86 - Athens is burned by Roman soldiers in response to a Greek revolt. In March of 1864 the Ionian islands are ceded to Greece by Great Britain. The haunting music that takes you back 1,800 years: Expert records '100% accurate' version of song as heard in ancient Greece. Ancient Greece, the birthplace of democracy, was the source of some of the greatest literature, architecture, science and philosophy in Western … Tuberculosis (TB) was called “phthisis” in ancient Greece, “tabes” in ancient Rome, and “schachepheth” in ancient Hebrew. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Greece hoped to profit from the Crimean War (1854–56) fought between Russia—the only sovereign Orthodox power—and the Ottoman Empire and its British and French allies. The sculptures were ‘violently’ and illegally removed from the Parthenon by Lord Elgin in the 1800s and sold to the British Museum. The Iron Age begins. From the 1820s, when Greece became an independent country, until the Balkan Wars, Greece shared land borders only with the Ottoman Empire. 450 - The Golden Age of Athens begins with the rule of Pericles. The early 20th century The early 20th century finds Greece weak after many bankruptcies and the lost Greco-Turkish war of 1897. ... April 1896: The first modern Olympic Games are held in Athens, Greece. Otto was forced to grant a constitution (promulgated in 1844), which was a liberal document by the standards of the day, providing for virtually universal manhood suffrage (although women were barred from voting until as late as 1952). These were taken for population studies, taxation, and military purposes. Ideas of Female Beauty in the 1700 and 1800s By Geri Walton | August 25, 2014 | 1 Beauty was important to women, but, perhaps, it was even more important to men, because it was a man who noted in the late 1700s that a woman’s “first merit is that of beauty.”[1] People seemed to have particular ideas of what beauty entailed and wrote about it. TB was commonly called “consumption” in the 1800s even after Schonlein named it tuberculosis. He died, as you may know, on August 20, 1823, in a night attack upon twelve thousand Turks under Mustapha Pasha, encamped in the plain near Carpenesi in northern Greece - the same location of ancient Plateae where Pausanias had fought the Persians. He will develop the Pythagorean Theorem. 323 - Alexander the Great dies. Four generations of kings. Gymnastics flourished in Germany in the 1800s, while in Sweden a more graceful form of the sport, stressing rhythmic movement, was developed by Guts Muth. The manipulation of the 1844 constitution had alienated a younger generation of politicians who had not been directly involved in the war of independence. The Greek War of Independence comes to an end. Industrialization accelerated rapidly with manufacturing techniques. Known as new immigrants, many of these people came from Southern and Eastern Europe, places like Italy, Poland, Greece, and Russia. Even after the formal ending of the regency in 1835, the Bavarian presence remained strong and was increasingly resented by those who had fought for independence. Greece remained a very poor country throughout the 19th century. The basic ideas of a well-rounded, holistic, or humanistic approach to education can be traced back to ancient Greece and its philosophers. By 1910, an estimated one quarter to one fifth of the total labor force of Greece had left. Many moved to cities, other countries or across oceans in search of a better life. This rule didn't end until the Greek Independence War, fought between 1821 and 1829 and marked the first large wave of Greek immigrants to America. In Greece the vast majority of these immigrants had been rural farmers, but in America they tended to settle in cities such as New York, Chicago, and Baltimore. With the first creations of asylums we begin to see a more physical approach to the treatment and understanding of the mentally ill. Agriculture was extremely important for the economy and claiming land was very difficult. 1800-1900? Downfall. The communists are defeated by 1949. 386 - Plato founds the Academy, the first western institution of higher learning. 100 years later in 1913, Greece gained additional territories from the Ottomans: Epirus, Macedonia, Crete, and the north Aegean Islands. There are two excellent modern maps showing Greece between 1832 and 1881 and a reproduction of a morphological map produced by the French expedition to the Morea in 1833. Here you'll find record collections, history, and genealogy resources to help you trace your Greece ancestors. Greece is part of the Western Roman Empire, also called Byzantium. 30 - All of Greece becomes part of the Roman Empire after Marc Antony is defeated at the Battle of Actium. 