Colossus of Akros [[Colossus of Akros]] I'm having trouble understand exactly what indestructible and monstrosity mean. As long as Colossus of Akros is monstrous, it has trample and can attack as though it didn't have defender. // As long as Colossus of Akros is monstrous, it has trample and can attack as though it didn't have defender. You already want to be keeping back blockers and playing a long game, so it shouldn’t be a problem to let it sit as a defender for a while. Still, in walls, I think there are even better options than that. 0 available @ $1.43 Out of stock. 3 available @ $1.99 Add to Cart. Rare. Colossus of Akros doesn’t lose defender when it’s monstrous. Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx - Foil Theros £36.21 0 In Stock View Product. Colossus-of-Akros - Brettspiel MTG Playmat Tischmatte: Elektronik. Once you bring one of them online, you can keep bringing them back repeatedly to destroy your opponent's game state. As long as Colossus of Akros is monstrous, it has trample and can attack as though it didn't have defender. then cut creatures until you get 14-18, And add interaction cards to stop or negate your opponent's plays. Theros. (If this creature isn't monstrous, put ten +1/+1 counters on it and it becomes monstrous.) Magic: the Gathering - Colossus of Akros (214/249) - Theros by Magic: the Gathering bei | Günstiger Preis | Kostenloser Versand ab 29€ für ausgewählte Artikel Deathtouch on such a creature is therefore a little redundant. Some potential adds: Colossus of Akros doesn’t lose defender when it’s monstrous. NM; EX; VG; G; 0 available @ $1.79 Out of stock. Wall of Nets 0 available @ $0.90 Out of stock. Ich akzeptiere. Mechanically, Undergrowth Champion, Rampaging Baloths, and Avenger of Zendikar are all probably better. Guard Duty (das Bild zeigt nicht unbedingt einen Originalscan). Necropolis Higher toughness also makes better use of tricks like Sheltering Word and Feed the Pack. DMCA requests | x. Penny Dreadful.The ultra-budget, thousands-of-cards Magic Online brewer's paradise with powerful cards, six free weekly tournaments, free 24/7 league, prizes, quarterly rotations, and a … The thing about a high power is that it already allows you to kill multiple blockers and the thing about trample is that it already discourages single blocking. Guard Gomazoa Wall of Hope (If this creature isn't monstrous, put ten +1/+1 counters on it and it becomes monstrous.) As long as Colossus of Akros is monstrous, it has trample and can attack as though it didn't have defender. Dragon Throne of Tarkir I lost to Backlash in a Queen Marchesa deck once when I excitedly activated the monstrous ability on Colossus of Akros. (If this creature isn't monstrous, put ten +1/+1 counters on it and it becomes monstrous.) (If this creature isn't monstrous, put ten +1/+1 counters on it and it becomes monstrous.) This site is unaffiliated. Related Products. What do you wan this deck to do? To sell cards to us you will need to trade one of our buy bots within Magic Online. Entdecken Sie. Broken Concentration and Silumgar's Scorn don't compare to these other counterspells, that's why you should consider cutting them. Consulate Skygate More than just playing any old card, it should be something that fits in with your overarching gameplan. In the current version of my deck, it isn't strange to have a game like: T1-Forest+Traproot Kami, T2-Forest+Overgrown Battlement, T3-Forest+Wall of Blossoms+Axebane Guardian, T4-Forest+Genesis Wave for x=9. Colossus of Akros Theros Card Type: Artifact Creature Creature Type: Golem Power/Toughness: 10/10 Casting Cost: Card Text: Defender, indestructible 10: Monstrosity 10. These cards synergize with academy ruins and buried ruin and can be Tinker targets when you need them. Discord Server | Set: Theros Type: Artifact Creature — Golem Rarity: Rare Cost: {8} Defender, indestructible {10}: Monstrosity 10. It’s just able to attack. An ability that triggers when a creature becomes monstrous won’t trigger if that creature isn’t on the battlefield when its monstrosity ability resolves. Home; Rules ; Quick Reference; Optional, Variant, and Expanded Rules; Tables; Books ; View