Reorganization of hegemony: Authoritarianism should not simply be regarded as a reclaiming or securing of power during the moment of crisis, but rather as a struggle over the new composition and the leadership of the ruling power bloc. Global action against austerity and authoritarianism: One of the most visible counter-movements to the authoritarian and radical right, against authoritarianism and austerity, is a newly emerging feminist international. [6] Here there is a real danger of transitioning to an openly violent and fascistic culture. Other autocracies prioritize the silencing of citizens’ voice abroad, via the repression of emigrant and diaspora groups. fossil fuels) threatened by upheavals in the mode of production (digitalization and ecological crisis), and even those bourgeois intellectuals experiencing lack of recognition and the marginalization of their positions (from Professor von Lucke to Gauland), not to mention members of the military and the repressive state apparatus (the police, the intelligence services) whose importance in the life of democratic societies has decreased. There is limited research on the composite role which open government might play in authoritarian states. Joe Biden’s likely nominee to head the powerful Office of Management and Budget, Neera Tanden, called for cuts to Social Security, saying, “we need to put both entitlements on the table as well as taxes.”, Material of Interest to People on the Left, The Agrarian Crisis in Punjab and the Making of the Anti-Farm Law Protests. Common to all of them is a “top-down” anti-establishment discourse, backed up by powerful segments of the capitalist class. This would also give clues as to the likely durability of a regime—a successful project of authoritarian hegemony will perhaps be less brutal than a kleptocratic tyranny, but also substantially more long-lasting, and associated with more profound and extensive structural transformations. Thus the question is not whether this kind of authoritarianism exists; it always has. Translated by Sam Langer and Marc Hiatt for Gegensatz Translation Collective.]. Marx’s 18th Brumaire), about which the Left has developed a rich corpus of theory. President Donald Trump’s national-security adviser says the world is realigning geopolitically between democratic and authoritarian states as more countries … The new authoritarianism can be read as an effort “to create from above an alliance between groups within the petit bourgeoisie and the working class, without the bourgeoisie having to make any material concessions. Protesting Farmers ‘Are Being Misled’. ReddIt. For investigation: who are the carriers, the social groups, and the class fractions of the new authoritarianism (both in the relevant countries and transnationally)? It was because national Democrats have failed communities like mine. … African countries were among the lowest ranked on a new corruption index by Transparency International. But a new study co-authored by an MIT economist shows that when it comes to growth, democracy significantly increases development. Individualism is often subjugated in favor of the ruling state’s interest, creating the image of oppression. Twitter. Practices are needed—ones that catch on. Authoritarian Countries in Asia: Armenia, Bahrain, Cambodia, China, Iran, Laos, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Vietnam; Authoritarian Countries in Europe: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Hungary, Poland, Russia and Turkey; Authoritarian Countries in Africa: Egypt. However, the monsters are downright diverse: there are “strong men” like Trump, Kurz, Duterte, or even Macron—political impresarios who are giving shape to a new authoritarianism while in government. These ought to be distinguished from the authoritarian-nationalist regimes in Poland and Hungary, as well as those of a religious-nationalist character, as in Turkey or India. : We are facing a decisive moment: in view of the intensification of global inequality, the ecological crisis, migratory movements, global authoritarianism, and fascization, the “middle road” of post-ideological openness and left-liberal critique is no longer viable. All North American Authoritarian Countries: Cuba; Authoritarian Countries in … Amid the widespread experience of powerlessness, it operates with the promise of winning back “control” against and “security” from external and internal threats. The concept of fascism (as Walden Bello, for example, has argued) is certainly too broad; fully developed fascist regimes have probably not yet emerged. Nothing in common? And yet it would be insufficient to proceed on the basis of a juxtaposition of unrelated specific cases. How can the rise of the radical right be understood? Taking into account 50 African countries except for Seychelles, South Sudan, Somalia, and Sao Tome and Principe, the index gives a picture of … 14. It wasn’t for a lack of progressive organizing. Now! Venezuela's Authoritarian President Maduro Continues Blockade Of U.S. Aid U.S. food and ... 