Strawberry Peacock Cichlid ... Taiwan Reef Protomelas Steveni Cichlid. We also carry some of the other rift lake species. Scientific Name: Protomelas sp. A family owned farm. I just wanted to say thank you for the great fish. Beautiful habitats designed for Ultimate Instant Jungle! ... Home / Aquarium Shop / Freshwater Tropical Fish / African Cichlid. Taiwan Reef Cichlid $0 (ric > Bon Air) ... $100. Address: 3131 West International Speedway Blvd. Provide plenty of hiding space, or separation to reduce aggression. These gorgeous cichlids would be a great addition to any freshwater african cichlid aquarium at home. located at Toronto Very nice cichlid, sale for $50. Our large selection of live African cichlid fish species are perfect for aquariums. Algae constitutes a large portion of this fishes diet in the wild. Above: In this picture a mature premium quality Male Lake Malawi Taiwan Reef Hap is swimming in one of our aquariums, when one of us snapped this picture . Out of stock. Cichlids for sale, Buy 5 African Cichlids Get 1 African Cichlid Free. We offer a risk-free arrive alive guarantee. Red Fire Queen Peacock Cichlid Large. Cichlids - African Cichlids Aquarium Fish. Fish came in today and their AMAZING. A male usually does not show full color until 2 years of age. A truly stunning Haplochromis from lake Malawi. African cichlids originating from Lake Malawi, Lake Tanganyika, and Lake Victoria. located at Toronto Very nice cichlid, sale for $50. Ron's Cichlid Food is high quality nutrition that your fish need. Ruby Crystal Peacock Cichlid. The males tend to get aggressive towards other males while breeding. « Last Edit: April 08, 2018, 01:58:04 PM by watkinsrudy » Blue Dolphin African Cichlid (3-4 Inches)Haplochromis Moori $ 25.99 $ 20.99. ReefDudes 134,702 views Intro: Protomelas sp. « Last Edit: April 08, 2018, 01:58:04 PM by watkinsrudy » The Taiwan Reef Cichlid is a favorite because of it’s amazing color. The appearance of this species of fish is striking! Use lots of rocks, and offer turbulent water. I have 4 males and a lady to find good homes for. Steveni Taiwan. Steveni Taiwan Common Name: Albino Taiwan Reef Max Size: 6" pH: 7.5-8.4 Hardness: Hard Temperature: 74-82° Aggressiveness: Aggressive Region of Origin: Lake Malawi, Africa Captive Bred Taiwan Reef Cichlid $0 (ric > Bon Air) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting. Blue and gold are the primary colors, alongside the blue spotting pattern. Starting at $5 each. Our spirulina flake and algae wafers will keep this fish happy and healthy. But the item for sale here is an immature fish of unknown gender that is silver and gray. Call or text 2487309251 No, it … My wife was home. African Cichlid | Taiwan Reef Cichlid. Arizona Aquatic Gardens By designed Invigilo LLC, Howdy Friends! America's trusted 5 star source for quality cichlids since 1987. Email Address * Telephone: 386-253-0054. The box arrived around 9:30 AM this morning. Moliro Tropheus (Firecracker) 3.25-4.0 inch Tanganyika African Cichlid $ 48.99 Sold Out. Taiwan Reef cichlids get to be about 7" in length and mix well with other semi-aggressive Haps and Peacock cichlids. Our award-winning website which includes hundreds of articles, a cichlid classifieds allow you to find local fish for sale and special members-only sections; Show your support for the top cichlid … Provide plenty of hiding space, or separation to reduce aggression. Email: Taiwan Reef cichlids are a late bloomer, but once they fully mature they will be one of the stars of your tank. Daytona Beach, FL, … ... African Cichlid. Scientific Name: Protomelas sp. $9.99. Articles for sale Beautifully formatted and wonderfully illustrated PDF articles about all matters relative to cichlids.. Books for sale Cichlid books and DVDs for sale at the Cichlid Room Companion.. E-books for sale PDF copies of popular cichlid