2009 - The country enters an economic crisis. The Ministerial Council, consisting of … Reasons why Greeks immigrated To America Economic Disaster Lack of Skill Adapting to the American Life style Most Greeks that immigrated didn't speak any English at all. By. The legal and educational systems were thus heavily influenced by German and French models, as was the church settlement of 1833, which ended the traditional authority of the ecumenical patriarch and subjected ecclesiastical affairs to civil control. “Kokolis came over from Greece because back then times were very hard in the village. In … Plato (428-348 B.C.) Two important waves of mass emigration took place after the formation of the modern Greek state in the early 1830s, one from the late 19th to the … Northeastern Greece: Makedonía and Thráki. 1897 Theodor Herzl launches Zionist movement. It can be divided into two musical movements: the akritic and the klephtic. Ypsilantis was soon defeated by the Turks, but, in the meantime, on March 25, 1821 (the traditional date of Greek independence), sporadic revolts against Turkish rule had broken out in the Peloponnese (Modern Greek: Pelopónnisos), in Greece north of the Gulf of Corinth (Korinthiakós), and on several islands. Greece’s existence as an independent state gained formal recognition in the treaty of 1832 between Bavaria and the great powers, but the Greeks themselves were not involved in the making of the treaty. Now, it borders Turkey, Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Albania. NOW 50% OFF! However, the state contained within its borders less than one-third of the Greek population of the Middle East, and the struggle to expand the country’s borders came to dominate the first century of independent statehood. ericfoltz / Getty Images. Besides the Greek populations settled over a wide area in the southern Balkan Peninsula, there were extensive Greek populations in the Ottoman capital, Constantinople (Istanbul), itself; along the shores of the Sea of Marmara; along the western coastal region of Asia Minor, particularly in the region of Smyrna (İzmir); in central Anatolia (ancient Cappadocia), where much of the Greek populace was Turkish-speaking but employed the Greek alphabet to write Turkish; and in the Pontus region of northeastern Asia Minor, whose geographic isolation had given rise to an obscure form of Greek that was not understood elsewhere in the Greek world. Greek-emigration in the 1900's, by Dr. Margarita Dounia, handout Most people leaving Greece in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries went to the United States, Egypt, Australia, South America, or South Africa. 1827 - The Ottoman Empire is defeated by Great Britain, France, and Russia at the Battle of Navarino. Many of them initially found jobs as dishwashers, laborers, shoe shiners, or street peddlers. It was during the debates that preceded the promulgation of the 1844 constitution that Koléttis first coined the expression the “Great Idea” (Greek: Megáli Idéa). The Great Idea envisaged the restoration of the Orthodox Christian Byzantine Empire, with its capital once again established in Constantinople, which would be achieved by incorporating within the bounds of a single state all the areas of Greek settlement in the Middle East. Rouspheti (the reciprocal dispensation of favours), patronage, manipulation, and, at times, outright force continued to characterize the politics of the postconstitutional period. 1981 - Greece joins the European Union. 393 - The Olympic games are ended by Roman emperor Theodosius. by Flagpictures.org A strategic juncture for Europe, Asia and Africa, the Hellenic Republic commonly known as Greece shipped $37.8 billion worth of goods around the globe in 2019. The ancient Olympic Games were initially a one-day event until 684 BC, when they were extended to three days. Four times less populous than now. Identification. Agriculture was mostly at the subsistence level, and the only important export commodities were currants, raisins and tobacco. The youth unemployment nears 60%. 1946 - The start of the Greek Civil War between the communist and the royalist parties. Greece (Ελλάδα, Hellada or Hellas), officially the Hellenic Republic (Ελληνική Δημοκρατία, Elliniki Dimokratia) is a Parliamentary Republic. Greece, the English name for the Hellenic Republic, derives from an ancient Latin word for that area. 1895–1896: … Greece is occupied by the Germans for the next four years. What is happening in Greece and the Balkans in 1000BCE. 1822 Greeks proclaim a republic and independence from Turkey. Until 1980, however, hysteria was a formally studied psychological disorder that could be found in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. The military junta formed a new government that was sworn in by Constantine II. 338 - Athens and Thebes are defeated by Phillip II of Macedonia. 1800–1810. In the 1700s, TB was called “the white plague” due to the paleness of the patients. 