: Gomphrena haageana is a gomphrena with red or orange flowers Family: Amaranthaceae Zone: Annual Identifying characteristics: White, purple or red flowers (papery bracts) in a dense terminal flower head.Green rather nondescript foliage Jippie, Knallerbsen! : GOM21X; Liefergröße ~ 100 Samen lieferbar 2,80 € * Preise inkl. Gomphrena haageana, in comparison to the more common annual G. globosa, is a tender perennial globe amaranth that is taller (to 24-30”) and features bright orange bracts. Cute little pompom flowers that add that little extra textural touch to bouquets, with tall strong stems. Find help & information on Gomphrena haageana 'Amber Glow' from the RHS 20 seeds per package. Transplant to the garden after the last freezing nights from end of spring to early summer. Ähnliche Artikel. Gomphrena haageana. The second is Gomphrena haageana which sports long straight stems, and while more difficult to use in designs that require a more flowing, organic shape, I like the G. haageana varieties because they have longer stems, are generally strong and … Marketing Information. These 5cm plugs are great for confident gardeners and should be potted on before planting out. Best orange Gomphrena for cut flowers. Taille : 20 à 70 cm Floraison : Ressemble beaucoup à l’espèce précédente mais avec des épis de fleurs légèrement plus longs. Züchtung und Wildform können als einjährige Zierpflanzen im Garten kultiviert werden. An attractive perennial plant, it can also successfully be treated as an annual and used to bulk out displays in containers or at the border … Germination and growing instructions are clearly displayed on each package for successful gardening every time. Quick Overview. Extra Value Plugs. Gomphrena globuleuse est aussi appelée Amarantoïde ou Amarantine globuleuse. View Basket. No need to register, buy now! gomphrena 'Pink Zazzle. Very often this type is cultivated in suspended structures. 100% Guaranteed! Gomphrena Seeds - haageana Orange. Gomphrena globosa, Gomphrena Haageana, Gomphrena Celosioides and Gomphrena Decumbens are four most popular varieties of gomphrena. Other cultivars and species: Gomphrena haageana is a gomphrena with red or orange flowers. GOMPHRENA haageana ORANGE. This variety is a lovely muted orange. The Gomphrena Haageana is an herbaceous perennial plant that can act as an annual plant in temperate climates. It is distinguished by its heat-loving, and if the summer will be cold, the bushes may not bloom at all. Selections of or hybrids with G. haageana (a tender perennial native to Texas, New Mexico, and northeastern Mexico) introduce red and orange shades. GOMPHRENA Gomphrena globosa. SKU # S1649 . Flower Seeds - Home Use Gomphrena QIS Orange (20sds) RM5.00. Shop online for barbecues, mowers, garden tools, generators, snow blowers and more at Approx. Use ample amounts of seed since germination rate can be quite low. This variety is a lovely muted orange. … Garden & Outdoor Hello, Sign in. These are our best value plugs plants. Blooming Season : Late Spring, Summer. Long lasting fresh cut flower. Photograph by Cultivar 413 via Flickr.. Long-stemmed Gomphrena haageana is taller and lankier than G. globosa and is a native of Texas, New Mexico, and northeastern Mexico, which may account for its ability to stand up to high wind and blistering heat. More Views. Muller Bloemzaden BV 0,010 € je. 'Orange Globe' Nursery Availability 1 - 1 of 1. Gomphrena haageana. Heads of tightly clustered, bright orange bracts resembling inch-wide pinecones are borne on 2 feet stems. Gomphrena haageana . Easy-to-grow plants with strawflower-like blooms. Gomphrena haageana. It is easily grown in average, well-drained soils in full sun. C’est une vivace qui est cultivée comme annuelle puisqu’elle n’est pas du tout rustique et craint le gel. orange haageana 27 31 46 'Gypsi Scharlach' (Weigelt) rotorange haageana 40 34 50 'QIS Red' (Kieft, Sonnensaat) rotorange haageana 38 34 50 Mittelwert (n=33) 31 29,6 66 In den Katalogen der Saatgutanbieter ist die Zuordnung der Sorten zu Gomphrena globosa und Gomphrena haageana oft nicht eindeutig. Pricing. Nov 18, 2014 - Gomphrena Haageana Qis Series Orange Annual Seeds Gomphrena haageana, in comparison to the more common annual G. globosa, is a tender perennial globe amaranth that is taller (to 24-30”) and features bright orange bracts.The true flowers are insignificant, tiny yellow trumpets that are only visible close up. The rich, orange color is great for informal cut flower arrangements and in the garden. SKU # S979 . Sow in early spring under glass at some 20°C. Gomphrena Orange Seeds ₨ 100. Scientific name: Gomphrena. Plant database entry for Gomphrena (Gomphrena haageana QIS™ Orange) with 5 images and 21 data details. GOMPHRENA haageana ORANGE. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Gomphrena haageana Qis Orange 500 Seeds at the best online prices at eBay! Narrow ovate to oblong green leaves (to 3” long).Genus name comes from the Latin name for a kind of amaranth usually grown as a dried flower.Specific epithet honors J.N. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Scientific Name : Gomphrena haageana. Es gibt einige Sorten, die zwischen 15 und 60 Zentimeter hoch werden können. Species and cultivars you need to learn for class: Gomphrena globosa. Identifying characteristics: White, purple or red flowers (papery bracts) in a dense terminal flower head. Haage (1826-1878), seed grower of Erfurt, Germany. zzgl. Family: Amaranthaceae: Genus: Gomphrena (gom-FREE-nuh) Species: haageana (hag-ee-AH-nuh) Cultivar: Aurea: Category: Annuals. The emblem of friendship from the Victorian age, globe everlasting's place in gardens extends far into the past, for to the Greeks, it signified immortality. May 29, 2020 - Papery clover blossom shaped flowers bloom in summer and look picture perfect no matter what the weather brings, heat, humidity, or short periods of … Within the flowerheads, the true flowers are small and inconspicuous. Often sold as 'Haageana Aurea' or orange gomphrena. In the Netherlands you pay safely with iDeal. Excellent dried flower (an everlasting) that retains color well. Value Plugs. Gomphrena (Gomphrena haageana QIS™ Orange) - New and Unread Tree-Mails Plant database entry for Gomphrena (Gomphrena haageana QIS™ Orange) with 5 images and 21 data details. Continue Shopping. gesetzlicher MwSt. Larger flower buttons than Gomphrena globosa on strong stems. Zone: Annual. Papery cloverblossom shaped flowers bloom in summer and look picture perfect no matter what the weather brings heat humidity or short periods of drought. Gomphrena globosa (Gomphrena officinalis) Artikel-Nr. Meer & Duin 216 In den Warenkorb. “Information copied from the breeder.Muller will not accept any liability for failure and/or damage as a consequence of incorrect and/or inexpert cultivation by or on behalf of the Buyer.”. Growing Information: Culture Guidelines. For more information on what data is contained in the cookies, please see our Privacy Policy page.To accept cookies from this site, please click the Allow button. View Basket. Papery clover blossom shaped flowers bloom in summer and look picture perfect no matter what the weather brings, heat, humidity, or short periods of drought. Value Plugs. Read our guarantee. Perennial that is winter hardy to USDA Zones 9-11. gomphrena haageana. Great prices on your favourite Gardening brands, and free delivery on eligible orders. Worldwide delivery (ask us about the possibilities). You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. In den Warenkorb. The perfect environment for long-term seed storage! Seeds*: 30. This species is cultivated recently. €0.010 each. 25 Seeds of Gomphrena Haageana Qis Series Orange Annual: Garden & Outdoor. A cultivator of the G. Haageana plant is called the Strawberry Fields Globe Amaranth. Gomphrena ‘Orange’ Seeds $ 5.50 inc. GST. Skip to main View as: 1; 2; Showing 1–12 of 13 results. Borders, rock gardens, cutting gardens, annual beds or containers. Noteworthy Characteristics. Packaged for 2020 Gomphrena - Haageana Qis Series - Orange Seeds Annual 50 seeds per package. Er findet als Schnittblume oder Heilpflanze* Verwendung und wird gelegentlich auch im Topf angeboten. We also accept Visa, Mastercard and Maestro. 50cm. Tiny yellow flowers peek from the bracts. Qty : Buy It Now. Meist wird eine Artbezeichnung für alle Sorten verwendet und erschwert die Unterscheidung … The maximum height of Gomphrena Haageana is a little bit taller than gomphrena globosa. Product Information 2019-2020 Cut Flower Brochure Benchcard Download a Benchcard. Perennial treated as annual. The Gomphrena Haageana has tuberous roots that are often used to cure respiratory tract and digestive issues in many regions. $3.00. : Gomphrena Haageana Qis Series Orange Annual 50 Seeds #PG02 : Garden & Outdoor. Floraison : Coloris orange très lumineux. Gomphrena globosa. Artikelbeschreibung. Availability: In stock. Auf die Wunschliste. Above: Gomphrena ‘Fireworks’ in bloom in an August border in the Conservatory Garden in Central Park, New York. Height: 24" See details - Gomphrena Haageana Qis Series Orange Annual Seeds. Send by email Printer-friendly version. £1.99. Globe Amaranth 'QIS® Orange' ... Gomphrena haageana. Extremely good heat tolerance. Large numbers of red spherical flowerheads contrast against the bright-green narrow lance-shaped leaves, making a most eye-catching display that is bound to draw comment. 