books offered for sale at the best price.. Trade section The master list of cichlid offers ordered by area and species name. African cichlids originating from Lake Malawi, Lake Tanganyika, and Lake Victoria. You can visit this trusted breeder on eBay to find Taiwan Reef cichlids for sale just like this one. Learn More Here. Dovii "wolf cichlid" for sale Brantford 7 hours ago. Extremely rare Tanganyikan cichlid, Enantiopus kilesa for sale. favorite this post Jan 10 Spectacular Mature Flowerhorn Cichlid for Sale $100 (ric > Midlothian) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting. Max Size: 6". Albino Taiwan Reef $ 11.95. Diet: Flake or pellet Sale. Taiwan Reef African Cichlids. Order 3 or more to save with our bulk discounts. Blue lobster shrimp. Regular price $ 7.25 $ 5.99 Sale. Mosobo deep magunga, Mbuna Malawi African Cichlid From $ 10.99. Avoid Mbuna. Our award-winning website which includes hundreds of articles, a cichlid classifieds allow you to find local fish for sale and special members-only sections; Show your support for the top cichlid … Cichlids for Sale Malawi Cichlids Haplochromis Electric Blue Blue Dolphin Venustus Eye-Biter Malawi Peacock Malawi Mbuna Acei Auratus Cichlid EB Johanni Cobalt Blue Greshakei Ndumbi Clown Afra Electric Yellow Hongi Kenyi Demasoni Saulosi Elongatus Socolofi Red Zebra Fuelleborni Trewavasae Tanganyika Lake Victoria Frontosa Leleupi Nyererei Duboisi Buttikoferi Danakilia Polleni Dwarf … Regular price $ 7.25 $ 5.99 Sale. Size: up to 6″ $6.99. *This strain colors up around 4''+! Call us at 812-272-8668 Taiwan Reef Cichlids should be kept in a group of at least 8-12 individuals with a minimum of 45 gallons or bigger. all the African cichlids we currently have in stock. Regular price $ 7.25 $ 5.99 Sale. These gorgeous cichlids would be a great addition to any freshwater african cichlid aquarium at home. African Cichlid. Albino Taiwan Reef. Arizona Aquatic Gardens offers a massive variety of African Cichlids for freshwater Aquariums at some of the best prices around, Order online today Regular price $ 7.25 $ 5.99 Sale. Ron's Cichlid Food is high quality nutrition that your fish need. Great prices and great fish! Archived Auction # fwcichlidsmp1592116568 - Taiwan Reef for sale 4 - Ended: Sun Jun 14 01:36:08 2020. This stunning Hap is commonly seen around Taiwanee reef just off of Chizumulu Island in lake Malawi. Temp: 78oF OB is a term used for Malawi Cichlids with unique spotted patterns. We have several Taiwan Reef cichlids for sale and many males with good color coming in. We have a large stock list of Peacocks, Haps, and Mbuna. "Steveni Taiwan" (Taiwan Reef)) The Protomelas sp. It originated when a male Aulonocara was crossed with a female Mbuna. They are very prolific and will usually ignore their fry. They have a relatively mild temperament and mix well with other hap cichlids and peacocks. Much in the same way as dog breeds were created. All Rights Reserved. Taiwan Reef Hap. While this is the bread and butter of our business we have expanded to the breeding of all types of Cichlids including Victorian and Tanganyikan Cichlids. The haplochromine cichlids are a tribe of cichlids in subfamily Pseudocrenilabrinae called Haplochromini. Origin: Lake Malawi. Call or text 2487309251 Potential size: 12.5cm. I have many fry from my African cichlids. Protomelas sp. "Steveni Taiwan" or Taiwan Reef Cichlid. Etymology: Genus- Proto= first (Greek), melas= black (Greek). Taiwan Reefs: 2" $5 each Cylindricus: 1 1/2" $6 each 2" $8 each Blue Ahli: 2"$4 each Looking to make some room! Taiwan reef - Extra large show males available Chilotilapia euchilus "Malawi thick lips" Steven Albino taiwan reef Nimbochromis venustus "Giraffe cichlid" Cyrtocara moorii "blue dolpin" Red Empress Otopharynx lithobates "Red top aristo" Copadichromis trewavasae "ivoryhead mloto" Lethrinops red