All/Homebrew; 2014 Player's Handbook; Monster Manual; Dungeon Master's Guide; 2015 Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide; 2016 Volo's Guide to Monsters; 2017 Xanathar's Guide to Everything; 2018 Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes; Guildmasters' Guide to Ravnica Magic the Gathering, FNM is TM and copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. (If this creature isn't monstrous, put ten +1/+1 counters on it and it becomes monstrous.) Magic the Gathering singles and supplies stores in Australia stocking the range of Hareruya products, KMC sleeves and card singles. Or is it going to cheat stuff out with Amulet and bridge? It’s just able to attack. 4. Of your instants though, Subdue seems to be the weakest to me. Sure, it's better to have it than not have it, but it might not be worthwhile if it comes at the cost of 3 mana and a card. Finden Sie Top-Angebote für KOLOSS VON AKROS X4 Theros THS Magic MTG Mint Card bei eBay. It’s just able to attack You can make all Thopters/Servos into Myrs for a huge Myr Battlesphere attack or make all Myrs/Servos into Thopters for a big flying army attack with Sharding Sphinx to double your army after combat damage. Colossus of Akros: Manacost: Converted mana cost: 8: Type: Artifact Creature - Golem: Set: Theros : Rarity: Rare: Oracle tekst: Defender, indestructible: Monstrosity 10. As long as Colossus of Akros is monstrous, it has trample and can attack as though it didn't have defender. As long as Colossus of Akros is monstrous, it has trample and can attack as though it didn't have defender. Id cut all of them to the maybeboard and see how it plays). Colossus of Akros doesn’t lose defender when it’s monstrous. Rulings. by Naverius, Nikya - All Creatures Cue an adventure deep into a volcanic temple under Akros to light a forge or something. Instead of running only 4 bombs, run 8 so 1 is more likely to slip through. Traproot Kami My personal favorite is Traproot Kami since it adds an early defender to the pool and can become a serious threat with Formation if the game goes long. 10: Monstrosity 10. We also have an excellent trading opportunities finder tool that gets you trading in seconds! It looks like it will usually be a bad Awe Strike or an inverted Berserk that can't contribute to damaging the opponent. Insert dungeon here. And only having 1 of something has a very low chance of seeing play. If you had cards to benefit from toughness outside of combat like Kin-Tree Invocation, it could at least serve a similar role to Glyph of Destruction in Wall of Blood/Rite of Consumption decks. Then get rid of the icys and keys and focus on cheating big fat bombs out early. It also has good interaction with Unwinding Clock letting you on everyone's turn put a counter on all your artifact tokens. Is this deck mid-range good stuff? As long as Colossus of Akros is monstrous, it has trample and can attack as though it didn't have defender. It's more expensive, both in CMC and in dollars, but it is an undeniable threat with Formation. I am not saying you have to do any of the things I suggested. There are hundreds of options but I would look to add stuff that is similar to any of the following cards: Spine of Ish Sah, Unstable Obelisk, or Meteor Golem. Cut the little creatures that are not mana dorks or cost reduction. Flip For causal upgrades my advice is add cards that give you repeatable value; either draw, artifact tokens or pump for tokens. Dragon's Eye Sentry Kaijin of the Vanishing Touch Ludevic's Test Subject Kostenlose Lieferung für viele Artikel! Toggo und Ich This site © 2020, LLC 0: Monstrosity 10. Theros Rarity, #: R, 214 Card Type: Artifact Golem P / T: 10 / 10 Description: Defender, indestructible. In your case, the +1/+1 might be the best choice to build around since it can overlap with the Hydra's trigger. Solange der Koloss von Akros monströs ist, verursacht er Trampelschaden und kann angreifen, als ob er nicht Verteidiger hätte. Once a creature becomes monstrous, it can’t become monstrous again. Konto und Listen Warenrücksendungen und Bestellungen. As long as Colossus of Akros is monstrous, it has trample and can attack as though it didn’t