A gigantic rat was found in Mexico City's sewage tunnel when workers were cleaning out the drains. It was found among 20 tonnes of rubbish that was blocking a drainage system that caused flooding in the city, which had experienced uncommonly strong rainfall. On a more serious note, this "giant rat" situation illustrates very real issues that Mexico City is facing with irresponsible disposal of garbage and heavy rains which recently have broken records. The rat was found close to the Magdalena River in the Mexican capital, reported El Tiempo. In a now-viral video posted to Facebook, the giant rat can be seen dwarfing the humans around it. Cleanup crews discovered what they thought was a giant drowned rat in the sewers of Mexico City. The Vigilante Group Of New Yorkers Who Hunt Rats At Night (HBO)Rats aren't only a part of New York City’s underground — they're an inseparable part of its pop culture. While cleaning an underground drainage system, the workers discovered a gigantic rat stuck in the gutters. Flores giant rat, Papagomys armandvillei; Mountain giant Sunda rat, Sundamys infraluteus; Giant cloud rats, southern giant slender-tailed cloud rat Phloeomys cumingi and northern Luzon giant cloud rat Phloeomys pallidus MEXICO CITY (Border Report) — As crews were cleaning 22 tons of trash from Mexico City’s drainage system, they came across what is being described as a “giant rat.”The rat, which turned out to be a Halloween prop that was in a warehouse, apparently washed away during storms, somehow disappearing into a labyrinth of drains underground. As per the Border Report, teams are working hard to remove the 22 tons of litter from the city's sewage tunnels. The giant rat was among the 22 tons of trash retrieved by workers from the sewage system. The rat turned out to be a Halloween prop from a warehouse which is believed to have been washed away during storms, somehow disappearing into a labyrinth of drains underground. According to Border Report, crews were working hard to remove 22 tons of litter from the city's sewage tunnels when they came across the huge, life-like 'rat'. A 'Giant Rat' found in drain under Mexico City Photos and movies of this big rat had been shared extensively. A giant rat was found in Mexico City while workers were cleaning the drainage system. In a report by the Daily Star, the said giant rat was found by sewerage workers cleaning 22 tons of trash from the city’s drainage system. The giant rat that was found in a Mexico City drain is a Halloween prop. US Coronavirus: Nearly 60,000 Americans could die of Covid-19 in the next three weeks. In a report by the Daily Star, the said giant rat was found by sewerage workers cleaning 22 tons of trash from the city’s drainage system. The photos and video are straight out of a horror film. According to a 2016 BBC report, the largest rat living today is a Sumatran bamboo rat, which can weigh up to 8.8 pounds, while the Gambian pouched rat “can measure nearly 3 feet.” Gambian pouched rats are kept as pets, and in 2003, they were linked to a monkeypox outbreak in the United States. Now imagine the same rat, but it’s taller, wider, and larger than humans and looks terrifying! There’s Master Splinter from the Ninja Turtles, Pizza Rat, and even Cannibal Rat. Now that she has the rat prop back, she is not sure if she will keep it. Rats described as being the size of rabbits overran homes in the British town of … Powered by. The “megarodent” was discovered fossilized in Uruguay and weighed over 2,000 pounds. The giant rat that was found in a Mexico City drain is a Halloween prop. Since then, a woman has come forward to claim ownership of the prop, reports The New York Post. Now imagine the same rat, but it’s taller, wider, and larger than humans and looks terrifying. Encuentran botarga de rata gigante en la basura tras intensas lluvias en CDMXLa rata fue extraída de la basura por los equipos de Protección Civil; tendría una altura superior al metro y medio #RataGigante #BotargaRata #LluviasCDMX2020-09-20T01:23:34Z, Se inunda la CDMX#Lluvias #Inundaciones #CDMX Las lluvias torrenciales de esta tarde-noche dejaron severas afectaciones en las alcaldías de Benito Juárez, Tlalpan, Coyoacán e Iztapalapa. While clearing the underground drainage system in Mexico City, workers were shocked to see a gigantic rat. The "giant rat" was part of 22 tonnes of waste pulled from the city's drainage system following heavy storms.. National Geographic reported in 2008 that the largest rodent known to man was the Josephoartigasia monesi. There’s Master Splinter from the Ninja Turtles, Pizza Rat, and even Cannibal Rat. Witnesses who saw the incident unfold reportedly expressed surprise that such a huge creature had somehow managed to end up in the labyrinth of underground tunnels. The giant rat is the latest of a variety of unlikely objects that have emerged from sewers around the world. Now imagine the same rat, but it’s taller, wider, and larger than humans and looks terrifying! In a shocking revelation, workers cleaning drainage in Mexico were stunned when they discovered a massive rat inside. Encuentran botarga de rata gigante en la basura tras intensas lluvias en CDMX, La rata fue extraída de la basura por los equipos de Protección Civil; tendría una altura superior al metro y medio #RataGigante #BotargaRata #LluviasCDMX, The Vigilante Group Of New Yorkers Who Hunt Rats At Night (HBO), Rats aren't only a part of New York City’s underground — they're an inseparable part of its pop culture. In May 2020, La Verdad reported that due to the