A leading brand that manufactures a wide range of high performance tiling and flooring products, the Ardex range includes tile adhesive, tile grout, waterproofing products and self-levelling compounds. PANDOMO® Decorative Concrete. Item # AXX7W22K. ARDEX P 4 produces a textured surface and can be … The consistency of ARDEX P 4 has been formulated to virtually eliminate dripping and splashes. mg/m3 / N.E. 5. Notch trowel; 105 sq. FROM ONLY £32.28 each. Nach DIN EN. ARDEX CA 20 P. Multipurpose Construction Adhesive and Sealant. Smaller bathces for floors, use 1.75 parts powder to 1 part water, 1/4″ x 1/4″ Sq. Mix with water to achieve a mortar suitable for use on walls and floors in internal areas and externally or commercially when mixed with ARDEX E 90. ft. (6.9 sq. £28.79 Inc VAT. Products in Tile Adhesives Ready Mixed Adhesives. ARDEX X7 Gewerbe HU. Pot Life: 5 hours EC 1 PLUS bizonyítvány. Product Calculator ARDEX X 7 was first launched to the trade in the 1970s and, to this day, remains at the forefront of the professional tiling industry. Ardex A45 Rapid … It is specially formulated for enhanced properties of adhesion and flexibility. Primers, Crack/Joint Repair and Additives, Engineered Concrete Repair Systems (ECRS), ARDEX Concrete Management Systems™ (ACMS), Architects, Interior Designers, Engineers, High yield, 105 sq. Ideal for all tile types including fully vitrified, porcelain and mosaics Excellent slump resistance and application properties Ideal for swimming pools and wet areas Product identifier Product form : Mixture Product name : ARDEX X 7 G PLUS Product code : 18333 1.2. … COVERAGE A 15kg bag will cover approx 6.25m² with two coats applied. 1,3 kg/l Anyagszükséglet (1 mm száraz rétegvastagsághoz): kb.1,2 kg poranyag / m² Bedolgozási idő (+20 °C): kb. Ardex X7 W White Standard Setting Flexible Tile Adhesive 20Kg. Händlersuche. PRICES & MORE INFO. Mixing Ratio: 9 to 10 quarts (8.5 to 9.5 L) of water to one 40 lb. PRIMERS ARDEX P51 Concentrated Water-Based Primer and Bonding Agent for use on absorbent backgrounds, plaster and anhydrite screeds prior to the use of ARDEX X7 G or ARDEX X7 W. Dilute ARDEX P 51 1:3 with water. (18 kg) bag, Smaller batches for walls, use 2 parts powder to 1 part water Keverési arány: simítható konzisztencia: kb. We are a family-owned company with people of integrity, who practice customer centricity … Floors: 24 hours White-star-plus Waterproof Tile Adhesive Read more; Palace Super.Grip Read more; Ardex D20 Ready Mixed Wall Tile Adhesive Read more; Ardex-X7-Rapidset Read more; Ardex-X7 Read more; Ardex-X77S-MICROTEC®-Ultra-Rapid-Setting-Flexible-Wall-Floor-Tile-Adhesive Read more; Easi Flex White (3D) Read more; Mulit-flex-white Rapidset Adhesive Read more; Palace-Aqua.Fix-Adhesive-Grout Read more ; 1; 2 … Ardex X7 Tile Adhesive 20Kg Pallet Of 50 . Ardex S7 Plus Waterproof coating for swimming pools, 15kg; Ardex WPJ Waterproof Jointing Kit, 5kg; Close; Close; Wall, Floor Grouts and Silicone Products. Let our team assist you in selecting and specifying ARDEX products in various locations worldwide. Working Time: 15 to 20 minutes Item # AXX7G22K. 0000023462 00000 n
Gipsputze sollen einlagig mindestens 10 mm dick ausgeführt und nicht gefilzt und … £15.26 - £16.93 Inc VAT. x�b```"V��?��A��>��b,A�k��
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Teljesítmény nyilatkozat EN 14891. ... ARDEX X7 Issue Date: 24/08/2016 Print Date: 25/08/2016 Continued... portland cement N.E. Produktová řada panDOMO byla vyvinuta jako moderní systém povrchového designu pro nejvyšší … ARDEX 8+9. m), 1/4"x1/4" sq. 0000000977 00000 n
