Annals of Internal Medicine 140: E589, But et al (1996) Hepatitis related to the Chinese medicine Shou Wu Pian manufactured from Polygonum multiflorum. The powerful antibacterial properties of He Shou Wu extract can help naturally remove toxins from the body. 2012–. The Liver is often referred as the body's "general" because it is in charge of regulating the movements of Qi and body fluids. I am not taking any other medications except the GP prescribed antihypertensives that I had been taking for many years. Greenbush Fo-ti Root extract is a natural, single-herb supplement without fillers or additives that is created to deliver as much of the active herb, … Safflower is the leading Australian-owned licensed dispensary in Australia, offering you customized premium quality formulas at affordable prices. Hot flushes are experienced by about 70% of women undergoing menopause. Fo-ti has been linked to liver damage in several reports, including one case in a 5-year-old child. Conclusions: Especially when traveling it is easy to catch a virus or eat something that could cause liver toxicity. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. He Shou Wu is typically safe to consume for relatively healthy adult men and women. He Shou Wu may reduce cholesterol in part to its lecithin content. Interactions Talk to your doctor about any supplements or therapy you would like to use. Herbs are generally given in mixtures in TCM. Fo-ti is also used in TCM for other conditions, including:1 1. Side Effects & Safety When taken by mouth: Fo-ti is POSSIBLY UNSAFE to take by mouth due to concerns that it might cause liver damage in both adults and children. He Shou Wu (pronounced huh show woo) is said to be the most powerful extractor of Qi from the earth of any plant.The Qi that is collected from the Earth is stored in the root of He Shou Wu. Research on fleeceflower roots(He Shou Wu) The stilbene glycoside from Polygonum multiflorum Thunb possesses high in vivo antioxidant activity. This is week 3 since the symptoms occur and 2weeks since back home to Australia. He Shou Wu enters the Liver, tonifying Blood to expel Wind and blackens the hair and beard, while E Jiao nourishes Blood, moistens Dryness, nourishes the Lungs and expels Heat. This is most likely due to its antioxidants. He Shou Wu 80g by Sun Potion - Fo-Ti Tonic, Certified Organic, 10:1 Extract Root Powder, Herbal Supplement, Superfood - Restore Hair Color, Immunity, Boost Energy, Stamina - Vegan Kosher Smoothie Blen.,, Chinese Medical Herbology and Pharmacology, John K. Chen, Tina T. Chen, Art of Medicine Press, Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica, 3rd Edition, Bensky, Clavey, Stoeger Eastland Press. Zhi He Shou Wu (Polygoni multiflori radix praparata) ist, wie aus dem Namen bereits hervorgeht, die vorbehandelte Form von He Shou Wu (Polygoni multiflori radix).Der Name He Shou Wu (schwarzhaariger Herr He) deutet auf auf die traditionelle Verwendung dieser Arznei gegen frühzeitig ergrautes Haar hin. Actions. In cases of liver disease, it is possible that poorly-prepared He Shou Wu can cause symptoms of jaundice, vomiting, nausea, stomach and abdominal pain, dark urine, loss of appetite, weakness, and tiredness according to this study. Fresh Fleeceflower Xian He Shou Wu root is similar to Sheng He Shou Wu… Our Greenbush Fo-ti (He Shou Wu) Root extract is for anyone looking to naturally rejuvenate their health and youthfulness. Insomnia 5. This is most likely due to its antioxidants. Drug Saf. He shou wu roots also contain compounds that support immune, nervous, and hormonal systems and that stimulate the endocrine system, making it incredibly versatile. “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.”. 2019 Mar;42(3):365-387. doi: 10.1007/s40264-018-0743-2. Reports of hepatitis associated with He Shou Wu (Polygonum Multiflorum) have also been described in the published literature (1–4). Overconsumption can lead to toxicity-induced hepatitis. We suggest that patients should take HSW products under the guidance of a physician or pharmacist and avoid using them for long-term or in high … He shou wu may affect the blood sugar level in diabetic patients. Results: All patients had recovered or were recovering after stopping He Shou Wu (Polygonum Multiflorum). Fo Ti (He Shou Wu) Safety - posted in Supplements: Does anyone have any reliable information on the safety of Fo-Ti / He Shou Wu also known as Fallopia multiflora or Polygonum multiflorum ? The Dos and Donts of Chinese Herbal Dispensing, Post-partum conditions and classical formulas, Classical formulas for menopausal hot flushes, It replenishes Jing (Essence) and nourishes the blood of the liver and kidney, It moistens the intestines and unblocks the bowels, It lowers cholesterol and treats cardiovascular disorders, Battinelli et al (2004) New case of acute hepatitis following the consumption of Shou Wu Pian, a Chinese Herbal product derived from Polygonum multiflorum. Interactions Talk to your doctor about any supplements or therapy you would like to use. In large doses, He Shou Wu can be toxic for the liver and cause issues like abnormal function, jaundice and even hepatitis. 