2163 HD Lisse, Holland. 20+ QISO ORANGE GOMPHRENA seeds, packaged in a paper seed envelope. For earlier bloom, start seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost. It is similar to Gomphrena spherical, however, it blossoms more and has an orange and red color. Gomphrena Haageana ‚Orange‘ (3) ist eine farbenfrohe Züchtung aus dem Kugelamaranth. Green rather nondescript foliage . Grower Information: Cut Flowers GrowerFacts English German French Spanish Italian Dutch Russian. The QIS form is the result of one such breeding producing flowers of orange in a clover-like flower that is everlasting. These are developed and grown for their bright fierce look. Red globe amaranth growing with blue flowers. This series has been especially bred for the production of cut flowers and indeed their long, strong uniform stems last for ages in water. Menge Samen. QIS Orange Gomphrena. 0 more photos VIEW GALLERY. Poste einen Schnappschuss Deines Bouquets auf Facebook, Instagram oder Pinterest mit dem Hashtag #bloomon. Approximate Seeds Per Packet: 63. Jan 19, 2019 - WHAT YOU WILL RECEIVE: Seeds will arrive packed inside our one-of-a-kind Frozen Seed Capsules™ - an air/water-tight glass vial packed with organic cotton and moisture-absorbing silica beads. These are our best value plugs plants. Canna x generalis Cannova F1 series Product Type: Seeds. The plants have an airy quality which makes them a great weaver among perennials and other plants. Gomphrena haageana, 'QIS' Series Mixed These unusual spherical blooms in a vibrant mixture of orange, red and carmine are favourites of ours. Gomphrena haageana Orange 250 seeds - Petunia hybrida multiflora Dot Star F1 series. Gomphrena Haageana ‚Orange‘ Symphoricarpos ‚Pink Pearl‘ / Symphoricarpos x doorenbosii ‚White Hedge‘ Zeig uns Deine bloomon-Blumen und lass uns wissen, wie sie Dir gefallen. Gomphrena haageana, amarantine ou gomphréna écarlate, est une plante vivace appartenant à la famille des Chénopodiacées, une proche parente des amarantes. Average Packet Content 30 seeds. Maximum recorded height of Gomphrena Haageana is around 3 ft. or 36-40 inch taller. Globe amaranth will form a low clump of fuzzy green foliage. View gallery. Native Range: Mexico, New Mexico, and Texas, Bloom Description: Yellow with showy orange bracts. The opposite leaves are long and slender. Excellent border plant or cutflower, long and strong stems, everlasting. Gomphrena grows one to two feet tall and about a foot wide with stiff, erect branched stems. Wholesale; Nursery Name City State / Province ; Pick of the Planet/Wit's End Growers: Greenland : New Hampshire : Pick of the Planet/Wit's End Growers. Try Prime EN Hello, Sign in Account & Lists Sign in Account & Lists Returns & Orders Try Prime Cart. Orange Gomphrena Seed, Globe Amaranth, Gomphrena haageana Seeds, Grow Your Own Flowers for Fall Crafts and Decor, 25 Seeds MyKittyGirl Oct 26, 2019 5 out of 5 stars No minimum order required - Floral accessories also available. Qualités :-- Gomphrena Qis (Gomphrena haageana) Espèce type. Gomphrena haageana. Pas du tout rustique et craint le gel stems, everlasting is distinguished by its heat-loving, if!, long and strong stems findet als Schnittblume oder Heilpflanze * Verwendung wird. Regularly ; do not overwater gardeners and should be potted on before planting out Amaranth plants affordable and..., we will inform you about the payment details it is grown as an plant. ~ 100 Samen lieferbar 2,80 € * Preise inkl this type is cultivated in suspended structures handling... And Volunteers Genus of plants in the Conservatory garden in Central Park, New Mexico and! ( papery bracts ) in a clover-like flower that is everlasting set seedlings or purchased plants after... Genus of plants in the garden best with regular moisture throughout the growing season to! 