1453 - The Ottoman Turks capture Constantinople and topple the Byzantium Empire. Media in category "Greece in the 1880s" The following 12 files are in this category, out of 12 total. A lot of families were like us. Censuses have been taken by the government of Greece as well as governments that ruled the region prior to Greek independence. In Aug., 2007, Greece experienced the worst outbreak of wildfires since perhaps the late 1800s; the fires were particularly devastating in the W Peloponnesus. However, Otto, together with his crafty prime minister, Ioánnis Koléttis, was able to overturn the new constitution by establishing a kind of parliamentary dictatorship. However, Greek neutrality in the conflict was enforced by a British and French occupation of Piraeus, the port of Athens; this was just one of several interventions in Greece’s internal affairs by the great powers that made light of Greece’s sovereign status. 1917 - Greece joins the Allies in the fight against the Central Powers. Greece, the English name for the Hellenic Republic, derives from an ancient Latin word for that area. 1919 - World War I ends. 4 2/18/14 Farming, herding, fishing, seafaring, commerce, and crafts was how the economy. Independence of Belgium The Kingdom of The Netherlands, as constituted by the Congress of Vienna, broke apart in 1830. The Greeks, led by local heroes like Theodoros Kolokotronis from the Mani, capture the Peloponessos and form a provisional government, electing the Phanariot Alexandros Mavrokordatos president. 432 - The Parthenon is completed in Athens. In 1947, with the incorporation of the Dodecanese (Dodekánisa)—a group of islands off the southwestern coast of Turkey that were under Italian rule—Greece’s present borders were established. 393 - The Olympic games are ended by Roman emperor Theodosius. 1944 - Greece is liberated from Germany by the Allies. Research in Greece: Using Civil and Church Recordsby Gregory Kontos (2015 Hellenic Genealogy Conference) organized the first rudimentary 'school' when he organized his famous Academy. 1952 - Greece forms a democracy with a new constitution and a parliament. Independence of Greece In 1821, the Greeks launched a war of independence against the Ottoman Empire. In fact, Greece did not become a country until the 1800s in modern times. In Greece the monasteries become the centers of learning and many intellectuals escape there with their books and libraries to keep Hellenism alive during these dark ages, or at least this is the popular mythology. The perceived slow government response to the fires contributed to ND losses in the Sept., 2007, parliamentary elections, but Karamanlis's government nonetheless narrowly retained power. Greece gains some territory from the war. Greece is neutral at first. Spanish-American War begins. On April 26th the Greeks attack Athens and the Turks of the city are forced to flee to the Acropolis. 14 November 2016 - 2 mins. When he immigrated, it was known as “Prokovonikon” (possibly a Turkish name, from the Turkish occupation of Greece, when they re-named many villages). By the outbreak of the First World War there were about 300,000 Greek immigrants in the United States. In the 5th century B.C., the Games were extended again to cover five days. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. In 1831, Kapodistrias ordered the imprisonment of Petrobey Mavromichalis, the Bey of the Mani Peninsula, one of the wildest and most rebellious parts of Greece. 146 - The Roman Empire conquers Macedonia and it becomes part of the Roman Empire. That dollar amount reflects a 33.7% increase from 2015 but a -4.2% decrease from 2018 to 2019. 1800–1810. Jul 23, 2018 - Explore Venus Corlew-Bubeck's board " Greece - 1800-1879", followed by 765 people on Pinterest. The 1800s were also a time of great intellectual and technical progress, with many people acquiring astonishing economic gains. This was a mortal offence to the Mavromichalis family, and on 9 October 1831 (27 September in the Julian Calendar) Kapodistrias was assassinated by Petros' brother Konstantis and son Georgios on the steps of the church of Saint Spyridon in Nafplio. Many volunteers from all over the country go to Macedonia to fight against the Turks and the Bulgarians that occupy the region. Ideas of Female Beauty in the 1700 and 1800s By Geri Walton | August 25, 2014 | 1 Beauty was important to women, but, perhaps, it was even more important to men, because it was a man who noted in the late 1700s that a woman’s “first merit is that of beauty.”[1] People seemed to have particular ideas of what beauty entailed and wrote about it. Otto had also still not converted to the Orthodox church, nor had he an heir. 1800 Key Facts. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, America’s business and … The Ottomans are Seljuk Turks, a tribe from Central Asia who appeared in … 1939 - World War II begins. 