8 months ago. Only caveat is that they ask no one purchases more than four loaves at a time. i would not recommend contacting Aldi thru that link. Thank you for info -this week non of the store has it . However, it's not available at our store. It IS being stocked, with a set amount per store. If you’re serious about a low-carb diet and you’re willing to pay more for it, L’Oven Fresh Keto Friendly Zero Net Carbs Bread might be just what you’re looking for. I hope it becomes a regular item at Aldi because I’ll be going back for more. Ok! This is a good reminder that stores' stocks can vary and we can't guarantee that your local Aldi has it. How To Get Six-pack Abs Stop making these 5 mistakes and you will finally lose your belly fat. I’m a little embarrassed to say this but when I read this post about the bread coming back I teared up a little. It can be used for sandwiches, toast, stuffing and more. Ketosis is a metabolic state of the body induced by eating very low carb/low sugar foods. How can it be Keto friendly if it has wheat in it? – Salisbury, NC Per the package, it has five grams of protein and nine grams of fiber per serving (one slice). amzn_assoc_default_category = "All"; I was eating it on a daily basis but the recently NO longer carry the bread because they can’t keep up with the demand. Tweet to @AldiUSA and insist that they find out a rough delivery schedule by region! 1) Fiber: The indigestible parts of the food we eat. Because their customers that do keto will do all their shopping at the place where they can buy their bread. And it appears that it’s because the smaller baker is in that area. L’Oven Zero Net Carb Bread; Riced Cauliflower – Pre-riced and ready to go. Too many folks believe that if they don’t see a rise in blood glucose, all is good. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; You can read our thoughts on when it might return here.]. Aldi's super-popular, "keto-friendly" L'Oven Fresh Zero Net Carb Bread has returned to the scene—and it might just be the most popular food trend of 2020. Bristol and Roanoke has it! Great, because Aldi's super-popular, keto-friendly L’Oven Fresh Zero Net Carb Bread has been restocked in some stores. The L’Oven Fresh Zero Carb Bread (Wheat or Multiseed) at Aldi is a very popular keto bread. Aldi US just called me because they were afraid I was going to tweet something negative. I still can’t find this product in Western NY. Here's a nutritional comparison between ALDI's bread and a generic health supermarket variety. My 9yo daughter has been put on a medical ketogenic diet and this was the ONLY bread that she’s liked and now we can’t find it. Some people may decide not to eat any wheat product because they may believe it causes inflammation. Kiss My Keto Bread — Zero Carb Bread (0g Net), 6g Protein / Slice | Sugar Free, Low Carb Bread | Low Calorie, No GMOs, Soy Free & 100% Carb Free 4-Pack Variety. Wheaton -Carol Stream—Store says they will receive it -but still not there next day .I will try the phone no to call .Thank you. ‭+1 (855) 955-2534‬. When Aldi announced it was selling Zero Net Carbs Bread among its ALDI Finds in September of 2019, we took note but didn’t figure it would make a massive blip on the radar. Entirely too much fiber from my system and it made me very sick and dehydrated! Not true if the foods illicit an insulin response. Update, May 28, 2o20 10:13 a.m.: Hello! There are also a couple of keto bread options at Aldi. Thread starter thommes; Start date Oct 8, 2019; 1; 2; Next. Bristol did not have a limit so I bought 12 loafs (6 loafs each). There is a limit of 4 per purchase It’s tagged as a regular item so let’s hope it stays this time! I have been calling the customer service line for over a month and it has been confirmed by the customer service supervisor I spoke with, the bread is coming back as a regular stocked item. A post shared by Aldi Aisle of Shame (@aisleofshame). I really can’t wait to try it. Channel Link is in Bio. Next Last. Some other companies have tried their hands at keto friendly bread, with mixed results. When the store manager was pressed for an arrival date, he would not guarantee an arrival date. DeKalb Illinois has already received their SECOND October shipment! Ramping up IS a big deal, but they didn’t use a 3rd party baker per se. It is all in the definition and what you include in your definition of Keto. Some foods cause an inflammatory response in YOUR BODY when consumed. That baker is not large enough and/or doesn’t have the ability to mass-produce this bread to support all Aldi stores continuing. Aldi – Faux Chik Fil A Sandwiches November 3, 2019. Currently, there are ZERO Grocery stores that carry 0-net carb bread marketed to Keto\low-carb individuals. Aldi Peanut Butter Cups September 17, 2019. My friends and family live in Calif and NY. Another super popular item that many dieters wanted was the Aldi Find L’Oven Fresh Zero Net Carb Bread. Keto Meal Planner: https://curvemember.com/ What to Buy at Aldi for a Keto Diet. It’s the best no carb bread I have had. I hope they are all wrong. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. Also know at least one person in Florida who has. They have several flavors and ALL of them are only 2g net carbs. Aldi's… Prices and labels may vary by location. HOWEVER, I was just at my local Aldi’s. This time it is the Baker’s Life 85 per cent Lower Carb bread ($4.99) sold at Aldi. level 2. 49 (£52.05/kg) Get it Monday, Dec 7. If you call the customer service line they can check your zip code and see the stores inventory (but only as of start of business that day). Archived. I hope she is wrong. My first impression just holding the loaf is that I could smell the bread through the bag, and it smells like actual wheat bread. Be still my heart, do I dare get back on the this ride? Aldi Keto Bread. by Lisa Freedman. I’ve looked all over in northern Virginia, Maryland and West Virginia . We are in Southern California. According to Aldi super fan Aisles of Shame , the wheat and multiseed loaves originally debuted at select Aldis in October 2019 for $3.49 each, and were such a fan favorite they flew off shelves quicker than supply could manage. £17.49 £ 17. Those with allergies should be aware this contains wheat. Aldi, everyone's favorite German discount supermarket chain, has officially restocked L’Oven Fresh Zero Net Carb Bread—and it's getting just as much hype as it did the first time around. We’ve discussed this question elsewhere, but we’ll ultimately leave that one up to individual consumers. Shop at ALDI and discover our high-quality bakery and bread products. I feel the same way girl. It’s definitely a win. Employee told me that Aldi will not be selling it. No Comments Found. I order it off ebay and Amazon but it’s almost 13.00 a loaf that way. It actually is true. Elevation Carb Conscious Bars – 2g net carbs // Quite possibly my FAVORITE Aldi low carb find are these bars! That is where the problem is. once Aldi sees that tweets about them are being widely seen, then they respond with more accurate info, rather just “pat answers” to wait and see. She said that she would convey the information I gave her to the correct department. A lot of it depends on how each of us defines Keto. I was told it would take time to reach all stores, but it is going to start rolling out in October/November. 4 months ago | 30 views. Aldi's Zero Net Carb Bread Reviewed (finally) – Including Blood Glucose Test. I love Aldi so much I have started this page!!! This Aldi Low Carb Bread has been popping up again and again in my Facebook newsfeed recently and it seems to be getting A LOT of coverage due to an article posted on the popular online journal Mamamia.. Now the first thing that caught my eye with this low carb bread was just how similar the nutrition and ingredients are to Herman Brot bread which has been available for a while now. Tweeting works to get real replies in writing so I suggest using Twitter to bombard Aldi with requests. 4.4 out of 5 stars 1,285. L’oven Fresh Zero Net Carb Bread Then it disappeared again from store shelves. other than that they opened up an Aldi by my house 2 weeks ago and i must be on my 6th loaf. They are detrimental to our cells. We welcome cash, EBT, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, most debit cards and all forms of contactless payment. I believe that is a different issue than limiting the carbohydrates in your diet. Went to Seven Hills, Oh Aldi today regarding the Zero Net Carb bread. amzn_assoc_linkid = "4a9a615b2002f5fca5f0580a1fd821fd"; As someone who has type II diabetes which I manage completely with a very low carb diet I would warn other diabetics against this bread. Aldi Zero Carb Bread (Seriously) Searching Google and reddit I've found a variety of sources ranging from manipulative and frankly incorrect to good data but appears to be incomplete. Aldis zero carb bread update 02/17/2020. Why don’t you call Aldi’s Customer Service line(1-800-325-7894), press the Option for Product information(2) and then press the option specifically regarding this bread(2). Aldi’s Keto Bread L’Oven Fresh Zero Carb Net Bread was originally launched as an Aldi Find (meaning it was planned to be stocked for a limited time), however due to it’s popularity stores are expected to regularly carry it by mid-October. What was the sell-by date on that bread? It’s still not in stock at stores in Madison WI. I also use mission low carb tortillas at 4 net carbs for an alternative. This content is imported from Instagram. Don’t listen to in-store employees. I'm not on the keto diet, but if I were, I'd be sprinting to my nearest Aldi ASAP. We manage our blood sugar through diet alone. 74. About Me. Instagrammer @aldiforpresident posted a photo of a sign at their local Aldi announcing that it had been restocked and if that doesn't clue you in to just how much people love it, I don't know what will! Finding an appetizing low-carb bread is kind of like hunting for lost treasure. While some were happy to see that it's been spotted again, others couldn't help but complain that it's never made an appearance in their local Aldi stores. Aldi’s New Keto (Zero-Net-Carb) Bread Is So Hard to Find, People Are Selling It on eBay. I go to the Aldi’s in Ocala every morning looking for the bread so far no luck spoke to a worker this morning and she tells me she has worked in that store for 6 months and never seen the bread they do have a sign saying two per customers but no bread maybe I will get lucky one of these days. Items may not be available in all stores. ALDI is selling a high-protein low-carb keto-friendly loaf, which dietitians are praising. Share; Tweet; Pin; Aldi has it’s super-popular Keto-friendly, L’Oven Fresh Zero Net Carbs Bread back in stock, and we are all jumping for joy. You’re better off making bread without trashy ingredients. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at piano.io, People Are Making Hot Chocolate Charcuterie Boards, The CDC Announced Holiday Gathering Guidelines, Key Lime Pie Kit Kats Will Be Released In 2021, Noel Fielding Apparently Jokes Around On Set, The 14 Most Genius Ordering Hacks At Chipotle, 13 Of Gordon Ramsey's Most Intense Insults, How Fast Food Chains Are Handling Coronavirus. I can eat it un toasted as a sandwich. Author: webteam. 4 Pack Assortment Low Carb Pasta, Fettuccine, Rotini, Penne, and Elbows, Great Low Carb Bread Company. Aldi didn’t use a small-time 3rd party baker. I got some yesterday in aldi Hanover park Illinois. I am very disappointed. We’re in St. Louis. $28.04 $ 28. I live in Saint Louis, and have yet to find it! I was disappointed because of the crap oils they use in this bread. Aldi’s in Virginia just got the net zero carb bread in today. Aldi’s L’Oven Fresh Keto Friendly Zero Net Carbs Bread comes in wheat or multiseed varieties. I told him that the new Sell-By dates were Oct 20….rather than Sept 18 like the “Aldi Finds” loaves sold in Sept. Joshua, where in Saint Louis has it? Update, January 10, 2020 12:54 p.m.: Just in time for all the new keto obsessives out there, it seems Aldi has finally started restocking its keto-friendly L’Oven Fresh Zero Net Carb Bread. Hey, Hello, I am Jenna. Each serving of 1 slice (or 28 grams) has 40 calories, 5 grams protein, 1 gram fat, 9 grams total carbs and 9 grams fiber, which makes it 0 net carbs. We expect to have it back in select stores soon, and plan to bring it to all ALDI stores in early 2020. they are still selling it on ebay for 10$ a loaf pluss shipping. We get it down here in Southwest Florida, North Port, Port Charlotte, Punta Gorda, Cape Coral, Fort Myers. I’m in Greenup trying to find the bread absolutely anywhere ! The trouble is its a little hard to get your hands on a loaf. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; Zero carb bread back on the shelf at @aldiusa — with a regular, not special buy price tag. This methodology (eating a low net-carb diet with moderate amounts of fiber) has worked wonders for me, and has been something I could actually stick to. I hope this is not true for this was a turning point for those trying to control their weight with a ketogenic profile. Which honestly for zero carb/low carb products is fairly standard. I live in MN. it did not affect my blood sugar values, infact my keto blood levels stayed the same and I was eating 4 slices for breakfast and 4 slices for lunch on some days, I was luck to find them in south florida a couple weeks ago but since then I have not seen them at all. We independently select these products—if you buy from one of our links, we may earn a commission. Bread. Please come back and post if it comes to the Plano store so I can see if my local area has gotten it too. bread, my frustration mounts, and I go elsewhere to do my grocery shopping. Everyone wants to get their hands on a slice of this zero carb ALDI bread! I do not understand Aldi’s almost completely ignoring the needs of diabetic and pre-diabetic customers, as well as those who need a low carb diet. There is also the fact that if the carbs are bellow a certain amount that they can round down. People raved about how well it worked as an alternative to traditional bread. Unfortunately, Aldi stores in our state were not (and still is not in most cities) carrying the bread. ), While the bread does contain 9 grams of total carbohydrates, the fine print on the package states that 9 grams of total carbs minus 9 grams of dietary fiber equals 0 grams of net carbs. I have type 2 and am off all my meds thanks to keto. Where did you find the mission for net carb tortillas? It appears that while it carried the Aldi brand name, Aldi used a small-time 3rd party baker to make the Aldi Finds Zero Net Carb bread…..and that small time baker isn’t big enough to handle becoming a full time producer. In every other country fiber is a separate category. Eating a keto diet is not about inflammation, for most of us, and subtracting dietary fiber to count net carbs DOES keep us in ketosis. L’Oven Fresh bread that has zero net carbs and is keto-friendly. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a65e939b13e3405c6ce572c21ba68f65" );document.getElementById("i84ffeec0c").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and site URL in my browser for next time I post a comment. . For weeks afterward, Aldi customer service kept telling customers that it wasn’t coming back anytime soon, even as Aldi workers online claimed they had proof the stuff was headed back to stores in October of 2019. Family. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Recall Issued for Ready-to-Eat Chicken, Including Aldi and Trader Joe’s, https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/aldi-selling-keto-friendly-sliced-140100902.html, This Week at Aldi: The Ad for December 9, 2020. Apparently, an e-mail went out from corporate to let people know that the zero carb bread WILL become a permanent item... in October. Follow Me. All rights reserved. All out here in Los Angeles since last month as well. I’m now guessing, but I think the baker that they were using couldn’t keep up with demand. I bought three loves of it yesterday at Aldi and had no problem. Anyhow, enough with this whole long drawn out explanation, let’s get to trying and talking about this unicorn in the forest: Aldi’s Zero Net Carb Bread in both Wheat and Multiseed. FREE Delivery on your first order shipped by Amazon. It may not raise blood sugar, but it will still trigger an insulin response which could be even worse since the insulin won’t have any sugar to deal with. The Aldi’s in Daytona Beach Fl had this 3 weeks ago. Some of the staff recognize me and answer before I ask. *Quantities are limited. – O’Fallon, MO A single slice (28 grams) of the wheat bread has 45 calories, 1 gram of total fat (1% of your daily value), 0 grams saturated fat, 0 mg of cholesterol, 75 mg of sodium (3% DV), 9 grams of total carbohydrates (3% DV), 9 grams of dietary fiber (32% DV), 0 grams of sugars, and 5 grams of protein. This bread has changed everything for me. Is it available anywhere? Browse more videos. it did not affect my blood sugar at all. View this post on Instagram A post shared by ᗩᗰY (@amys_modern_life) I bought the multi-grain net zero carb bread and it was good. . I just wish Aldi’s would do a better job tracking who has it, and when other stores will get it, because as far as I know it hasn’t been in NY yet…. Tip: Sign up for an online account for pick up with them. There are 6 stores within an hour or less from me and all were sold out in a day or less….but again only 12 loves were sent to each store…..I never even got one to try….I know some people bought 3-6 loves which was wrong when many others didn’t get to try any….and have been told there is no future dates when it will be if going to be on shelves. Most breads have around 17 g of carbohydrate per slice and even Helga’s Lower Carb bread which Catherine reviewed here has 9.7g per slice. . And I’ve been doing Keto tests, and I’m still in ketosis after eating a sandwich, so I’m all in. I also just want a sandwich, and a piece off toast with my breakfast that won’t drive my blood sugar through the roof.”. This tasty Great Low Carb Bread Company bread has only two Weight Watcher Plus points per slice. I live in Northeren Illinois,which is the Batavia district,we still don’t have any yet. As good as normal but with far less damage done. Since Aldi opened it’s doors here this Summer in Fargo I’ve been obsessed! Each person is different in how the react to products. Location Central Ohio Your Connection to Diabetes T2 since July 2019, LCHF Oct 8, 2019 #1 Anyone try this bread yet? I wish they had a “where to buy tab” or something. You have to TWEET to @aldiUSA in order to get any real info. ... After 6 months of no bread I found it delightful but the local Aldis has only gotten one shipment. Aldi’s L’Oven Fresh Keto Friendly Zero Net Carbs Bread comes in wheat or multiseed varieties. $39.99 $ 39. We may earn commission from the links on this page. I think the freezer confusion is this.. Bristol and Roanoke has it! ALDI L'oven Fresh Keto Friendly ZERO NET CARB Wheat Bread. Our Aldi was rebuilt, LARGE, and we have a new one in the works. So, as Joshua said, there is a disconnect between the stores and customer service. Recommended to you based on your activity and what's popular • Feedback It’s been a wild ride, but Aldi finally has zero net carbs bread available as an everyday purchase, at least in some regions. Some people might debate whether this is truly a “keto” bread or not. amzn_assoc_search_bar_position = "bottom"; And according to those who’ve tried it, the Zero Net Card Bread beats a lot of the other keto-friendly breads out there in terms of flavor and texture. In stores for a limited time not recommend contacting Aldi thru that link it as soon Thu... Information and ingredients, most debit cards and all forms of contactless payment fiber from my system and it nothing! 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No Aldis carries this bread i live in Fresno as well and i 'm not on link!, Rotini, Penne, and we finally got our hands on a low diet! If fiber is not inflammatory cash, EBT, Visa, MasterCard,,! Franz Zero Net carb bread review on my toast and it aldi bread zero carb that the bread arrived... And where ( by region //curvemember.com/ what to buy more after trying it for the Zero Net carbs bread in..., may 28, 2o20 10:13 a.m.: Hello after trying it for the freezer looking... Total carbs how well it worked as an alternative to traditional bread of... Fiber can have an epidemic of obesity and diabetes arrive by region ) the bread and it ’ s in! My store keeps telling me it is going to tweet something negative price gouging knowledge ) party, and..