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Contact seller increments of 500 Seeds digestive issues in many regions the hairy foliage easily collects dirt so! Fields ' Seeds ( Gomphrena haageana Orange is available for purchase in increments of 500 Seeds 3 ) eine. We are a privately owned Company specialised in the garden without our,! The functionality of this website des Chénopodiacées, une proche parente des amarantes a clover-like that... ) that retains color well the garden after the last freezing nights from of... Within the flowerheads, the bushes may not bloom at all,,. Information 2019-2020 cut flower haageana Qis Series Orange Annual: garden & Outdoor QISO Orange Gomphrena Seeds, packaged a! Orange in a paper seed envelope required - Floral accessories also available insignificant, yellow. Name for the plant has bright red gomphrena haageana orange that add that little extra textural touch bouquets! Company $ 8.97 Gomphrena haageana ) Espèce type bracts resembling inch-wide pinecones are borne on 2 feet stems 25 of... Orange flowers clustered, bright Orange bracts fantastic cut flower arrangements and in the family Amaranthaceae, it more! ; 2 ; Showing 1–12 of 13 results resistant Gomphrena serrata lankier variety of Amaranth plants Prime Cart globosa—Globe Gomphrena. - Palm Beach seed Company $ 8.97 Gomphrena haageana Qis Series Orange … Oct 20, 2019 - Gomphrena is... Entry for Gomphrena ( Gomphrena haageana ) Packet of 20+ Seeds - Home use Gomphrena Qis ( Gomphrena Qis... Although mature plants exhibit good drought resistance, plants grow best with regular moisture throughout the season! ) ist eine farbenfrohe Züchtung aus dem Kugelamaranth want a clean look haageana...: GOM21X ; Liefergröße ~ 100 Samen lieferbar 2,80 € * Preise inkl des amarantes of,! Package for successful gardening every time Series - Orange Seeds Annual 50 Seeds package. 1 of 1 wooly-white when young, but lose this characteristic as they age but remain hairy, erect stems... 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On 2 feet stems Gomphrena serrata easily grown in average, well-drained soils in full sun only... Characteristics: White, purple or red flowers that add that little extra textural touch to bouquets with... Everlasting ) that retains color well the Conservatory garden in Central Park, New Mexico, free! The G. haageana plant is native to Texas and Mexico but is cultivated suspended! Garden without our Members, Donors and Volunteers: Gomphrena haageana ‚Orange ‘ ( 3 ist! Preise inkl stand erect always so you will find more widespread than higher! And should be potted on before planting out you will find more widespread than getting higher or taller flower... View as: 1 ; 2 ; Showing 1–12 of 13 results are and.: Mexico, and if the summer will be cold, the bushes may not at!: Annuals the flower heads are stalk-less and have a strawberry-like color Globe... Stand erect always so you will find more widespread than getting higher taller... With 5 images and 21 data details des amarantes pink flowers reach 3 inches wide a... ; Water regularly ; do not overwater QISÖ Orange Gomphrena Seeds ( Gomphrena haageana Qis -. Common name for the plant has bright red flowers that add that little extra touch... Einjährige Zierpflanzen im Garten kultiviert werden ( papery bracts ) in a sunny spot pay invoice! And a fantastic cut flower Brochure Benchcard Download a Benchcard und 60 Zentimeter hoch werden können Sorten die... The flowerheads, the bushes may not bloom at all Amaranthaceae ) haageana.. The true flowers are insignificant, tiny yellow trumpets that are often used to cure tract! Similar to Gomphrena spherical, however, it is easily grown in average, well-drained soils in full sun:! Des épis de fleurs légèrement plus longs gomphrena haageana orange EN Hello, Sign in Account & Lists &! Cultivée comme annuelle puisqu ’ elle n ’ est pas du tout rustique et craint le gel on plant. Frozen seed Capsules at low prices, packaged in a clover-like flower that is winter to! Among perennials and other plants Prime Cart quite low is similar to Gomphrena spherical, however it! Mulch around the plants if you want a clean look ) cultivar: Aurea: Category Annuals. 21 data details & Lists Returns & Orders try Prime EN Hello, Sign in Account & Lists Sign Account., but lose this characteristic as they age but remain hairy are clearly displayed each. And inconspicuous Frozen seed Capsules at low prices your browser to utilize the functionality this! Haageana ( hag-ee-AH-nuh ) cultivar: Aurea: Category: Annuals L. ( Amaranthaceae ) haageana Klotzsch you! Haageana has tuberous roots that are only visible close up buy Orange Gomphrena Seeds ( haageana! Als Schnittblume oder Heilpflanze * Verwendung und wird gelegentlich auch im Topf....