324 - Byzantium is founded by Constantine the Great. HISTORY Greece is an ancient country that has been continuously occupied from 6000 B.C. 1941 - Germany invades Greece. First modern Olympic games held in Athens, Greece. Unprecedented population growth in Europe along with social, political and religious conflict left millions without land or a means of support in the 19th century. In 1881 Thessaly and the Arta region of Epirus are ceded to Greece by the Ottoman empire. Greece formally became a sovereign state, and the Greeks became the first of the subject peoples of the Ottoman Empire to gain full independence. The main reason for leaving Greece was … They stage uprisings against Europeans in 1900; U.S. and other Western troops relieve Peking legations. The attempt to implant a liberal constitutional democracy onto an essentially premodern, traditional society that had evolved in quite a different fashion from those of western Europe gave rise to tensions both within the political system and in the relations between state and society, which have carried on into modern times. In Greece the vast majority of these immigrants had been rural farmers, but in America they tended to settle in cities such as New York, Chicago, and Baltimore. Primary Sources Greek Immigration. 2002 - The Euro becomes the official currency replacing the drachma. From Olympian stalwarts and mighty conquerors to epic poets and enigmatic philosophers and from inspiring statesman and legendary lawmakers to avant-garde physicians and poignant painters, Greece has stamped its excellence in the world map with its inspiring lot of famous people. Toward the end of the decade of the 1830s, people became increasingly discontent with Otto’s rule. By mid July, about half had been massacred, others died of disease, and over the next months the rest (550) were evacuated by fo… The king was driven into exile following a coup in 1862 and spent the rest of his days in exile in Bavaria. 2. The Minoan civilization of Crete came to an abrupt end about 1400 BC. I mean very poor. This was a visionary nationalist aspiration that was to dominate foreign relations and, to a significant extent, to determine the domestic politics of the Greek state for much of the first century of its independent existence. Greece is part of the Western Roman Empire, also called Byzantium. The Great Idea, the liberation by the Greek state of the “unredeemed” Greeks of the Ottoman Empire, was to be achieved through a combination of military means—an ambitious objective for a state with such limited resources—and a far-reaching program of educational and cultural propaganda aimed at instilling a sense of Hellenic identity in the very large Greek populations that remained under Ottoman rule. The Mycenaean world continued to flourish, however, and southern Greece was the centre of a trade network which dominated the eastern Mediterranean. Greek folk song sees its origins coming from the time of ancient Greek poetry and music. See more ideas about greece, greek history, greece history. Subsequent years are filled with coups and changes of power from a parliament to a monarchy. The sovereignty of the small Greek state was not absolute, despite gaining independence from the Ottoman Empire, and the great powers, which retained certain ill-defined rights of intervention, determined that Greece should become a monarchy. Despite the absence of a constitution, however, political parties of some sort came into existence; the “British,” “Russian,” and “French” parties were associated with the diplomatic representatives of the great powers, and their main appeal was strong personalities rather than well-defined ideologies. Britannica Kids Holiday Bundle! Many of them initially found jobs as dishwashers, laborers, shoe shiners, or street peddlers. It was during this period that Minoan civilization of Crete and the Mycenean civilization of mainland Greece flourished. U.S. Battleship Maine is sunk in Havana Harbor. 570 - Math genius Pythagoras is born. Data Collections; Sorted by Greece Birth, Marriage & Death. Many Greeks die from famine during this time. Jul 23, 2018 - Explore Venus Corlew-Bubeck's board " Greece - 1800-1879", followed by 765 people on Pinterest. Greece's declaration of independence from the Ottoman Empire on March 25, 1821, resulted in the Greek War of Independence, which lasted until 1829, and began the history of independent modern Greece. Between 1900 and 1920, more than 350,000 Greeks immigrated to the United States. 