4.4 out of 5 stars 54. Emodin also serves as a liver-protective agent. Anecdotally, general side effects include diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, and vomiting. Commonly known as He shou wu in China and Fo-ti in North America, studies have shown this herb to be beneficial in the treatment of cancer, supporting diabetes, hair loss, hardening of the arteries, and neurodegenerative diseases. This can range from simple mild health conditions like male or female pattern baldness (adrenergic alopecia), hair loss with age, or even nutrient deficiencies, all the way to more major hair loss disorders such as alopecia, an autoimmune disorder . World J Gastroenterol. Overconsumption can lead to toxicity-induced hepatitis. 2019 Feb;39(2):257-259. doi: 10.1111/liv.14003. Like Parkinson’s, though, lots more research will be needed before calling, using, or even considering the herb a stroke treatment. He shou wu is hailed for it’s powerful transformational and youth-restoring properties. He Shou Wu may damage the liver. For people with graying hair, using he shou wu may actually help restore one’s younger hair color, no matter the color. Since the liver is the major detoxification organ of the body, protecting it is to a large degree … He Shou Wu must be cooked (“prepared”) with black beans to release its power and to … Those compounds are called anthraquinones. He shou wu is sometimes used as a stool softener. He Shou Wu and Liver Toxicity – True or False? It is marketed for hair thinning, 'blood tonifying' and a variety of other conditions. A 2015 study showed that the herb had outstanding effects in restoring hair color in test subjects with graying hair, though this was limited to people with black hair. However, to put the blame on He Shou Wu (Polygonum Multiflorum) alone would be premature and unsolicited. Also, information is available on what the daily dosage was, for how long the formula was administered and what other herbs were part of the prescription. I recently had an email exchange with Dr Subhuti Dharmananda from the Institute for Traditional Chinese Medicine in Portland Oregon about the topic of ‘performance enhancing’ herbs. Potency and quality are keys when consuming He Shou Wu. Bethesda (MD): National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases; 2012–. It’s a tragic outcome for someone young seeking treatment for hair loss to have better chances in his professional endeavors. One patient died of liver failure and three had chronic persistent liver injury. We were on the last week of our European holiday when this occur (drug taken on the commencement of the holiday ie 3weeks prior). (He Shou Wu in Chinese pinyin, hereina er referred to as HSW) is the root of Polygonum multi orum ,amemberofPolygonaceae.Asa Chineseherb,itwasrecordedmostearlyin KaibaoBencao Also known as Chinese knotweed, it has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat hair loss. Could this illustrate that He Shou Wu (Polygonum Multiflorum) has the potential to damage a healthy liver but could improve a diseased liver? 5 years ago. A commercial product called Fo Ti does not contain he shou wu but is often confused with it because of the similarity in names. 'He Shou Wu' is the Chinese name for polygonum roots that have been cooked and prepared into a tonic for consumption, also known as 'Fo-ti' or by a variant translation 'Ho Sho Wu'. Improved Sex Drive Panis et al (2005) Recurrent toxic hepatitis in a Caucasian girl related to the use of Shou-Wu-Pian, a Chinese herbal preparation. Some laxative compounds of He shou wu may pass into breast milk and cause diarrhea to infants. Liver Damage Associated with Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. But this liver-protection is a double-edged sword if too much is taken, it could cause liver damage. Some can interfere with treatment or make conditions worse such as: It came in a capsule form and was purchased from a reputable compound pharmacy located in my local area. 1 He Shou Wu has anthraquinones and polysaccharides that can protect your liver by preventing fat oxidation, reducing inflammation, and increasing antioxidant effects (9, 10). By taking He Shou Wu every day, you are increasing your antioxidant levels and protecting yourself from disease. He shou wu (Polygonum multiflorum) can be used as a topical lotion or taken as an oral herbal supplement (500 mg three times a day) to help treat androgenetic alopecia and telogen effluvium types of hair loss.2, 50, 222. There isn't enough information available to know if … I straight away presents my self to the emergency dept. He Shou Wu is the most amazing longevity tonic of all. Many studies now support He Shou Wu’s protective and function-regulating actions on the liver. All seven reports are of liver reactions and comprise one report of abnormal liver function, 3 reports of jaundice, 2 reports hepatitis and one report of jaundice and hepatitis. According to legend, He Shou Wu, one of Chinese Medicine’s most powerful longevity herbs, can increase your lifespan, make you more virile, and even give you better hair. Yang WN, Pang LL, Zhou JY, Qiu YW, Miao L, Wang SY, Liu XZ, Tan KA, Shi WW, Wang GQ, Hou FQ. 3. In recent years, weather patterns have changed significantly and this year, the fire season has started prematurely and even... As Chinese medicine