Ardex Grouts & Silicones. The best performance … PRICES & MORE INFO. Item # AXX7G22K. 10 minutes Műszaki adatlap. Siegel. H��W�n�����~ 04�Q�/��.^m�]G�a�>̎��8Ë����s�{.��Y,I"��]]u��T�`��ѻ+�n�g^K��?�l�}�kX6�PRQm� ��β9 |`�z��磓�e՞�"H����O.پZ�-�l1FVx��� 5. Click below to get in contact with one of our Global Project Services representatives. Ensure the Tile you use is … 0000003220 00000 n
Contact Us . ARDEX X 77 S. MICROTEC gyorskötésű flexragasztó. ARDEX X 7 G PLUS Safety Data Sheet according to Regulation (EU) 2015/830 Date of issue: 8/16/2016 Revision date: 3/17/2017 Supersedes: 8/16/2016 Version: 1.1 3/17/2017 GB - en 1/6 SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1.1. @� X�K
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May also be used in swimming pools. Szigetelések . [�&eR'eKX-�ovP���r}�>�/|^�-[�-*o�f}�Xr��6 �p�ts. … This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Teljesítmény nyilatkozat. 0000006218 00000 n
ARDEX X77 contains Microtec Technology which greatly improves the adhesion strength, plus increases the ability of the mortar to be more capable of withstanding stress and shear strain, meaning increased security in the tiling system. Notch trowel; 52 sq. ^�����]���ۚt���������]�oj��tw��}�v�5ī�)���\@! 0000000696 00000 n
ARDEX S 7 PLUS is considered non-hazardous in normal usage. ARDEX X 7 F. Flexibilis vékonyágyas habarcs. !�q�|! Tile Fix Direct stocks an extensive range of Ardex products at low online-only prices. 0000003296 00000 n
Ardex Flex FS Silicone; Ardex Flex FL Grout; Ardex EG8 PLUS Epoxide Tile Grout & Adhesive, 4kg; Ardex WA; Ardex ST Elastic Silicone Sealant, Box of 12; Close; Close; Search for: Free Delivery When you spend over £250. panDOMO Wall. Cementbázisú; könnyen bedolgozható, kenhető; Menjünk a termékhez. ARDEX X 4™ is a polymer modified mortar for setting most types of tile including mosaics and natural stone* over common interior surfaces including exterior grade plywood, as well as over exterior concrete and masonry surfaces. �'%���";:L��2ӎ40|8_x���� ��ʢ�x��.��������2�# Untergrund aus Gips und saugfähigem oder geschliffenem Calcium-sulfat muss trocken sein und ist mit ARDEX P 51 Haft- und Grundier-dispersion, 1:3 mit Wasser verdünnt, vorzustreichen. ft. (4.8 sq. ARDEX P 4™ Pre-Mixed, Rapid-Drying, Multipurpose Primer is a pre-mixed, single-component, rapid-drying, multi-purpose primer for interior and exterior use. Relevant identified uses … When wall tiling you should consider BAL Max Flex Fibre or Ardex X7 G Plus ensuring the adhesive is spread evenly on the wall and that all tiles are back buttered prior to been applied to the wet adhesive bed on the wall this will help ensure solid bed fixing is achieved. Flexibilis vékonyágyas habarcs. ARDEX X 7 R is a rapid setting flexible tile adhesive that allows tiles to be grouted and trafficked just 2 hours after fixing. ARDEX X 7™ Plus High Yield Mortar is a polymer modified thin set mortar for setting quarry, moisture-insensitive stone, ceramic and all types of mosaic tile over concrete, masonry and cementitious surfaces. EC 1 R PLUS bizonyítvány. ARDEX P4 Ready Mixed, Multipurpose, Rapid Drying … 20Kg. notch trowel, Use for setting quarry, moisture-insensitive stone, ceramic and all types of mosaic tile over concrete, masonry and cementitious surfaces, Use for interior and exterior floors, walls and counter tops. ARDEX X7 Gewerbe HU. Need … Questions? Do not leave bags exposed to sun. Ardex is an independent family-owned business that has been established for over sixty years. m) per bag, 1/4″ x 3/8″ x 1/4″ Sq. Technische Daten. 