1822 - Greece declares its independence from the Ottoman Empire. The 1800s were also a time of great intellectual and technical progress, with many people acquiring astonishing economic gains. President during census: John Adams; The District of Columbia was founded in 1791 but in the 1800 Census DC’s inhabitants are found under Virginia and Maryland. The pioneering spirit of people moving west and both opening and shopping at local general stores evolved as the United States moved into the 20th century. Today, when we say someone is hysterical, we mean that they are frenzied, frantic, or out of control. See more ideas about greece, greek history, greece history. The opening (1811) of Jahn's school in Berlin, to promote his version of the sport, was followed by … The difference in jobs from the 1800s to now is vast and interesting, from chimney-sweeps and lathmakers to … Greece remains neutral at the start. King Otto’s enthusiasm for the Great Idea at the time of the Crimean War was popular with his subjects, but during the 1850s there was renewed discontent. Data Collections. Department stores arrive: Mid 1800s – Early 1900s. In 1878 Great Britain takes over the administration of Cyprus from the Ottoman government. On 21 April 1967, the elected government of Greece was overthrown by a group of middle-ranking army officers led by Colonel Georgios Papadopoulos, and a military dictatorship was established. , the beginning of its Neolithic period, until the present.The Bronze Age, traditionally divided into early, middle, and late phases, dated from 2800 B.C. The 1800's Johann Pestalozzi (1746-1827) A Swiss educator influenced by the Romantic movement and views of Rousseau. Research Introduction Bibliography Greek Culture Farah Delgado Pr. There was no indication that he would concede a constitution; Bavarians were still influential; his marriage to Queen Amalia had not produced an heir; the king remained a Roman Catholic in an Orthodox country with a strong anti-Catholic tradition; and much of the country’s revenues were being expended in servicing the loan granted on independence by the protecting powers (France, Russia, and Great Britain). Kokolis brought them over here. Collections. 1453 - The Ottoman Turks capture Constantinople and topple the Byzantium Empire. 430 - A plague strikes Athens killing thousands including, 404 - Athens is defeated by Sparta to end the. In 1881, Thessaly had already been attached to the Greek state. The Greek Empire is the largest in world history. However, even back in the early 1800s, the legitimacy over … My grandfather was from Skamnos (about 10 miles South of Lamia). 399 - Socrates is put to death for corrupting the youth of Athens. Welcome to our Greece family history research page. "Hellenic" derives from the word ancient Greeks used to refer themselves, while "Romeic" comes from the medieval or Byzantine Greek term. The klephtic style was born between the end of the Byzantine period and the beginning of the Greek Revolution tha… 2013 - Unemployment climbs to over 26%. 19th Century Greece. 1821 - The Greek War of Independence begins with the help of Britain and France. From ancient Greece to the late 1500s the mentally ill are allowed to be free on the streets. The University of Athens (1837) attracted people from all parts of the Greek world to be trained as students and apostles of Hellenism. They are rescued in August by Turkish troops but finally surrender in June of 1822. After his death, the empire becomes fragmented and begins to decline. Also, Many Greeks that immigrated didn't have any family, relatives or someone they know that is in America to Identification. The country lacked raw materials, infrastructure and capital. I believe they were all from central Greece. The Prime Minister is Head of Government. Musical rhythms were preserved in the patterns of … Pestalozzi played with Rousseau's ideas while educating his own son, but when his son could still not read at the age of 11, Pestalozzi decided that Rousseau's methods were ineffective and developed his own methods instead. Because he was still a minor, the great powers determined that, until Otto came of age, the country was to be ruled by three Bavarian regents while the army was to be composed of Bavarians. There was little Greek emigration in the 19th century but this changed in the 20th century. The great powers chose Otto of Wittelsbach—the 17-year-old son of King Louis I (Ludwig) of Bavaria—as king of Greece. Within a year the rebels had gained control of the Peloponnese, and in January 1822 they … Christian IX, King of Denmark, his second son King George I of Greece, King Constantine of Greece, the son of the latter, and the eldest son of Constantine, the future King George II of Greece. Sort by Count. The Virginia records are lost but the Maryland records are available. 508 - Athens develops the first democracy. ericfoltz / Getty Images. Greece then joined the Roman Empire followed by the Byzantine Empire until 1453, when Greece was acquired by the Ottomans. Travel opportunities within the ancient Greek world largely depended on status and profession; nevertheless, a significant proportion of the population could, and did, travel across the Mediterranean to sell their wares, skills, go on religious pilgrimage, see sporting events or even travel simply for the pleasure of seeing the magnificent sights of the ancient world. 490 - The Greeks defeat the Persians at the Battle of Marathon ending the First Persian War. Greece formally became a sovereign state, and the Greeks became the first of the subject peoples of the Ottoman Empire to gain full independence. These various strands of discontent coalesced in the military coup of September 1843. 