coronavirus quarantine and accumulation of garbage, a “plague” of rats had descended on Mexico City. The report said that workers thought that rats were turning into life-sized monsters. The giant rat in Mexico may not have been real, but oversized rodents recently made headlines elsewhere. She said the rat disappeared after heavy rains carried it away. The prop rat was discovered on September 16 following a day of rain in the city. A gigantic rat was found in Mexico City's sewage tunnel when workers were cleaning out the drains. A dinosaur-sized stuffed rat was found in the sewers of Mexico City, terrifying residents in the neighborhood. The prop rat was discovered on September 16 following days of rain in the city. The giant rat that was found in a Mexico City drain is a Halloween prop. After this, a girl came ahead and claimed that this faux rat belongs to her. Others commented on its naturalistic appearance. Imagine the look on the faces of the clean up crew that encountered a “giant rat” the size of a small automobile in Mexico City’s sewer system. Rats described as being the size of rabbits overran homes in … Think you saw the largest-ever sewer rat in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? The giant prop of a rat was caught on camera after being pulled from the water in the Magdalena Contreras borough of the Mexican capital city of Mexico City on Friday 18 September. Jam Press The rat’s rightful owner said she has no … Evelin Lopez claims that she made the rat from scratch years ago and intended it to be a Halloween decoration. A giant Rat, bigger than a human, was found in underground drainage system in Mexico city by workers, shocking everyone around. CHECK OUT WeThePeople.store for best SWAG! The incident made the news and pictures of the giant rat were widely circulated on social media. The giant rat was among the 22 tons of trash retrieved by workers from the sewage system. The photos and video are straight out of a horror film. The workers cleaning the drain in Mexico were shocked when they found a 'giant rat'. In its latest attempt to shock and terrorize us, workers in Mexico City’s sewer system have found what appears to be a giant rat inside the system. The Gambian pouched rat (Cricetomys gambianus), also known commonly as the African giant pouched rat, is a species of nocturnal pouched rat of the giant pouched rat genus Cricetomys, in the family Nesomyidae.The species is among the largest muroids in the world, growing up to about 0.9 metres (3 ft) long including the tail which makes up half of its total length. Workers clearing the underground drainage system in Mexico City were shocked to discover a gigantic rat there. When workers in Mexico City first clapped eyes on it, they thought rats were turning into dinosaur-sized monsters. Mexico City Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum told the media on September 17 that the previous day’s rain was the worst the city had suffered through in 20 years. The video and pictures of the giant rat were widely circulated on the Internet. It’s not a plot for some horror movie but an actual incident from Mexico City that had people squeaking with cringe. Follow our special coverage of Coronavirus pandemic in India and get news updates from around the world. The mysterious creature came to the surface when heavy rains flooded the city hall, showing the heavy pollution that afflicts the sewers Mexico City.- Like a nightmare was the discovery of a gigantic “rat” in the sewers of the Magdalena Contreras mayor’s office in Mexico City (CDMX). According to Mexico News Daily, the Mayor of Mexico City has made statements in person and on Twitter to … The giant rat is the latest of a variety of unlikely objects that have emerged from sewers around the world. Workers cleaning out a city drainage system were left stunned after coming face-to-face with a 'giant rat' that dwarfed them in size. In a shocking revelation, workers cleaning drainage in Mexico were stunned when they discovered a massive rat inside. Think you saw the largest-ever sewer rat in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? The prop rat was discovered on September 16 following a day of rain in the city. Uploaded on Facebook, the video shows a worker spraying water on the giant rat to clean it. Don't start thinking about alien invaders and scientific experiments. When workers in Mexico City first clapped eyes on it, they thought rats were turning into dinosaur-sized monsters. The mysterious creature surfaced when heavy rains flooded the […] A witness to the weirdness, identified only as 'Mrs. The giant rat in Mexico may not have been real, but oversized rodents recently made headlines elsewhere. According to La Verdad, in total, 20 tons of garbage was found inside of the drain. Uploaded on Facebook, the video shows a worker spraying water on the giant rat to clean it. On a more serious note, this "giant rat" situation illustrates very real issues that Mexico City is facing with irresponsible disposal of garbage and heavy rains which recently have broken records. Ms Lopez said that she never received help when she asked for assistance to search the drains. ................................ Advertisement ................................ 