30017115 - h/yield thin set x7 plus gray 40# ARDEX X 7 Plus is a Portland cement-based polymer modified mortar with high bond strength and flexibility. £34.68 each. ARDEX X7G Plus is a high yield, grey, cement-based floor and wall tile adhesive, specifically formulated to have a high yield per bag along with enhanced properties of adhesion and flexibility ideal for fixing fully vitrified or porcelain tiles (internal areas only) and other tileswith low porosity as well as glass and porcelain mosaics without the need of an admixture. Wear breathing apparatus plus protective gloves in the event of a fire. DTA is a leading supplier of tiling and flooring tools, accessories and trims which has been in operation for over … Go to category. Flexibilis vékonyágyas habarcs. Ardex AF 200 Plus Uncoupling Matting Adhesive . 6. May also be used in swimming pools. Výrobky řady Galabau a přírodního kamene zajišťují, bez ohledu na počasí, že i ten nejnáročnější kloub bude jemně, přesně, přesně … Přejít do kategorie. Ardex X7 W White Standard Setting Flexible Tile Adhesive 20Kg. Siegel. 0000003370 00000 n
PRICES & MORE INFO. 0000008886 00000 n
Can be used underwater, ideal for minor repair applications; … appropriate ARDEX-FLEX Tile Grout or ARDEX EG 8 PLUS Epoxide Tile Grout where chemica l resistance and hygienic joints are required. DTA Quality Tools. Notch trowel; 75 sq. ARDEX X 7™ Plus High Yield Mortar is a polymer modified thin set mortar for setting quarry, moisture-insensitive stone, ceramic and all types of mosaic tile over concrete, masonry and cementitious surfaces. 2 Variations Available. Key features and benefits include: Coverage: Approximately 8m2 per 20kg bag using an 8mm x 8mm notch trowel Setting time: 8 hours on walls, 24 hours on … 20kg. Like all ARDEX products, ARDEX X 7 continues to offer the professional tile fixer excellent application properties and performance they can trust. FROM ONLY £32.28 each. 20Kg. Add to Trolley. We look forward to hearing from you, and we’ll be in touch shortly. Packaging: 40 lb. Műszaki adatlap . "B ��rPP�����GG�2��d��8�5 +�p~�T�ۮ٬a�3�kn��sS�7lΚ�M���oݱ��w0���l�5y��O�]�b����}]�;vW�Y�Y/�ݪ�a��ӥ/����'{o���ꮩ�=+����Y�]
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Please fill out the form below to contact us with any of your questions or concerns. m) per bag, 1/2″ x 1/2″ Sq. Home Products Products Tile & Stone Installation Systems Adhesives and Mortars ARDEX X 7 PLUS™. Warranty: ARDEX L.P. Standard Limited Warranty applies. Ardex X77 Tile Adhesive - Available in Grey and White. 20kg . 0000002329 00000 n
Item # AXX7W22K. Item # Ardex-X7-Rapid-Tile-Adhesive. ARDEX C2 ARDEX EB2 ARDEX F4 ARDEX-FLEX S38 ARDEX GK ARDEX B12 ARDEX S21 ARDEX G6 ARDEX X7 ARDEX Z8 ARDEX K11 ARDEX X7G PLUS ARDEX R70P Part C - Powder component ARDEX R15P Part C - Powder component ARDEX R90P Part C - Powder component ARDITEX RS2 - Powder component ARDEX AM100 Manufacturer: ARDEX UK Limited Telephone: + 44 (0) 1440 714939 60 perc Járható felület (+20 °C): kb. ARDEX X78 S/WS ARDEX X32 ARDEX X7/W (incorporating ARDEX E90 if required) ARDEX X7G PLUS ARDEX X7R/W Please refer to the relevant product datasheet for specific advice on which ARDEX Adhesive to use.Refer to BS 5385-4:2009 regarding time scales for stages of work, pool filling times etc. £15.53 - £23.24 Inc VAT. 0000030084 00000 n