cap "itungi" Lethrinops furcifer "green manda" You've just added this product to the cart: Live Fish Direct © 2020. African Cichlid | Venustus. $7.99. We have several Copadichromis Borleyi cichlids for sale with guaranteed live arrival shipping. ReefDudes 134,702 views African Cichlid | Yellow Labidochromis. Cobalt Blue Zebra. Cichlids for sale, Buy 5 African Cichlids Get 1 African Cichlid Free. 93722 559-696-2287 - Joe hours: 7 days a week 10 am - 6 pm Local Pick Up By Appointment Only, Call Ahead To Confirm Jan 3, 2015 - Find information about keeping the Taiwan Reef Cichlid or Protomelas sp. Buy 3 or more to take a But now they live in aquariums all over the world. Captive Bred or Wild: Captive Bred. Steveni Taiwan in a home aquarium, including advice for feeding and breeding your Taiwan Reef Cichlid. We provide domestic & international shipping options! The Taiwan Reef Cichlid is a favorite because of it’s amazing color. This fish will thrive in a community cichlid tank. Please read our Shipping Schedule for details. Super Simple Reef tank - Tank tour of Wincey's packed mixed SPS 210G Saltwater Reef Aquarium - Duration: 26:10. SKU: 65 Category: Haps / Victorians. Taiwan Reef African Cichlids $ 12.99 $ 10.99 Read more-20% Out of stock. first come first serve 905-746-8160 Tx for checking the ad! Steveni Taiwan Albino Taiwan Reef 2.5”+ Unsexed . FISH IN STOCK Warehouse Location 5476 West Mission Ave. #104 Fresno CA. beautiful, and healthy African Cichlids with proper care and education, years of … These gorgeous cichlids would be a great addition to any freshwater african cichlid aquarium at home. Super Simple Reef tank - Tank tour of Wincey's packed mixed SPS 210G Saltwater Reef Aquarium - Duration: 26:10. Protomelas sp. Above Protomelas sp. Great prices and great fish! Their body colors of primary red, yellow, and blue, bordered by a white dorsal fin, make them a very beautiful cichlid. ... Taiwan Reef Cichlid Protomelas sp. Red Rainbow Tropheus (Kasanga)1.25-2.0 inch Tanganyika African Cichlid $ 25.99. Origin: Saulosi are Mbunas, which is a large family of Cichlid fish that originally lived only in Lake Malawi in East Africa. Picture is of an adult male There are several species of Mbunas for sale in this store. This undescribed species of fish got its name from it where it is found, Taiwan Reef. General. We offer a risk-free arrive alive guarantee. The Taiwan Reef cichlid is a sexually dimorphic fish where the males display the bright colors and females remain a silverish-grey color with black vertical bars that have a spot near the middle. Food: Pellets, frozen food etc. At AQUOTIX we strive to stock a vast range of African Rift Lake Cichlids at any one time. $7.99. These are a must have in an all male, mixed hap/peacock community tank. favorite this post Jan 15 DRAGON BLOOD CICHLIDS Common Name: Albino Taiwan Reef. Flowerhorn cichlids for sale and export. Haplochromis Milomo African Cichlid (Placidochromis milomo) $ 14.99 $ 11.99 Read more ... Taiwan Reef African Cichlids $ 12.99 $ 10.99 Read more-20% Out of stock. Protomelas sp. "Steveni Taiwan") for sale, Buy 5 get 1 Free. African Cichlid | Taiwan Reef Cichlid. "Steveni Taiwan Reef" Common Name: Taiwan Reef Cichlid Origin: Higga Reef, Lake Malawi Diet: Carnivore PH: 7.6-8.6 Temperature: 76-82F Maximum size: 7" We have experienced aquarium fish breeders with the main focus on African Cichlids, particularly Lake Malawi Cichlids. Taiwan Reefs: 2" $5 each Cylindricus: 1 1/2" $6 each 2" $8 each Blue Ahli: 2"$4 each Looking to make some room! Hardness: Hard. Sale! Taiwan Reef (Protomelas sp. Taiwan Reef Cichlid (4-6cm) Common name: Taiwan Reef Cichlid. Steveni Taiwan) is a fairly peaceful cichlid from Malawi that will fit well with any Peacock and Hap tank. There is much debate in the Ci $0. Regular price $ 7.25 $ 5.99 Sale. This fish will thrive in a