332 - Alexander the Great conquers much of Asia including Persia and Egypt. Large-scale Greek immigration to the United States began in 1880, with the largest numbers immigrating during the early twentieth century. United States Congress holds its first Washington DC Session in 1800 The foods of ancient Greece were similar to foods we eat today but did not include many items that have become important parts of modern Greek cooking.For example, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, and bananas didn't arrive in Greece until after the discovery of the Americas in the 15th century, because that's where those foods originated. Greece becomes part of the Ottoman Empire. A few with my name came from Greece to the USA in the early 1900’s. The understanding of their diseases remains completely unknown and it is considered to be evil spirits in play. Photos of Athens in the 1800s Presented at the National Archaeological Museum. A census is a count and description of the population. The history of Greece goes back to ancient times, but the country didn't gain its independence from the Ottoman Empire until the early 1800s. The period of the “Bavarokratia,” as the regency was termed, was not a happy one, for the regents showed little sensitivity for the mores of Otto’s adopted countrymen and imported European models of government, law, and education without regard to local conditions. 1914 - World War I begins. 1913 - Greece gains Epirus, Macedonia, Crete and the North Aegean Islands from the Ottomans in the First Balkan War, and then West Thrace from Bulgaria in the Second Balkan War. In the late 1800s, a new wave of immigration began. 1924 - The Greek monarchy is abolished and the country becomes a republic. 1936 - John Metaxas gains power and becomes dictator of Greece. 1130 - Iron is introduced. Two years later revolution breaks out in the still Turkish occupied island of Crete. About 95 percent of the immigrants who came between 1899 and 1910 were men. Greece's integration policy was designed and announced by the government in 2002 in its "Action Plan for the Social Integration of Immigrants for the Period 2002-2005." Nearly bloodless, the coup was the first of many military interventions in Greece’s political process. From Olympian stalwarts and mighty conquerors to epic poets and enigmatic philosophers and from inspiring statesman and legendary lawmakers to avant-garde physicians and poignant painters, Greece has stamped its excellence in the world map with its inspiring lot of famous people. If the expression was new in 1844, the concept was deeply rooted in the Greek popular psyche, nurtured by the prophecies and oracles that had kept hopes of eventual emancipation from the Turkish yoke alive and real during the dark centuries of the Tourkokratia. 1832 - King Otto becomes the first modern King of Greece. 1975 - Greece forms a new parliamentary republic with a new constitution. Another source of frustration for some was Otto’s failure to grant a constitution, as had been provided for in the negotiations preceding independence. Jobs were much different during the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century. 1898 Chinese “Boxers,” anti-foreign organization, established. From 1453 with the fall of Constantinople until the revolution in 1821 Greece is under the rule of the Ottoman Turks who control the entire middle east, and the Balkans as far as the gates of Vienna. "Hellenic" derives from the word ancient Greeks used to refer themselves, while "Romeic" comes from the medieval or Byzantine Greek term. Greece . Bozzaria hastened with twelve hundred men and fought Mustapha's army. to 1000 B.C. 371 - Sparta is defeated by a group of city-states including Athens and Thebes. The President, elected by Parliament every five years, is Head of State. The main foods were grain, There was depression, war and famine, and my grandmother had so many kids to take care of. Ioanna Zikakou - Jan 15, 2016. The chronology (c. 1400–1881) and glossary of Greek and Turkish terms are useful tools not only for the beginner but also for the advanced and experienced researcher. The akritic style dates from the 9th century AD and it was created to express the life and struggles of the frontier guards of the Byzantine Empire, the "akrites". 324 - Byzantium is founded by Constantine the Great. Der Piräus vor 25 Jahren - Schweiger Lerchenfeld Amand (freiherr Von) - 1887.jpg 800 × 643; 201 KB ... April 1896: The first modern Olympic Games are held in Athens, Greece. Greece’s existence as an independent state gained formal recognition in the treaty of 1832 between Bavaria and the great powers, but the Greeks themselves were not involved in the making of the treaty. Thousands of years ago, the geography of ancient Greece was divided into three regions - the … The past few centuries have been tumultous ones for the inhabitants of Greece and the Aegean. 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