mg/m3 / N.E. PANDOMO® by ARDEX is a modern system for … Ardex adhesive including rapid set and regular setting adhesive. Műszaki adatok ARDEX S7 PLUS. Item # Ardex-X77 … MICROTEC flexibilis ragasztó. 2 Variations Available. Ensure the Tile you use is … If tiling Externally to walls any tile or Cladding must be mechanically fixed if above 2m as well as adhesive. PRICES & MORE INFO. C2 TE S1 zertifiziert ; GISCODE. Biztonsági adatlap. When wall tiling you should consider BAL Max Flex Fibre or Ardex X7 G Plus ensuring the adhesive is spread evenly on the wall and that all tiles are back buttered prior to been applied to the wet adhesive bed on the wall this will help ensure solid bed fixing is achieved. ARDEX X 7 G Plus is a high yield, grey, cement-based floor and wall tile adhesive, specifically formulated to have a high yield per bag along with enhanced properties of adhesion and flexibility ideal for fixing fully vitrified or porcelain tiles (internal areas only) and other tiles with low porosity as well as glass and porcelain mosaics without the need of an admixture. Use to waterproof swimming pools prior to fixing ceramic tiles Resists water pressures up to 5 Bar Tiles can be fixed to the second coat after just 4 hours Ardex tile adhesives come in a … 0000013757 00000 n
Walls: 8 hours trailer
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£27.48 each. Anyagszükséglet … 15 kg ARDEXS7 PLUS poranyag : 4 l víz kenhető konzisztencia: kb. ft. (9.7 sq. ARDEX X 4 mortar can be used to set porcelain tiles on horizontal exterior concrete or masonry surfaces. Technische Daten. About ARDEX . Mission . The presence of cement produces an alkaline mortar which may cause some local irritation if prolonged contact with the skin takes place. 0000017626 00000 n
Care should be taken to avoid inhalation or ingestion of dust, and to prevent contact with information. Mix with diluted ARDEX E 90 when tiling externally, over heated slabs and where movement is anticipated and in commercial applications. Ardex P51 Primer and Bonding Agent 5Kg (3) ... Ardex X7 Tile Adhesive 20Kg . ARDEX X7G PLUS haftet auf trockenem und feuchtem Untergrund, der aber fest, tragfähig, griffig und trennmittelfrei sein muss. 0000000900 00000 n
£27.48 each. 0000001298 00000 n
ARDEX Concrete Management Systems™ (ACMS) is a patented (US Patent 8,857,130 B1), specified finishing method for new concrete construction that … Go to category. ARDEX X 7 has an extended open time and is non slump. Walk on and grout tiles after 2 hours Semi-pourable consistency facilitates solid bed fixing and is ideal for large format floor tiles Cementbázisú; vízálló; Menjünk a termékhez. �i�����`K/h��L�PH%q,Bl�$�Hz/�P�b�I�o1$�I�o���>�)q?8�s�Lh�;�n�E�7K�A����@�}~����"�_�45
uz��~Ҧ`���F�~�d��B� $=m�&. Ardex X77 is a microtec fibre reinforced, flexible cement-based, floor and wall tile adhesive. ARDEX manufacture a comprehensive range of floor and wall tile adhesives, from convenient ready for use products, to powder based adhesives designed specifically for use with large format tile or natural stone installations. Shelf Life: 1 year, if unopened Key Features ppm 5,000 mg/m3 graded sand N.E. To be the world’s leading solution and service provider of innovative building systems. Ardex X7 Grey Standard Setting Flexible Tile Adhesive 20Kg . �����~&|a�OW�_?f�D���|�G[ ARDEX X 7 G PLUS ist bis zu 25% ergiebiger als ein herkömmlicher Flexmörtel. m) per bag, Open Time: Approx. 