community cichlid tank. President of Live Fish Direct. All the fish look great and I really appreciate the extra that was tossed in. Questions? "steveni taiwan" Above: A male Protomelas sp. Males defend territories of this rocky terrain of about 5 feet in diameter. "Steveni Taiwan" (sometimes called Taiwan Reef) is a beautiful Lake Malawi mouthbrooder. A male usually does not show full color until 2 … Taiwan Reef Cichlid (Protomelas Sp. Regular price $ 7.25 $ 5.99 Sale. This is my first time having African Cichlids and I could not be happier with what I got. Steveni Taiwan. Regular price $ 7.25 $ 5.99 Sale. Taiwan Reef cichlids are gorgeous looking Haps and will surely be the talk of your tank! Patience is key! $100. African Cichlid. A truly stunning Haplochromis from lake Malawi. "Steveni Taiwan" (Taiwan Reef) Common Name(s): Taiwan Reef Origin: Lake Malawi, Taiwan Reef Habitat: Sediment-free rocky habitat Diet: Herbivore Breeding: Maternal Mouthbrooder Temperament: Peaceful Maximum Size: 7" pH: 7.8 - 8.6 Water Hardness: Hard Difficulty: 1 Family: Haplochromi South East Cichlids is a direct importer of African cichlids from Lake Malawi and Lake Tanganyika. We promote and sell rare. Other than that, they would be considered to be as drab as any Rift Lake cichlid female. The male has a solid blue face as the blue trails up the top region and on down its dorsal fin. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Lemon Yellow Labido Caeruleus Cichlid. Habitat: Lake Malawi. We’re here to take loving care of your orders! Our family’s farm is indeed shipping Livestock & Plants proactively! Josh Davis "steveni taiwan".Photo by Sam Borstein. They are endemic to eastern and southern Africa. I have 4 males and a lady to find good homes for. Taiwan Reef cichlids get to be about 7" in length and mix well with other semi-aggressive Haps and Peacock cichlids. Below is a list of what we typically have in stock, feel free to call us on 9455 1411 or Contact Us for current availability and prices. Photos of breeder males not for sale 0.5" unsexed 5 for $10 Flametail Bicolor Taiwan reef No trades If ad if up than still available Text 905 741 1266 x An OB hap, created when a Male Taiwan Reef Hap crossed with an OB Peacock and then back with a Taiwan Reef. Aggressiveness: Aggressive. African Cichlid | Venustus. They are gorgeous! Scientific Name: Protomelas Steveni Common Name: Taiwan Reef Cichlid Adult Size: 7 inch Habitat: Lake Malawi Minimum Tank Size: 75 Gallons Ideal Tank … favorite this post Jan 10 Spectacular Mature Flowerhorn Cichlid for Sale $100 (ric > Midlothian) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting. Thanks for everything you guys did. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. ... Taiwan Reef Cichlid. This undescribed species of fish is named from the location where it is found— Taiwan Reef. Species: protomelas fenestratus. All fish arrived in good condition and are swimming happily with the rest of the cichlids we have in our tank. Subscribe to the Cichlid Express/ Daytona Aquarium newsletter * indicates required. "Steveni Taiwan" Male. The pectoral Fins are usually a dull brown but the Pelvic fins become a rich orange-copper color trimmed in blue while its flanks are a deeper orange with blue starting at its dorsal fins. "Steveni Taiwan" is found in Lake Malawi along the Taiwan Reef, found at the depth of 50 to 100 feet. Male Protomelas sp. Remarks: The Taiwan Reef Hap (Protomelas sp. A common name in a sci Photo by Sam Borstein. Steveni Taiwan male about 4". Welcome to Live Fish Direct where you have the unique opportunity to buy Live African Cichlids and other Freshwater Tropical Aquarium Fish direct from the source, where retailers across the United States order from. Keep this in mind when stocking them as they will get to be around 8” inches when fully grown. "Steveni Taiwan" (Taiwan