practitioners we support fertility and pregnancy with a lot of time, dedication and attention. doi: 10.7326/0003-4819-140-7-200404060-00042-w3. Veterinary and Human Toxicology 38: 208-282. majority can be cured. Twenty-five of 29 patients (86.2%) had normal serum alanine aminotransferase levels after 45 days (range: 10-138 days) and total bilirubin of 46 days (range: 0-551 days). Hello Rohayah, this could be a case where a condition could is blamed on He Shou Wu when in fact the reason could be something else. He Shou Wu is an incredible herb for physical and spiritual fortification, and has been long revered as one of Chinese Medicine’s most powerful longevity herbs. Indications. It is rich in Zinc and Iron, both of which support healthy blood building and optimal liver function. Apparently two Chinese hospitals prescribed and dispensed herbal formulas containing the popular herb for the treatment of premature hair greying and hair loss. When it comes to herbal dispensing, we have gathered a fair bit of expertise. The liver is in charge of constructing various building blocks needed for proper hormone production and activity that keeps our reproductive systems healthy and strong. Immune function 6. He Shou Wu is a well-known herb in traditional Chinese medicine which is often used as an anti-aging remedy and for getting back the natural color of hair in people with gray hair issues amoung other things!. Using He Shou Wu can improve glutathione levels and other oxidative stress markers ( 11 ). However in recent years, some adverse effects on the liver were reported: 2006: Seven reports of suspected adverse reactions associated with He Shou Wu (Polygonum Multiflorum) have been reported to the MHRA through the Yellow Card Scheme. Twenty‐nine patients with He Shou Wu‐induced liver injury were enrolled. He Shou Wu is still used today in TCM to help prevent premature hair loss, graying, and to regulate excessive aging by tonifying the Liver and Kidney functions. The damage includes fatty liver, liver function damage and elevated levels of peroxidized lipids in the liver. It is known as he shou wu in China and East Asia. Of nine patients with liver biopsies, six showed acute cholestatic hepatitis, two acute, and one chronic hepatocellular injury pattern. The UK Health Government issued a warning for He Shou Wu (Polygonum Multiflorum) not to be taken if affected by liver disease. People should be alert to liver damage when taking HSW preparations. It contains the substance emodin, which is a laxative and also is thought to be a liver protective agent. Herbal dispensing practice Chinese Herbs Granules. Protects the Liver. Twenty-nine patients with He Shou Wu-induced liver injury were enrolled. In stock on September 17, 2020. 2004 Apr 6;140(7):W30. Benefits of he shou wu are the same as those of fo-ti, including promoting skin and hair health, reducing constipation, supporting the liver and kidneys, and promoting restful sleep. The median age was 53 years (range 15-74) and 75.9% (22/29) were women. In traditional Chinese medicine, fo-ti is used as a longevity tonic for greying hair, premature aging, weakness, vaginal discharge, and erectile dysfunction. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, He Shou Wu is known to build the blood and nourish the liver. Methods: New case of acute hepatitis following the consumption of Shou Wu Pian, a Chinese herbal product derived from Polygonum multiflorum. Ho TT, Murthy HN, Dalawai D, Bhat MA, Paek KY, Park SY. Herbal-induced liver injury: The price to pay for a healthier life? Adult humans do not die with the same liver they were born with. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons A/S. One of the reasons to prepare HSW is because it's known that it is toxic to the liver in raw form. I think this is not a good idea. It also appeared to help protect the liver against certain cancers. Mazzanti G, Battinelli L, Daniele C, Mastroianni CM, Lichtner M, Coletta S, Costantini S. Ann Intern Med. He shou wu, also known as fo-ti or Polygonum multiflorum, is classified as one of the premier major tonics in Traditional Chinese Medicine.It has been used for centuries as a Taoist longevity herb fundamental for increasing Jing and kidney Yin, the deep primordial stored … Another benefit of He Shou Wu’s stimulation of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity is this free radical scavenger kills harmful oxygen molecules in cells which may have caused damage to tissues. Fo-ti is POSSIBLY UNSAFE to take by mouth due to concerns that it might cause liver damage in both adults and children. Kruskal-Wallis and Chi-square (χ2 ) tests were performed. 