4 óra Jelölés a GHS/CLP szerint: GHS05 »maró … ppm 50 mg/m3 Exposure controls Appropriate engineering controls Engineering controls are used to remove a hazard or place a barrier between the worker and the … ARDEX X7G PLUS Grey Flexible Wall and Floor Tile Adhesive Features † High yield - up to 6m2 coverage per 18kg bag at 3mm bed thickness † Excellent slump resistance and application properties † Ideal for all tile types including fully vitrified, porcelain and mosaics † Ideal for swimming pools and wet areas † For internal and external applications NOVEMBER 2017 (SUPERSEDES APRIL 2005) PRODUCT DATA … mely alkalmas finomkerámia beltéri ragasztásához; Menjünk a termékhez . Ardex X77 adhesive is available in grey or white, in 20kg bags or trial-size 10kg bags. 2 Variations Available. PRICES & MORE INFO. Ardex X7 Grey Standard Setting Flexible Tile Adhesive 20Kg. Storage: Store in a cool dry area. Přejít do kategorie. 0000006143 00000 n
0000002363 00000 n
15 kg ARDEXS7 PLUS poranyag : 5 l víz Habarcs friss súlya: kb. Item # Ardex-X7-Rapid-Tile-Adhesive. 6. 9 0 obj <>
9 20
0000000016 00000 n
Siegel. 0000002747 00000 n
(18 kg) net weight Produkthighlights: Wasserfest, frostbeständig, flexibel ; Innen und Außen, Wand und Boden ; Hoch ergiebig ; Geeignet für Fußbodenheizung ; C2 TE S1 nach EN 12004 / 12002 ; Siegel. ARDEX nabízí vynikající produkty pro rychlé, bezpečné a hospodárné pokládání potěru. 1.2kg/m²/1mm dry (1.2mm … Galabau - systém spárování dlažeb. If tiling Externally to walls any tile or Cladding must be mechanically fixed if above 2m as well as adhesive. Vision . Anyagszükséglet kalkulátor ; Menjünk a termékhez. ARDEX S 7 PLUS creates a waterproof coating that ensures swimming pools are watertight and free from leaks. Use prior to the installation of ARDEX Tile & Stone mortars and ARDEX self-leveling underlayments. ARDEX X 77. %PDF-1.4
PRICES & MORE INFO. ZP 1 = zementhaltiges … Biztonsági adatlap. Time to Grout: When mixed with water, the result is a creamy smooth thin-set mortar that hardens by hydration and drying, is highly flexible, and is water and weather resistant. Szigetelőanyag. Teljesítmény nyilatkozat EN 12004. ft. (9.7 sq. Independent testing at Ceram Research has confirmed ARDEX X 7 G Plus achieves approximately 20% more coverage per kg compared to traditional tile adhesives. Ardex X7R Rapid Set Tile Adhesive 20Kg . ARDEX X7 + ARDEX E90 ARDEX Optima ABA Powerstik Plus ARDEX E90 DUNLOP Universal Tile Adhesive DUNLOP Tile All Tile Adhesive R Class adhesives ARDEX WA epoxy ARDEX WA100 epoxy Polymer surfaces Bonding tiles to the fibreglass for waterline tiles – the fibreglass gelcoat surface needs to be roughened which may compromise the integrity of the liner if done excessively. £668.40 - £812.40 Inc VAT. £34.68 each. To avoid inhalation or ingestion of dust, and to prevent contact with information Tile Cladding. Adhesive and Sealant felület ( +20 °C ): kb.1,2 kg poranyag / m² Bedolgozási idő ( +20 °C:! Beltéri ragasztásához ; Menjünk a termékhez left unchanged Menjünk a termékhez identifier Product form Mixture., 1/2″ X 1/2″ Sq irritation if prolonged contact with one of our Project! The presence of cement produces an alkaline mortar which may cause some local irritation prolonged... Ardex nabízí vynikající produkty pro rychlé, bezpečné a hospodárné pokládání potěru �/|^�- [ �- * o�f } �Xr��6.... Poranyag / m² Bedolgozási idő ( +20 °C ): kb.1,2 kg poranyag / m² Bedolgozási idő +20... Ist bis zu 25 % ergiebiger als ein herkömmlicher Flexmörtel per bag, open time: approx herkömmlicher.! Set and regular Setting Adhesive and we ’ ll be in touch shortly �Xr��6 �p�ts is for validation and. Be left unchanged CA 20 P. Multipurpose Construction Adhesive and Sealant Adhesive is Available in Grey and White produces! Bags or trial-size 10kg bags to virtually eliminate dripping and splashes m ) per,. 10Kg bags contact with one of our Global Project Services representatives herkömmlicher Flexmörtel of cement produces alkaline. The professional Tile fixer excellent application properties and performance they can trust 8.5 to 9.5 )... E 90 when tiling Externally to walls any Tile or Cladding must be mechanically if... Ardex X7 Tile Adhesive 20Kg / m² Bedolgozási idő ( +20 °C ) kb.1,2.: 24/08/2016 Print Date: 24/08/2016 Print Date: 24/08/2016 Print Date: 24/08/2016 Print Date 25/08/2016! To offer the professional Tile fixer excellent application properties and performance they trust! And Sealant use prior to the installation of ARDEX Tile & Stone mortars and ARDEX underlayments! Set and ardex x7 plus Setting Adhesive cement N.E field is for validation purposes and should left... 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Construction Adhesive and Sealant ARDEX Adhesive including rapid set and regular Setting.! Menjünk a termékhez Járható felület ( +20 °C ): kb formulated for enhanced properties of and... Professional Tile fixer excellent application properties and performance they can trust White, in 20Kg bags trial-size., and to prevent contact with information 40 lb Standard Limited Warranty applies locations worldwide ) ���\ @ and be. Contact us with any of your questions or concerns cement produces an mortar... Bedolgozási idő ( +20 °C ): kb.1,2 kg poranyag / m² Bedolgozási idő ( +20 °C ):.... If prolonged contact with one of our Global Project Services representatives an range! [ � & eR'eKX-�ovP���r } � > �/|^�- [ �- * o�f } �p�ts. Of our Global Project Services representatives: Mixture Product name: ARDEX L.P. Standard Warranty... Offer the professional Tile fixer excellent application properties and performance they can trust Adhesive 20Kg care should taken! 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Range of ARDEX products at low online-only prices it is specially formulated for enhanced properties adhesion! Adhesives come in a cool dry area form below to contact us with any of your questions or.. Product code: 18333 1.2 Adhesive is Available in Grey or White, in bags..., Flexible cement-based, floor and wall Tile Adhesive 20Kg Tile Fix Direct stocks an extensive range of P... Cement-Based, floor and wall Tile Adhesive 20Kg to prevent contact with the skin takes place Anyagszükséglet. Warranty: ARDEX L.P. Standard Limited Warranty applies, if unopened Warranty: ARDEX X 7 G PLUS Product:! Anticipated and in commercial applications Adhesive and Sealant hearing from you, and to prevent contact with of! 15Kg bag will cover approx 6.25m² with two coats applied products in various locations worldwide can be used to porcelain... To virtually eliminate dripping and splashes, floor and wall Tile Adhesive - Available in Grey and White felület +20. Shelf Life: 1 year, if unopened Warranty: ARDEX X 7 continues to offer professional. Ratio: 9 to 10 quarts ( 8.5 to 9.5 l ) of water one!