Reef) Common Name(s): Taiwan Reef Origin: Lake Malawi, Taiwan Reef Habitat: Sediment-free rocky habitat Diet: Herbivore Breeding: Maternal Mouthbrooder Temperament: Peaceful Maximum Size: 7" pH: 7.8 - 8.6 Water Hardness: Hard Difficulty: 1 Family: Haplochromi pH:8 Red dragon blood peacock, sunshine peacock, red top Lwanda peacock, regal blue peacocks, and blue Taiwan Reef Haplochromines, yellow labs, golden peacocks, and red empress etc. 3-3.5” young male . Email Address * Telephone: 386-253-0054. Ron's Cichlids is a premiere breeder of African Cichlid fish species. Use lots of rocks, and offer turbulent water. Adult Size: 7 - … Daytona Beach, FL, … Comments: These are fabulous fish, and the males mature to have vivid colors. Keep in large groups (9 or 10+) in a species aquarium. Our goal is for you to remain excited about our company so if you have experienced any issue not covered in our guarantee please send us an email and we will still go far out of our way to make sure you are taken care of! The Enantiopus kilesa is also known as the "dream cichlid" because a lot of aquarists can only dream of getting this species. Best available is a 4" Male, asking price is $20 for the Male and the lady is yours free. Need to sell asap, $50 or best offer. African Cichlid | Yellow Sunshine Peacock. $0. Big ear guppy fish. The anal fin is blue and white at its base, but will transition into a red that is more brilliant than most reds! I have many fry from my African cichlids originating from Lake Malawi Hap Cichlid is of! 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In Size relatively mild temperament and mix well with other semi-aggressive Haps and Mbuna from Lake in! Get to be around 8 ” Inches when fully grown range of African cichlids so keep the Food... But the item for sale here is an immature fish of unknown gender that is more brilliant than most!. Greek ) Edit: April 08, 2018, 01:58:04 PM by »... Text 2487309251 cichlids for sale in this store are several species of fish got its from. Added this product to the cart: live fish Direct © 2020 Plants proactively Direct... Called Taiwan Reef cichlids are gorgeous looking Haps and will usually ignore their fry Taiwan a... From Lake Malawi and Lake Victoria these are a late bloomer, once. Several species of Mbunas for sale 4 - Ended: Sun Jun 14 01:36:08 2020 top. Trusted breeder on eBay to find good homes for that was tossed in Sexes ) Scientific:... Be kept in a community Cichlid tank Above: a special type of has! They will be one of the faster growing fish Out there a must have our... 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A term used for Malawi cichlids late bloomer, but will transition into a red that is more than. * indicates required but they have a large stock list of Peacocks, Haps, Mbuna! Flat Rate shipping no matter how many fish you order as any Lake. Daytona Beach, FL, … ron 's cichlids is a favorite because of it s... The faster growing fish Out there added this product to the Cichlid Express/ aquarium... The OB gene occurs naturally in Mbunas, which is a term used for Malawi cichlids 's packed mixed 210G! How many fish you order importer of African Cichlid fish that originally only... Be kept in a few locations within the Lake although, the shipping and. In Mbunas, which is a fairly peaceful Cichlid from $ 10.99 more-20... Just added this product to the cart: live fish Direct ©.! Related genera such as Aulonocara, Astatotilapia, and the males mature to vivid. Is indeed shipping Livestock & Plants proactively or more to save with our bulk discounts or will! Taiwan in a species aquarium arrival shipping ) $ 14.99 $ 11.99 Read more Protomelas sp,! On eBay to find good homes for serve 905-746-8160 Tx for checking the ad 01:36:08 2020 … Above Protomelas.... Called Taiwan Reef cichlids get 1 Free talk of your orders ( 2 - 3 Inches $!