5. I think this is not a good idea. He Shou Wu benefits the health of your kidney and liver and supports the function of these internal organs. He Shou Wu`s effect on protecting the liver: In experiments on mice, prepared He Shou Wu reduces buildup of hepatic (liver) fat. Both He Shou Wu and Colla Corii Asini E Jiao nourish Blood. Of nine patients with liver biopsies, six showed acute cholestatic hepatitis, two acute, and one chronic hepatocellular injury pattern. Another benefit of He Shou Wu’s stimulation of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity is this free radical scavenger kills harmful oxygen molecules in cells which may have caused damage to tissues. He Shou Wu; Polygonum Multiflorum Thumb; clinical course; drug-induced liver injury. He Shou Wu also lessens the enlargement of the liver caused by carbon tetrachloride poisoning. The most common symptom was jaundice (79.3%, 23/29). He Shou Wu can significantly counter the liver damage in rats caused by peroxidized (spoiled) corn oil. Polygonum Multiflorum Thumb (PMT), an ancient anti-aging Chinese herb known traditionally as He Shou Wu, has side effects of liver toxicity. My husband noticed the jaundiced on my skin and the yellowing in both my eyes. High cholesterol 4. He shou wu, also known as fo-ti or Polygonum multiflorum, is classified as one of the premier major tonics in Traditional Chinese Medicine.It has been used for centuries as a Taoist longevity herb fundamental for increasing Jing and kidney Yin, the deep primordial stored … According to TCM, he shou wu restores youthful “Essence” and nourishes the primal energy of the body known as ""Jing"". To determine the main clinical and pathological characteristics of liver toxicity induced by PMT and the clinical course after its cessation. Though He Shou Wu is a popular herbal medicine, side effects and risks have been noted. At is says that fo-ti might be UNSAFE to take by mouth due to concerns that it might cause liver damage in both adults and children. These are, however, very rare side effects of He Shou Wu . On the other side, emodin also serves as a liver-protective agent. Clinical, pathological data and outcome after cessation of He Shou Wu were obtained and analysed. : A Systematic Review of Case Reports and Case Series XiangLei, 1 JingChen, 1 JingtianRen, 2 YanLi, 1 JingboZhai, 1 WeiMu, 3 LiZhang, 3 Classically, He Shou Wu is considered a Liver tonic. So, it is not safe to use He shou wu during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In one 2011 study, he shou wu’s antioxidants were shown having some strong liver protection potential. Perhaps there are methods and means to use raw form, but I've never heard of it. One patient was rechallenged with He Shou Wu and two developed autoimmune features. The type of fo-ti typically used is red fo-ti, which is the root boiled in a liquid made with black beans. Real M, Barnhill MS, Higley C, Rosenberg J, Lewis JH. A recent death of a college graduate from eastern China after the ingestion of a hair tonic containing He Shou Wu (Polygonum Multiflorum) has justly created headlines. I am still having difficulty sleeping, abdominal tenderness and still very tired. I suppose it also depends on the quality and preparation of the herb itself. In this article, we will cover the benefits of He Shou Wu, how to source high-quality product, and reported side effects. He Shou Wu works on the liver and the kidneys to improve the quality of red blood cells and reduce the buildup of hepatic (liver) fat. The liver damage in most patients is reversible, after discontinuation of HSW products, and active treatment can restore liver function, but there are also a small number of patients with liver failure and even death. Fo-ti has been linked to liver damage in … At a fundamental level in the liver`s cells, in vitro studies have demonstrated He Shou Wu`s ability to inhibit the lipid peroxidation of rat liver microsomes induced by ADP and NADPH. Drug-Induced Liver Injury: Highlights of the Recent Literature. (a few don't need to be, such as Reishi). | [Toxic hepatitis associated with Polygoni multiflori]. Park et al (2001) Acute hepatitis induced by Shou Wu Pian, a herbal product derived from Polygonum multiflorum. 2001 Jan;16(1):115-7. doi: 10.1046/j.1440-1746.2001.02309.x. He shou wu is said to act as an adaptogen, building the body’s defenses against stress, and also to support the balance between yin and yang energies. HHS Reynoutria multiflora is listed in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia and is one of the most popular perennial traditional Chinese medicines. Several reports of liver damage have linked He shou wu use including a case of five-year-old. Reports of hepatitis associated with He Shou Wu (Polygonum Multiflorum) have also been described in the published literature (1–4). Strengthening the liver and kidney, two of the core organs in your body that keep your blood healthy, is critical to expel the toxins and free radicals that attack your body every day. , jaundice and even hepatitis very concentrated medicines in Australia, offering customized... Symptom was jaundice ( 79.3 %, 23/29 ) fair bit of expertise also as. The abstract from a known liver condition terms were searched as free-text in the west -- as something to by! This is week 3 since the symptoms occur and 2weeks since back home to.! Thought to be a liver tonic milk and cause diarrhea to infants died! ( 2001 ) acute hepatitis induced by Shou-Wu-Pian, a herbal product derived from Polygonum Multiflorum Thumb ; clinical after. Six showed acute cholestatic hepatitis, two acute, and one chronic hepatocellular injury pattern of He Wu-induced! 2001 Jan ; 16 ( 1 ):115-7. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v26.i12.1329 Wu ; Polygonum Multiflorum ) to! 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