have defender. Woolly Razorback Defender, indestructible {10}: Monstrosity 10. Help | Colossus of Akros. Legalities. Grave Bramble Angelic Wall Murmuring Phantasm Basilica Guards Either you use your protection on the walls and win with Formation when they stop your bombs, or they wait to remove the bombs and you have protection saved up to stop them. Prime Einkaufswagen. As long as Colossus of Akros is monstrous, it has trample and can attack as though it didn't have defender. I pay 10 once and he becomes monstrous and becomes a 20/20 with trample that has indestructible. the price is for the quantity of cards that is given in the title If anything is unclear, just ask. Elektronik & Foto . An 8 mana 10/10 with indestructible isn't very impressive when you have stuff like Assault Formation and Arcades making your Steel Walls into 1 drop 4/4s. Verteidiger, Unzerstörbar {10}: Monstrum 10. Stuff like; +3 Buried Ruin (if you dont want to get more academy ruins), +2 Rogue's Passage (they don't hurt and can let you win off the back of one of your big creatures), +2 Arch of Orazca (really, slots of any land that gives card advantage), +5 more Islands or so, whatever gets you to 20-22 lands. by Hyato. Just 1 or 2 copies of cards like these in the deck you can tutor for. Sign up to add this card to your Inventory, Wishlist or Tradelist , and to start creating decks with it. MTGO WikiPrice is the leading Magic the Gathering Online card pricing system with thousands of MTGO bots that buy and sell the cards you're looking for Order of the Stars As long as Colossus of Akros is monstrous, it has trample and can attack as … It's not worth playing because of this and honestly it's not worth playing in any deck, but that's another discussion. Power Defender, indestructible. Other options I've had less success with are Jaddi Offshoot for life, Portcullis Vine for cards, and Saruli Caretaker for slow mana. To get more value out of the Hydra, I'd swap the cycling lands for cheap fetches like Evolving Wilds to double up on landfall triggers, and I might also consider some +1/+1 synergy cards in the vein of Hardened Scales or Hydra's Growth. Colossus of Akros - Bei allen angebotenen Karten handelt es sich um garantiert echte und geprüfte Originale. Colossus of Akros Artifact Creature — Golem. If the creature is already monstrous when the monstrosity ability resolves, nothing happens. Card Text. But none of these cards help you reach your goals for the deck. On the subject of landfall, Vinelasher Kudzu is an interesting option that fits with the plant/wall cards, at least thematically. about Magic: The Gathering, including card images, the mana symbols, and Oracle text, Colossus of Akros ( Theros, # 214 ) - This is the only printing of this card. then get rid of the other stuff that is not part of that game plan. The last defender I'll mention is Tree of Redemption. Flip Portions of Scryfall are unofficial Fan Content permitted under Your deck has very little interaction and I would suggest adding some to the deck. However, I don't know what your meta looks like. But there are some cuts you should do no matter what goal you have: -3 Fabricate (You already have 4 tinkers and 2 tezzerets), -1 Black Vise (Without support for it only 1 copy of this is just an annoyance when it shows up in your hand or is in play), -1 Paradox Engine (This is a freaking amazing card but it does not do a lot for this particular deck) , -1 Winter Orb (Like vise, without support it is not that useful with 1 copy), -1 Colossus of Akros (You have better big bombs already), -4 Etched Champion (this is a vanilla 2/2 most of the time and is probably the worst creature in your list), -4 Ornithopter (These are okay with the other cards in your deck but you will ramp into big stuff so fast they are just not too useful), -4 Welding Jar (at the very least cut it down to 2 since it synergizes with Academy Ruins. Printings/Rarity: Cost: CMC: 8 Card Type: Artifact Creature — Golem Power/Toughness: 10/10 Oracle Text: Defender, indestructible : Monstrosity 10. tl;dr by bradthegas, Eye of Yawgmoth Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. Peregrine Mask. Perfect curves certainly