2019 4:47 PM ET. We should recall that the political upheavals in the wake of the major crisis around 2011 (much earlier in Latin America) were in the first instance a dawn of hope transnationally for the Left. These forms can be differentiated according to the position of each country within the global structures of valorization, according to the developments of capital accumulation and/or the global obstacles to the valorization of capital—the respective position of a national economy (and its crisis) provides clues to specific causes and contexts for determinate forms of authoritarianism in the respective country and/or to a typology of forms of rule. Several authoritarian regimes continue to rely on border controls and the securitization of emigration policy in order to control citizens’ exit —Uzbekistan, for instance, abolished exit visas only in early 2019. We discuss the authoritarian and radical right a great deal, and this is vital; we do not talk enough about left-wing and emancipatory potentials. Authoritarianism primarily differs from totalitarianism in that social and economic institutions exist that are not under governmental control. The monsters’ arsenal: Their particular political projects are constituted by invoking specific combinations of the following ideologemes: nationalism, the people (largely in the ethnic rather than the popular sense) and/or the race, the traditional family, religion, traditional forms of identity; but also work, duty, order, and negative freedoms. 16. Against “the Other”: Here it is always a matter of a specific combination of new forms of classism, racism, and machismo/patriarchy, against the other—the “lazy poor”, the “dangerous classes”, “refugees and foreigners”, “women’s libbers and transgender madness”, etc. True North Wire - February 6, 2020. [Mario Candeias is the director of the Institute for Critical Social Analysis at the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung. The government system in each country is set according to the need of rules in the country. In power, they bring the social question back onto the political agenda, but in the form of exclusive solidarity for Germans, Brazilians, Hindus, etc., while at the same time making targeted attacks on unions (collective rights) and social/labour rights. The authoritarian and radical right, meanwhile, are making the most of a “they don’t represent us” attitude that was in the first instance articulated from the Left. Once these diverse elements become thus articulated and concatenated, it is incomparably more difficult to dissociate them again. The result is—through deliberately staged “breaking of taboos”—an extension of the domain of the sayable. All North American Authoritarian Countries: Cuba, Authoritarian Countries in South America: Venezuela. As compared with democratic countries, authoritarians emphasize looser cooperation, negotiated settlements, and rules that reinforce regime survival. For investigation: who are the carriers, the social groups, and the class fractions of the new authoritarianism (both in the relevant countries and transnationally)? Facebook. 13. … Garcia, Ana, “Brazil Under Bolsonaro: Social Base, Agenda and Perspectives”, The Bullet, 15 April 2019, . The Italian Five Star Movement is completely different again. You get a complete scenario about the development and current day Authoritarian only by knowing the Authoritarian countries. Schaffar, Wolfram, “Wir sollten uns nichts vormachen!» Interview über autoritäre Entwicklungen, die Krise der Demokratie und den Zusammenhang von kritischer Analyse und politischer Veränderung”, maldekstra, 2 July 2019, . Hall, Stuart, “Race, articulation and societies structured in dominance”, in Sociological theories: race and colonialism, pp. Often this is linked with a crude historical revisionism (especially in Eastern Europe, but also in Brazil and Turkey). By 2000, just under 50 percent of countries were governed by authoritarian regimes. More astonishing than the defeat of numerous protest movements and new left-wing parties by the new authoritarianism of the rulers is the fact that the dynamics of new mobilizations repeatedly break out in different places. EU and authoritarian countries: what to do with them? : Balibar’s thesis about the importance of the “intermediate classes”—the class fractions with relative upward or downward mobility that enlist in such a project—ought to be considered with an eye to the new authoritarianism’s class basis. The attack on unions and workers’ rights, meanwhile, characterizes the authoritarian and radical right across its entire spectrum, cutting across its other differentiations (Poland perhaps the exception). When a nation adopts a type of government, the factors taken into consideration include the social and economic conditions of that country. Hence, countries that have Authoritarian as their form of government, have found it beneficial in improving the social and economic conditions prevalent there. Candeias, Mario, Rechtspopulismus, radikale Rechte, Faschisierung. Bestimmungsversuche, Erkl,rungsmuster und Gegenstrategien, Berlin: RLS Materialien series, 2018,…. It functions as a