'Giant Rat' Found In Mexico Drain. A dinosaur-sized stuffed rat was found in the sewers of Mexico City, terrifying residents in the neighborhood. Watch Viral Video, Your Take-Home Salary May Reduce From April Next Year, Anil Kapoor Apologises After Air Force Objects To Netflix Trailer, Watch: Britain's PM Confuses Farmers' Protests With India-Pak Dispute, Anushka Sharma, Virat Kohli: Best Looks So Far, Man Uses JCB Excavator To Scratch His Back In Viral Video, PM's "Light Lamps" Tweet To Virushka Pregnancy: Top Tweets Of 2020, Vaccine Documents "Unlawfully Accessed" In Europe Hack: Pfizer-BioNTech, Human Rights Abuse Rose In J&K After Article 370 Revoked: Farooq Abdullah, US Government, 48 States File Antitrust Lawsuits Against Facebook, Swiss Parliament Opens Way To Legalise Same-Sex Marriage, Centre, States Told To Reply On Covid Rules, Fire Safety In Hospitals, This website follows the DNPA Code of Ethics. Those attempts failed because nobody came to help, Lopez said. It’s not a plot for some horror movie but an actual incident from Mexico City that had people squeaking with cringe. But for every celebrity rat, there’s another 250,000 to 2 million anonymous rodents living in the city — and the city health department…, Teenage Porn Star Controversy Rocks California High School. A woman who claimed to own the rat, named by Border Report as Evelin Lopez, said that she attempted to look for the prop in the drainage system. Sacan 'rata' gigante del drenaje de la Ciudad de México#enPunto pic.twitter.com/WcX07j2Dzn, — Denise Maerker (@DeniseMaerker) September 19, 2020. Studies show that the average weight of a rat is half a pound, according to Atlas Obscura. Workers clearing a drainage system in Mexico city were left shocked this week after they discovered a 'giant rat' that was almost thrice their size. In its latest attempt to shock and terrorize us, workers in Mexico City’s sewer system have found what appears to be a giant rat inside the system. Report: ‘Giant rat’ found in Mexico City drain Shellie Sylvestri 9/22/2020. The rat looked so real that some people said they would have fled in fear had they encountered it on the street. But for every celebrity rat, there’s another 250,000 to 2 million anonymous rodents living in the city — and the city health department…2018-06-29T15:59:01Z. More recently, a doctoral student from Fordham University, Matthew Combs, told The Huffington Post that the largest rat recovered in New York City weighed 1 1/2 pounds. The giant rat that was found in a Mexico City drain is a Halloween prop. September 2020 got us like: “Welcome to level 9 of Jumanji.” After Mexico City was struck by severe storms and heavy floods, workers had to clean around 22 tonnes of garbage from the drains. One has got to admit, those are some huge drains in Mexico City to have this giant a rat … Wait till you get a load of this Mexican beast. Sheinbaum said that around 4 inches of rain fell in the city and winds gusted at over 36 miles per hour. The prop rat was discovered on September 16 following a day of rain in the city. The giant ‘rat’ was pictured after being pulled from the water in the Magdalena Contreras borough of the Mexican capital city of Mexico City on September 18. Getty The year 2020 seems to be the year that just won’t stop throwing us curve balls. Esta tarde la botarga de una rata gigante, un sillón y otras 20 toneladas de basura fueron sacadas del drenaje de la alcaldía La Magdalena Contreras, se piensa que los objetos anteriores fueron la principal causa de obstrucción del sistema y saturación del Río Magdalena pic.twitter.com/nVGQlzbeqx, — El Pikachu de los ojos tristes (@pokepedi) September 19, 2020. The report said that workers thought that rats were turning into life-sized monsters. She did not say if she would be keeping the prop rat now that it has been rediscovered. Since being posted on Saturday, the video has garnered over 5 lakh views and a ton of reactions. It was an actual incident from Mexico City that had people squeaking with a cringe. Usuarios de redes sociales compartieron de inmediato las afectaciones, pic.twitter.com/rxhH9ToD8T, — El Mundo de Orizaba (@mundo_orizaba) September 17, 2020. Workers clearing a drainage system in Mexico city were left shocked this week after they discovered a 'giant rat' that was almost thrice their size. READ NEXT: Teenage Porn Star Controversy Rocks California High School, Giant Rat Found in Mexico City Is Not a Real Rodent, Copyright © 2020 Heavy, Inc. All rights reserved. 'Giant rat' found in Mexico City drain. Just when we thought 2020 couldn’t get any worse, Mexico City residents got the living daylights scared out of them when what appeared to be a giant rat was pulled up out of the city’s drainage system. Combs told the Huffington Post, “Bigger rats does not necessarily mean more dangerous.”. A giant rat has emerged from Mexico City’s storm drains, providing a very large body of evidence that garbage is a big problem when it comes to flooding during the rainy season. According to Border Report, the giant rat is a Halloween prop that washed away from a warehouse following heavy rains a few years ago. The species lived between two and four million years ago and was the size of a bull, National Geographic reported. El Universal mentioned that the rat measured around 4 1/2 feet tall. Gambian pouched rat, Cricetomys gambianus Giant pouched rat, genus Cricetomys; Malagasy giant rat, Hypogeomys antimena; Asia and New Guinea. The eerie incident reportedly took place last week on a communal piece of farmland near the city of Ciudad Valles. Than about 2 pounds in New York Post of garbage was found a... 'S sewage tunnels, in total, 20 tons of trash retrieved by from. Was among the 22 tons of garbage was found inside of the prop rat now that she never help! 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