aren't necessary, but you should be able to accomplish something on each of the early turns of the game. Finden Sie Top-Angebote für Colossus of Akros bei eBay. Sprouting Phytohydra colossus of akros. {10}: Monstrosity 10. Without knowing your build goal, you will not be able to know where to cut. I would also make some space to put back the Wall of Omens, maybe by taking out some Steel Walls or Wall of Denials. Doorkeeper Broken Blade Mtg Art Magic The Gathering Cards Deviant Art Alters Priest Legends Death Creatures. It’s just something true about that creature. (Falls diese Kreatur nicht monströs ist, lege zehn +1/+1-Marken auf sie und sie wird monströs.) Standard: Not Legal: Historic: Not Legal: Pioneer: Legal: Modern: Legal: Legacy: Legal: Vintage: Legal: Commander: Legal: Pauper: Not Legal: Brawl: Not Legal: Commander 1v1: Legal: Penny Dreadful: Legal: Tabletop. 10 / 10 #214 Illustrated by Zack Stella. As long as Colossus of Akros is monstrous, it has trample and can attack as though it didn't have defender. Interaction is important and you will lose games just because you didnt have a Disenchant in your hand. Examples/ideas: Is this deck mainly aggro? 10: Monstrosity 10. Tree of Redemption Flip, Maelstrom Pulse, Mimic Vat, 4 mana - Phyrexian Obliterator, Consuming Vapors, Jester's Cap, 6 mana - Liliana, Dreadhorde General, Find / Finality, Land - Tainted Wood, Llanowar Wastes, 1x Forest, Jungle Hollow, 1 mana - Conjurer's Bauble, Dark Ritual, Viridian Longbow, Sensei's Divining Top, Wayfarer's Bauble, 4 mana - Aetherflux Reservoir, Nevinyrral's Disk, Trading Post, Lands - Reliquary Tower, Inventors' Fair, Castle Locthwain, Field of Ruin. Colossus of Akros is pretty terrible in this deck. Charix, the Raging Isle Today we are doing an MTG Card Speculation of a high-mana cost game winner, the Colossus of Akros! Although it's a little more expensive, Perimeter Captain is really nice. It can't get you Formation, Bow, or any other noncreature combo piece you happen to be running. Wall of Junk That seems super OP since he can't die from damage spells or lethal damage? Belbe's Armor As long as Colossus of Akros is monstrous, it has trample and can attack as though it didn't have defender. Honestly, it feels like you might have too much defense in the mainboard but I'll touch on that later. Wall of Reverence then cut your bombs and strong cards to 1 copy each and add more tutors to the deck. In a vacuum, none of these cards are bad by themselves. I personally struggle much more with Path to Exiles, Fatal Pushes, and Searing Bloods than Counterspells on most days, so I'd usually prefer the Vines of Vastwood or the flexible Veil of Summer. As long as Colossus of Akros is monstrous, it has trample and can attack as though it didn't have defender. Card Text: Defender, indestructible. If you choose something with x in the cost, having Umbral Mantle or Freed from the Real to generate infinite mana is beneficial. So I would suggest filling in your land base with support cards. Defender, indestructible: Monstrosity 10. Plus, it works well with the lands-matter strategy that Oran-Rief Hydra is also part of. Description. But Academy Ruins, Tinker, and Tezzeret the Seeker do the same thing kind of as this already. Is it a toolbox deck? Great underrated card. Temple of the False God is not a good land for your deck because you can't tap it to make mana until your fifth turn at the earliest. My point here is that you are likely to have more than enough mana to cast threats much more substantial than the Hydra, and that's without modifications to your suite of defenders. are copyright their respective owners. Cards in the original precon to consider adding: Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer is a strong casual card with artifacts. Artifact Creature — Golem. Steel Wall Zephyr Net But you do need to decide what you want to do with the deck, cut cards, and add land and add interaction to the deck or it may just stay a hot mess like it is now. With your current setup, you only need 2 of either Guardian or Battlement and 1 other wall to have 9-11 mana on T4. Steel Overseer has great interaction with artifact tokens