sort of short-circuit between bourgeois forces and the subalterns”. North Korea, an authoritarian regime with a 1.08 score, has remained consistently one of the lowest ranked countries in the index. If 2018 and the impending milestones of 2019 are any indication, that’s only the beginning. Demirović, Alex, Autoritärer Populismus als neoliberale Krisenbewältigungsstrategie, in PROKLA, 2018, no.190, pp. 6. The following are a few theses (intended as a starting-point for further research)—developed not exclusively, although mainly, out of analyses of the US and Europe, and hence to be applied to other countries only with caution and further questions. In the end, slogans and confessions of faith are insufficient in the struggle against the right. The rights of minorities, women’s rights, and the right to form unions are the first to be attacked by the authoritarian and radical right. The 2019 coup against ... -tracing measures designed to prevent the spread of the virus against the need to protect civil liberties in strongly authoritarian countries. 10. Linke Gegenstrategien, edited by Mario Candeias, Berlin: Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Materialien 12, 2015, pp. 11. Why Democrats Keep Losing Rural Counties Like Mine, Joe Biden’s Neera Tanden Pick Is Even Worse Than You Thought, The Supreme Court Wants to Revive a Doctrine That Would Paralyze Biden’s Administration, Comparing Biden's Administration Picks to Obama's Is Revealing, How to Celebrate Thanksgiving Without Erasing the Exploitation and Genocide of Native American People, Brazil Under Bolsonaro: Social Base, Agenda and Perspectives, Race, articulation and societies structured in dominance, Popular-democratic vs authoritarian populism: two ways of taking democracy seriously, Wir sollten uns nichts vormachen!» Interview über autoritäre Entwicklungen, die Krise der Demokratie und den Zusammenhang von kritischer Analyse und politischer Veränderung,…,…. This raises the possibility of authoritarian international law, designed to extend authoritarian rule across time and space. Let us not disempower ourselves through one-sided perspectives. Closely tied to this is the struggle against “political correctness” as relativization of truth. Existing democratic institutions are hollowed out and increasingly unable to respond to the authoritarian wave. Really? Missed opportunities: An important factor contributing to the rise of the authoritarian and radical right is the limitation of social-democratic projects: a) of a post-neoliberal sort, in other words the redistribution of social wealth in a situation of very limited democratization, but above all with no reconstruction of the bases of production and reproduction (from Venezuela to Brazil), b) of a progressive neoliberal sort, in other words the preservation of (limited) freedoms and progressive gains, without intervention in the meteoric transformation of the economic structure, and without downward redistribution (social democracy, left-liberals, and sometimes Christian democracy in the North). A continent wise Authoritarian countries list can be given as follows. In general, this process operates via the disparagement of specific groups—but extends to the denial (at first discursive, then later real) of rights. It is developing right across Europe—where it is often marked by a variety of local characteristics—as well as internationally, especially in the US, Latin America, and India. 27–42. Populism: Strategically taking up and strengthening specific combinations of anti-liberal, anti-Muslim (here in Germany; in other places other religious minorities are targeted), anti-feminist, homophobic, anti-ecological and anti-minority (the “upside-down rainbow”, as it is known in Brazil)—as well as explicitly racist—positions has enabled the authoritarian and radical right, contrary to their class composition, to transform even discontent “from below” into popular approval. A history written “from below” can elucidate this problem, and point to possibilities for action. The list given above includes all the past and present Authoritarian countries. According to a 2019 study by Sergei Guriev and Daniel Treisman, authoritarian regimes have over time become less reliant on violence and mass repression to maintain control. [5]. 4. Yet for some years now we have to assume that there are growing tendencies towards fascization. Forces wanting to intervene for the maintenance of liberal bourgeois freedoms and minimal standards of solidarity must take sides against authoritarianism and neoliberalism, and this also means for a more radical perspective: not only against the right, but also against the neoliberal policies that have brought us to this pass. As of 2017, a scant 38 percent were. (March 2019) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) ... enhance the control capacity and authority of a non-democratic regime In contrast to traditional governance practices in authoritarian countries, IT-backed authoritarianism lowers the necessity to resort to coercion to exert power. 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