especially Thopters. For example; Is it built around Icy Manipulator + Voltaic Key for it's control? Zum Hauptinhalt Hallo, Anmelden. Fog Bank So if it does see play, it needs to do big things for you. is copyright Wizards of the Coast, LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. For your lands, they are another resource for the deck. (If this creature isn't monstrous, put ten +1/+1 counters on it and it becomes monstrous.) If the creature stops being a creature or loses its abilities, it will continue to be monstrous. (If this creature isn’t monstrous, put ten +1/+1 counters on it and it becomes monstrous.). the Wizards of the Coast Fan Content Policy. Search Results for Colossus of Akros. (If this creature isn't monstrous, put ten +1/+1 counters on it and it becomes monstrous.) Set: Theros Mana Cost: Card Type: Artifact Creature - Golem Description: Defender, indestructible 0: Monstrosity 10. For the top end of the curve, you might actually be underestimating how much mana the ramp walls can net. As long as Colossus of Akros is monstrous, it has trample and can attack as though it didn't have defender. Colossus of Akros should shine most brightly in a control-oriented build of Mayael. Although not stated in the video, this would be a … Contact | by PandAvs, Life, Death and Golems As long as Colossus of Akros is monstrous, it has trample and can attack as though it didn't have defender. Is this a combo deck of some kind? It creates a Myr at your combat step then all token creatures you control can become any token creature you control. Tower Defense is another classic defender deck card. Jaddi Offshoot Absolutely no guarantee is made for any price information. (2013-09-15) Once a creature becomes monstrous, it can’t become monstrous again. If the creature is already monstrous when the monstrosity ability resolves, nothing happens. 0 available @ $1.00 Out of stock. I'd usually run a Llanowar Elves style dork instead in a ramp list. Sell your Colossus of Akros Switch to Foil. I agree with cutting Adventurous Impulse as a 1-drop for this reason. See stores for final prices and details. Then you need instant speed answers you can use to respond to what your opponent's do. Privacy statement | Sort by: Items Per Page: Buy Price. Theros — Rare. Card Name: Colossus of Akros Cost: 8 Color: Artifact Card Type: Artifact Creature - Golem Power/Toughness: 10/10 Card Number: 214/249 Artist: Zack Stella Card Text: Defender, indestructible10: Monstrosity 10. Sunscape Familiar Card prices and promotional offers represent daily estimates and/or market values provided by our affiliates. Bonded Fetch Oran-Rief Hydra is a totally fine card to top off at if you build around it, but right now I don't even see it being better than Terra Stomper in a lot of games (and Stomper even has built-in counter protection now that I think about it XD). Colossus of Akros // {10}: Monstrosity 10. (If this creature isn't monstrous, put ten +1/+1 counters on it and it becomes monstrous. I'd want some concrete way to take advantage of the Bow's activated ability to justify running it. If countermagic is a big problem, another way to get around it is to add in plenty of redundancy. Scryfall is not produced by or endorsed by these services. Stoic Rebuttal because of the artifact theme activating metalcraft is good enough to add. Add copies of stuff like Scour from Existence, Titan's Presence, Not of This World or even repeatable stuff like Capsize or similar. Rarity: R Cost: 8 Pow/Tgh: 10/10 Card Type: Artifact Creature - Golem Artist: Zack Stella Name: Colossus of Akros Finish: Regular Card Number: 214/249 Set Name: Theros. Terms of Use | Colossus of Akros. (If this creature isn't monstrous, put ten +1/+1 counters on it and it becomes monstrous.) der Zustand der Karte(n) istmint bisnear mint. Sollte dir etwas unklar sein, frag einfach nach. The Slack, Discord, Cash App, PayPal, and Patreon logos 10/10. On 2, Sylvan Caryatid, Gatecreeper Vine, and Wall of Roots are all ramp options, but you're probably fine with just Battlement and Vine Trellis. Once you do, a lot of the cuts may become obvious depending on what you want for the deck. 1 mana - Copper Myr, Leaden Myr, Grindstone, 3 mana - Attrition, Lure, Scrap Trawler, Liliana, Heretical Healer Feeds | 0 available @ $1.25 Out of stock. The literal and graphical information presented on this site Price: Paper • MTGO. Set: Theros Type: Artifact Creature — Golem Rare Cost: {8} Defender, indestructible {10}: Monstrosity 10. by The7thBobba, Doppelganger Surprise Add the following bots to your buddylist: mtgotradersbuybot; mtgotradersbuybot1; mtgotradersbuybot2; Make sure you have the cards you wish to sell in your active trade binder. I have a lot of experience with mono-green Assault Formation in modern and legacy casual, so I'll toss in some of my thoughts. 1; 2; 3; 0 available @ $1.49 Out of stock. (If this creature isn't monstrous, put ten +1/+1 counters on it and it becomes monstrous.) As long as Colossus of Akros is monstrous, it has trample and can attack as though it didn't have defender. Colossus of Akros. Kostenlose Lieferung für viele Artikel! Glacial Wall Essentially Akros is under threat from some kind of gargantuan monster (any ideas? then keep the big monsters and the ramp. As long as Colossus of Akros is monstrous, it has trample and can attack as though it didn’t … The last thing I'd like to talk about are your noncreatures. ), and the priests of Purphuros haven't been able to awaken the colossus. Colossus of Akros. You need to decide what you want the deck to do before you can start cutting cards. Qty: 32. Add To Wishlist Restock Notice Gatherer & Rulings. As long as Colossus of Akros is monstrous, it has trample and can attack as though it didn't have defender. (If this creature isn't monstrous, put ten +1/+1 counters on it and it becomes monstrous.). As I mentioned before, 4 countermagic blockers seems a little excessive in the main 60. Instead of more control, focus on your artifact game plan with Saheeli? Wall of Blossoms, however, I view as a must-have if you want to maximize your mana without running out of gas. The final card I might reexamine is Bow of Nylea. The ability to up the defender count while replacing itself is so good that I even run a playset of the slower Carven Caryatid too, but this could be excessive depending on the deck. You already want to be able to keep your mana open as much as possible, so leveling it up shouldn’t pose any difficulty. For control you've added three very good counterspells (Counterspell, Swan Song and Negate). (If this creature isn't monstrous, put ten +1/+1 counters on it and it becomes monstrous.) Mana Cost: Converted Mana Cost: 8. Drift of Phantasms These are just a tiny sample of archetypes, I am just showing how you can decide what kind of deck this is. TappedOut.js Blog Widget, can colossus of akros attack if dragon throne of tarkir is equipped then its monstrosity is activated, The Best Defense is an Unblockable Offense: Budget, [Primer] Political Subterfuge - Marchesa Aikido. P/T: 10 / 10. Types: Artifact Creature — Golem. Amaranthine Wall Wall of Kelp Expansion: Theros. generally, mass deathtouch is at its best when you either have a way to force damage (like Lure or Thornbite Staff) or when you want to create a disincentive for your opponent to block (like when running a Curiosity deck. I would suggest adding some to the deck to do any of the game n't compare to these other,! Example ; is it going to cheat stuff Out with Amulet and bridge in. As Colossus of Akros is monstrous, put ten +1/+1 counters on and! Have a Disenchant in your case, the +1/+1 might be the weakest to.... View Product of tricks like Sheltering Word and Feed the Pack you will need to trade one of Buy... Want some concrete way to take advantage of the game your current,. Card I might reexamine is Bow of Nylea should be able to attack Colossus of Akros pretty... Creatures you control can become any token creature you control can become any token creature you control can any. 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That seems super OP since he ca n't die from damage spells lethal... Market values provided by our affiliates ) once a creature becomes monstrous. ) Overseer has interaction... To sell cards to 1 copy each and add more tutors to the deck theme activating is.